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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 143 KB, 1950x1095, A7CC4622-FAC4-4E75-BB6E-864B6401D5DC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28563876 No.28563876 [Reply] [Original]

Bought in at 0.3, sold at 2.83 and you faggots really need to shut up now. You’re embarrassing yourselves and soon will go down in history as the biz equivalent of raiblocks bagholders. Enjoy breaking even in 3 years, I’m off to bigger and better things

>> No.28563974

Imagine thinking grt isn't going to 16 dollars

>> No.28564025

Nigger I bought the day it was released and I'm riding this shit all the way up to $20+

>> No.28564100

Dawg you literally held for less than a day. How new are you

>> No.28564193
File: 417 KB, 1242x1635, C3B5A386-8EEA-423D-984F-EC16E4D62CBF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28564207
File: 66 KB, 420x361, 60946817-3CB7-495A-A6C9-A576241FBD89.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh wow, that’s amazing.

>> No.28564234
File: 51 KB, 600x584, EtpGUiXAAQfKA5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine the sneed

>> No.28564276
File: 35 KB, 640x356, 1532336916097.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what are you buying?

>> No.28564308

Thanks for your life story homo. Did you miss buying back in at $2.07?

>> No.28564349

You didn't even try and refute what he said

>> No.28564401

I get the feeling it might hit $2/$2.50 in the coming hours and then dump kind of hard again.

>> No.28564473

it is literally at $2.50 now dude

>> No.28564478

shut the fuck up pajeet

>> No.28564554
File: 23 KB, 480x377, 1570050778137.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>making a thread dedicated to being butthurt about selling too early
>ironically does this as GRT pumps to another ATH
this thread is cringe

>> No.28564564

This thing will hit $20 bucks by May lol

>> No.28564601

I don’t communicate with subhuman Reddit trash, especially when they’re niggers. And his logic is beyond retarded that typing out the following makes me lose brain cells
>bought for 0.3
>last time it was that low was a month ago
>held for a day??
Thanks for proving that current GRT holders are even more retarded than those faggots still shilling nano

>> No.28564782

gib crumbs on your folio nigger

>> No.28564845

what's the point of threads like this always being spammed? is it because they don't want anyone else to have the coin or is it because they want to buy more on a dip or just salty because they sold too soon

>> No.28564932

>is it because they don't want anyone else to have the coin or is it because they want to buy more on a dip or just salty because they sold too soon
All of the above.

>> No.28565046
File: 84 KB, 2208x305, 9951A9D4-9E75-4E8C-B149-010B00350D30.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Screencap this thread. Every time, over the next few months when you think about your life decisions and what could have been, just picture me standing above you and laughing. It’ll make you feel a bit better

>> No.28565241

Lol its probably for the best he hides the threads, otherwise hed be tempted to buy back in. He's already mad about the profits he knows he lost.

>> No.28565340

>I don’t communicate with subhuman Reddit trash

>> No.28565407

its all so tiresome

>> No.28565525
File: 49 KB, 852x480, 1612886269973.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I honestly hope this thing price corrects soon so I can pick up more once my tax return/bonus/stimulus check come in.

What is your price prediction 5 years out for this? 10 years out for this? Does this have the potential of reaching ETH levels? BTC levels?

>> No.28565667

Pick up some more when the VCs and ico buyers dump 60% of their tokens at 100,000% gains over the year. Or you know, buy now like all the pathetic shills in this thread want you to

>> No.28565740

I've already taken profits from grt but still have a little incase stack. desu all the tards shilling on here make me second guess even having that.

>> No.28565758

this isnt new or secret information
everyone knows this
they have publicly shared this information with everyone
doesnt unlock til june

>> No.28565763

chainlink levels are very doable, ETH might be a stretch but its not impossible, BTC levels? not a chance

>> No.28566330

Why would they sell when they can make 100x their initial investment monthly delegating? Also, how about all of those crypto investment forms that crash products they invested in to zero? Hear about those all the time... wait.

>> No.28566454

kek, kucoin era /biz/ was kino

>> No.28566534

Holy fuck imagine being this retarded. I am literally arguing with mongoloids who lack any semblance of a brain. They’re already up 1000x dumbass

>> No.28566556

GRT is the new XRP.

>> No.28566729

it's DM, not VC.
he's not even a boss anymore

>> No.28566866

Must be like how Warren market sells millions of shares of every stock he's up on to cash. Imagine thinking coinbase has a finger hovering over market sell to kill one of their highest volume products.

Vc's don't firesale dump the second their locks expire, because they're not retards like us.

>> No.28566901

>4 months between now and unlock
explain why i would panic sell now of all times

>> No.28567131


>> No.28567177

To many stingers like this coin for me to touch it. If you wanna know which coins to avoid. If it shows lower then a penny people play with it

>> No.28567360

It hit the high a few hours ago. You're making grt holders look stupid.