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File: 115 KB, 1000x516, file-20210107-19-160gxni.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28485930 No.28485930 [Reply] [Original]

then why the fuck is everything at their ATHs? Genuinely curious

>> No.28486076


>> No.28486105

Printing trillions of fiat inflates assest.

>> No.28486144

it'll crash when the kikes want it to

>> No.28486148

Even fucking BAT pumped, it won’t last though of course so get in what you can, take profits and tether up before we enter bear market.

>> No.28486149

So how could we theoretically get out of this bull run?

>> No.28486185

Turn that particular chart upside down and mirror it. That is the current absolute state of central bank backed economies on earth in aggregate. Buy ammunition if you can find it, pro tip you can’t.

>> No.28486257

Who knows because everything is inflated and the dollar is becoming worthless. No safe havens left so everything just pumps but it can't go on forever.

>> No.28486301

buy metals and ammo

>> No.28486325

If the economy where to "recover" say in 2 years, wouldn't prices increase if the current trend continues for those 2 years?

>> No.28486341

quantitative easing brings money into the economy
low interest rates means money seeks venues for appreciation
you see this play out at every level of the economy and every social class
venture capital fundraising
art world
real estate
precious metals
collection cards
we are in the "everything" bubble. started before covid, and stimulus measures only amplify it
while nobody can tell when the music will stop, it's still a good idea to wear your seatbelt

>> No.28486352


First sign of inflation people might pull their investments because it’s a sign fed will pump the brakes on the economy.

Why did everything collapse in 2018 though? It seems like I’d have a better idea if I understood that

>> No.28486362


More money printed-> insitutional and retail investors have more money but not spending because nothing to do -> more money goes into market -> cost of goods remain the same-> repeats until people start spending again

>> No.28486370


>> No.28486750

So what you're saying is that once covid settles down, less money will be spent in the market because people are retarded and consoom, which they can't really do as much of in our current state?

>> No.28486861

>So what you're saying is that once covid settles down
Covid will not settle down, this is the new normal.

>> No.28486925


>> No.28486963

Yeah it’s sort of hard to determine. It does appear like this is the.. “new normal”.

>> No.28486979

Mask wearing and being a germaphobe is probably the new normal. Covid itself is not tho

>> No.28487009

The dollar is crashing so the relative value of every asset is mooning.

>> No.28487225


The economy is such a political issue and the parties are much more divided than ever before. I think it stands to reason that this bubble is going on at least until there is a gridlocked government again.

They won’t even let inflation stop them. The democrats will go and have the fed directly buy stocks to prop things up if they have to. I genuinely believe it’s going to be a very South American situation with price controls and government using any means necessary to prop things up. But in the meantime we are going to moon. It’s definitely not stopping until inflation becomes too dangers to ignore. There is no telling when that will be because we have deflationary forces at work and many in the fed are worried they won’t be able to make inflation happen at all.

>> No.28487227
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>once covid settles down

>> No.28487307


Bro they vaccinating a million people a day and that’s going to accellerate. Covid is going to be over in a few months

>> No.28487486

>he doesn't know

>> No.28487611

This. Dont try to time the market. Ride the waves but keep some liquid so you can buy after the big one.

>> No.28487656

>He does not know the big one has not even been released into the general population yet

>> No.28487684
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Oh, sweet innocent goy

>> No.28487687
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>> No.28487710

>but muh vaccciiiiinneess

>> No.28487754

But when will the big one be? It's impossible to know, I know, but I don't see this bullrun ending even in like a year or two

>> No.28487762

>No safe havens


>> No.28487767

I hope you guys made it enough to get the yearly vaccines for the mutations

>> No.28487790
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inflation will be noticed in asset prices senpai because cost of production's deflating at an unprecedented pace thus the need for QE to actually maintain a 2% inflation ratio

you're about to get fucked venezuela style

>> No.28487815

Agreed, everything is overpriced right now.
In my cuntry secondhand japense cars have 4x in value in the last 4 years.
Puppies have gone from fucking 800- 4k +

It's an everything bubble and I have no idea how or when it ends, but with corona still around its not ending yet.

>> No.28487857

Dont try to time it, just don't go all in. Take your wins and skim profits when you can. If something moons 50% or more its time to sell some to recoup the inevitable loss you will feel in the future.

>> No.28487933

So what you're saying is in a week, I should sell my btc when it hits 52k?

>> No.28487939


What do you think about gold? Historically is rose more than fiat did in hyperinflation (Weimar).

>> No.28487942

it's not even a fucking vaccine
no one knows the efficacy of it
>new strains make old 'vaccines' redundant
it's just a massive COPE because the first injections are suspected not to work

>> No.28487945

If will happen once china fully removes itself from the dollar. How can the dollar exist if china doesn't trade in it?

>> No.28488024

tumbling down tumbling down

pls stop

>> No.28488026

How much have you put in? Bitcoin is gonna recover after the crash for sure. If you have tripled your investment or more, I would pull out enough to cover what you spent + capital gainz tax and hold the rest. Then when the dip comes buy it back and sleep for 2-3 years.

>> No.28488127

I have 3k and i bought in at 25k and 30k.

>> No.28488147

this. I never thought ETH would go anywhere close to 2k so quickly but then there's the Pokemon cards..

>> No.28488191

The vaccines are legit. I know people who have worked on them. What they don't know is the effects on kids or prego women. They work pretty well for adults overall though.

There is some side effects they are underplaying in the media, but the side effects covid can have are much much worse.

What they are not telling you is if vaccine adoption rate is too low, then the virus gonna mutate exponentially faster because of the vaccine. The vaccine does not stop you from catching it, it just mutes the effects of the virus.

My fear is vaccines become literally mandatory if they release (or a new strain of of it mutates normally) because the vaccinated people can still spread it.

>> No.28488230

moontools 1M mcap
competitor to dextools (33M mcap), except it works on all dexes and not just uniswap

>> No.28488281

3k bitcoin or 3k in value? If its bitcoin I say hold some and sell some at 52. It might be 2 years or so before the crash, so dont just sleep on the money tho. If its 3k in cash, just hold.

>> No.28488404

3k in value. I'd kill to have 3k coins tho :)

>> No.28488427

Imagine you are playing monopoly, and the banker kept creating new money on scraps of paper and using it to buy real estate on the board. What would the other players do with the rest of the money? They would buy the other real estate on the board with the new currency. Nobody wants to hold the bits of paper, they all want the assets as they know that the banker is just creating new paper all the time anyway. That's what is happening

>> No.28488447

Placebo sugar pills also work quite effectively

>> No.28488476

Do you really think normalfags are smart enough to do this tho?

>> No.28488488

We are nearing the end of the bubble

>> No.28488610


QE mostly gets to investment banks. I think the massive growth in assets is due to big players, not normies.

