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2848483 No.2848483 [Reply] [Original]

Is there anything better than being frugal?

4 year old smartphone, still running great because LineageOS
5 year old PC, sufficient to make a living with
8 year old econobox car
$20 pants and $5 shirts
$250k in the bank, growing
Getting more smug internally with every penny you save

7 years later
Sit down in the small, cheap café next to a commuting road
The taste of espresso in the morning
as you watch stressed out Nocoiner Normies drive to work
in their leased premium cars

>> No.2848492

Are you me?

Except my net worth is 4k

>> No.2848493
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Isn't the point of money to buy shit with it?

>> No.2848498

The point of money is freedom

>> No.2848501

>Getting more smug internally with every penny you save

normies will never know this feel

>> No.2848502

4k is fine,
as long as the number is growing, you're doing great. Just keep at it

>> No.2848513

>my dad
>paid off mortgage when property value was 50k
>growing up, never went on holidays
>never had designer clothes
>thought we were poor af
>had a shitty car, used to be embarrassed to be seen in
>never seen a DIY bob at our house, Dad did everything himself

....fast forward 20 years
>dad buys me a house
>wtf, we've got money?
>turns out hes been saving for years ...i actually have no idea how much money he has. i dont want to either.

be me..perspective changed, no more blowing money on drugs, hookers, parties, designer clothes, holidays....tbc

>> No.2848539

you can grow your own drugs for cheap
its literally growing money on trees

>> No.2848546

I worked out over the years I spent 49btc on drugs. Hindsight my dude.

I've given up drugs, not worth it.

>> No.2848553

Damn i miss frugal threads.
You are very similar to me, especially the clothes part.

Also, shower at work so i can turn off the hot water at home and save electricity. Love watching plebs stress out over expensive leased cars.

>> No.2848558

>not making your own espresso
>eating out for breakfast
jesus you normies will never make it

>> No.2848568

>eating out for breakfast
Not before I have $2m :^)

>> No.2848577

Is being smug the apex of your desires?

i'm all for saving but "feeling" better than others seems like a silly way to validate yourself. props on your achievement to date though.

>> No.2848587

I'm frugal but I'm a no coin wagie making $2300/week. Only have ~100k net worth even though I save 50% of my net income.

What is the secret to massive savings?

>> No.2848591
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>Is being smug the apex of your desires?
Absolutely yes :^)

>> No.2848595

Not increasing your expenses when you increase income, this is what most normies do.
Not getting into debt unless its a form of investment with returns. Living frugal.

>> No.2848600

ya buying a condom was my mistake

>> No.2848604


at 50% savings rate youre doing better than most "rich" people, anon

>> No.2848617

this guy knows what he is talking about

>> No.2848621

How old are you?

I'm 24 and only have saved up 50.000 euros even though i live like a monk

>> No.2848622


It will still take me many decades to save $2m.

>> No.2848623

>cheap café

Literally no such thing

>> No.2848630

My whole family is like this sadly. Pretty sure my mother, grandmother and uncles have a combined capital of a few million euros

>> No.2848631

Minimalist here too, it's great.
Consumerists fags btfo.

>> No.2848634

Remember that these things are exponential. The first $X is hardest.

>> No.2848648

Let's hope so. I used to always be jealous of classmates who went on a holiday and i haven't in 10years. I stopped caring

>> No.2848711
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>> No.2848724

condoms are good investments to avoid having to pay raising a child

>> No.2848735

Nice just bought $100k

>> No.2848738

Condoms or did you short babies?

>> No.2848756

Well when you don't have the freedom to spend it because you're being frugal, what's the point in having it.

>> No.2848760

Word son.

Being frugal is solid. Nothing beats saving money on stupid shit..

I know a guy, gets mistaken as borderline homeless, doesnt throw out a thing that might possibly serve a purpose, place looks like shit
He prob is worth 2 million +

>> No.2848777

>you don't have the freedom to spend it
He does though. He chooses not to spend it. Freedom doesn't mean just letting go of sane thought and buying everything in existence.

>> No.2848804

>4 year old smartphone, still running great because LineageOS
Mine got damaged, I bought a rugged phone to replace it.
>5 year old PC, sufficient to make a living with
Same, but I upgraded it to run on a 120Gb SSD
>8 year old econobox car
Same, sweet 60mpg
>$20 pants and $5 shirts
>$250k in the bank, growing
Not yet, but I am making my degree in mechanical engineering and started mining.
>Getting more smug internally with every penny you save

>> No.2848809

What's the point of having money if you continue to live like a homeless person? Might as well not have the money at all then if your life is the same whether you have 2 dollars or 2 mil

>> No.2848820

Because he's not a wageslave. Say what you want, but is life is drastically better than the average normie

>> No.2848824

If you have enough money you don't have to work at some garbage job and are free to pursue other interests. It's not complicated.

