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2845595 No.2845595 [Reply] [Original]

All landlords (or even developers) get in here.

Topics of conversations:
>How do you deal with nigger tenants? How do you keep them out (legally)?
>How do you deal with trying to have nice things in black areas?
>How do you collect rent when it's late?
>What do your nigger-proof leases look like?

>> No.2845605

im 19 and poor with nothing to my name except my clever mind and can-do attitude
how do i become a real estate magnate

>> No.2845637


How do you handle that shit? It has to be paying well for you to put up with people.

>> No.2845642

Just like the Jews did in the bronx.

>buy cheap nigger houses
>write nigger-proofed leases
>collect rent from poor retards

All you have to do is apply that same process^ to other, shittier cities like St. Louis, Jacksonville, Memphis, Atlanta etc

>> No.2845688

>dont buy in low income areas
>require background checks
>if you do but in low income area buy apartment blocks. 4-6 units. that way you can have all black/minoriry tenents but can kick out the worse ones with ease without getting a MUH HOUSING DISCRIMINATION

collect late rent
>be liant to a degree as not get the label of a dick landlord.

no nagging over a few days. A text message is fine ofcourse. its a pain when it happens consistently but when its REALLY late like 10 days. it makes your apearence seem that much serious.
>have in contract (stare allows) too many late payments lets you keep there deposit.
>dont hold evicions over head but dont be afraid to go through with it if you have to

really not much more can be done unfortunately.

>> No.2845731

I started off with an initial big purchase. I bought 4 tiny lots in a row for a grand total of 22k (all of the houses backed up to the main road which had a wall)

I picked the homes specifically because they were extremely close to downtown & had few neighbors due to the highway being behind them. Also, the on ramp was right next to the homes on one side, so cars would come speeding by (and niggers couldn't loiter)

Then, I built 4 900 sq/ft homes for about 20k each.

I used a pretty clever architectural style to keep the price way down:

>built the homes out of brick so that the houses literally last forever
>laid all the bricks and poured foundation myself

(For the foundation I just poured a 30x30 concrete slab)
>left "muh exposed brick" interior in literally every room in the house
>fake wood floors
>fake granite
>fake everything

Then I cleared out every tree/bush in the lot myself & used a crushcrete driveway

>> No.2845741
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I'm not a fan of sport cars, but damn I've always like the testarossa, $150k doesn't seems too much compared to a $500k Lambo.

>> No.2845771

I agree with this, but I've noticed a new meme among niggers.

Since obongo was in office, I've noticed you can find a ton of "climber" niggers. These are the younger niggers that want to be rich/listen to rap music about "muh black struggle" & success stories & therefore are willing to pay higher rent prices while still living in nigger areas.

So I price my houses a little bit high for the area, but give them fake granite, fake wood floors etc, & they're so dumb that they actually pay it.

>> No.2845927

can you legally evict someone for being late on rent the first time?

i'd do that shit.

>> No.2846028

I don't really know about that.

I just put in the lease "rent due by the 15th of the month, after the 20th of the month a late fee of $100 will be assessed."

And most of the time the niggers get furious if I give them a late fee even though they were 5 days late on paying it.

>> No.2846044

But they r paying for nicer rooms than their neighbors

>> No.2846049
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>literally a cheesy hotwheels car

I wouldn't be caught dead in that, even the 2016 civic is better looking

>> No.2846059

The worst taste I've ever seen lad. I bet you think snapbacks look cool too

>> No.2846068

No you can't evict people for one late rent payment. All sorts of legal restrictions on that.

You know what there aren't restrictions on? Parking spots. So what you do is have the nigs sign two leases, one for the apartment, the other for the parking spot. When payment's late, tow their car. Money will show up real quick.

>> No.2846078

ooh thats smart

>> No.2846085

How much can be made from buying and holding real estate? Numbers. I keep browsing around areas like bigger pockets and no one gives out any solid numbers. 21. Let's say you start out with 115k.

>> No.2846094
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>unironically spending 159k on such a goofy ass car

stop, its not even funny anymore

>> No.2846112

How do you protect yourself and property from being trashed if push comes to shove and you have to evict bad tenants?

>> No.2846117

This isn't really a good idea unless you want them gone though.