>> No.28488660

What makes you think so?

>> No.28488677

No the vaccine unironically works at stopping the severe effects of the virus. The vaccine injects the RNA needed to create antibodies for a specific part of the virus directly onto your cells. The virus still lives in the nose of alot of the vaccinated and can still be spread despite zero symptoms.

The mRNA vaccines work so well its actually scary. They could trick your body into attacking your own cells with it and create auto-immune system disorders.

>> No.28488748

What's the point of doing that if the value of the assets is overinflated

>Buy a house that's worth 2 million
>Price of bread is worth 100,000 6 months later

>> No.28488750

>mandatory vaccines
I hope this happens. I want patriots to start shooting back.

>> No.28488773

They are gonna money printer until 2 years from now. If the republicans take back the house or the senate they will let the economy crash, if they don't they will let one win in 2024 and let it crash.

>> No.28488808

I don't believe you and ive had chink flu at it's peak

>> No.28488819 [DELETED] 

i'm so fucking pumped for this dystopia of mandatory vaccine or you can't travel. I've been taking my crypto gains and investing in xspa, the biden administration loves them and they'll be in charge of testing at all checkpoints

>> No.28488829

Not mandatory legally, mandatory because covid does permanent damage to vital organs and gets exponentially worse after each infection.

>> No.28488854

the question is why did literally everything start pumping so hard January 1st and after, in every market everything shot up Jan 1 and after, is it something to do with taxes, where the fuck did all of this money come from?
In that time more than half a trillion went into crypto and another half a trillion went into TSLA, WHERE THE FUCK IS THIS MONEY COMING FROM, once interest rates rise all this money will flood out I bet

>> No.28488874


Reps spend more money than democrats when in charge, right.

>> No.28488903

You are young right? Each time you get a new strain of this virus its gonna hit you harder and take years off your life.

>> No.28488927

Jews are pumping it up in preparation for the great exit scam to China.

>> No.28488990

No the dems are gonna play hot potato with the debt. The republicans and dems have been passing it around since bush. Instead of letting it crash they keep inflating it.

>> No.28489015

You can literally buy
>ticket to more stable country
instead of trying to survive.

>> No.28489048

>Stable country

They WILL send us back when the time comes.

>> No.28489151
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the sniffles is temporary anon, damage from ventilators is permanent

>> No.28489154

>the great exit scam to China
Haven't they read the prophecies?
The Jewish Question will be solved by 200 mil army of Kings from the East. It is painfully obvious what natsoc Asian country fits this description.

>> No.28489175

I think hyperinflation is a meme for goods that we can scale up production for. Basically a lot of unprocessed foods and most things that China can produce for the west will stay cheap.
A dozen eggs cost $2.25 pre-covid, $3 during the height of the pandemic and now i'm finding that they're dumping a dozen for $1.30 the last month or so. Production in agriculture is one of those things that can vastly scale up within a year's time.
Meat production might not be one of those things that can't be scaled up.
Hyperinflation for assets might be very possible tho.

>> No.28489208


>> No.28489221


Yeah but why would the reps let it crash instead of doing the same thing as the dems. They both kick the can down the road.

>> No.28489243

No one will send you back, unless you are criminal scum.

>> No.28489269

Nigger, I live in a top 30 major city without wearing a mask. Dont know anyone who has died from it. Everyone that gets it like the cold get over it. So what if people spread it. People spread everything including colds, fear, fud, and sneed.

>> No.28489272


Fall of the US economy drags along every other country. To get to a more 'stable country' you'd have to sneak into North Korea lol

>> No.28489348

Why would it?
Maybe europe but why would china or Russia fall because of American dollar crashing?

Not like they rely on the dollar

>> No.28489398

The damage comes from covid hijacking the ACE2 proteins on epithelial cells and starving major organs of oxygen while allowing existing inflammation to grow out of control. When it infects epithelium in the nose you get the sniffles and a loss of smell. When it infects the epithelium in your lungs or heart you get something much worse :^)

>> No.28489441

The dems are gonna do it so bad they wont be able to ignore it while pretending to care about being fiscally conservative. Now amount of tax cuts (how they usually prevent the bubble from popping) is gonna stop it this time.

>> No.28489454
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>if the central bank is printing an abundance of new currency, why are prices rising?

>> No.28489459

What if you buy far OOTM calls on a 3x levered S&P500 index? Surely the gains you will make on the calls will be more than what you're losing to hyperinflation?

>> No.28489466

btc is about to crash big isn't it? Should I sell? Fuck I'm scared

>> No.28489475

The current financial system is broken as fuck. In the current system, the only way to make a lot of money is to have a lot of money, then invest it to make more money. Big investment firms can do this without actually buying or selling anything. Since the money stays in the system or leaves the country, everything goes to shit. There's no reason for average people to invest in stocks. There's no such things as a high interest savings account anymore, unless you've already made it. There's no reason to do anything but buy shit. So why not buy shit that might increase in value? Not 2% over the course of a year, but over the course of a day, or in many cases a minute.

>> No.28489492
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>I know people who have worked on them
My dad works at Nintendo nigga

>> No.28489494


No but the financial system is incredibly intertwined. If stocks fall in America they fall all over the world. China depends a lot on exports to Europe and America, Russia receded 10% in 2008

>> No.28489499

>Fall of the US economy drags along every other country.
Recession - yes, but USD will be immediately replaced by CNY/BTC/gold when it becomes obvious that USA is done.
The whole world suffers, but only USA actually dies in this scenario.

>> No.28489505

maybe im a retard but if everything is increasing in value... something something... hyper inflation?
if all stocks etc reach ATH, then... currency has decreased in value?

>> No.28489519

This aint gonna kill anyone young until multiple passes. It is gonna shave years off the life expectancy and its only gonna get worse every season for the novaxers

Catching it once or twice while young wont mean shit though.

>> No.28489521

January 1st was New Years.
A lot of people were looking at how to get through this year, especially after how shit last year was.

6 gorillion Normies stuck at home and thinking about the future = stonks and crypto bull run forever.

>> No.28489549


Yeah USD as the dominant currency is done for, I would think. You can't just make such a joke out of the dollar and expect people to hold confidence in the damn thing.

>> No.28489562

>I don't know anyone with a real job because I am a smelly NEET on 4chan

>> No.28489565

Are you absolutely retarded?
THAT is why the economy is so shit. They're pumping up the stock marked with air money

>> No.28489570
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>> No.28489573

by new normal, i meant, the new war on drugs, new war on terror, etc... it's just the latest meme pushed to distract from central banks go brrr, rich getting richer, poor getting poorer, and all that shit.