>> No.2848829

Just "redpilled" on it lately.
Cheap food
Cheap clothes
No excessive holiday
Put parts of my saving on crypto
Scour for good 2nd hand stuff when need it
Pirate vidya, don't let /v/ knows

Blow shitload on vacations and buying shits new when I was just start being wagecuck. I swear I will start my own business before I hit 30, so gotta save everything I can now. I'm 26.
Man, /biz/ redpill is far more useful than /pol/. I wished I got it earlier.

>> No.2848844

So he's made enough money to not have to work, and yet he still has to save every penny and can't spend on a hobby because he's being frugal.

What's he gonna do, sit at home bored forever?

>> No.2848848

Savings = able to walk out of a shit job

Savings = people with money have less power over you

Savings = not losing any sleep over rent, food or health care

Savings = not stressing over unexpected material incidences

Any man should have at the very least 3 months of income saved, the more the better.

>> No.2848849

being frugal is good but dont overdo it by taking showers at the gym and stupid shit like that
I buy nice clothes and wear them for years until they fall apart
if I really want some electronic gadget, Ill get the highest quality one and also use it for years

at some point youre hitting diminishing returns when it comes to being a cheapskate. youre better of making more money instead of worrying about the 5 cents you could save by taking your daily shit at public restrooms

I can live like this and still spend less than 20k euros a year while saving at least 50% of my income every month

>> No.2848851

Good post.

>> No.2848861

Yeah of course, you can treat yourself.
All it needs is some toning down.

When I first reached $100k, I felt an urge to reward myself. New car? New decked out PC?

I opted for the freshest strawberries I could find in town, and some great coffee.

Man did those strawberries taste good. And they were only $3. It's all relative.

>> No.2848871

see >>2848861

It's just a matter of not being a retard

>> No.2848904

It's mostly a matter of perspective and what you actually like.
I don't think people rewarding themselves with hookers are smug about it though.
It seems indeed very silly to place value over a lifestyle. It's not an achievement, it's a choice. And I'm someone saving 60% of my income per month, with wife and childs.
Perhaps smugness enhances the taste of strawberries.

>> No.2848954

Or you could actually be frugal and spend some money on something that will save you money over time.

buy $20 shoes 5 times or buying 1 $100 pair of shoes that last 5 times as long and look twice as good

>> No.2848964
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is dave ramsey right about how to handle your finances

>> No.2848976

I wear $150 hiking boots that I bought 3 years ago.

>> No.2848985
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Think of it as an investment for the future.
Unless you have an unlimited amount of money, spending it on things you dont desperately need can be viewed as being a waste.

Also money can be used to create more money, so more money = more exponential gain = more freedom.

>> No.2848990

shoes are just an example, another is running a 10 year old car and fixing it at the cost of $1000 every year vs buying a 3 year old car and selling it for $4000 4 years later. Things that "frugal" people do to feel elite while living a life in much less luxury than they could

>> No.2848999

buy assets. avoid liabilities. thats all you need to know

>> No.2849005

$4000 less than purchase that is

>> No.2849015

>$20 pants and $5 shirts
What kind of clothing costs this little? You must look like shit, anon.

>> No.2849030

I want your power level.

>> No.2849038

I want to live in Japan next year. I think I will save big amount monthly and keep putting it in crypto. I currently have 2k profits, was previously 8k before the crash. It will moon again so shall hold and keep building up.

good stratagem?

>> No.2849040

Biz redpill is the best redpill. Luckily my parents have instilled it in me my whole life. Biz is just a nice place with like minded people.

>> No.2849044
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dont know where you are from but keep in mind that japan is expensive

>> No.2849069

No prospects to bump that figure up? Are they all in savings or do you bonds/stocks?

>> No.2849070

If your portfolio has dropped down that much from the crash, no. Only shitcoins have dropped that much. Bitcoin and Monero are sitting pretty.

>> No.2849094

>You must look like shit, anon.
Weak conformist.

>> No.2849122

It's because DGB sank thats all.

