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File: 89 KB, 626x518, 1200214545nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28483131 No.28483131 [Reply] [Original]

comfy af holding my nanees

>> No.28483733
File: 116 KB, 1155x921, 0E0002CA-1A66-4523-A28A-075DC50737F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28484202

What's the suicide stack

>> No.28485199


>> No.28485388

Sorry 1330

>> No.28485631

Omg instant and feeless!! Thankfully nothing like that exists on a chain people actually care about, ahem lightning network for bitcoin. Oh no! Of course it's fine that nano doesn't support smart contracts because they can't scale, ahem arbitrum on ethereum

>> No.28486108

3 ecommerce stores accept it worldwide. boolesh

>> No.28486158
File: 43 KB, 772x336, stealing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm hodlin my nannis.
Shitpostin with boys.
There is no inflation!
Making me a nice ROI.
No selling pressure no dumping.
Makes the nannis pumping.
Yes I visit the Bizlet
and also the plebbet!


>> No.28487465 [DELETED] 
File: 75 KB, 500x661, 1582252953130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucker's rally. Soon no more dev fund. 4 million Nano soon to be dumped by Bitgrail trustees. Tech is a wreck and team insane

Worst anti-white globohomos in crypto

Oh, and you have to go back.

>> No.28487586
File: 75 KB, 500x661, 1582252953130.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sucker's rally. Soon no more dev fund. 4 million Nano soon to be dumped by Bitgrail trustees. Tech is a wreck and team insane

Worst anti-white globohomos in crypto

Oh, and you have to go back.

>> No.28487662

Whats with all these shills trying to pump their 4 year old bags?

Not fucking buying

>> No.28487696
File: 127 KB, 642x739, 43243244.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only reason why anyone has ever heard about the crashed shitcoin Nano is solely due to devs lying about 7000 tps right when BTC and ETH for the first time ever had their network saturated, created long waiting time and absurd fees for transactions, pic, plus being pushed by Italian scammers, Jewish grifters and artificial scarcity (Bitgrail).

>> No.28487797
File: 104 KB, 670x708, Nano 75 TPS Aug 2018.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reality was 75 tps, barely 1% of what they lied about. Worse, even today, two years later, they can only do 750 tps, i.e. only 10% of what they lied about late 2017.

To hide that pathetic fact, Nano devs introduced cps (confirmations per second) and ramble on about 1500 cps, instead of only 750 tps. Idiotic redditors can't see/don't understand the difference.

At ATH I believe the dev fund was worth around 150M. Their insane team has burned through the dev fund and will go bankrupt within a few months.

>> No.28487900


>> No.28487973

Made obsolete by Banano.

>> No.28488206

Lightning is a joke

>> No.28488297
File: 716 KB, 960x2117, 5234523325523.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cope about what, psycho? That your sociopathic devs are lying through their teeth and your tech is a trainwreck? Pic related.

>> No.28488541

Why the FUD just because an exchange went down?

>> No.28488577

This morning I woke up and checked my folio, nano +50pct/24h. and instantly thought about how seething and coping you would be nanofudder. Since you posted your 100 4 year old fud copy pastas again in the nano thread of yesterday. Are you going to post all the text and images again today? hahahahah please to it seems to cause legs up on NANO/BTC. Don't forget to dilate and cry.

>> No.28488701
File: 201 KB, 1068x784, Even Zack Shapiro has no faith in Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What a sad life. You can't defend your utter shitcoin and all you have is ad hominem attacks, while desperately try to hide your lies and trick fellow plebbitors and newfags to buy your heavy bags. Fuck off scammer.

Even your former core dev Zack Shapiro has no faith in your utter shitcoin.

>> No.28488721

Nano fudders are mad that something can actually be used as digital money instead of pure speculative assets that cost $10 to move

>> No.28488761
File: 89 KB, 800x702, tetragrammatron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seetheing copecel.

>> No.28488789

Lightning sucks and hasn’t been fully deployed yet

>> No.28488811 [DELETED] 
File: 255 KB, 1418x746, Bitconnect moved to Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the same stupid comments from Bitconnect fanboiz. However, you nasty Nanoids are much worse than them. Can you find a community more stupid and nasty than you moronic Nanoboiz? Pic related.

>> No.28489003

Imagine spending money to spend your money in 2021. Couldn't be me.

>> No.28489008
File: 255 KB, 1418x746, Bitconnect moved to Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I saw the same stupid comments from Bitconnect fanboiz. No surprise there as most of you Nano fanboiz are from the retarded and bankrupt Bitconnect community. Pic related. Do you idiots ever learn?

>> No.28489053

Tell me about the free money sending in Nano, explain the business model, psycho.

>> No.28489095

Stop replying to the fudder attention whore

>> No.28489204

I bought 500 yesterday at 5$, what am in for

>> No.28489355
File: 1.24 MB, 1366x6425, Insane Nanoid Community.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. stupid Nano bagholder, can't defend his utter shitcoin and scammer devs

Bitgrail trustees will soon dump 4 million Nano on the market. Devs are notorious liars and insane SJWs. Tech is a trainwreck and can only function with little or no load on the network. Community is insane and delusional. Pic related.

>> No.28489545

Realistically? At least $11, optimistically it will break ATH

>> No.28489933 [DELETED] 
File: 131 KB, 1467x1000, 1606315390688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got last ATH solely due to your devs lying through their teeth. >>28487696

After that many of your devs have left the project and Shaporo is openly saying your tech is a wreck and business model insane. >>28488701

You don't have the tps to even serve a large city, far less the world. You are insane. How can you compete with Sonera's 50K tps and Ethereum with one million tps or more? Your 1K tps is a joke and will crash the moment people start to use Nano. No business will ever invest in hardware with a known crashed tech that can't handle a small fragment of the traffic without crashing. You are delusional, psycho and a scammer. Back to /r/NanoCircleJerk Nano grifter

>> No.28490047
File: 131 KB, 1467x1000, 1606315390688.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got last ATH solely due to your devs lying through their teeth. >>28487696

After that many of your devs have left the project and Shaporo is openly saying your tech is a wreck and business model insane. >>28488701

You don't have the tps to even serve a large city, far less the world. You are insane. How can you compete with Solan's 50K tps and Ethereum with one million tps or more? Your 1K tps is a joke and will crash the moment people start to use Nano. No business will ever invest in hardware with a known crashed tech that can't handle a small fragment of the traffic without crashing. You are delusional, psycho and a scammer. Back to /r/NanoCircleJerk Nano grifter. Go back, you have to go back.

>> No.28490197

why would anyone buy nano, such a 2017 coin. they do one thing good and that's it. they've done almost zero innovation or development since

tldr: the tech has hit a ceiling. when smart contracts,defi, oracles ?

>> No.28490612

Yeah right.... oh wait. There is no working product for lighting. As if btc is scalable. NANO is more scalable. Thank you next

>> No.28490690

Why does anyone buy btc. Fucking brainlet over here. ngmi

>> No.28490853
File: 735 KB, 1086x776, 1612536121690.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>check this cope

Holy kek

>> No.28491057


>> No.28491161

*and cope :D

>> No.28491204

Why are you FUDing literally every single NANO thread without fail with the exact same images and text? Pretty pathetic desu. Massive buy signal.

>> No.28491220
File: 110 KB, 887x889, Nano supports Saiful Islam against racism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nano stands with Saiful Islam against white racism in the West.

#BLM #NoWhiteAmerica #Diversity #Solidarity #OpenBordersNOW #Antifa #POCAmerica #POCEurope #NANO #SmashAfash #JIHAD

>> No.28491304

Enjoy staying poor because you hate women

Like this coin if mainstream wouldn't get a fuck load of buys for the teams views

>> No.28491314
File: 87 KB, 750x600, Nano hodler getting assraped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related (You). Nano hodler getting assraped since January 2018 by the Nano Devs, Italian scammers and the market, buying some more, while screaming:
"2 da moooOooooooOooon!!!"

>> No.28491481

yeah been majorly assraped by getting big returns

>> No.28491550
File: 159 KB, 852x857, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because you hate women
lol. Because I hate women. Ha, ha, ha, what a moron. Take a look at this:

Nano is dead. Nano Foundation is burning through their funds at a crazy rate [1], around 300K USD each month and will have depleted their funds within a year, or around 5 months with current burn rate.

So what on earth are they wasting all their money, well, among other things a Chief Operating Officer that was previously a bikini blogger with NO experience, education, knowledge or contacts in the tech world. Most relevant on her CV would be "solo traveler for 3 years" and "artist". Pic related (message on pizza in front of topless Nano COO says "fuck me"). For some reason her instagram account, freshgingerr, is now private after pics were dumped yesterday.

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/dxptka/nano_foundation_overspending/

>> No.28491687
File: 28 KB, 200x200, nainini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nano is dead
went from $0.7 to $7.
Almost $1B marketcap.
Comfy 64th place in top 100.
Big growing community.
>> nano is dead
>> keeps posting the exact same texts and images over and over.
seething copecel confirmed.