>> No.28489582

Americans never suffer. No matter what the state of the world is in or how much the media tries to brainwash you, we literally are never suffering. We continue buying whatever the fuck we want because being a hobo is a genuine lifestyle choice in this country.

>> No.28489609

Can you eat a stock?
Gdp is a fucking meme that has no reflection on reality

>> No.28489636

You can sell the stock and eat money

>> No.28489654

Russians survive on 300 usd a month

>> No.28489658

prove it - find me some peer reviewed articles to back up that claim that it will shave years off of life expectancy of young people
if you dont go into cytokine storm (immune system destroying your lung tissue, which will never heal) then i dont see how itd shave years off of your life, and considering most people who have a cytokine response tend to die... i dont see what youre saying

>> No.28489661


If the stock market crashes the economy does. We're talking about Depression level crashes. Sure if it corrects 20% it doesn't matter but that's not what we're on about

>> No.28489699

If you live in the sticks you can live on about 500 a month

>> No.28489730

money machine printing infinite money.
however, there will be no crash. by 2025 govt will force people to take cash out of their 401Ks and buy bonds, basically govt robbing workers and boomers. failing that, they will invade some 3rd world shithole and steal their resources.

>> No.28489769

I agree. In the united states.
There is no reason why china or Russia would suffer the effects of an american crash.

If sanctions did very little to Russia why would dollars crashing do more?
Maybe it might fuck some oligarchs who will kvetch and seethe but the average Russian or chink won't be effected

>> No.28489788

they are already setting up the narrative lmao. this is the world for the next 10 years.

>> No.28489797

fed tried quantitative tightening, e.g. raising interest rates and tightening the money supply.

>> No.28489828

i can bet everything i've got because my wife has over 100k in liquid

>> No.28489830
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>America survives until 2025
I'll take no way in hell for $500

>> No.28489850

Fed is trying to avoid a deflationary cycle, and rightfully so.

>> No.28489874

There’s really no way out but a systemic crash. The fed can’t raise rates or they obliterate all the bubbles (stocks, housing, bonds) they spent 20+ years building. If rates are kept low via yield control and fake CPI numbers people lose confidence in the currency. Best guess is that it runs on until people get scared just by the ridiculousness and flee to hard assets like gold, commodities and bitcoin.

>> No.28489899

>dollar is becoming worthless
kek after they removed gold standard all money just paper backed by fucking nothing

>> No.28489937

>virus lives in the nose
literally no virus does this you fucking wanker

>> No.28489967

Counter argument

Biden gives a bunch of jiggaboos millions of dollars to spend than invites 50 million south americans and hands them each 10,000 dollars to spend only in the local economy

>> No.28489992

Okay, but realistically how many people are doing this and who is to say that once things return to normal (to some degree), that we won't be seeing 2% daily gains and instead something more conservative?

>> No.28489993

Well, prepare for the rude awakening.
This was only possible because USA was kind of the central bank of the planet, and soon it will end.

>> No.28490011

literally chinese year of the bull

>> No.28490051

Every serious illness shaves years off your life. The damage covid does to your epithelium will heal, but if a major organ got damaged during infection it will be a different story. Kidneys, Heart, and lungs are some of the spots with lots of ACE2 receptors it can do serious damage to. These organs can take some punishment but they don't really heal. Thats also why its blasts the fats and oldfags harder. They have significantly more of those cells making infection of those organs more likely. They are also more likely to have pre existing damage to those organs from their habits (even if they don't know it). There is tons of cases doing damage to organs, even in asymptomatic cases. You can find tons of links on google.

>> No.28490070

if the virus lives in the cells of the host and replicates there... and is transmittable by breathing, it reasons that it lives in the mucus membranes and therefore in peoples nose... anon i think you might be dumb, or maybe i am i dont really know

>> No.28490075

that would be mega based and i'd be glad he won if he did that, those joggers and mestizos will fall over themselves to give us our money back.

>> No.28490083

if lockdown ended and people start spending again, the velocity of money will increase. This will likely lead to a big spike in inflation because of all the recently printed fiat. The reason all of this money printing hasnt caused inflation yet is because its not moving on a consumer level due to lockdowns (velocity of money). George Gammon makes some pretty good youtubes talking about.

>> No.28490091

nice try, it's from the vents creating too much pressure and destroying the fragile alveoli
and historically, virus mutations always make it weaker, like with sars in 2002
go away shill

>> No.28490103

Because the economy is fucked.
a) money printer inflates asset prices.
b) money cant be saved because no interest rate
c) money being eaten by inflation
d) nowhere else to spend money
e) spare capital pumped into increasingly speculative securities creating a bubble.
f) bubble goes pop - economy melts down - no more ammunition for stimulus because rates are already so low.
g) end game? we're fucked. China takeover.

>> No.28490122
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this pic sums it up.

>> No.28490156

Fine the virus reproduces in the Nasal Epithelial Cell. I was typing it so retards could understand but I see it only confused you.

>> No.28490158

> Goy, we need to sell the west coast to our friends the Chinese to fight white supremacy. Also, here's 1 trillion for Israel.

>> No.28490170

No it won't. This is clearly a communist take over. Its about fear and compliance. It's working because people are too stupid not to believe shill like you that speak about things that might happen but never do.

>> No.28490252

why are O negative chads resistant to the virus?

>> No.28490262

I dont disagree that vents fuck up lungs, but covid also fucks up lungs.

> virus mutations always make it weaker like with sars in 2002

SARS got weaker because it killed people too quickly and made them too sick too quickly. Covid's 30 day infection to death time average shows that it might not need to get less deadly to become more infectious.

>> No.28490280


But like I said, in Russia there was a 10% recession in 2008, in China the huge growth rate retracted. And 2008 wasn't even that big, in retrospect. If American and European economies collapse, the export market these countries depend on is wiped out.

>> No.28490285

hm fair point, guess its at a cross roads really
the illness will shave years off of your life, but so will a sedentary and solitary lifestyle, so will staying indoors for prolonged periods of time, eating shit food etc, and these are all on the up from what i can see where i live
hopefully i can start growing reishi this year

>> No.28490289

I'll have to check him out, thanks

>> No.28490301

>Because the economy is fucked.
>a) money printer inflates asset prices.
>b) money cant be saved because no interest rate
>c) money being eaten by inflation
>d) nowhere else to spend money
>e) spare capital pumped into increasingly speculative securities creating a bubble.
>f) bubble goes pop - economy melts down - no more ammunition for stimulus because rates are already so low.
>g) end game? we're fucked. China takeover.
China already took over, everything on amazon is from china lmao. We may as well be their comfy vassal.

>> No.28490337

cantillon effect, yes mostly big players

>> No.28490357
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Based and Zeihan-pilled

>> No.28490379

Harder to infect because of the lack of proteins on the surface of the red blood cells.

