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File: 907 KB, 754x843, 2017-07-22_12-15-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2847914 No.2847914 [Reply] [Original]


Prepare to get fucked, shitcoiners. Your circlejerk optimism is no match for the guy who correctly predicted the 1987 stock market crash.


>> No.2847921
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Please, I want to join the moon mission

>> No.2847920

fucking nocoiners lmao

>> No.2847922

>July 13, 2017 report

>> No.2847923

Kek just butthurt he wasnt an early adopter so he hopes his claims have effects on the market so that he can grab cheap btc

>> No.2847929

Lmao people are still coping this hard. Also btw, predicting a crash lmfao, OP YOU ARE KILLING ME.

>> No.2847958

Sweet, more time to stock up

>> No.2848004


fuck your market guru in the ass op

iron hands reporting in

>> No.2848030

He is predicting the behavior of a cryptocurrency using classical TA?
ayyy lmaooooo
Dude, in all seriousness, if you listen to someone who makes a predictions based on anything but market microstructure you might as well listen to a random old lady with a magic ball.

TA has been anus hair for more than 30 years now.

>> No.2848043

Isn't that a guy who has predicted a major stock market crash every two years for the past 40 years

>> No.2848051

he also predicted the housing crash...5 years early

but he was right eventually!

>> No.2848055

Better open some short positions then son

>> No.2848072

predict a crash every other day.

>it crashes


>> No.2848076

>Elliott Prechter, however, said that the excitement about Bitcoin surpasses the tulip bulb mania in The Netherlands in the early 1600s.

Well he's not wrong

>> No.2848099


>> No.2848123


>> No.2848124

Is he shorting anything?

>> No.2848141

so this faggot is trying to follow in his daddy's footsteps and make a name for himself using EW pattern to predict the next big movement.

given that BTC reached a new ATH recently, and given that previous bubbles (see the two in 2013, ignore feb 2014 as MTGOX happened at same time) were both 900% growth followed by 50-60% retrace, and given we just had ~380% groeth with a 60% correction, it looks more like the market is slowly becoming more stable as it climbs to new highs. altcoins like ETH will benefit from this by being tied to ETH, otherwise the retrace after ETH's ridiculous 2800% increase would have been even more brutal.

this article is crap. look at a 1D chart. we're coming OUT of the bear market. traditional analysts are useless when it comes to crypto, they have no conception of how quickly this market moves. 24H trading and much smaller marketcaps than traditional stocks make it almost incomparable.

not shilling, already made my money in crypto, anything more is a bonus. I'm just tired of reading the opinions of ill-informed pissy little hacks.

>> No.2848143


>altcoins like ETH will benefit from this by being tied to ETH

i mean tied to BTC obviously

>> No.2848148

holy shit man you should short btc fast right now then!! show us how much you earned

>> No.2848157

must be new here, bear markets are where anyone with a decent hand in crypto makes the most money... off of plebs comme toi

>> No.2848160
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Fuck that FUD guy from article.

And just buy LTC (or NEO) guys, it will help you maintain gains / diminish loss the closer we get to 1st of August.

>> No.2848177

If 5000 economists throw shit at the wall, someone is going to get theirs to stick.

>> No.2848180
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I could've predicted 1987 stock market crash in 2017 too.

>> No.2848518
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>listening to some idiot boomer
>desperate fudding to force dip

>> No.2848695

but there literally was just a bear market
it looks like its over now but there was one

>> No.2848725

that's how I feel about stocks and crypto in general

>> No.2848736


>> No.2848744
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>> No.2848776

Is "bitcoin will crash" the new Donald Trump only has a 2% chance of winning meme?

Obviously BTC will crash at some point but I'm doubting that will be anytime soon. It's like predicting that we'll land on mars, it'll happen eventually, you're not Nostradamus.

>> No.2848786

''Crash'' already happened. Market lost 1/4 of its ATH value. What the fuck more do these people want?