>> No.28491703
File: 27 KB, 474x355, Reddit faggots.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big returns. You sad and sick Nano bagholders have missed countless moonshots for years, clinging to your heavy bags that you got after you trusted Nano's lying devs, Jewish grifters and Italian scammers. Now finally, while other cryptos are going to the moon, you nasty people are now playing winners after your insane losses retreat a little bit. You are clearly the most nasty and delusional community in crypto. Back to plebbit, faggot.

>> No.28491756
File: 166 KB, 799x599, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can you imagine that she was a dirt poor solo traveler in Asia, with zero relevant background, before she met Nano lead dev Colin and suddenly became Chief Operating Officer of Nano Foundation?

Too bad that hundreds of thousands of retail investors lost all their money, 170 million USD total, on Bitgrail. But who cares about that, when you can live like this? Pic related.

>> No.28491811

so, how much did you lose in bitgrail?

>> No.28491832
File: 245 KB, 1417x674, Nasty Nano Community II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are scamming newfags. When they hear about your crashed tech, insane business model and sociopathic devs, your shitcoin will go fade away and go to zero. Just like Bitconnect. The community you came from, pic related.

>> No.28491931

You lost everything on bitgrail, seethe harder loser, learn to store your coins better

>> No.28492017
File: 123 KB, 719x785, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep, George Coxon is a bikini blogger with NO experience, NO contacts, NO education in the business and/or tech field, yet she got the job as a COO (Chief Operating Officer) for a project with a market value in the billions of dollars at the top. Pic is George Coxon showing her ...ahem...qualifications for the job to Colin.

>> No.28492029

>Big growing community.
Kek have you been to their subreddit? Shits all delusion. It's literally a bunch of bagholders praying for it to go back to it's all time high. It's labeled a reddit coin but it's banned from /r/cryptocurrency. The Nano community think it's the "perfect Bitcoin." If that was the case why hasn't any other coin copied any of it's tech other than Banano? Even existing coin would copy and paste some of it's code if the tech is so great. Why isn't it on more exchanges? It's been 4 years. You would think the exchanges would know about it now if it was so good.

>> No.28492078
File: 166 KB, 880x818, Colin and Women in Tech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I knew about the TPS lie from Nano pre-Bitgrail and got my assets/profit out. When the scam/crash happened, I had to watch people losing all their money, some talked about suicide and some very likely did commit suicide. I tried to help as many as I could and many wanted to organize donations etc but we got zero help from Nano Foundation. They kicked all discussion about Bitgrail from their plebbit page and refused to do anything to help the victims. There are numerous ways and technical solutions they could have done to help the victims and offset their losses. They did nothing and instead jumped into an orgy of hedonism, woke hard left hypocrisy and pushing hard for feminism/BLM/womenintech/globohomo etc. I am so disgusted. After that, the Bitgrail victims got scammed again by Nano Foundations dirty deal with Espen Enger, only to have Bitgrail victims scammed a third time when Espen Enger exit scammed with their donations.

To have these dirty Nano lefties running around lecturing other people about decency and morality is just disgusting. Pic.

>> No.28492175

>he lost everything
hahahah pathetic

>> No.28492187
File: 95 KB, 816x860, Nano - A New England without Racism and Bigotry.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is an utter tech trainwreck and shit show.. With only 750 tps there is no way in hell Nano can be a global currency. Visa has 65 000 tps without serving the unbanked and doing micro-transactions.

Scammer Colin has done no cost analysis for running a global network, where all costs, labour, investments are supposed to be paid for and done by volunteers for free, for all eternity, with not a second downtime ever. Pure lunacy.

>One anon said this:
Nano's network literally does not work right now. They have delayed pushing epoch upgrade blocks because they have been disabled on so many exchanges.
Literally one dude with a mid range you can bring their entire network to it's knees right now by spamming.
They introduced a bug in v21.1 and if any account deadlocks the whole node does.

It is pretty basic in their pursuit of efficiency they mashed all the threads together which means if confirmations are behind on hundereds of thousands of blocks on one account they stop confirming for all accounts.
To spam hundereds of thousands of blocks takes a 200 dollar Nvidia card and a couple hours.
Some dude just optimized the opencl driver to for Blake2b so possibly a couple minutes.

The key takeaway is they have no anti spam measures in place the nodes never shit list another node (BTC did this shit back in like 2012). So one dude with a mid range GPU can totally cripple the whole network right now.
They guy who works on brainboocks white hatted and showed them this and they are not reacting properly.
Such a shitshow the NF has run a once promising project into the ground.

Pic. Nano - A New England without Racism and Bigotry

>> No.28492267

so what are you waiting for? u have a mid range GPU, go cripple it

>> No.28492271
File: 98 KB, 700x737, 23532432432.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he lost everything
>hahahah pathetic
Take a look, moron. I knew about devs lying about their tps way before the Bitgrail "hack".

It was well known in the community, pic.

>> No.28492325
File: 195 KB, 798x770, 1597779285772.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Nano's TPS ranges from 100-1000 based on different stress tests which I assume have different environments. BTC has about 10. Etehrueum boasts a THEORETICAL 100k from the sharding solution. Nano THEORETICALLY boasts 7000 and that was based of 2017 hardware...
ETH seem to be the kings here but the FUD I'm seeing here make nano seem like it's utterly useless. It's not. PayPal has a fucking measly 200 TPS. Literally everyone uses it. I'm holding my Raiblocks. Fuck off faggot.

>> No.28492369

I don't like the thought of people losing money that can be very important for them, by me sabotating something. I don't want that on my hands. Warning them about scam and future implosion is something else.

>> No.28492386

>Worst anti-white globohomos in crypto
And that is why I will never waste my cash on this trashcoin

>> No.28492488

>Nano's TPS ranges from 100-1000 based on different stress tests which I assume have different environments.
That's why you idiots will NEVER be a global currency. Your shitnetwork couldn't handle even 0,1% of the traffic of a global network. VISA that unlike Nano, is NOT calibrated for micro-payments and serving the unbanked, has 65 000 tps.

>> No.28492612

or you are just a brainlet who lost all his money in bitgrail, reposting stale fud from archives, who is too retarded to even execute this seemingly easy attack with a mid-range gpu

>> No.28492802

Comments like this will scare the hell out of potential Nano investors.

>> No.28493094

ok, here's a simple question for you: if the tech is that trash that 1 mid-range gpu can bring the network down, why is nobody doing it? why is it running even through attempted spam attacks?
if you can answer this i will be happy to debunk the rest of your fud
if you can't you need to reevaluate the rest of the garbage you received from said source

>> No.28493354

>why is nobody doing it?
>why is it running even through attempted spam attacks?
There has been several mild and amateurish spam attacks with only a fraction of a large scale attack on Nano and still the network crashed, with nodes not operating for hours. That has happened numerous times.

>> No.28493398
File: 139 KB, 1136x840, Lunatic Left - Limousine Liberal George Coxon COO Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The woman Colin is refering to is Bikini Blogger George Coxon, COO of Nano, with zero experience, connections, or tech knowledge, - a rabid hard left open borders feminist.

Her LinkedIn likes include:
>Muslim invader and Mayor of London, Sadiq Khan
>World Economic Forum
>IMF's Christine Lagarde
>Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
>and more pure globohomo and hard left persons/organizations

#WomenInTech #BLM #OpenBordersNOW #Diversity

>> No.28493442
File: 135 KB, 718x783, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nothing says "open borders" and "progressive leftie" as a trip in your private jet.

>> No.28493456

you said the network can be brought down with 1 mid-range gpu. so were those "amateurs" only using 1 low-range gpu or what?

>> No.28493486

HEY IT'S DAGBOI! We thought you necked yourself when we hit $7. What price will you neck yourself?

>> No.28493627
File: 236 KB, 1007x527, 2019-07-26_18-39-35.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Raiblocks was discovered by /biz/. Dumped at 35 USD, the exact time plebbitors were flooding Nano.

Why Raiblocks Will End as a Pump & Dump

>> No.28493666


Retard. VISA realistically performs 4000 TPS. Your 65000 TPS (actually 24000 TPS) is a THEORETICAL claim. You also forget that a higher TPS comes at a cost of centralisation. Do you fuckin know how such high TPS is achieved in centralised networks or do you just look at big number?

>> No.28493673
File: 81 KB, 626x998, 414sbBCdE-L._SX311_BO1,204,203,200_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I did a 10-15x in a bear market, when investing in Constellation. What did you do rabid Nano bagholder? Tell me.

>> No.28493707

no response, as I thought.
enjoy a life of seethe and cope until the inevitable necking

>> No.28493715

Go ask your node operators.

>> No.28493768
File: 185 KB, 1012x900, Nano says BLM fuck drumpf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Go to their discord. They estimated that the last network crash only costed 3 USD.