>> No.28490401

supply chains moving to vietnam, india, etc. china is terrified of this, it is getting hard for them to compete with the new "cheap labor" since they have a burgeoning middle class and less and less of population willing to work for dirt. Apple and many others already in the mix on this.


>> No.28490457

and if covid doesn't make you seriously ill? i had it back in march and had no idea, felt more like allergies. btw had a full physical recently for school incl chest X ray and i'm as good as ever. Also got my wife pregnant months later with a new lad so that's working fine as well.
O negative blood tho, probably helped me out.

>> No.28490502

not just

>> No.28490542

Bitcoin isnt necessarily becoming more valuable, USD is just becoming less valubale

>> No.28490569

dunno it seems like china is the slave here that took over all the shitty work for pennies while western companies reap massive profits on the cheap shit labeled to their brands for doing fuck all.

>> No.28490620

The reason why everything is so highly valued is because the dollar is so SHIT.

The economy directly effects the power of the dollar.

>> No.28490621

There is a decent chance you are fine. A few go around with the virus will not ruin you if you are young and not fat. (Even if you are fat, you are likely fine after just one infection).

>> No.28490683

So it's gene therapy, not a vaccine, you can still transmit the virus which could cause Marek's Disease 2.0 (look it up)

>> No.28490702

Yeah, def canned food and shotguns time.


>> No.28490703
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Congrats btw on the Boy, anon!

>> No.28490704

well they are communists, so they don't care about the average chinaman and only seek to enrich their ruling class - which they are doing a damn good job of doing

>> No.28490739

Unironically what's with these stupid fucking questions?

>in 2013 BTC went to 1000 dollars
>in 2017 BTC went to 19,000 dollars
>in 2021 BTC went to 48,000 dollars

Ask yourself if you think BTC is gonna stop at 48k and then dump. I wonder how many people decided to 'sell the top' when BTC got back to 1000 in 2016 and promptly KYS themselves when it kept going up.

>> No.28490763

decent chance? how about a 100% you boogaloo. i told you i had a physical workup. virus means nothing to me. i am meant to survive this flu, many others are not and should hurry and take the vaccine, and the the next vaccine for the next mutation, and then the next one, and then the next one until they finally die.

>> No.28490852

Marek's Disease is Chicken herpes and has a unique connection with the nervous system. I would not worry about it with an mRNA therapy for this type of spike protein. But yes you can still transmit it (although you are likely less contagious because the infection period is much shorter)

>> No.28490859

>23 fear mongering posts
That's enough Bill. Just accept that nobody is buying your vacation no matter how hard you shill. Cut your losses and move on.

>> No.28490946

and yet they keep saying the vaccine isnt effective against mutations and that mutations are the dominant strain now.
This is never going to end, not for years

>> No.28490947

>a serious illness that damages everything but you need a buttswab to know you have it and 90% of the time you'll test positive anyway
>'links on google'


>> No.28490952

i think vitalik put it well in his 2020 recap blog post: "gold is lame"
the phrasing is provocative, but the underlying point is sound. gold is not a dream to millenials and zoomers. it doesn't hold promises of safety to their collective subconscious. to these generations, there is less of a premium on owning something physically
gold will remain sound money. gold is not going away anytime soon, but the share of capital flow going to it will partly diverge into crypto. my guess is gold will continue to appreciate, and crypto will appreciate even more
there is a higher systemic risk in the current crop of cryptos disappearing, so there is a tradeoff either way. bitcoin and ethereum will likely endure, but even this "likely" is meager compared to the historical resilience of gold. gold ought to beat fiat, and that can be good enough

>> No.28490967

In the last decade, the purchasing power of USD has been cut in half.

In the last decade, the purchasing power of BTC has gone from 10000 for two pizzas to 10000 pizzas for two BTC.

So, KYS if you don't own a bunch of BTC.

>> No.28491027

Long term holding is smart but some people are gonna need the liquid to make it during the crash.

I meant decent chance you have no serious organ damage lol. Unless they ran a full panel blood test and CT scanned all your major organs you are not gonna know shit for sure.

I hope you never get organ damage and your plan to never take a vaccine works man. Good luck.

>> No.28491086

at least half the population will want to get vaccinated and when they are fine and comes a next round the rest will want it too especially when it will be the only way to travel or go to a restaurant.
probably 95% will get vaccinated eventually.
anti-vaccers are just a little harder to convince.

>> No.28491104

>thread about economy
>doommonger shilling vaccines
why are they like this?

>> No.28491108

How much are they paying you to FUD the vaccine to the Americans Zhang Wei ?

>> No.28491142


My problem with crypto is that it's still in the speculative stage. Imagine we just discovered something like gold (a rare thing that can't just be printed) and all speculated on it being worth much 'in the future'. In that stage, gold wouldn't be stable in an economic crash because it has no record of stability yet.

Crypto is still a speculative asset, it has no record of stability yet. I think it can work but it needs more time.

There's also the Schiff point that crypto is a technology, and you can always try to one-up technology by coming up with something better. Can a 'competitive' currency really reach stability?

>> No.28491192
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Btc looks so bubbly it makes me sick just looking at the graph. How long can this last bearbros?

>> No.28491219

Because we had a great president the last 4 years

>> No.28491244

Has it been 4 years already? Time flies

>> No.28491288

crypto is a complete virtual casino for people to get rich and get poor real quick.

>> No.28491340

st. germains trust.

>> No.28491371

Exactly why this is a communist takeover instead on international health hazard. It's amazing even half the population is dumb enough to comply with these mandates when Google articles are printing death in the streets when it can be found nowhere. This will start a way. Therr will be a breaking point.

>> No.28491429

It sure BTFO the retirement homes near me lol. So death is found somewhere.

Killed 2 of my family members too.

>> No.28491490

Lel. You will soon see that the previous government was indeed great in comparison with their successors.

>> No.28491573

Its the same government. The talking heads are all an act.

>> No.28491586

>Chang Le of Wuhan
You mean like the flu does every year. Why are you pretending you don't have something to gain from selling the public a placebo under threat of restricting the people's freedom to travel?

>> No.28491672

yeah bro the flu kills 38/94 residents of the retirement home near me every year.

I am not supporting a legally mandatory vaccine at all. You just did not read my posts.

>> No.28491765

tried to buy metals with crypto today. Min purchase on most metals sites has jumped and shipping takes 10 days longer.
even boomers and normies trying to jump off the dollar.

>> No.28491872

You either have something to gain by shilling this vaccine this hard or you are so pathetic that you can't stand the thought of living your life in fear while everyone else moves on. Face it, you got duped by Google echo chambered peer reviewed papers to fix an election. It'd not the end of the world.

