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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28558253 No.28558253 [Reply] [Original]

Advice from an oldfag. I sold eth after the DAO debacle and missed out on millions. I am not making that mistake again with Avax and i suggest you don't either. Don't fall for Avax FUD and miss out on lifechanging money. I wish someone had given me this advice personally back in 2016.

>> No.28558356

That was a hack. This is a double spend that undermines the consensus of the entire chain. Terrible advice.

>> No.28558593


>> No.28558610

feel exactly the same op. the fud has been non stop yet the price has barely moved, really makes you think.

>> No.28558757


>le doublespend FUD

I kinda wish you fags were more creative and actually managed to move the price down even a tiny bit, would help me grow my stack even more.

>> No.28559069

Show wallet or youre full of shit

>> No.28559621

Avax is broken and the devs are incompetent and all, but trusting it as a financial platform or store of value is SKETCH AF... better for low-value IOT applications:
>non-history preserving consensus. i.e., if a 0 day exploit on VM-layer wipe out DAG storage, there is no longest chain rule to restore consensus state
>Nakamoto consensus + recursive snark BTFO avax scaling to infinity
>actors colluding 20% of avax staking power can put Tx on hold indefinitely (not as censorship resistant as Nakamoto)
>validator IPs are explicitly locked with staking power, possible issue regarding privacy and real-life attacks

>> No.28560102
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Here you go faggot. I am not larping. I sold eth after the DAO hack and ruined my life. I want to warn other for making the same mistake.

>> No.28560196


Double spend like no tomorrow
everyone double spend and then accumulate
keep sending over and over


>> No.28560250

Yes, Hack that drained 20% of ETH supply, Literally tens of billions worth in todays market. That's as worse as it can get

>> No.28560265

I cant sell even if I wanted to, godbless staking

>> No.28560311

Avax will be a top 3, $1000+ coin just like eth is now. Distrust everyone fudding you into selling your coins. Look at the long term. Do not cuck yourself by selling early. You will live to regret it just like i have.

>> No.28560347

if you had any sense you'd be going balls deep into xdai STAKE or MATIC right now.

>> No.28560506

Because you can't fucking sell you retard. Don't you understand that the double spend means the network isn't secure? Why do you invest in something you know nothing about?

>> No.28560521

"I'm dumb and ruined my life, I regret everything and i'm a fuckup, take my advice for your financial affairs everyone!"
Brilliant op, brilliant.

>> No.28560554

You can always get in later. If AVAX doubles in price once this is over, then it's a good time to enter, if you really believe AVAX is a top 10 coin.

If you're paranoid, just put in a limit order and you'll buy in if the train starts leaving the platform.

Same with this fud, just put in a generous stop loss and call it a day if you're afraid of it tanking. If it tanks, the stop loss is triggered and you can buy back in at the bottom. If it spikes, you're golden.

>> No.28560678

this I am trying to dump (just got a few from the pangolin airdrop) and will dump them as soon as I can

i never like punting on platforms. If ETH is the one, you are still early in ETH. If AVAX is the one, I can stand to wait until it's been storing value safely for a few years and has a great dapp ecosystem. There is no rush-- less reward but I'm not exposed to the downside of something like this happening so that I'm not reduced to shilling on biz begging anon not to sell.

>> No.28560743

More like fagax

>> No.28560859
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>> No.28561136

How will your AVAX ever moon when devs marketsell from their big bag that contains more than 10x current Avax circulatibg supply. Also Quadspending screens fron etherscan... ngmi mates.

>> No.28561309

I actually called eth the same way i called Avax now. It will not be an easy road but eventually Avax will be top 3. I do not mind a few bumps along the road but the way Avax has been fudded is the same thing that eth was fudded back then and it made people miss out on millions. I believe in the Avax project and am just giving others the chance which i never really had. Tbh, i do think its the devs own inadaquence thats at fault just like i hated the DAO team with every fiber of my being for letting themselves get hacked and not being smart enough to see a hole in the system. But when everything is said and done, its just a footnote in history. The same thing will happen with Avax. See the bigger picture.