It's a general rule of thumb that if you tow a tenants car it's going to fuck you over for future business. There are all sorts of ways people can leave shitty reviews on you (especially if you own multiple units).

I try to only be Jewish when it's concerning rent payment (because that's one thing that even niggers can't argue with).

>> No.2846121


>> No.2846132

>Unless you want them gone

Yeah that's the point. OP wanted to evict after one late payment. I agree it's not great for long term business

>> No.2846136

Well, first of all I make sure all of my shit is either sturdy as fuck or cheap & replaceable.

Like i said earlier, I have exposed brick in EVERY room in the house.

It cost me a little bit more for the materials, but I did the work myself and brick is a lot more durable than wood. Plus, the exposed brick is cheap as balls (literally just leave it how it was built) & it's in style.

I have 4 tiny windows in each house which are cheap to replace.

The appliances are covered in the lease.

Other than that there is nothing for the tenants to break.

>> No.2846153

So, basically, just hope that they don't, I guess. I thought there may be some legal protection.

>> No.2846162

I spent about 100k 2 summers ago.

I have four 900 sq/ft homes. Each home has 2 bedrooms,2 bathrooms, a kitchen & a family room.

I charge $1000 dollars a month per home.

The utilities are registered under the tenants name.

I put all of the rent money that they pay me into one account (I'm not in desperate need of the money yet) & I have 70k.

So I've almost broke even after 2 years.

I think I'll be profiting around 30-35k a year after this coming year.

>> No.2846184

By the way I should mention that I'm extremely close to downtown, just in a nigger area.

So its not like my tenants are completely broke. Most of them are couples who make about 1000 dollars a week combined.

& also I have stainless steel appliances & fake wood floors. (I actually have a ton of white people come look at the property because it looks really nice in pictures online but the area around it looks really sketchy)

>> No.2846258

>$150k doesn't seems too much
It does when you know the Testarossa was $50k on ebay a few years ago and nobody wanted it. They are old decrepit cars anyway. The parts will cost so much you won't be able to run it. 1988 was a long time ago. I believe they have to take quite a lot of the car apart to service it too. Do not want.

>> No.2846267

Yeah I would never buy. I just posted the first pic I had.

But it does remind me of the wolf of Wall Street though.

>> No.2846318

>What do your nigger-proof leases look like?
Actually a great question.
I live in a black city with cheap houses,! I am always interested in. How to capitalize.

>> No.2846341

Did you have to fix the apartments up before you rented them out? if so to what extent were the repairs etc you had to do? 100k for 4 homes is awesome! I hope it continues to work out for you dude

>> No.2846423

No I built them myself (my dad is a fucking construction heavyweight & has owned a roofing biz, a staffing biz, and a couple other construction companies throughout his life & he helped me)

But thanks anon I appreciate it

>> No.2846500

>my dad is a fucking construction heavyweight
That's awesome

>> No.2847090

Won't most muggers have bad credit?

>> No.2847141

Do you have construction background? Did the houses have to pass any state inspection?

>> No.2847155

>>How do you deal with nigger tenants?
never had one

>>How do you keep them out (legally)?
used to require double the maximum reasonable rent to accept them.
then shady chinks came up accepting any price "no questions asked", so I just told them I was airbnb'ing for a few months and they should try again after Xmas.

>>How do you deal with trying to have nice things in black areas?
lucky me, countryside wasn't a black area

>>How do you collect rent when it's late?
this is the real pain in the ass

>>What do your nigger-proof leases look like?
left original furniture and barely decent front door.

tl,dr: last tenant was a divorced faggot on drugs and no job. As soon as he was late paying rent, I told him to either move out or get the fucking money in 24 hours if he didn't want to meet Very Bad Guys. Few hours later he moved out with all of his stuff: lost a month's rent but at least house was free. Thus I just decided to move there. In two weeks I got a security door installed, brand new windows and fixtures, painting and everything. In less than a month I moved in. Countryside without niggers is better than city filled with colored and wasted people.

>> No.2847186

Knowledge helps a lot. If you see a deal that'll make good money, but is low-risk to you, you should nab that up. Don't have the funding? If you know you can make money, you'll find a way.

I recommend becoming an Appraiser. Takes about 2 years before you can do it on your own, but you can make some decent money in the mean-time, and you can work the majority of your job at home depending on where you become an appraiser initially. You can become an appraiser sooner than 2 years if you put in enough hours.