>> No.28491940

Flu doesn't kill millions of people a year more like 300-400k. Global figures here. And the 2.5m kill streak is with lockdowns, travel bans, social distancing etc. in every major country, would be much higher if allowed to just burn freely through population like flu.

>> No.28491959

fuck off back to pol with your bullshit

>> No.28492105

How can this be - aren't people stilll splurging money but with online shopping? Here in Australia during our only brief lockdown, places like home retail and electronics skyrocketed even if people couldn't go in person.

>> No.28492132


>> No.28492169

>global figures
Peer reviewed by CDC cronies no doubt. You can tell me all kinds of numbers from a MSM ticker. That will never take precedence over reap world experience. Some people will never escape from their puppet strings though.

>> No.28492177

Elon gets hacked and tweets that he sold all their btc

>> No.28492289

This pic very clearly shows that death camps were concentrated in Poland. Like a near 1-to-1 correlation. How is that hard to grasp?

>> No.28492302

>"Everything" Bubble

Everything except precious metals and mining stocks kek.

>> No.28492307

indeed, you list valid points to be dubious of crypto
the currency and technology parts of crypto are interesting. considered on their own, they are clear drawbacks. put together, it's a new blend that questions whether our old models can fit
technology getting better doesn't necessarily imply replacement if the tech also serves as currency. many would-be bitcoin killers made that experience from 2012 to 2018, and ethereum killers from 2017 to now are still in the process of finding that out
likewise, a "currency" with wild volatility feels asinine; unless that currency is tied to a tech that makes it possible to trustlessly hedge against that volatility within a couple mouse clicks
skeptics are rational, crypto is a giant experiment. it may stick, it may mute, it may blow up

>> No.28492349

normally, yes. this time, no.

no one is buying your garbage, holy shit anon. just go.

>> No.28492434

>Peer reviewed by CDC
no... simply confirmed by excess deaths each country is experiencing. Deaths are tracked independently by all sorts of institutions and governments, there is no single central authority in charge of tracking deaths lmao. Deaths from covid are much more often under-reported than over-reported actually.

>> No.28492445

there where no death camps. stop. let's be honest with ourselves.

>> No.28492555
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>> No.28492649

fucking kids these days have no idea what they are talking about but they have so much confidence in the nothing they scream about non stop.

>> No.28492798

It's depends where the source of the death totals are coming from. At least in the beginning they were inflated everywhere because doctors were ordered to report unknown deaths as covid. Those initial numbers were reported to the MSM. What they didn't report is those numbers declining after they filtered out cause of death during autopsy. Also, if you look at total death year over year it was only a ever so slight increase. Interesting the average deaths from things like the flu and preexisting covid strands dropped off a fuxking cliff.... Better trust the reported numbers, lock ourselves inside, buy the drug and not ask questions though.

>> No.28492962


>> No.28493061

It looks to me like it's about to crash but honestly I have no idea lol

>> No.28493106

you fucking leftist scum

>> No.28493205

>At least in the beginning they were inflated everywhere because doctors were ordered to report unknown deaths as covid.
There were also many cases early on where you had 100s of % increases in deaths from "pneumonia" and "flu symptoms" that weren't reported as covid deaths. It went both ways.
>Interesting the average deaths from things like the flu and preexisting covid strands dropped off a fuxking cliff
1. "dropped off a cliff" isn't accurate, but they are significantly below average.
2. ...which is entirely expected considering every country has been in multiple periods of lockdown, mask mandates, social distancing etc. These measures have the same effect on flu and colds.
Feel free to ask questions but don't pretend there aren't answers...

>> No.28493296

This is why fucking crypto was invented...this exact reason.
Bitcoin CANNOT be printed.
It will be the gold standard for decades to come and the bull run will never end. This is the new stock market and a far better version of it.

>> No.28493419
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>he still thinks fauxvid is real

>> No.28493467

If we are seeing millions of EXTRA deaths world wide why are we not seeing those numbers reflected against the total deaths in 2019 or 2018? Especially when sucide is up 100,000%

It doesn't add up and I don't need to do math to see that it doesn't either. I'm not saying people aren't dying from it but if I'm going off the data I've seen, there has been alot of cases with a 100% survival rate.

>> No.28493724

>If we are seeing millions of EXTRA deaths world wide why are we not seeing those numbers reflected against the total deaths in 2019 or 2018?
we are... that is what excess deaths is... deaths excess than what you would expect compared to running average. It is higher than the official covid death toll in every country i've checked. Some of them can be attributed to deaths of despair due to economic downturn, or to reduced access to treatments, but these are not major factors overall. Almost a rounding error.
And no suicides are not up anywhere close "100,000%" that's a blatant lie you will never account for.

>> No.28493843

It is the final blow before another ten years of misery and violence, even more intense this time. If you find this misery unjust, you are an enemy of ecology and if you find this violence unjust, you are an enemy of diversity.

>> No.28493984


Ty for the comment, it's been an interesting discussion.

>> No.28493998
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>> No.28494122

Becauze the housing market crashed and investors were afraid other markets would follow, so they pull their assets and THAT causes a crash.
Self-fufilling prophecy.

>> No.28494198

bitcoin have dumped already

>> No.28494341

Bro, even the flu causes lasting damage to your heart.
The illness doesn't have to feel serious to do that.

>> No.28494353

you must go back..

>> No.28494543

Believe what you want. Changing your mind isn't going to restore your freedom.


Spoiler they didn't stop influenza, they just renamed it covid.

>> No.28494652

Zombie corps with more debt than they can ever lay off being propped up by the feds to keep people employed. Good luck whenever you guys want to raise the interest to anything higher than fucking zero

>> No.28494833

Lmao auto immune disorders have already been reported, 1 in Greece just paralyzed a woman.

>> No.28494863

What are you trying to prove with that link? Exactly what I already told you?
>every country has been in multiple periods of lockdown, mask mandates, social distancing etc. These measures have the same effect on flu and colds
Flu deaths dropped when covid mitigation methods were introduced because covid mitigation efforts (i.e. masks, social distancing, school and work closures etc.) work against the spread of flu viruses as well... common sense

>> No.28495053

A poltard wrote this. Opinion discarded. Whitoid rightoids are domestic terrorists.

>> No.28495101
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BTC is a scam. Dump it.

>> No.28495121

You fucking domestic terrorist. Reported your IP.

>> No.28495188

Yeah in places without a flu vaccine it does.

>> No.28495202

>if economy is shit why are store of value assets such as BTC not crashing
Why the fuck would they

>> No.28495244

So your logic tells you mask policy is beating the Flu but not covid and that's why we still can't open. Do you actually believe this or is that the best the MSM provide for your rebuttal? I bet you also purchased a lifetime supply of GME when reddit told you $400 was a steal.

