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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 9 KB, 200x200, OGN.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28537199 No.28537199 [Reply] [Original]

it's finally waking up OGNbros...

>> No.28537952

checked, bumping, OGN Chads rise up

>> No.28537977

I feel emotionally abused by this coin AAAAAAAHHHHH

>> No.28538267
File: 167 KB, 1079x542, amazon origin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do not worry fren, we are going to the moon

>> No.28538341

Holy fuck get ready bros

>> No.28538547

The ATH is 0.525. If we break that it's parabolic from there.

>> No.28538664

no it's not, that's how high it got a couple days ago. The ATH is 64 cents and that was back last summer. It has to get higher than 64 cents for all time high in usd value

>> No.28538694

Local top broken holy shit hold me bros

>> No.28539170

here we goooooo

>> No.28539303
File: 1.05 MB, 1080x1030, 07272012-DDB6-4771-BB44-C8648D2B39CC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28539349
File: 166 KB, 800x600, Ognwagmivaporwave.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's happening! Give OGN your energy! AHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.28539611

Finally some price movement!

>> No.28539703

plz coingods

>> No.28540154


>> No.28540262

when the whales are done trying to suppress the price I think this will go well over $5

>> No.28540536

> when
The whales on this coin appear to be very powerful

>> No.28541047

slipping back down but still made it to .42 at least

>> No.28541243

they really are, I can't help but think the only reason is they want to accumulate massive amounts for when it inevitably moons. Only thing that makes sense to me. If they just wanted to sell their stack you'd think they would just wait til it gets higher. Only purpose I can think of for suppressing the price is the ability to accumulate when it's lower.

>> No.28541766

fucking crabcoin

>> No.28541836
File: 132 KB, 600x479, glass-ceiling.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someday you dirty whales, someday

>> No.28541952

Where can I buy this other than pay gas in uniswap?

>> No.28542001


>> No.28542033

Binance (burgers need VPN)

>> No.28542311

I like how you guys think Dshops are going to be the next thing with Mastercard Visa and other bigger corporate companies coming out saying they are supporting blockchain technologies. This thing is dead in the water.

>> No.28542447

ecommerce is still projected to grow quite a bit, I don't know why you think this is dead in the water

>> No.28542694

Their selling point for their product is saying that you can use both Mastercard and crypto payments...that's redundant at this point. The infrastructure is already setup with Amazon and Shopify. Vendors aren't going to switch everything to a new platform for no reason. ecommerce now accepts crypto. Dead in the water.

>> No.28542916

you really don't understand it then. It's not about just accepting crypto as payments. It's about hosting shops on the blockchain itself to make it more resistant to censorship. But more than that, it's about decentralization. Being able to rent a house or a ride from someone without having to use a billion dollar company like airbnb or uber as an intermediary

>> No.28543542

Funs over OGN frens, time to dip some more and then crab

>> No.28543859

No one is asking for Dshops. The general masses like being controlled and having someone to blame other than themselves. If an Uber driver gets in an accident or someone gets injured staying at an Airbnb the kikes have taught the goyim well to try to sue for their hardships. Pajeets and Nigerian scammers will be making scam shops constantly and rug pulling people, and the ones getting fucked will want someone to blame.

>> No.28544068

More eloquently put, what recourse will a buyer have if a decentralized shop scams them? Is this bullish for kleros?

>> No.28544311


>> No.28544519

People will get scammed and say fuck this. Have you ever tried to get one of your normie friends to use Uniswap? Or any defi app for that matter? Even Rarible is too much for them to understand.

>> No.28544588
File: 137 KB, 750x936, 91713282-1097-4C28-B10B-5897B5ACD1EA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought the other day at $0.52 post Amazon announcement

>> No.28544660

You misunderstand the fundamentals. The big innovation here is the origin protocol itself.

Anyone will be able to list something for sale or for rent, wherever and whenever, and it will instantly be available for purchase on any marketplace in the world that has integrated the protocol. All backed by blockchain tech.

This is the start to a new era of eCommerce. This is the GRT for the consumer market. And it’s a sleeping fucking giant.

>> No.28545315


>> No.28545777


>> No.28546534
File: 17 KB, 763x199, hundreds.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it’s a sleeping fucking giant.
>Will power hundreds.

>> No.28546804

I don't even care anymore guys I just want off this ride.

>> No.28547090

this thread legit made me wonder why I hold this lmao

>> No.28547358

You fell for the typical TG and Discord pump and dump. They buy up shitcoins at low prices and shill hard at signs of any news. People that didn't really look into it fell for the Amazon meme. Newfags will learn.

>> No.28547799


Love the idea but normies don't care about censorship resistance. They only deal in the purchase/sale of things you don't need to protect from censorship. Average person isn't buying organs or children on the internet so they don't need censorship resistance. At least they don't think so.

They also don't give a shit if they have to watch a few ads on whatever marketplace app or site they use when they want to buy or sell shit. So long as the true fees of centralization are hidden from them by things like ad revenue and nondisclosure they will not consider switching.

They don't care that their data is being stolen or that Airbnb is robbing them blind because it means that for what they believe to be free they can divert liability onto others in case something goes wrong instead of taking responsibility for themselves and their actions. This is unironically the entire barrier to mass crypto adoption - no normal people give a shit.

>> No.28549060

Checked. Get out while you guys can. But with typical /biz/ fashion we'll be seeing red wojaks "Bought at .53 sold at .13 Financially Ruined" posts.

>> No.28549477
File: 937 KB, 800x750, 1613073243712.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not selling and I'm accumulating more on every dip every day. I'll buy up every coin I can because this will be a top 30 soon.

>> No.28550112

you will probably make money because this market is retarded but no normal person will ever use this

>> No.28550764

This isn’t about censorship, this is about a protocol capable of creating new revenue opportunities.

One of the hardest things for noobs coming into e-commerce is the distribution or customer acquisition cost. Owning your own shop infrastructure is a great step forward to fighting fees, but driving traffic there is hard.

For people that sell, this is the convenience of a marketplace like Amazon mixed with the ownership of Shopify. And for buyers this is reflected in price, offering, and quality.

So this is not a question of “do people want to really buy from an origin protocol store?” It’s about where do the sellers go next, similar to how in the last years everyone has flocked to platforms like Shopify.

This will allow for the next generation of e-commerce competition where it’s not purely on the offering of goods, but rather on what the focus of intermediaries should be: accountability, arbitration, cost saving, etc.

>> No.28550956

I'm in this coin because it's the shopify of crypto. It's an investment for me and I'm setting up dshops to make money already.