After that, either have enough money that you can put down for babbie's first real estate, or become a real estate agent of sorts. Being a real estate agent will help you further with noticing trends in the market, which areas are good to buy, which areas will grow (and thus your investment will grow).

In the meantime, you should start absorbing books. Read all the fucking time. Some of my favorite books have been Mindset: New Psychology of Success, 168 Hours, Deep Work Rules for Focused Success in a Distracted World, I Will Teach You to be Rich, and the Rich Dad series. There are a ton of other books out there that can help you out. Read or listen to them, take what you want out of them, and carry on. Revisit your favorite books.

Ask yourself why you want to be real estate magnate. I'm starting a business soon, and I'm scared shitless by the thought of working on this business in addition to my full-time job and ~1.5 hours of commute every day. The thing that gets me through it is my family. I came from a poor background, and I want to make sure all 5 of my sisters can get through college, my kids can get through college, and that I can take care of my parents and in-laws when they get older. A nice car along the way would help too. So even if I wanted to do something else, I'd be grinding away on that business to the point where we can hire a CEO and step away for the most part.

Good luck man.

>> No.2847200

In addition to what >>2846136 said, insurance helps.

>> No.2847349

Did you guys take up a loan or financed your properties all by yourself?

>> No.2847713


Owner of two rental properties right now making a meager $1-300 per month off each, so barely breaking even, but paying down mortgage fast and will be recasting loans soon to make that $5-600 profit.

> Don't buy in shitty neighborhoods.
> Always run a credit check. Don't rent to ~700. That elimnates 90% of niggers
> Stiff penalties for late rent checks, always serve eviction notice IMMEDIATELY after rent is late (or as soon as legally allowable in your state), it can be retracted if rent is paid but you get the process started.
> offer direct deposit or automated payments for rent
> not much you can do if they don't pay you. small claims court is the only recourse but desu you probably won't ever see the money.

>> No.2847734


why they don't follow this strategy for public housing is beyond me

>> No.2848200
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you can hire a company to take care of all this shit for you, you don't have to ever meet the tenants. they take about 15-20% but fuck it shit's easy

>> No.2848272
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Paying 15-20% for a management company to handle your rentals...

8-12%, usually 10%, in Oregon.

>> No.2848290

Thats awesome maing, congrats

>> No.2848291
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Property Managers here in Australia only take 6.7% of rent and we don't have to deal with niggers here.


>> No.2848303

what do you get for the 6.7% ? cos that seems too good to be true

>> No.2848316

Most of the time its cheaper to pay shitty tenants to leave rather than go through a 3 month eviction process

>> No.2848338

>T. Tesla enthusiast

>> No.2848458

That sounds awful. I would rather live in an African mud hut

>> No.2848505

I rent to Mexicans only. They are hard working people that always pay in cash on time like clockwork. You never have to worry about having bum Mexican tenants. They don't exist.

Just don't rent to Cholos because they will use the house to sell drugs and possibly burn it down trying to manufacture various flammable substances.

>> No.2848547

My best deal last year.
Bought undervalued foreclsure for 125k.
It had an "after repairs made" appraisal of 200k. I spent 12k on repairs, took one week for my crew. Refinanced at 137k to get my money back. Now rents for 1600 a month, tenant pays all utilities. Probably worth 225k right now.

>> No.2848614

Bc govt sucks at everything

>> No.2848720

Why aren't you fucking retards buying Multifamily

>> No.2848752
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Not even close

>> No.2849357

are pakis better?

>> No.2849965

detroit is a gold mine for cheap shit

>> No.2849991
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Pakis are shit tier
Pajeets and chinks are god tier

> chinks near an international university

Also what the fuck is this new captcha

>> No.2850152

Got an apartment in a touristic complex, we have a contract with a travel agency and they pay always.
All the maintenance costs are distributed among all the owners.
Get around 1300 euros a month average.
Which is more than minimum salary here.
Hoping to save money and get a second one or more in the future.
I could sell it for maybe 190k euros, but I prefer a steady income. If I had 3x this I would just retire.

>> No.2850176

Bogans and anyone in the county are turd tier

>> No.2850285


>> No.2850421

You are having problems with javascript, that is what fucked up your captcha.