Pic. Nano says BLM fuck drumpf

>> No.28493817

you made the claim, you provide the evidence, that's how it works retard
nevertheless, checked and network is running fine
if it were that easy to bring it down, somebody would have already done it
do you tie your own shoes?

>> No.28493850
File: 502 KB, 640x516, 3mz4oby7wy651.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will make it anonski

>> No.28493862

and you believe nobody on the planet is willing to pay 3$ to break the network? how retarded are you?

>> No.28494108
File: 126 KB, 890x903, Nano Supports Globohomo Jews.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retard. VISA realistically performs 4000 TPS. Your 65000 TPS (actually 24000 TPS) is a THEORETICAL claim.
More lies from the Nano scammers. Here:

>Do you fuckin know how such high TPS is achieved in centralised networks or do you just look at big number?
Solana has 50K tps and DeFi and might be the future global currency. Your Nano shitcoin with unstable 1K tps has no chance in hell. It is mathematically impossible.

>> No.28494188
File: 77 KB, 799x568, plebbit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you so fucked up that you are unable to read? Your shit network got crashed for less than 3 USD and was down for hours. It's openly admitted in your discord, fucking moron. Back to plebbit, tranny.

>> No.28494199

there have been spam attacks on the nano network and thus far no one has been able to bring it down. what did happen is they made it go to ~10tps for a few hours. oh and confirmation time went up a second. basically, they tried and failed.

>> No.28494265

Constellation has no fees and is scalable, unlike Nano. Market cap just a fraction Nano. Who the hell would invest in Nano at these prices?

>> No.28494401

More lies from the psychotic Nano community. Do you have any idea how many node operators have left the Nano project? Do you know why they left?

Tell me how they reacted when they Nano women black diversity hire treated them like her niggers when they implemented upgrades in what is supposed to be a decentralized network. Your shitcoin is a joke.

>> No.28494431

it seems you're the one who is unable to read, if this were true, somebody would run a permaattack on the network, it would be down forever
i guess 3rd grader logic is too hard for you to grasp

>> No.28494475

so you shit on a top 100 coin with big community and lots of support that is going places and then recommend a failed scam of 2017 with 1/3th of supply circulating, $2M 24H volume and rank 400+. Hole kek.

So let me get this straight. first you lost some bitcoins on bitgrail. you became a seething copecel. You tried to get your money back by investing in Constellation in 2018. which dumped and never recovered. kek.

seething virgin copecel tries to shill his scambag hahahahahha

>> No.28494479

your political bullshit is making you chimp out, i don't give a fuck if a black gay granny designed a coin if it were the best solution to a problem. stay poor

>> No.28494520

I run a node. network was never down. stay seething and stay coping.

>> No.28494573
File: 247 KB, 1398x891, Nano Supports Tranny Rights.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Windows can't be broken, because if they could, everyone would do it 24/7. That windows empirically have been broken many times before, documented, is meaningless if nobody is breaking windows right now all over the place. Why yes, I am a Nano tranny on hormone therapy and I lost a ton of money when plebbit told me to buy at 35 USD.
Nano supports tranny rights

#walnutsauce #TrannyRights #BLM #WokeNano #LoveIsLove #RoughAnalSexYAY

>> No.28494642

>everybody on the planet bought at 35$
seethe. cope. and back to /pol/

>> No.28494645

if you're a retarded hoe, why would you *not* suck dick of megacorps talking about niggers to larp as empathetic people while they make buttloads of money selling crap ideas/products that they never made

>> No.28494687

So can i get a nuanced opinion on nano? No reddit fanboys or muh tranny shit.

>> No.28494702

nobody has a financial incentive to break windows
there is a great financial incentive to short Nano and perma-destroy the network, brainlet

>> No.28494755
File: 144 KB, 886x893, Nano Beautiful and Powerful.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>investing in Constellation in 2018.
Market cap was then 1.5M USD. You think I lost money, homo? It was the largest or second largest gainer in 2019. I did well in a bear market with a 10-15x while nearly everyone else was losing money. What is it with you hysterically and bitch Nano pyshos? Pic related.

If you are a node operator, you should be able to answer my questions. Liar.

Pic. Poweful. Beautiful. Nano stands with the future of multicultural, multiracial Europe free from racism and bigotry,

>> No.28494813

>there is a great financial incentive to short Nano and perma-destroy the network, brainlet
This comment is going to haunt you, homo.

>> No.28494840

cool argument. i think we're done here schizo

>> No.28494846


>> No.28494959
File: 64 KB, 775x377, Annotation 2020-02-06 121333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano's claim in their whitepaper is absolutely rubbish. It's just as crazy as me stating that I will go the moon using my bicycle, proudly claiming that my speed is unlimited, only restricted by my muscle strength and I am getting stronger and stronger for each day and very soon I will be strong enough to get such a high speed that I will jump to the moon. Ridiculous. Do they have any written plan for 100 000 TPS? Any cost analysis? ETH and other competitors will roll out 100K to 1 million TPS in a matter of months/year.

Nano has done zero cost analysis for 100 000 TPS bandwith, CPU and IO. Random volunteers are supposed to take costs involving millions of USD each year, working on the network 24/ with no downtime, holidays, Christmas etc. Nano has done nothing to provide how it is feasible for Nano to reach 100 000 TPS within the next years. However, imagining it's possible, Nanoids admit that Amazon and large operators like them will take all the costs and burdens of operating the system. That's a clear and open single point of failure (SPOF) and is the very reason why people choose crypto currencies over banks and centralized payment systems. That Nano is not able to identify a clear and basic SPOF in their system is worrisome on multiple levels.

>> No.28495170
File: 65 KB, 799x437, Nano systemic racism in health sector.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cool argument. i think we're done here schizo
Nano has ZERO viable spam protection and has crashed several times due to extremely mild spam attacks. Last one is estimated to cost only 3 USD. It's well documented and admitted by Nano node operators. Yet you idiot deny facts and have this insane idea that it automatically can't happen in the future with a more devastating effect because it does not happen right now

Keep running away from the questions, faggot. >>28494401

Powerful. Nano fights against systemic racism in the health sector. Pic.

>> No.28495184

stay seething copecel. nano moons and is one of the most popular and succesful coins there is. see you at $10. then $25. you will still be posting the same old fud. then it will hit $50 and you will be silent until it hits $100. then you will cry. while your rank 400 scam bags tank

>> No.28495260
File: 329 KB, 760x400, Nano is Bitconnect 2.0.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>stay seething copecel. Bitconnect moons and is one of the most popular and succesful coins there is. see you at $10. then $25. you will still be posting the same old fud. then it will hit $50 and you will be silent until it hits $100. then you will cry. while your rank 400 scam bags tank. BIIIIITCOOOOOONEEEECTTT!!

>> No.28495317

Solana does 1k on average, so...yeah

>> No.28495333
File: 7 KB, 262x193, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> stay seething copecel. nano moons and is one of the most popular and succesful coins there is. see you at $10. then $25. you will still be posting the same old fud. then it will hit $50 and you will be silent until it hits $100. then you will cry. while your rank 400 scam bags tank

>> No.28495459

>everything ath
>nano still down 75%

>> No.28495484

Are you talking about usage? They are calibrated for 50K

There is no way in hell Nano can compete with Solana. Disclaimer, I have no bag in Solana as I didn't like their distribution, but compared to shitty Nano with their scammer devs/team, Solana is a shining project of gold.

>> No.28495882
File: 120 KB, 768x1024, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 14.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if you're a retarded hoe, why would you *not* suck dick of megacorps talking about niggers to larp as empathetic people while they make buttloads of money selling crap ideas/products that they never made
That's not the problem. That Nano findom cucks are willing to throw money at her, despite incompetence, Nano tech trainwreck, open lies and scam etc from the team/devs, - is the problem.

>> No.28496403
File: 53 KB, 1301x813, Nano BLM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is no way in hell Nano will succeed. Tech is utter shit (750 tps, wide open for spam attack etc) and NO ONE will ever use Nano without at least one full time dev. If you have an exchange or business you want someone to call when your node is crashing, Nano network is crashing or a vulnerability/new attack vector is found. No one in their right mind will be connected to a half-ass, half-finished shit network that even today does not work, with zero devs, zero responsibility. Ethereum has dev fund. BTC is unique do to first mover advangate, adaption, and brand recognition. Nano has nothing but Bitgrail, Jewish grifters, Italian scammers and hard-left dev psyhos soon to go bankrupt. Colin has not been coding for two years now, with one small exception with a few hours in a two weeks period. There is no new devs ready to take over when this shit coin is crashing for good with a bankrupt Nano Foundation.

That's only one of many reasons why US based Nano was never listed on US Coinbase.

Pic. Nano supports BLM. Poweful. Post liked by Nano's diversity hire, Naome Jones

>> No.28496453
File: 69 KB, 800x800, Naome Jones.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano diversity hire.