>> No.28495309

At least I know I'm in good company

>> No.28495329

Fed raises intrest rate. Or BTC hits 500k. Which ever happens first.

>> No.28495347

You must be sucking dicks

>> No.28495509

everyone at my fortune 500 wagie job is scrambling to buy houses right now. They are offering 50k above asking price on 250k houses and getting outbid. one coworker has been outbid more than 10 times now.

>> No.28495526

>So your logic tells you mask policy is beating the Flu but not covid
My logic is telling me the mitigation efforts collectively are slowing down the spread of both yes. They are not designed to "beat" covid like a magical silver bullet but slow the spread, which they have. Considering influenza is less infectious than covid it makes perfect sense that these measures would be even more effective against it.
Again this is common sense...

>> No.28495529

that very naive they love the power it did gived the m over people as anon said this is the new normal until the system colappse (if)

>> No.28495696

Ecommerce has been booming though. People are spending more money than ever and consumption has increased.

>> No.28495774


the exact SECOND you see a mandatory vaccination order for the general public be released is the same second the domino effect of outrage and public pressure begins, as shit hits the fan so fucking hard you'll want to do a y2k underground bus bunker setup and live the rest of your life in seclusion until the cities stop stop fucking burning
look at the ramifications of basically every nation on earth making it mandatory to wear a mask and how divisive that is, and has been over the last 10 or 11 months, neighbors were snitching on the house across the fucking street when they had more than 3 additional people enter it
magnify the public pressure and outlook on "public safety" and "social distancing" by like 1000 if they continue to propagate this bullshit like the last anon mentioned where they're hyping up new "mutations" and all this other pseudo virus evolution trash
imagine the police or the fucking army suddenly being tasked with ruthlessly ensuring the public gets vaccinated or follows regulations put out by your country's health authority because the "virus" has now "mutated" and greater "measures" are now required to ensure your "safety".
we're not even an inch away from a presidential order or some other shit to that effect turning daily life into some I Am Legend shit with a quick seasoning of The Last Of Us, if you need a visual aid

If someone somewhere is profiting off all of this shit, this will be the new norm

>> No.28495784

So now we have come full circle with normie logic.

"Mask policy is also stopping covid but covid is just so bad that its spreads way faster and appears to be worse. That's why we can't open because it would be so bad that it's unimaginable... Trust me bros. While we are waiting to grow the bals to test the waters with normal life again, buy my placebo. If you don't I'll be really mad and probably get you fired or kick you off a plane."

>> No.28496078

Before SARS2 there was a lot of talk about a corporate debt crisis.
Remember all those CEO resignations in 2019?

>> No.28496095

please just stop anon. you're embarrasing yourself

>> No.28496316
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>tfw I only own 0.41 BTC
Am I gonna make it bros?

>> No.28496327

>an invisible, faceless enemy to sow fear, guilt and division
>isolate entire populations and stop commerce at will
>slow political networking and community activities
>regulate and diminish religious activities
>endless money creation by the central bank masks yet another bailout of the insolvent financial sector and the failing companies it chooses to sustain
>kill any competition by small business
>reconfigure market supply chains and contracts in their favor
>trial run for future national lockdowns and compliance
>the metered approach to containing Covid19 is only now prolonging the population’s exposure and providing a longer opportunity to mutate, creating more contagious strains
>provides an opportunity to introduce a global digital currency, when everyone is desperate
>buying asset after asset at rock bottom prices
>label non-compliant persons a hazard to others
>Coronaviruses have two infectious peaks each year (early summer and late fall), providing biannual opportunities for incremental increases to impose more restrictive lockdowns

Add to this, the naive, terrified boomer generation (which also happens to be in charge of all finance, politics, education, military operations, etc.) who are, unwittingly or not, right now aiding and abetting the further destabilization and fleecing of the west

>> No.28496410

>Mask policy is also stopping covid but covid is just so bad that its spreads way faster and appears to be worse.
Yes this is true.
Covid is more infectious and deadly than the flu. Mitigation efforts mitigate, they aren't silver bullets. Without these mitigation efforts deaths would be higher. These same mitigation efforts also work against the flu because is it similarly transmitted, hence the lower flu deaths than average.
Not sure how the retarded drivel you're adding on the end relates to my argument, and you don't understand the concept of full circle apparently, but this much is true.

>> No.28496443

>the local economy
You mean the local economy which has been systematically ground into the dirty, suffered a debilitating blow in 2008, and looks like it will finally be exterminated by corona and lockdowns?
All that money will flow out of the country or straight into Jeff Bezos' pockets.

>> No.28496481

the economy is not the stock market, unless of course the stock market is going down, in which case it is the economy and we all have to pay for it.

>> No.28496525

it's absolutely disgusting and evaporates the purchasing power of low incomes for to current world leaders

>> No.28496528

enjoy some reading tonight:





>> No.28496789

>I fucking love science!!!!

>> No.28496942

seriously though how the fuck do we get out? lets say i want to sell all my crypto assets today do i hold EUR? USDT? like the fuck am i supposed to do?

>> No.28496983

I'm sure not much of anything makes sense to you unless your overloards have someone in a suit and makeup explain it to you. Make no mistake, in a real emergency people like you will be the first to die. Alot of people won't be getting that vaccine though. When they report that we did so its safe for you to come out from hiding, it's not. You will likely forget 2 months later when the first of many Biden school shooting makes a comeback.

>> No.28497048

The other option is watching the assets inflate in value even more whilst you are left holding the paper which is worth less and less if measured against assets. If measured against bread its unchanged, as people dont generally buy more bread when they have spare money. No increase in demand = no increase in price. High end consumer goods like gadgets etc may go up in price eventually, but most companies will not reprice a product like an iphone or whatever mid-run, they already did a lot of promotion work and contracts with suppliers etc based on current prices. You'll see that type of inflation when new products are launched. Services are the interesting bit as covid has killed a lot of the demand dead, so theres no price increase very likely there.

>> No.28497057

I wish I was dumb enough to believe this

>> No.28497182


>> No.28497245
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>> No.28497312

This, if they fed just simply walked over to the CDC, white house, Twitter, etc. killed them in Minecraft, and then proclaimed anyone who wears a mask to be a dumb faggot then the dollar would rocket.

>> No.28497384

not american, don't follow msm. haven't told you whether i support mitigation efforts or the vaccine or any other such details. only discussed facts surrounding death and infection, excess deaths, covid vs flu etc. sorry your schizoid npc brain is preprogrammed to jump to irrelevant conclusions and argue only against a very specific straw man

>> No.28497497

Don't you ever speak against our Chinese American overloards like that. Be grateful they still let's us communicate freely... sometimes.

