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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28515486 No.28515486 [Reply] [Original]

That you've profited from? Both financial and entertainment which saved you money you would have spent had you not had the hobby or whatever.

>> No.28515668
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my digits are "god" too, so you should probably reply to me.

>> No.28515741

Sun Run went up 500% this year. I wasn't expecting it, and I went from $5k in it to $25k out of nowhere.
And I f you've ever played Trials games, I spent $10 on it and got 2000 hours of play time. It was like my solitaire for 10 years. Just a time waster while I watched movies or listened to audio books.

>> No.28516075

The first laptop i ever bought,

was 2014 and it was an ROG G750JW,

Best laptop i ever had, made thousands off it,

Also bought my first bitcoins with it.

I now work in IT and couldnt be happier.

>> No.28516264

>ROG G750JW,
I literally bought exactly the same laptop
bought half a Bitcoin in 2014 + Monero and Litecoin and lost all of it because I'm a dumbass
But at least the laptop could run Witcher 3

>> No.28517638
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Wow anon that sounds really interesting but i'M QUITE confus3edd about what you're talking about!

>> No.28517740
File: 309 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210212-113631_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CLF is not a small investment. Put everything in it.

>Biden says China will 'eat our lunch' if U.S. doesn't move on infrastructure


>"New orders for manufactured goods in December, up eight consecutive months, increased $5.2 billion or 1.1 percent to $493.5 billion, the U.S. Census Bureau reported today."


>"US trade court dismisses challenge to Section 232 steel tariff"


>> No.28517750

That's so fucking cool man. I love old technology. It's so nice for poorfags like me to repair and make bank. I am most thankful that everyone at /biz/ taught me that 10k is nothing. I hate faggots that complain about having 100k or more though...

>> No.28517863
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This isn't what I'm talking about you fucking pajeet faggot. Get the fuck off my board.

>> No.28518443
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I've made about $100k painting Warhammer minis since high school. I'd say that was my best investment.... getting into a Niche hobby, using painting as a stress reliever, and working with a ton of cool artists/studios/companies.

Instead of driving uber or lyft after work I could spend a few hours painting and make the same rate. Or if I didnt want to stay overtime at the office that is an hour away I could just paint.

I rolled my hobby/painting money Paypal into GRT so I'm 2.5x

If you're familiar with 40k I picked up four titans during quarantine to work on this year

>> No.28518799

decent laptops even by todays standards really

>> No.28518826

Off the top of my head:
>Kitchen wares like not totally shit knives
>Quality tools (none of that Harbor Freight shit)
>Comfy bedding
>My computer holy shit

>> No.28518934
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>Pajeet faggot

You realize CLF employs like 40k Americans you commie faggot? Neck yourself for being stupid son

>> No.28519869

Why not invest in CIA
Cant go wrong with a steel 3 letter agency.

>> No.28521064
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Yeah having a nice kitchen/can cook vs eating out is worth its weight in gold

Bed / Computer Chair. I'm sitting in this chair 12+ hours a day

New gaming rig feels 10/10

>> No.28521661

>I've made about $100k painting Warhammer minis since high school. I'd say that was my best investment.... getting into a Niche hobby, using painting as a stress reliever, and working with a ton of cool artists/studios/companies.
That's really based and I'm inspired

>> No.28521816
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I caught me some DS Pokemon games around 2015-2017
they've 3X'd

>> No.28521834
File: 46 KB, 600x600, PeePee PooPoo 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You realize CLF employs like 40k Americans you commie faggot? Neck yourself for being stupid son
Call me a commie again. You wouldn't dare throw hands like a red blooded american like me on the streets. Also take your meds. what the fuck are you talking about you waste of space fucking schitzo?

>> No.28522243


I made a few thousand off reselling Heroclix and MageKnight on eBay

>buy lot of toys
>look up values and ask on forums
>resell as solos

FUCKING SO MANY USPS PACKAGES FOR $10/deal profit normally after shipping labels are printed