>> No.28561441

I am 130+ iq easily. Also, nice argument.

>> No.28561634

I'll keep it in mind. I also believe in AVAX, but I need to sleep. There will be plenty of opportunity to board the train later on when this all blows over. It's not gonna go to $1000 over night.

>> No.28561788

How do I transfer AVAX I have in my metamask to my AVAX wallet? Do I sent it to my X address or C address?

>> No.28562403

That is true. There will be opportunities. Just a shame to see the momentum broken. Same thing happened with eth. Notice in my screenshot how i didnt sell immediatley after the hack. I gave it a few months but the market sentiment was kill. Anybody reading: learn from my mistake and do not give up just like that. Avax will makes holders rich. This is the spiritual succesor to eth and btc.

>> No.28562502

If you're up over 10x, just don't get greedy. Take some profits. We're more than 100x ico already.

>> No.28562578

lol man I lost a lot of money on dao too.. that's sad. we probably both would be millionaire today

>> No.28562607

Respect to you anon

>> No.28563520


>> No.28563755

I feel for you bro. But we are going to make it. Avax will make us rich (eventually).

Thanks bro. I hope we all make it. Just want to warn others who are holding gold and are now possibly selling for pennies.

>> No.28564082

Some things I have learned over time:

Don't be afraid to take profits/don't fall in love with your coin/'A bird in the hand is worth two in the bush'

Try to get in early, but don't be too early. If you get in too early, you might invest into something that is literally stillborn

Don't invest into random shit, that doesn't work

Watch for consistent shill posts on /biz/ about upcoming projects. This only works during bull markets

If a coin has been crabbing for a long time, don't sell it bur rather put in a sell order with some margin, that way you won't sell just to see it moon afterwards

Don't store your coins on exchanges long term

Don't put your stop losses too close to the price, or you might get liquidated by an outlier wick

If you plan to buy and hold long term, only buy established projects like BTC, ETH, etc, and keep them in your own wallet.

Use a strong password, but not too strong so you don't lock your self out

Do your research before buying. Use a backlink checker (https://ahrefs.com/backlink-checker)) on the project website, it should have >50, make sure the team is competent, check to see if the distribution allows for rug pulls, etc.

Holding (with a stop loss) is probably a better strategy than trying to swing if you're inexperienced.

YMMW but hopefully it's useful for someone. We're all gonna make it some day, I hope.

>> No.28564142
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>> No.28564264
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Oh no...

>> No.28564271

c address

>> No.28564376


Man those are genuine advices, thank you so much for this anon

>> No.28564593

wth some true insightful post in /biz/, i'm dreaming?

>> No.28564763

>reasonable advices
what is his endgame?

>> No.28565159

Do you guys think avax will dump or pump when deposits are enabled?

>> No.28565196

Nice. I especially like your last sentence.

>> No.28565261

ahah, they're desperate lads.

>Bitcoin will kill your mother in her sleep if you read this and don't buy 1BTC
Don't buy BTC because of this

>> No.28565289

You're welcome, but don't take it as gospel. I'm still learning, but at least I don't do the mistakes I used to do any more. If anyone else has some advice to share please do.

I'll add one more:

For garbage shit tokens, use something like etherscan to see how many people are holding it. Watch it closely and see if the amount of people who hold the token is increasing. If there are >100 people holding it and the number of people who are holding it is increasing steadily or are accelerating, and the chart looks bullish, and it is being spammed on /biz/, consider getting in. Get out again quick, and make sure you use a high slippage in case of volatility. Using this strategy it is possible to profit from those garbage tokens, although it is high risk. They will never rise again after they dump, so get out at all costs.

>> No.28565342

WAS it a doublespend? I'm not seeing a response to the fud...

>> No.28565378

Even if it goes down I'll still make money, I bought avax back when it was just $2 lmao

>> No.28565487
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>> No.28565529

No double spend, but a double export that minted a small amount if tokens.

>> No.28565586

If you think you might be fomo'ing, you 100% are.

>> No.28566116


100% true, good one.