>> No.28496521

we get it bro you are a woman hating, seething virgin copecel. Just pay a hooker man and get it off your chest.

>> No.28496991
File: 71 KB, 776x641, Social Impact.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>we get it bro you are a woman hating, seething virgin copecel. Just pay a hooker man and get it off your chest.
Nice psychological projection there, gayboi.

So anyone critical of horny Colin hiring a bikini blogger, with NO tech experience, NO tech knowledge or education, NO tech network, as the COO of a multi billion ATH mcap tech company in a cutting edge industry, I am a woman hatere. Are you try insane, Nano moron? Have you any clue about basic investment strategies?

Why are you not on Coinbase? Do you know? Nano has been a disaster after George got more and more power and now Nano has gone full globohomo clown-world while adding nothing to their crashed and failed 2017 tech. (only 10% of the tps they lied about in 2017).

>> No.28497071
File: 174 KB, 800x596, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do you super-cucked Nano "investors" and findom plebbit perverts know this?
George owned 100% of Appia, and then Nano Foundation bought shares from Appia and the holding changed. thus, Nano Foundation (Colin) bought shares from George for £100k. https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/e10hkd/nano_foundation_and_appia/

Luckily, Nano "investors" can easily identify the whales dumping on them for years. And that is at least something, r-r-ryte Nano guys? Pic is Nano Foundation in Monaco. Text on Instagram: Casual breakfast overlooking abramovich's yacht

>> No.28497167

i haven't read a single one of your walls of texts. seethcel.

>> No.28497177

I made x15 gains on NANO since November. What's your point? NANO was, and still is, a great investment.

>> No.28497212
File: 95 KB, 839x882, Nano Against Racism Prejudice.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is strongly committed to educating the white trailer park trash in AmeriKKKa (drumpf voters) so they can see their own privilege and prejudice against People of Color. Pic.

>> No.28497281
File: 3.03 MB, 1418x746, Bitconnect moved to Nano png.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Never change, Nanoids. Pic related.

>> No.28497401
File: 70 KB, 640x458, reddit faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made x15 gains on NANO since November.
Who has NOT made 15x since November? Why the hell would anyone brag about 15x?

>> No.28497835
File: 110 KB, 775x675, Colin Findom Cuck.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is dedicated to fight misogyny and racism. Don't listen to the haters here. Be a MAN, like Colin, and support Nano, for a better and more just world without racism and white oppression.

>> No.28497891
File: 141 KB, 875x907, Nano Fight Egual Pay Football women and men.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28498132
File: 119 KB, 805x836, Nano Eat the Bugs Bigot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you like Fiat money, central banks, Jewish bankers, hard-left globohomos, scammers and tech trainwrecks, - you like Nano.

Pic. Nano supports the World Economic Forum for a greener and fairer world. Eat the bugs, bigot, so you can afford to help the immigrants coming to your neighborhood.

>> No.28498212
File: 1013 KB, 800x2800, Nnao.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Doesn't smell like a shitcoin at all.

>> No.28498358

No insensitive for network participation (DPoS voting on double spent attempts) => attackers are more likely to run nodes than honest users themselves => won't ever scale and be safe to use

>> No.28498510

Good infographic, anon.

>> No.28498663
File: 123 KB, 790x910, Colin WomenInTech EU Diversity BLM Fight systemic racism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano community is SO PROUD of you Colin and George! The fight against sexism and white male supremacy is harder and more important than ever! Together with Nano we will win this fight!

>> No.28498708

>53 posts ITT
are you okay dude lol

>> No.28498843

>George Coxon
>a woman


>> No.28498906
File: 3.87 MB, 3456x4608, 9647623295_a60af46f82_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Colin and #WomenInTech shows that you can be a woman with zero qualifications and still become a strong and independent COO of a 4 billion dollar mcap tech company, pic related Nano COO George Coxon. Such an inspiration.

>> No.28498964
File: 19 KB, 1146x112, Captura de pantalla 2021-02-12 a las 13.28.06.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Are you using the dev fund for Appia? (SeveralIf / repnode.org)
Even the people who ran nodes doesn't believe in this shit anymore. I don't blame them, who in earth would run a fucking node for free? What is the incentive?
>Muh large merchants would to avoid fees
Yeah sure, fucking low iq brainlet

>> No.28499218
File: 211 KB, 797x725, Hotel Alfonso XIII, a Luxury Collection Hotel - George Coxon COO Nano.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So Colin and George have burned through pretty much the whole Nano dev fund. Pic related. So what have they actually done tech, strategic partner and tech wise? Can you list their five best accomplishments the last two years that would justify a nearly total depletion of the Nano dev fund?

>> No.28499328
File: 118 KB, 585x781, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Text to pic is Champagne breakfast. Who wold not have a COO like that?

>> No.28499653
File: 15 KB, 233x216, 089 - zMKNISl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Buddy no one gives a shit, this thing will take it's rightful place next to bitcoin and that's all that matters. GO BUY MORE LINK FAG!

>> No.28499655

Holy fuck, this is even worse than I expected. Nice dev fund use. I was also a NANO bagholder shilled by the community but I saw the light and traded all my nanos for xmr. So glad I did it.

>> No.28500665
File: 168 KB, 789x778, George Coxon - Chief Operating Officer - Nano Foundation 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So how large a portion of the initial Nano distribution did Colin and his friends have? 60%? 70%? Any question regarding hard data related to Nano's initial distribution will get you insta-banned on discord, plebbit etc. They moved millions around on Bitgrail, both before and after bankruptcy. Colin refuses to answer any questions and giving empirical data regarding distribution, and he and his friends have been dumping Nano into oblivion since Jan 2017

Colin said he would release a financial statement for Nano Foundation some months ago. Of course, he lied. At least he now is saying a big fuck you to the desperate and moronic Nano community publicly. He is using Nano Foundation's money in private lawsuits, slushing money to George Coxon - buying her crashed companies and paying corruption money to Espen Enger, so he would protect them from any lawsuit from the Bitgrail Victim group.

>> No.28501933

how high we going today is the day we break 10

>> No.28502346
File: 119 KB, 1024x606, Coming Nano Disaster Part II.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nano has 756 TPS [1][2]. VISA can handle over 56,000 TPS [3]. Competitors work on 1 million TPS solutions [4]. Nano’s aim to be global currency is either delusional or a fraud.
>7,000 TPS was falsely boosted and promoted, causing the Nano price to skyrocket 97.7x in December 2016 alone. Real transactions per second (TPS) for Nano, however, was a meagre and pathetic 100-200 TPS [5].
>Nano falsely claim theoretical unlimited scalability, only constrained by hardware and bandwidth limitation [6]. This is as absurd as claiming that a car has unlimited speed theoretically, and the goal is to drive so fast that the car escapes earth’s gravitational field and park on the moon. Nano’s technical updates don’t bring it closer to the goal. It’s like saying the improvements on the engine of the car has brought us closer to driving to the moon.
>Nano advocates like to use average demand as benchmark for needed TPS. This is false. Who will use a currency that will crash at every emergency, at Christmas and other holidays?
>Nano (Raiblocks) was a dead amateur coin, worth less than 10 cents less than a year ago, until it was discovered and pumped hard by Italian scammers. Only after the pump did Nano full time dev. This amateur project has had a full-time dev for less than a year, with a horrific team and management picked among incompetent friends and supporters.
>Lead devs are leaving Nano. Insiders obviously know Nano is riddled with terminal flaws and structural problems. Insiders obviously know Nano is riddled with terminal flaws and structural problems.
>Devs are dumping Nano on the market [7]. Insiders obviously know Nano is riddled with terminal flaws and structural problems.

>> No.28502413

>Constant node issues. Withdrawals/deposits suspended on several exchanges due to security and stability issues, multiple times, every single month. All exchanges down less than 6 weeks ago [8]. Kucoin less than 3 weeks ago [9]. Another failed update and node crash this week [10][11]. This despite being miles behind having any sort of global currency traffic. Nano could be years away from even having the potential to be a well-functioning global currency.
>Coinbase will only use coins stable for multiple months. Nano is far away from that, see above and [8] [9] [10] [11]. Coinbase will also stay away from a coin riddled with legal problems [7] [12]. Best case scenario is having Nano on Coinbase late 2019, if at all, leaving Nano hopelessly behind other cryptocurrencies.
>One single miner can destroy the network via DDoS with 500 GPUs at no cost [13] [14]. A critical attack vector never seriously addressed by the Nano dev team. Having the problem highlighted to them, admitting to it, their response has been the usual -to promise and deflect -without providing any real technical solution. Nano is wide open for a massive spam attack crippling the network for a long time. This also scares the Coinbase experts; a total crash in Nano, via spam vulnerability and insane node issues, will reflect badly on Coinbase.
>Nano team seem like tech amateurs. Don’t understand the difference between Random (not cryptographically secure) and SecureRandom. Don’t even understand basic cryptography. A disaster in waiting.

