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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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28511216 No.28511216 [Reply] [Original]

>takes everyone down with it
piece of shit

>> No.28511281

Being all in ETH is the worst its meant to be a better ROI and i am financially obliterated thanks to boomer coin =.=

>> No.28511341

BTC didn't shit the bed, the weak, pussy, paper hands that get scared of their own shadow had a bitch fit and panic sold. BTC is very strong. BTW I own NO BTC

>> No.28511351

blame moonboy elon pink wojak musk

>> No.28511360

kekekekekke avax and bnb stole ur profits kekekek $200 eth fees.

>> No.28511453

Nice thread retard

>> No.28511538
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bro I know how you feel. Sitting here watching the entire market, including BTC get gains while you and your buddy LINK are struggling to even go sideways... WHEN DO WE GET A PUMP FOR FFS?!?! Coins have done 100,200,300% pumps this week and heres ETH sitting at TEN FUCKING PERCENT GOD DAMMIT!!

>> No.28511609

Yup I am a fucking idiot I went with ETH thinking it was a safer bet than picking a killer.

>> No.28511735
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Atleast Iron is safe

Buy $CLF


>> No.28511881

It's killing me I picked LINK and Unibright as my others LOL

>> No.28511966

i don't understand u people BTC is literally still at 47k rn what are u talking about

>> No.28512023

This is going to become more commonplaces as companies use Bitcoin as a store of cash. If Tesla goes down, they very well could take Bitcoin down with it.

>> No.28512156

How exactly are you financially obliterated? Wtf? It hit a new ATH like 2 days ago

>> No.28512332

why do amerifags look at their portfolio as soon as they wake up, fucking burgers man

>> No.28512376


It should be 3K at this point ETH's performance has been piss poor its barely scraped above the previous ATH =.=

>> No.28513041
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Eth is not pumping hard because it has big market cap but has not been shilled be celebs. It's still a S O L I D coin and it's about to run to 2k.

>> No.28513047

I personally put most of my ETH into defi yield farming scams. It's paid off pretty well so far. Remember, Ethereum is a tool and you can increase your stack if you make the right moves
Its basically degenerate gambling though