>> No.2849324

Not buying stupid shit. If you're really loaded buy stuff that gives you enjoyment or more time.

>> No.2849346

It's funny because I hit $2M and then went to this great breakfast place that has "Millionaire's Bacon". Wasn't planned, but it was delicious. Thick bacon baked on Maple syrup, peppered with a dash of cayenne.

>> No.2849368

imagine being this mentally imprisoned

>> No.2849391

>iPhone 5S (still my favourite version of the iPhone)
>6 year old MacBook
>11 year old Honda Civic
>$30-40 jeans, $5-$50 shirts (dress for success anon)
>$13k in bank, $5k in stocks, $120k in crypto (started with $2500 principle)
Plan on most of my crypto gains one day into blue chip stocks/high dividend mutual funds and living off the returns, aiming for 6 years from now (30th birthday)
Hoping for a retirement by age 30 (6 years)

>> No.2849433

>as you watch stressed out Nocoiner Normies drive to work
>in their leased premium cars

This is so satisfying. Driving places and seeing stressed wagecucks honk at each other because they took 0.1s more than they should have to accelerate or turn, and I'm all zen here and don't give a fuck.

>> No.2849442

I feel like a lot of wealthy people's purchases really are just about being smug and distinguishing themselves from others.

At least for me, there's a lot of luxury purchases that would be purely as a "fuck you" to others. The difference between a $50 watch and a $500 watch is pretty minimal. From a $500 to $5,000 watch is pretty much just some snobbish distinction hardly anyone could tell unless they pretend to care. Going from a $5,000 to a $50,000 watch is basically a "fuck you you aren't me" and going to a $500k watch is "fuck you I can spend $500,000 on a watch". The very expensive purchases are more about the message sent to others and reactions than any intrinsic enjoyment or satisfaction the purchase gets from the watch itself.

That's a smug purchase.

>> No.2849451


>2 year old $150 chinkshit smartphone, works great.
>25 year old domestic shitbox vehicle, works great.
>Only buy clothes to replace worn out ones.
>Cook 95% of my own food. Buy rice / beans / pasta / etc in bulk.
>Do all my own auto work and home repair.
>Renting out a room to cut household expenses by 30%.
>$12k in the bank.
>Save ~$500/month minimum.
>$0 debt liabilities.
>Selling off things I accumulated when I was younger.
>Classic car, excess firearms, etc.
>Get more out of them than I have into them because of meticulous care.
>Will be adding another $7-10k to the bank soon.

I'm not quite there yet anon, but I'm working on it.

>> No.2849462

keep up the pace anon you are on the right track

>> No.2849471

>at some point youre hitting diminishing returns when it comes to being a cheapskate.

Sure, but:

1. Most people aren't there
2. If you are starting to make money, remaining disciplined so you don't blow it all is really valuable. If you're actively trying to stay cheap it's unlikely you end up going off the deep end and become overly lavish

>> No.2849483

you buy a TIMEX when you want to know what time it is.

you buy a ROLEX when you want the rest of the world to know what time it is ;-)

>> No.2849489

lol ok enjoy looking like a retard the rest of your life. Tell me, what do you wear to a job interview?

>> No.2849509

I'm at the point where I think about being economical more than being frugal. It's all about getting the most out of my money rather than spending the absolute least.

Yeah I'll drop $200-300 on bespoke dress shirts because I've got an athletic build and off the rack shit fits like shit. But I'll also wear these $12 ASOS tees because, well, they fit just perfectly for that.

>> No.2849526

Put on a 1-1.25gpm showerhead ($10 on Amazon). Will save $100+ a year

>> No.2849541

Get out of Fiat. Buy gold, buy an apartment. Don't have all your assets in fiat.

>> No.2849557

try to find some assets that produce income (not all real estate) is somewhat of a defense against constant fiat debasement

>> No.2849586

this anon gets it
Ever since I started accumulating money in the bank, I've become a lot less stressed out

Notice how most normies are constantly worried about money? This is because they're slaves to materialism and lack foresight

>> No.2850307

Being this frugal is retarded.

Contribute a good amount to your 401k and save enough to cover a few emergencies.

Don't live like a homeless person. Especially since most people on here are young you guys should be out living life. There are middlegrounds on everything.

Instead of figuring out uncomfortable ways to save a couple bucks, just pick up an extra job or a hobby that can generate income.

>> No.2850380


Its 80% in index funds, but it would still take decades to get anywhere close to $2m, assuming my income doesn't increase.