>> No.28502483

>Former head of engineering at Facebook, Bryan Veloso: Nano "just a hype...no real use case" [16]. Currently NANO is only processing 0.15 transactions per second. Transactions have gone down in the last months. Extreme low usage combined with a very speculative 90x pump in just one month, causing a flash crash, are all indicators of a coin with pure hype and speculation, without any real value. Bryan Veloso’s claim that Nano is just hype with no real use cases is validated by empirical data.
>Charlie Lee, creator of Litecoin: “Nano will have a hard time being decentralized... It won't be as uncensorable as Bitcoin or Litecoin” [17]. “Nano is not without faults...it has a LONG way to go” [18].
>Millions of USD sold from the Nano Developer Wallet lately, at extremely low prices. Not a good sign that devs are dumping Nano in a fire sale [15].
>Nano team marketing strategy is to have no marketing strategy.
>Nano team adoption strategy is to have no adoption strategy.
>Nano’s essentially following same strategy as Betamax vs VHS and HD vs BluRay.
>First coin on Amazon, eBay, etc. will be the global currency. Nano’s avoiding partnership. Nano’s publicly stated “strategy” is to not seek strategic partnership, basis being that USD has no partnership as a currency, so why should Nano have one. Ridiculous.
>Dev fund is dangerously low, they may burn through it in a matter of 1-3 years [15]. Also, multiple pending and coming lawsuits against the Nano foundation.
>100 addresses hold 65% of all 133 million Nano. Initial distribution to friends of developers, nontransparent distribution method. Who solved the captchas? Where is the audit? Extreme centralization that only got worse with BitGrail, where large holders of Nano (including devs/friends of devs) managed illegally and unethically to get out of the insolvent exchange, leaving normal investors behind to take an 80% loss.

>> No.28502535

> 51.27% voting weight, held in 6 addresses, opens vulnerability to devastating 51% attacks.
>Flawed structure, currently insane 92% of the voting power in the top 1% of the nodes only [19].
>No smart contracts. Masternode coins utilizing high capacity data contracts on their second layer are the future. Nano can't do any of this, it cannot compete with other coins.
>Must run expensive nodes for free. A borderline insane and untested business model that will most likely crash the network. Even if it worked, no matter how unlikely, with full adaption the cost of running a node would be astronomical, leading to extreme centralization. Having again the elites controlling our money must be avoided. No financial incentives for DPOS representatives to keep securing the network.
>Same whales that pumped and dumped Nano first time (-98% from ATH), pumped again. Failing to pump further, will result in a dump again, very soon. The delusional Nano hodlers will be stripped of their money again.
>70% centralization of all Nano, due to Nano original developers setting default node to their own.
>The code hasn't even been audited by an established software security company.
>Nano is permissioned and non-trustless [20]
>Going from UDP to TCP too late and too slowly [21]
>90% of github commits by only one person (Colin) in the whole “team”.
>Hired pretty girl, G. Coxton, who’s done nothing. Why’s she not on YouTube pushing Nano?
>Nano team are business amateurs. Pushed BitGrail when clearly a dangerous exchange. Guaranteed bomber as a good guy. Rebranded to Nano right before BitGrail exploded. Retarded decision. Marketing disaster.

>> No.28502601

>Nano has no ‘human face’ for people to connect with, it’s just an empty logo. Unlike other top 10 coins – e.g. Ethereum has Vitalik, Tron has Justin Sun, Litecoin had Charlie Lee. NEO has Da Hong Fei. EOS has Dan L. etc.
>Nano has post Bitgrail probably the worst community in crypto [22][23], much of it due to the Nano teams catastrophic handling of the Bitgrail crash.
>There are many other coins that are far better than Nano, with instant transactions, zero fees, near infinite scalability, near infinite decentralization, permissionlessness and trustlessness, 1 millionth the energy usage of Bitcoin [24][25][26]. Nano is an extremely risky investment [27]
>Posted some of the above questions on Nano subreddit. Got banned.
>Multiple pending and coming lawsuits against Nano devs personally and Nano foundation. Ugly truths about the Nano team, Nano devs and Bitgrail will come out [12][7]. It could lead to bankruptcy and a total shut down of the project.
>Anyone investing in this documented shitcoin deserves to lose their money. Nano is Bitconnect 2.0

[1] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/982bq9/stress_test_beta_network_v15_results_in_here/
[2] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/98alqy/why_isnt_stress_test_result_published_as_5700_tps/
[3] https://www.accenture.com/no-en/success-visa-connected-commerce-car
[4] https://www.ccn.com/vitalik-buterin-ethereum-will-eventually-achieve-1-million-transactions-per-second/
[5] http://archive.is/iq9fP
[6] https://nano.org/en/whitepaper
[7] http://archive.is/lDoCW
[8] http://archive.fo/v2noA
[9] https://news.kucoin.com/en/nano-deposits-and-withdrawals-are-now-enabled/
[10] https://medium.com/nanocurrency/weekly-nano-update-9-17-18-834f3a493994
[11] https://www.reddit.com/r/BinanceExchange/comments/9flnx5/is_nano_deposit_broken_someone_also_having/
[12] http://archive.is/dOMVA
[13] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanotrade/comments/7vwl86/what_are_the_faults_of_nano/dtvpymd/

>> No.28502684

[14] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/90wu2v/what_are_the_negative_things_with_nano/e2tskr8/
[15] https://www.nanode.co/account/xrb_1ipx847tk8o46pwxt5qjdbncjqcbwcc1rrmqnkztrfjy5k7z4imsrata9est
[16] https://www.quora.com/Is-the-NANO-crypto-coin-a-working-product-If-so-what-advantage-does-it-have-over-on-other-crypto-coins
[17] http://archive.is/e7oVV
[18] http://archive.is/GvyPd
[19] https://www.nanode.co/representatives
[20] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/92b1at/how_does_nanos_dpos_compare_to_other_dpos_such_as/
[21] https://www.reddit.com/r/nanocurrency/comments/8kt2ed/universal_block_canary_has_been_released/dzakb0a/
[22] >>11104923
[23] http://archive.is/DlNyk
[24] https://www.quora.com/What-are-crypto-currencies-you-are-bullish-on-for-the-next-bull-run/answer/Marius-Kramer
[25] https://www.quora.com/Which-is-the-best-crypto-currency-to-buy-in-September-2018/answer/Marius-Kramer
[26] https://www.quora.com/What-makes-a-bad-crypto-currency/answer/Marius-Kramer
[27] https://youtu.be/JS9tJgbFTUA?t=27m27s

>> No.28503032

goddamn man, these piece of shit fucking kikes. how the fuck are they behind EVERYTHING.

>> No.28503112

> 63 posts by this ID


>> No.28503488
File: 122 KB, 1105x576, Nano Heading for Disaster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano’s relationship with BitGrail, their main trading platform, was incestuous and dirty from the very beginning. However, after “Bomber”, CEO of BitGrail found out that his exchange had been hacked for 80% of their Nano assets in October 2017, close to 10% of total supply of Nano, the relationship between Nano devs and BitGrail became criminal.

>Insolvency of BitGrail and missing 10 million nano, discovered and made public by the Nano community [1][2]
>Missing transactions on BitGrail, discovered and made public by the Nano community [2][3]
>Single transactions replicated multiple times on BitGrail, discovered and made public by the Nano community [4][3][5][6].
>Millions of Nanos moving out from BitGrail, when the exchange was closed for withdrawals, discovered and made public by the Nano community [7].
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to alleged ‘maintenance’.
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to ‘KYC’ excuse [8] [9]. Hundreds of thousands remained unverified [10].
>Withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks, due to alleged ‘pending withdrawals’, which were never processed [11].
>Nano withdrawals on BitGrail blocked for weeks due to node problems.
>Customer support ignores tickets - not just for days but for weeks [12]
>Bomber increasingly unhinged and psychotic. Insults his customers on social media for asking legitimate questions [12]. Nano community expressed concern to the Nano devs.