>> No.28497747

120k eoy

>> No.28497999
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>> No.28498266

fucking kek’d and check’d

>> No.28498356

For someone that thinks they don't follow MSM, where did you get your expert certification on the official covid narrative? Your Google searches? Does not being brainwashed require you to only search for information on a tool owned by a private company that actively and publicly lobbies to make censorship legal?

Just saying if the shoe fits, wear it.

>> No.28498579

Why? Because the money you receive each month for your work is getting softer and less valuable everyday. People are desperately fleeing into all forms of assets.

>> No.28498755

Lol, you got btfo by a guy fucking your silly accusations and artificial polemics with pure logic. Nice to watch.

>> No.28499197

the markets only have a fraction of a economy's participants. national currencies are a different matter but it does apply to crypto and stocks. Those who are enjoying what we have now are part of the upwards K.

>> No.28499303

Again. They’re literally not vaccines.

>> No.28499797

Buy a gun and a single bullet.

>> No.28499804

>flatten the curve!
>two more weeks!

>> No.28500062

>In the last decade, the purchasing power of USD has been cut in half.
it's only declined like 15% in last decade. you'd have to go back to 80s to get to double current

>> No.28500145

>why the fuck is everything at their ATHs
dollar devaluation

>> No.28500195

Market will eventually overheat and a sell off will occur. Other but much less likely causes could be things like printing stopping or interest rates going up. Govt and fed have essentially signaled neither of those things will be happening

>> No.28500204

>Printing trillions of fiat inflates assest.
how will this eventually end up?

>> No.28500330
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Real answer is: the Bogs decided they don't want you to buy in any more. Ever.

>> No.28500341


>> No.28500444

biz is very much onboard with the assumption that huge inflation is coming, because it fits nicely with their desire for crypto to keep going up indefinitely.

it may be true, but it's very important to remember the difference between WANTING something to be true because it fits with your preconceptions, and it actually being the case. You would think that people who spend so much time on the internet would be inoculated to this by now, but this kind of thinking is rampant here.

>> No.28500731


Anon you are doing some good work here. Info like yours is what helped me from just chasing and chasing bags. When you got profits. Take them and be happy. So many people talk about Moonshots and stuff and dont get me wrong, when you hit them they are WILD and fun. That does NOT happen all the time and is much riskier. Now when stuff is going wild at night and im up I just sell so I can sleep.

I have had too much stuff up 1k then go to bed and I am back to square 1. Skimming profits is always the best. It SUCKS not ending up with some coins when they go bonkers but profits are profits man. $1 is $1 and too many people are on here talking about oh you made $10 and not $10k?? Ya know what oh well

>> No.28500842
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>tether up
LOL, backed by debt which was bought at 1c/1$. Good luck extracting 6 figures from dead bums.

>> No.28500868
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Load ze tether fud

>> No.28500946

it is absolutely sound advice, and the fact that it is almost contrarian currently, shows that we are very likely near the top.

>> No.28501010

>still believes there were death camps

>> No.28501036


That is exactly my thought as well. This smells like 2017 when everybody was talking about easy money and it never ending. That is what is making me just watch the markets more and more.

Hope you are having good trades this week bud and I hope you have a nice weekend.

>> No.28501077

Imagine being this retarded and naive

>> No.28501155

I was wrecked in 2018 because i couldnt sell fast enough and sold nothing and didnt want to hold tether. I cried for two weeks but at least didnt sell (wanted to hold because after you hold a year here its tax free). Lost hundreds of thousands unrealized gains.
This time i feel its different but can cash out tax free and will do a bit anyway. There are lots of USD wallets, exchanges with own stable coins, even banks and derivates. Ofc it can and will crash but i think btc will pull off a tesla like madness first and not crash because of korea FUD or such shit

>> No.28501172

The last bull run started in q4 2016 and ended in mid dex 2017, I’d say this one started in October, which if it lasted the same time would end in December ironically

>> No.28501304

>the user claims they were all in Poland
>where the US is not allowed to go
>just believe us, comrade

>> No.28501348

>the dollar is becoming worthless
this is a meme
Prices of goods aren't getting inflated at higher rate

>> No.28501363

I think the market cap is too high for that already.
Cant even believe the clown world we are in - imagine people selling at 3k to rebuy at 50k.
I hope the alts do their ATH soon and then i will go in hibernation for a year lol

>> No.28501364


>> No.28501367

The irony with you guys is you are the victims of propaganda much more insidious than anything msm broadcasts

>> No.28501379

>just cash out your gains into dollars!
let me explain it very simply

everything else is a scam

>> No.28501442

>Market will eventually overheat and a sell off will occur
what will trigger it?

>> No.28501468

It will happen. Its taking a wgilenfor the massive cash injection to affect commodities.

>> No.28501489

You're a slave.

>> No.28501496

okay mr retard who was getting on at someone for jumping to conclusions,
how am i the victim of propaganda?

>> No.28501540


Yea I thought I was all special learning something new and making some good money. Then I woke up and the floor dropped out from under me.

I did the same though and put money in that I was not affraid to "lose" basically. However I just held the line, waited, and a few years later it came back. partly I did the same thing for tax purposes and to offset income tax if needed.

In reality I feel very fortunate to have a steady job and I work for myself but just do not make a ton of money. Trying to figure out ways to let my money make money and generate more passive income. Got my miner running fairly solid finally also and working on just being more sustainable.

see that is what I am thinking too is this is just lasting quite a while. I think its going to do some even more parabolic shit before a re correction though. Especially with all the tweets and the celebrities getting involved and all that. Some normies are going to lose some serious money in the end of this.

>> No.28501629

im holding algo. there are some other smaller stablecoins that would work as well.

>> No.28501701

I keep thinking more and more to cash out my 401k and eat the penalties. At the pace they are printing money, when inflation comes home if it does it will make everyone's 401k useless. Look what happened to all those people in 2008. You think they won't do it again? Jump ship before the normies and leave us all holding the bags? Why put money into something that. Why put money into a system where they just create more out of thin air and we just pay the interest on the money pulled out of thin air. I also think we all prop up this system with all of our 401k contributions and balances. Seems to me those that get out first and spend the money sooner on real assets will win. The tax and fees for taking your 401k out are an illusion because they will likely crash the value when you need it most anyhow.

>> No.28501711

there's that irony again

>> No.28501852

I dont even have a job, student
I got a fund at age 18 and invested in normie stocks, then reinvested in btc.

The last three years i unironically ate noodles and rode bike, living in my dads basement
While the normies rode tesla stock etc
I hope it is our time now, fren

>> No.28502042
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Shill me some privacy coins, is this still the best?