>> No.2850435



Hope you're enjoying your shit performance retard.

"Out living life" =/= wasting money on stupid shit.

>> No.2850461

>$250k in the bank, growing

ahahahahahaha what a retard

>> No.2850496

>$1000 dollars a year to fix a 10 yr old car
Uhh maybe you should learn how to take care of your cars. If you keep up with maintenace and not wait until shit starts fucking up you will not spend much money. It would be even less if you do all the work yourself

>> No.2850540


I bought my shitbox for $700 ($500 cash, $200 owed from previous work). I put about $400 into it getting it cleaned and fixed up.

I've been using it now as a daily driver for two years and have spent an additional maybe $500 on parts and repairs.

$1600 to drive in comfort and security for 2 years. I'm going to drive it until it dies then sell it for a few hundred in scrap value. In the mean time the money I've been saving will be more than enough to buy a whole fleet of shitboxes if I wanted.

Meanwhile my retarded bitch coworker who makes the same money as me is leasing a 2017 Jeep.

>> No.2850713

I'm exactly like you op good job, keep it up bro.
Be smart with your money.

>> No.2850770

>live extremely frugally
>would be able to save literally 90% of income
>can't get a job
>watch irresponsible normies get all the jobs and spend all their money on parties every weekend and iphone apps
>like a starving man watching some rich guy throwing food in the trash

>> No.2850776

believe it or not some people appreciate and collect mechanical watches.

I personally collect them. Everything from 19th century pocket watches to modern time pieces.

>> No.2850800
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I love thrift stores but people make fun of me when I tell them I shop there. Why spend $20 on walmart shoes when you can get a dirty brand name pair for $10 that just needs some refurbishing. I've made thousands back on reselling, including a $10k comic book (which I have no way of selling though). Everyone around me is living paycheck to paycheck and I have $150k in the bank.

Unfortunately pic related is my only option. Goodwill went bankrupt.. how the fuck does that even happen.

>> No.2850888

Lots of good will, but not good economic sense.
You should also poke around pawn shops and used goods stores. There's a load of electronics you can dust off and sell to nostalgic romantics.

>> No.2850991

If you don't mind me asking what kind of car is it, i currently drive a 2007 honda civic that i will drive to the ground, but i also plan on buying another car (most likely a toyota) in a few years down the line just to have a back up car for when i may be working on one. These little japanese cars are damn reliable and easy as fuck to work on.

>mfw people fall for the luxury car meme
Even though i can easily buy a new bmw with cash those motors are literal money sinks and very difficult to work on so no thanks

>> No.2851183


Current shitbox is a 1992 Ford Explorer. It had 65,000 miles on it and was sitting in an impound yard.

The impound yard was able to file for and receive title. I did some work configuring their security system and they offered to cut me a deal on a vehicle in their yard, so I picked it up cheap on top of getting credit for about $100/hour even though I usually only charge $40/hour.

I spent a weekend doing a thorough deep clean and fixing lots of tiny little issues from the previous owner, and have been driving it since. Normal maintenance things like a new battery here or a tire replacement there.

My car before this was a 1984 Mercedes-Benz 380SL, it was a bit of a cash sink but it's in the garage being waxed and shit right now so I can sell it. I have about $5k in it now, and based on the current market I should be able to sell it for $6.5-7k.

I also have a couple of cheap but well kept motorcycles that I use to save money on gas and things when the weather is good.

>> No.2851352

I'm employed as a software dev but I'm not a "normie" either.

>7 year-old laptop
>$10 shirts and $20 pants from Walmart
>Scuffed shoes worn for over 2 years
>Socks worn for over a year and holes are repaired to maximize their usefulness
>Handwash clothes to save on laundry money
>Underwear homemade from worn-out shirts
>Cut my own hair

>> No.2851429

Tfw haven't owned a car from this century until just last week

>> No.2851574

/cynical asceticism/ is the final redpill

Good lifestyle anon.

>> No.2851616
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>> No.2851633

nigga buy some real underwear (boxer briefs/boxers) you might be fucking up your sperm count.

>> No.2851688
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when do you buy a Patek Philippe? is it the only impressive watch? it's the only watch I'm impressed by. If I see someone with a Rolex I just sort of cringe

>> No.2851692

Don't think he needs them if he lives like this

>> No.2851734

My underwear is loose so my sperm is safe. On the other hand, there's a recent trend of people wearing tight pants/jeans. Those people have a higher chance of having reduced sperm count.