>> No.28503572


>Accounts connected to Nano devs moving around millions of Nano, do arbitrage between exchanges. [13][7][14].
>Accounts connected to Nano devs moving around millions of Nano move assets to safety. Just one of these accounts handled 50million USD [13][7][14][15].
>Insider trading on BitGrail done via accounts connected to Nano Devs. Traded tens of millions of dollars [15].
>Nano dev team used incestuous relationship with Bomber to get instant KYC verification [16], impossible for standard Nano investors.
>Ordinary Nano investors accounts blocked from doing arbitrage, moving assets to safety or doing insider trading, unlike Nano dev team. Stuck with coming 80% loss [17].
>Zack Shapiro (Nano dev): Everything under control. Just too much work with KYC. Not insolvent. (statement made 4 days before BitGrail insolvent) [18].
>Zack Shapiro: No reason to worry, BitGrail doing normal KYC, “scams don’t do that” [19]
>Zack Shapiro: “Yes, you can [trust BitGrail]. I talk to Bomber every day and he’s a good guy. We’ll get it all sorted next week. Just hang in there” [20] [21]
>Zack Shapiro: Confirms BitGrail is a serious business. “Opposite of an exit scam actually” [22]
>Zack Shapiro: BitGrail is “Legitimate. Complying with the laws of their contry” [23]
>Zack Shapiro: “Funds are safe on Bitgrail…Again, funds are safe” [24][25]
>Mica Busch (Nano dev): ‘‘funds are safe, [BitGrails] representative account does not show any suspicious activity’’ [26]
>Nano: “Be assured that your funds are safe” [27][28]

>> No.28503645
File: 207 KB, 377x659, zzzzzzzz.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28503669


>Person who discovered and exposed 50million USD account being connected to Nano Dev team, got later banned from Nano subreddit [13].
>Nano community member who discovered/reported that nearly all nano on BitGrail was missing, was forced to delete initial post titled; ‘10 Million XRB Possibly Missing XRB From BitGrail’ [2] and repost under different headline ‘I need some help with tracing funds’ [1].
>Nano team systematically deleted threads of investors’ concerns and the sharing of new information regarding BitGrail [4].
>Nano dev team confirmed knowing about all BitGrail problems, told investors to relax, and promised a thorough investigation [29][30][28]. ‘Developers are taking care of that’ [31].

>> No.28503742


>Nano Dev team claimed to do all they could to investigate and find missing Nano. No update since. Nothing done. [32]
>Nano community did all the work, themselves researching/investigating. [33][34][35] [32][41].
>BitGrail victim group representative, Espen Enger met with Nano lawyer Josh Kleiman in Italy [36]. Details of the deal made with the Nano team is not made known to the BitGrail victims.
>After meeting between Enger and Kleiman all criticism of Nano Dev team became banned on BitGrail victim discord [37].
>Change in BitGrail victim group management. Protection of Nano Dev team and suddenly non BitGrail victims used as hostile mods on BitGrail victim group discord [38].
>Don’t be surprised if Enger gets millions, and/or cushy job at Nano when all this is over. As a big thank you from the shady Nano team.
>Multiple pending and coming lawsuits against Nano foundation and Nano team members. Outside the original BitGrail victim group, now Discord BitGrail/WebCoin Lawsuit [39][40].

>> No.28503811

Footnotes to the above Nano -BitGrail Crash (and Nano dev team involvement) –1 of 2

[1] https://archive.is/8mMEU
[2] https://archive.is/LUN33
[3] https://archive.is/V30nG
[4] https://archive.is/pk03o
[5] https://prnt.sc/ilv1gl
[6] https://prnt.sc/ilv0p6
[7] https://archive.is/Wkgvn
[8] https://bitsonline.com/raiblocks-nano-bitgrail-epic-fail/
[9] https://archive.is/CKs1V
[10] https://imgur.com/a/rOn3Seb
[11] https://archive.is/RW944
[12] https://archive.is/DM6Nl
[13] https://archive.is/acLnr
[14] https://imgur.com/a/Owlui
[15] https://archive.is/pC3vC
[16] https://imgur.com/a/mJMhlx3
[17] http://archive.is/86eDr
[18] https://imgur.com/a/aFYpDyk
[19] https://imgur.com/a/KNg2src
[20] https://imgur.com/a/o8lIwDz

>> No.28504112

Footnotes – part 2 of 2

[21] https://imgur.com/a/urpgzwv
[22] https://imgur.com/a/G7fgqWV
[23] https://imgur.com/a/4YcVEji
[24] https://imgur.com/a/IWP2thd
[25] https://imgur.com/a/rFV6BJy
[26] https://archive.is/bfd0Y
[27] https://imgur.com/a/ql0cjLP
[28] https://archive.is/dykfh
[29] https://i.imgur.com/ddzQlVw.jpg
[30] https://i.imgur.com/7xwM1Lx.jpg
[31] https://i.imgur.com/e8n7fWo.jpg
[32] https://archive.is/lTCkP
[33] https://archive.is/o1BmU
[34] https://archive.is/8Md3N
[35] https://archive.is/f4Q8E
[36] https://youtu.be/40aufi9oJno?t=10m16s [Embed] [Embed]
[37] https://imgur.com/a/gQmoQv0
[38] https://imgur.com/a/d8xG4QL
[39] https://archive.is/MbWv1
[40] Google: silvermillerlaw com 2018/04/2018-4-6-DE-1-CLASS-ACTION-COMPLAINT-1
[41] https://archive.is/0R8Qe

>> No.28504190

Thanks, dumped 1 btc worth of nano

>> No.28504495
File: 454 KB, 1068x1030, Zack Shapiro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello there, I am Nano dev Zack Shapiro. Hope you Nano fans enjoyed me dumping my million heavy bags on your heads, while Nano was crashing, the very bags I got out from Bitgrail while you were stuck and tried to get your "KYC" from Bomber (lol). Take that as a lesson schmucks, don't listen to guys on the internet, like me, when doing financial decisions. Pic is me before you gave me my millions of $$. Aaaah, life is gooOOooOod. L'chaim!

>> No.28504577
File: 986 KB, 1440x1277, Shapiro Bitgrail not insolvent 4 Feb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can trust us Nano devs. lol. This is me tweeting 4 days before BitGrail exploded. Enough time for us Devs and our buddies to get all our own stuff out. We managed to move millions of our sexy Nannis out when BitGrail was down for "maintenance" and closed for you "normal" people, Bombers KYC bullshit, etc, i.e. idiots who are not insiders. Sucks to be you. lol. In addition I had to tweet like crazy to the small people, the ungrateful Nano "investors" that were pestering us all the time with their, *whiny voice* "I have 8.3 Nano and I am so worried Zack, please help me". Worst part living in America is dealing with white people. They will never be winners. And they lost. lol. Peace out to all fellow Naniites!

>> No.28504704
File: 388 KB, 717x880, Back to Reddit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure psycho Nanoid, go to Coinbase and Amazon with your crashed tech, zero devs, and bankrupt Nano Foundation. I'm totally sure you will have zero problem with adaption, ryte reddit faggot?

>> No.28504880

thanks to you, i sold this morning. these guys are shady as fuck

>> No.28504992

Spamming 3 year old FUD. GTFO.

>> No.28505072

He has literally been spamming the very same pasta since 2017. Check my above post.

>> No.28505103

Nano is dirty and will crash in the end. Good luck with your investments, frens.

>> No.28505222
File: 848 KB, 3840x2160, Clown Word - Nanoid spammers.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfags need to know about you dirty scammers and your crashed shitcoin. Telling that none of you Nanoid morons ever try to defend your scammy team or crashed tech. Ad hominem is all you Nano losers have. Pic related.

>> No.28505281
File: 43 KB, 570x587, 1443125518526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28505435
File: 205 KB, 983x1024, Nano Community Leaders.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28505637
File: 104 KB, 821x910, Nano + Christine Lagarde Gender Equality and Women in Tech.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Powerful. Buy Nano if you support full globohomo. Eat your bugs, bigot, so we can have more money for refugees moving into your neighbourhood.

>> No.28505882

jesus i can't believe i almost fell for a shitcoin that focuses more on "diversity in the workplace" than acutal product

>> No.28506819
File: 285 KB, 1406x902, Freeeeeedoooom.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have routinely network crashes, Nano faggots. Just go to your own discord and see for yourself. Last crash had the cost of only 3 USD. That's all what it takes. What a joke.

Pic, a big thank you to all you pay pigs ...eh.... Nano fans.....for your kind donations...eeeeh, "investments".... Nano Foundation couldn't have done it without you!!

>> No.28507448
File: 2.51 MB, 600x338, Nano 7 000+ to infinity tps.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is a crashed coin with a broken system. The very basis for Nano network is that people will run the whole system for free, for all eternity, all the time, with no downtime, or the Nano network will crash. Can any of you nano "investors guarantee that? The integrity of your network is solely based upon people that will work for maybe thousands of hours for free and pay tens of millions in costs for nodes, bandwith for free, for all eternity? How insane, delusional and away from real life is that?

1. For a global currency with micro-payments, 100 000 TPS is the very bare minimum. What's Nano's current TPS? You claimed 7 000 TPS in DEC 2017. Pic. Is it now not a little over 10% of what you promised in 2017? Nano is such an obvious scam.

2. What is the total costs of Nano network with 100 000 TPS (CPU, IO and bandwith) , that you believe people will do for free for no reason. How many tens of millions? You have no clue do you? Same with Nano Foundation. Zero cost analysis. How amateurish and pathetic is that?

>> No.28508480

holy buy signal

>> No.28508709

>lightning network
has fees

>> No.28510147
File: 1.11 MB, 1440x2942, Weiss Crypto Ratings - Nano.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>has fees
Meaning they have spam protection and incentive to run the network, unlike Nano.