>> No.28502126

zimbabwae and venezulan economists are also puzzeling this difficult question too

>> No.28502156

>Mask policy is also stopping THE BOOGIE MAN but THE BOOGIE MAN is just so bad that its spreads way faster and appears to be worse.
Yes this is true.
THE BOOGIE MAN is more infectious and deadly than the flu. Mitigation efforts mitigate, they aren't silver bullets. Without these mitigation efforts deaths would be higher. These same mitigation efforts also work against the flu because is it similarly transmitted, hence the lower flu deaths than average.
Not sure how the retarded drivel you're adding on the end relates to my argument, and you don't understand the concept of full circle apparently, but this much is true.

>> No.28502182

Flu hasn’t done shit this year Compared to previous years, masking helps

>> No.28502252


>> No.28502294

>The virus lives on in the nose
KEK -you mean the virus they still haven't isolated hides in people's noses after they've had their ineffective shot which hasn't been tested? I'm fucking living in clown world

>> No.28502344

why not gold?

>> No.28502351

Or maybe we branded every death as covid so noone dies of the flu anymore. Retard.

>> No.28502361
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>> No.28502373

this crypto will never be a safe haven, its just the narative that has been adopted that is driving the bubble.

>> No.28502405

based Peter Zeihan

put his name in youtube, he's pure hopium for all us Americhads, you'll (rightfully) never think of China or Russia as a threat again.

>> No.28502420

Also reminder viruses aren't alive, they have no mitochondria, they don't breathe.

>> No.28502442


I hope it is your time too buddy. Also living cheap and with family is not bad. You are still young man. Just use this time and knowledge to move forward.

I lived with my parents again after college to get my feet under me and built my business in their basement. Trust me man just believe in yourself and you can do it for sure. I started my business with 400 bucks in my pocket and just never looked back.

>> No.28502464

gold is fine, but is already saturated as fuck.

also, shitloads of gold isnt even registered (hidden in some kike cave in the alps)

>> No.28502492

A dozen large eggs cost 60 cents and I'm in New York of all places.

>> No.28502505

>Its taking a wgilenfor the massive cash injection to affect commodities
so you suggest to stack up commodity? Which one?

>> No.28502509

...have you not been looking at commodities futures?

>> No.28502510


I love when some anon comes in and gets all technical and shit. Tell this guy whats what

>> No.28502525

go back to plebbit

>> No.28502567


yea i am like I can go to food lion and get a dozen eggs for about a dollar here in North Carolina.

Is this mans in Canada?

>> No.28502675


Here try this metaphor

>we're getting hammered with 50 BMG rounds
>install anti 50BMG armor plating on all vehicles
>some 50BMG rounds still get through because armor has its limits when struck repeatedly
>suddenly 0% of 556 and 308 and handgun rounds penetrate the vehicles

The logic is simple: If the disease is much more infectious than flu and dramatic measures are taken to contain/control it—much less infectious respiratory diseases like flu are going to be suppressed a lot more than the more infectious disease being targeted.

You may disagree with the premise (that covid19 exists, is deadly, or highly infectious) but the logic given these premises are true that it follows that flu would be suppressed into oblivion is perfectly sound.

>> No.28502702

Makes you wonder why they don't just get everyone to wipe their noses out with some of that miracle hand gel that everyone swears by.
man you have to be the most gullible, retarded spastic on the planet to believe never ending, ever changing horse manure they feed us. Yet such a high percentage of people seem to be just that.

>> No.28502815

Most people are followers that's why religion will always exist. The problem isn't that they are followers, the problem is our leadership has been replaced slowly throughout thousands of years (severely accelerated in the last 200) by a parasitic tribe of internationalist kikes.

>> No.28502903

>Look what happened to all those people in 2008
as long as those people weren't retards and cashed out in 2009, all they needed to do was wait a few years and be in the green again. sounds exactly like my boomer uncle that took everything out of the stock market at the bottom in 2009 because he didn't "trust" it and then bought back in 7 years later

>> No.28502916

although it may seem like that, in actuality its because of the nature of the flu. when there is an outbreak of a virus similar to the flu, the flu barely spreads because of competition, its well documented

>> No.28502947

except live bullets don't mutate.

>> No.28502957

The mental gymnastics people are performing to convince themselves we're in the grip of a deadly pandemic is quite astounding. It just shows you -if an authority figure announces that grass is in fact blue; by and large people will perform the logistical mind pretzels required to convince themselves and the sheep around them that it is just so. Human beings are really quite pathetic, are they not?

>> No.28503162

you don't get the difference between unlimited USD and 21 million Bitcoin do you Anon?

>> No.28503170

^^KEK -this is exactly the sort of stuff I'm on about. Flu now has 'competition'. Oh dear Lord....

>> No.28503226

>Human beings are really quite pathetic, are they not?
We live in the tyranny of the midwit.

>> No.28503409

george gammon is an absolutely retarded boomer who gets a kick out of predicting the end of the world every week while earning millions in passive income from his real estate investments in medellin

>> No.28503443

>parties are divided

Anon, c'mon.

>> No.28503626

>jumping to conclusions
fair enough.
but dont see how your meme reply was relevant to anything, bit odd

>> No.28503679
File: 15 KB, 333x318, 7e2afa257cef5f24bc9a3ab4c17a9a7b4287653d1e9eaffd7d85495e31c1795a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

SO in other words the house I bought a year ago for 200.000$ is worth 2.000.000$ worth (((after))) corona is over, the brrr'ing is over and the hyperinflation fucked everything over


>> No.28503837

Im late 20s tho
Feels shitty when you former school friends got their phds already, well whatever, not like i have contact with them anyway

We HAVE to make it fren :)
I would suggest a meetup at shibuya halloween 2022 anyway

>> No.28503858

True. Maybe in Canadian pesos

>> No.28503963

I cant explain why boomers dont sell their House tho. I would sell and rent it, putting the money in other investments, if this plan fails just retire in asia kek

>> No.28504025

all your arguments sound like they came straight from the 6 o'clock news, non of it required any independent thought.
and yet you somehow have the mental aerobics to say I'm a victim of propaganda.
just a bit ironic lad.

>> No.28504152

What argument specifically?

>> No.28504230

you sound like you actually know what you are talking about which is rare for biz
so tired of seeing mouthbreathing retards calling it a hoax
anyway, when do you think we will finally get rid of it and go back to normal?

>> No.28504447

Pasteur was a nigger.

>> No.28504560

>Without these mitigation efforts deaths would be higher
>the metered approach to containing Covid19 is only now prolonging the population’s exposure and providing a longer opportunity to mutate, creating more contagious strains

>> No.28504629


>> No.28504662
File: 75 KB, 816x721, 1592297136329.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how is this not the first 50 replies to this dumbass OP?
green plant in all fields