>> No.2848798

It fell from 3,000 to 1,800.

I wanna re-enter at 1,500 so I can double. It's just a nice number.

>> No.2848825

>July 13th

So before segwit developments? If 80% was not reached then he may have been right but I think his analysis doesn't apply anymore.

I trust Goldmans analysis more. They predicted the bottom exactly, said it would be between 1600-1800, and they've said bitcoin might reach as high as 3600 in the near future

>> No.2848835

>I trust Goldman
This. Never swing against the biggest of the whales

>> No.2848856

Tfw wasn't born jewish

>> No.2848858

Is it possible to short???

>> No.2848884

>Trusting Goldman.

Lol ask yourself WHY they would say that. Do you think their interest is to let the crypto market boom with everyone getting happy and the importance of digital currencies growing massively and eroding their dominance?
Or wouldn't it be more to lull people into a false sense of security and then trigger devastating crashes to scare people away and attempt to kill, or at least slow down, crypto for years to come.

>> No.2848899

Or they can just buy most BTCs in circulation and control the market from within. Remember that's much more efficient to subvert than to oppose.

>> No.2848903

He also predicted trump will be prez using TA magic!!!

>> No.2848910

wow. someone comparing bitcoin to tulips. For the umpteenth time.

>> No.2848935

>x who predicted y ...

why does everyone keep constantly forgetting that past performance is not indicative of future results?

>> No.2848943

And how do you do that? By scaring people into giving away their BTC, ie: crashing the market repeatedly
The rise after the last crash was spectacular when we basically nullified the crash in just 2 days, but the vertical rise of the BTC right after that was completely retarded and stinks of a manipulation.

>> No.2848950


>Man who was previously right about something predicts something else, believe it!


>> No.2848961

I don't see the problem with the coin gaining value fast when it also lost value fast. Remember it went from 3k to 2,4k in less than two days in June

>> No.2849029

I'm so sick of this meme. Tulip bulbs had literally zero use.

As someone who manufactures shit in other countries, if I were able to pay factories in bitcoin (which some are now starting to allow) it would make my life so much easier.

A bank transfer takes a fucking week, dumbass. Even if a btc transfer takes hours that's still infinitely better than banks.

Bitcoin is useful and has real value. You're just a vision-less pleb.

>> No.2849035

>past performance is not indicative of future results

So what if Johnny got a GPA of 2.0? He should be accepted into Harvard, who knows what future results he will get there! You cannot base it on past performance!

>> No.2849049

>A bank transfer takes a fucking week, dumbass

When I transfer people money it arrives in their account pretty much instantly. Same with paypal. You need a better bank.

>> No.2849066

>Bitcoin is useful and has real value

Because waiting hours in a shop for your transaction to be confirmed is REAL useful eh kid?

Also governemnts are going to shut down BTC en masse within the next year or two, because of money laundering and tax avoidance and crime uses.

Also as computers become more powerful eventually they'll just be able to generate random strings, some of which will be actual wallet keys and use then to steal people's wallet contents.

>> No.2849073


Both are over-hyped meme commodities lacking practical use.

>> No.2849085

That's a transfer not a wire dumbass. Try doing that with a bank in china


Did I say anything about waiting in a shop? Reread my post you king. I'm talking about using it for B2B commerce.

>> No.2849090


I obviously meant "mong". But in your case "Kang" would have worked

>> No.2849098

That little Johnny's name? Jared Kushner, who went on to graduate with honors.

>> No.2849119

>Tulip bulbs had literally zero use.
Neither do 95% of shitcoins. Which are pump and dump schemes, as he described. Easy money and 1000% hikes across the board seen in May aren't coming back, and those contributed to BTC's increased demand and the rate of its price increase.

>> No.2849291
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This analyst is going senile

>> No.2849315

Oh look it's another
>Trump will never be president, I'm serious this time!

>Thinking crypto markets run on anything except news