Constellation has both no fees and spam protection/incentive as all small transactions are free, while large consumers must pay. Plus Constellation can scale, unlike Nano.

Solana have 50K tps and might be able to be a global currency, while Nano with 1K tps has no chance in hell. Average fee per transaction for Solana is $0.00001. Plus they have DeFi. Nano is crashed 2017 tech, where even their dev lied about their tech through their teeth. There is no way in hell Nano can compete.

>> No.28510243
File: 109 KB, 854x470, Espen Enger.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The Tragic Story of Espen Enger

Nano Foundation and Espen Enger have a very shady and dark history before Espen Enger decided to exit scam with the Bitgrail Victim's money:

>Nano's core dev Shapiro, despite knowing about Bitgrail's problems did multiple times publicly endorse Bitgrail and encouraged people to invest and convinced them to stay in, to not sell their Bitgrail.
>Tens of thousands of people who would have got out ended up losing everything because of this.
>There were people who committed suicide as a consequence of this
>While key Nano dev Shapiro was telling concerned investors not to worry (as normal investors had their accounts and ability to withdraw frozen) the Nano devs and their friends were withdrawing and funneling out tens of millions of dollars, both before and after the "hack" was publicly known
>These are the people Espen Enger sold out to and banned Bitgrail victims from criticising.

Espen Enger
>Enger promised 100% transparency and to fight for the interests of the Bitgrail victims
>Very soon he had a meeting with Nano foundations lawyer - the outcome and contents of the meeting remain a secret to date.
>Soon after the meeting with Nano Foundation, he got non Bitgrail mods to monitor discord and ban/silence any actual Bitgrail victims who were critical of the Nano devs and the Nano team’s involvement
>Espen Enger said that he just "knew" that the Bitgrail victims had no legal case against Nano Foundation, so he decided to protect the Nano Foundation
>Nano foundation still won’t answer questions regarding (a) what the meeting with Espen Enger was about (b) how much money they paid him and (c) what happened to the money

>It is now clear that Espen Enger had a dirty deal to protect Nano Foundation, exit scammed, lost 100 BTC due to bad trades, and then committed suicide
Espen Børke Enger site:https://jolstad.vareminnesider.no/

>> No.28510332

Ya I'm just happy my coin is going up.

Comfy. Fuck the copecel, guys been saying the same shit for three years while chads in the NF get redheads.

>> No.28510579
File: 10 KB, 847x95, fuck niggers and kikes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wow. fuck this fucking nigger coin. no amount of fucking money i could make in the future would allow me to support fucking NIGGERS AND FUCKING ROASTIES. FUCK YOU. JUST SOLD.


>> No.28510677
File: 49 KB, 512x512, Colin LeMahieu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For many, Nano Foundation dumping Nano worth 300 000 USD on Nano bagholders each month sounds insane. Well, not so much when Colin is using funds from Nano Foundation to fight private messy divorce and slander accusations in court.

Has Colin completely lost it? Insane statement in a legal document:
> (In layman's terms, at present, it [Nano] is the Cadillac of cryptocurrency.)
>On 28 January 31, 2018, the periodical Medium declared that it "is objectively the best pure cryptocurrency"

After dumping like a madman, Colin claims to have only 5-6 million Nano left.
Colin is angry that confidential information were leaked from this lawsuit and confidential settlement agreement:

From Nano Foundations/Colins lawsuit:
>They tell their customers 'if you really believe in Nano ..... go to this small exchange in Italy that we don't know anybody and we have nothing to do but we completely vouch for him and he's running a legitimate exchange', we're gonna [sic] give him the Nano, he's gonna [sic] give us money every time he sells a Nano, he's gonna [sic] take half and we're gonna take half, we're gonna [sic] get rich and then one day there's gonna [sic] be an exit scam and then you're gonna [sic] be out $150 million."
> Mr. LeMahieu and the other Nano developers face the prospect of a jail sentence in a current Federal action

>> No.28510678

Reading this thread and the other linked threads, i am fucking disgusted by this fucking team. Do not support these pieces of shit.

>> No.28510741

no successful coin hasn't had good quality fud

>> No.28510789
File: 667 KB, 1539x2048, Jew Zack Shipiro, left.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"Uhhhhh Nano, the CEO and the head guy at Nano [guess he is talking about Zack Shapiro] who holds 90% of the Nano at like $15 it was worth $1.4 billion, I think it's down to like $4, so I think it's only worth like $400,000,000 now. Uhhh, he got divorced from his wife last year. He decided that he was ready. He deserved better because he was now rich. She took all the money. And then, the financial affidavit, she, they, argued about how much the Nano was worth and what the Nano was. But I will tell you this: he said it had value and he said that he believed it was going up and he believed it was a security cause [sic] he put it on his security side of the affidavit."

This claim is absurd:
>Mr. LeMahieu is a private citizen.
A CEO of a foundation that at one point in time had a multi-billion dollar market cap and hundreds of thousands of "investors" is not a "private citizen".

>> No.28510918
File: 142 KB, 1280x720, 354.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no successful coin hasn't had good quality fud
You must have bought A TON of Bitconnect then.

>> No.28511070

Zack Shapiro wasn't even the main dev let alone the CEO. Furthermore the Nano foundation only kept 5% of the supply. Top tier fud.

>> No.28511465

“Guys PLEASE don’t buy nano”
You have to be a pathetic loser to be this dedicated to scream at the clouds over some delusional beliefs.

>> No.28511594
File: 303 KB, 1407x900, Villa del Balbianello, Lake Como.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who said he was CEO?
>Furthermore the Nano foundation only kept 5% of the supply. Top tier fud
You really don't get it. NOBODY knows about the initial distribution. In the lawsuit against Colin, his wife said he bragged about controlling majority of Nano with his friends. Any comment about initial distribution will get you banned on plebbit. Despite that, Colin and George etc managed to burn through the whole dev fund in a few years through insane spending. Pic related.

>> No.28511666

I did the same with Bitconnect and many like me as well. Not everyone is a sociopath like you and the Nano devs/team.

>> No.28511699

Ligma balls

>> No.28511777

Pee pee poo poo

>> No.28512029


>> No.28512041
File: 64 KB, 1004x388, Nano Gay Interracial Sex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ligma balls
Nano findom paypig and fainboi, everybody.

Pic. Nano will thank you for supporting them financially in their fight for gay inter-racial sex.

>> No.28512089 [DELETED] 
File: 3.84 MB, 4608x3456, 9650868096_13e9d65eb9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano are such a bunch of scammers, they stole huge amounts of money from Bitgrail victims and never suffered any consequences.

That aside though, they do not care about their investors. When Colin got feedback from his investors being unhappy about useless golddigger George (who he gave the job to because she lets him bang her), he doubled down, gave them the middle finger and made her COO, a completely unqualified bimbo (who has never done a honest days work in her life and spends investors money flying helicopters, staying in 5 star hotels and resorts) what a joke, what a insult, and they do.not.care.
Just on principle and justice, Nano deserves to burn.

Pic. Without qualifications to work in tech, and without tech experience or even a history of hard work anywhere, via her vagina and Colin banging her George became "COO" and they are here on a yacht enjoying life... this is all with investors money, thanks to investors... while giving the middle finger to investors who have any criticism.

>> No.28512120
File: 222 KB, 600x598, Reddit Moment.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28512234
File: 68 KB, 300x100, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28512477
File: 3.84 MB, 4608x3456, 9650868096_13e9d65eb9_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano are such a bunch of scammers, they stole huge amounts of money from Bitgrail victims and never suffered any consequences.

That aside though, they do not care about their investors. When Colin got feedback from his investors being unhappy about useless golddigger George (who he gave the job to because she lets him bang her), he doubled down, gave them the middle finger and made her COO, a completely unqualified bimbo (who has never done a honest days work in her life and spends investors money flying helicopters, staying in 5 star hotels and resorts) what a joke, what a insult, and they do.not.care.
Just on principle and justice, Nano deserves to burn.

Pic. Without qualifications to work in tech, and without tech experience or even a history of hard work anywhere, via her vagina and Colin banging her George became "COO" and they are here on a yacht enjoying life... this is all with investors money, thanks to investors... while giving the middle finger to investors who have any criticism.

>> No.28512486
File: 100 KB, 720x751, 08f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28512564

based video i like that guy, shame he's gone, I might be the anon who linked you to this vid, or not if you found it by yourself

>> No.28512671

Anon, you are doing here got tier contribution to the crypto community. I'm glad that people like you exist in the world. I hope every nano holder will read the entire thread and realize that this coin is the close to definition of scam, fraud and lies.

How do you know all of this? How long did it take you to research everything involved here?

>> No.28512741

I watched the video in 2017, but you are most likely the anon that reminded me about the video 2-3 months ago. Yep, dud did quality work with a background in finance. Too bad he is gone.

>> No.28512904

The funniest thing is bagholders saying that all of this is fud without debunking anything. I don't know if they are paid shills or just low iq holders that cannot sum 2+2.

>> No.28513089

Thank you fren. I have only watched Nano from the sideline so the what I know I gained organically.

>> No.28513134

fucking based you're one of the only ones doing good on this shithole
currently, reading through all your posts, I'd recommend going through all of it and removing the things that are old and not relevant
and then make it as a website, if you want i can help, so instead of posting 100 posts, we can just post one link

>> No.28513137

I don’t give a fuck about what the founders allegedly did, nano is open source, anyone can implement their own version of it.

>> No.28513620

redpill me more on Constellation by the way

>> No.28513821

watching the Constellation video right now, so much buzz i feel honey dripping out of my speakers

>> No.28513891

Thank you anon. If you want to, you can just take all my stuff and put it on a website. I am too lazy to go through it myself and update. Sorry. ;)

Here are some links:
>Nano Heading for Disaster – Dirty Deals with BitGrail

>Nano and Bitgrail leaders scammed over $100 million from Bitgrail

>Dangerous flaws and major problems with Nano

>Team NANO - Sex, Fraud, Corruption and Satanists

>> No.28513971

Tech is good and Constellation is very undervalued, but team keep on making mistake after mistake.

>> No.28514025

Holy shit, the autism. The dude's been fudding this for over 6 hours

couldn't give less of a shit about verifying the stuff posted, because the truth of the matter is that the product is quite fucking good and there's hype behind it. There's money to be made. Just get out before the end of this bull run and that's it

>> No.28514137
File: 29 KB, 400x344, monke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

well, then its over, Invest in a project with a good team like parsiq or quant
well it needs to be updated and info that's outdated need to be filtered out fren, otherwise it wouldn't really amount to much

>> No.28514203

>The dude's been fudding this for over 6 hours
I only post in small breaks. It's fun to kick you Nano scammers in the ass. You truly deserve it.

>> No.28514273

I can help you also with a website, I'm a dev myself. We should expose this fucking scam, I can't fucking live knowing this shit is pumping and scamming people.

>> No.28514472
File: 48 KB, 640x475, boomersato.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll make the gitlab, what should we call it?

>> No.28514512
File: 151 KB, 1080x1920, poorfolio2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

r8 my portfolio

>> No.28514543

also, I'd like to point out that after this dude called Nano "dead", it's still been in active development and the node is pretty fucking robust now. Look at their forums and you'll see active discussion of protocol improvements too.

making money by trading nano doesn't make me a scammer, retard. Not to mention, I've literally made millions on this coin and it's looking like I'll make more going by how this is going. How are you kicking my ass?

>> No.28514641

Many of the major players in the Nano community have been banned from their discord (NanoTrade). Some of them even ex node operators. They will have good information and be more up-to-date than me.

>> No.28514695

Jesus fucking Christ I wouldn’t even do that with Bitcoin. Grats on the big balls

>> No.28514766

>making money by trading nano doesn't make me a scammer, retard.
If you are here pushing Nano, you are either a scammer or an ignorant clown that got lucky.

>> No.28514815

Haha, I knew it, you only come here and post fud after Nano tops off. Literally trying to get people to sell so you can buy back in cheaper. Seeing you speak to people in the nanotrade discord its now obvious.

>> No.28514934

it was only 60k worth in the beginning of January, desu

>> No.28515035

Seriously. You have no clue who I am.

>> No.28515117

>Worst anti-white globohomos in crypto
This is bullish in current year + 6

>> No.28515198

Sorry, you are not getting my nanners, nanofudder. When we hit $12 it will be nice to see you priced out.

>> No.28515273

For every FUD post I’ll buy 10 more nano.

>> No.28515307

The point is that even if the higher ups in the foundation spent a bunch and had the time of their lives after it dropped hard, they still have a working product that's being actively developed. That is simply a fact. I'm pushing it as a vehicle for making money by trading it. This is not scamming. It might be overvalued, sure, but that doesn't change anything.

>> No.28515344

We are in crypto to have freedom and sound money. To escape globohomo, boomer. In the beginning there were virtually no economic incentive to be in crypto.

>> No.28515399

+10 nano bought.

>> No.28515546

nano has no good usecase

>> No.28515614
File: 141 KB, 606x826, Zack.Shapiro.BitGrail not exit scamming..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nano is a tech trainwreck and team are scammers. You will not see this on plebbit or hear it from the fraudulent Nano Foundation:

Brola’s lawsuit, filed in New York, was withdrawn last October after reaching a CONFIDENTIAL SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT
with Nano, says Silver.

>> No.28515689

Hi it's me Rockmsockmjesus from le Reddits I just bought 666 Nano AMA

>> No.28515748

+20 nano bought
Keep them coming

>> No.28515795

nano bad

>> No.28515931

>a shady faggot coin no one knows the distribution of, which had people scammed due to devs utter incompetence
>a chain which can't recover consensus after 2 days of downtime, while keeping holders funds hostage
you're either larping or a retard with a fetish for bad development procedures

>> No.28515994
File: 157 KB, 1412x647, Nano 500K buy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Didn't you crazy Nanoids usually "buy" 500K Nano? Pic related. How does it feel to be a scammer?

>> No.28516146

I lost some shit in the bitgrail fiasco, don't remember how much cause I blocked it out of my memory. >>28515614 Fuck this guy and >>28487586 fuck this crypto.

>> No.28516296

wow. fucking pieces of shit. bomber needs to get fucking offed in minecraft. same with the entire nano team.

>> No.28516363
File: 120 KB, 828x518, 3EF84FC9-7A37-4AE0-A1F1-FC0E59798CCE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28516511

Why are you replying to me with that? You're not refuting anything I said. I'm still waiting for you to explain to me how you're kicking my ass. Honestly, to me it just sounds like you're extremely bitter for missing out.

>> No.28516517
File: 178 KB, 800x800, Triggered Redditor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

One very angry Bitconnect fanboi did exactly what you do now. Super wise investment strategy. Ryte?

>> No.28516595

buy more please, buy this 30d +89.7% top please

>> No.28517113

Yeah, keep buying this scamcoin.

>> No.28517172
File: 1.19 MB, 1440x1602, Zack.Shapiro.Bomber is a good guy.extended.HQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>explain to me how you're kicking my ass
You can't defend your shitcoin. You can't defend your scammer team. You are like a psycho that brag about tall the money he made making illegal porn. You are not a winner, plebbitor, you are a morally corrupt loser whether you get some money or not. None of you guys earning money like that will be happy. Nearly all of you look like some nasty corpses. The money you will earn is not worth it. Nano has crashed tech and you know it. You are pushing a lie onto newfags.

>> No.28517299

They think money is everything in life

>> No.28517327

unfathomable amount of research and information done by this anon. unbelievable implications for the entire crypto community. >>28504495
die in a fire kike, come to me, please, come see me.
sure, you can probably make money on this piece of shit being pumped again, just be ready for the dump. i think this type of person and crypto does not have a place in the future.

>> No.28517583


>> No.28517856

you people are fucking disgusting, anyone that supports this coin is fucking evil, on a level worse than the XRP schizos.

this isnt me fudding, this is me being so genuinely disgusted by people I am willing to do this for free. I hope that bitgrail class action works out for anyone that was involved in that. fuck these goddamn people.

>> No.28518030

eat a fucking dick kike, i was compiling posts to make an new thread and clicked the wrong submit


>> No.28518731
File: 564 KB, 784x1359, Feminazi Colin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry dude, Nano is a kitchen table project by amateurs and fanatics. Colin was working part time, alone, on the project until the Italians scammers started to push XRB on you delusional idiots. Nano crashes constantly, are not being able to even go over a couple of hundred TPS per second, D grade shitcoin according to Weiss, not part of cryptos mentioned by ICE (Bakkt), not on Coinbase, insane cost model that will never work in real life, no cost analysis, no real use. Do you even have more than a handful individual users for your "global" currency actually buying stuff? As you have nothing more than being a currency, unlike ETH with smart contracts etc. Nano is a boomer coin, a true plebbit coin that will not function in real life.

Nano will thank you for contributing financially to push out white males from tech and promote Women and People of Color. Pic related. Remember fellow plebbitor, Meritocracy is RACIST!!!

>> No.28519510
File: 38 KB, 876x424, KYC Nano BitGrail1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

While all the "little" investors had their assets frozen, only to virtually lose it all, Nano devs and friends had no such problems. Pic related. There is a reason why they paid Espen Enger a lot of money to subvert the Bitgrail victim group to not look into the criminal behavior of team Nano at all.

>> No.28520020
File: 137 KB, 1712x484, p49zMEo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic Nano devs and friends moving assets out of Bitgrail AFTER the hack is official and case given to the police.