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28467030 No.28467030 [Reply] [Original]

All memes aside, is this still worth investing into long term? I've been doing a DCA for a few weeks now with BTC/LINK/ETH, but I'm thinking about swapping out LINK for something else. The underperformance has been bothering me lately and I need the most bang for buck given my income. Should I stick with it though?

>> No.28467189


>> No.28467272


>> No.28467347

The duality of man

>> No.28467414

SKEY is the new link, oracle on waves which is faster cheaper etc huobi listing incoming binance q3 and they actually have partners and working product

>> No.28467563

Idk OP what are we really working with here
What are your goals
You could just about all-in any defi-related alt and make a bunch of money
Or you could stack and chill and not really worry about it.
BTC/ETH/LINK is arguably the best risk ratio you can come across. Everyone has their opinions but if you're relatively new that's probably what I'd stick with.

>> No.28467794

Its only worth long term. Its consistently grown. There will be leaps here and there, but this isn't a shit coin. In a few years you will be happy.

>> No.28467896

all you had to do was link two separate posts and you failed lol ngmi

>> No.28467980

I wasn't looking for suggestions on what to buy

>What are your goals
To tell you the truth I'm not even sure. Right now the plan is basically to invest 30% of my income in stocks and crypto every pay period, DCA 75% of my portfolio with stocks and coins that'll grow for sure and use 25% to buy and trade at it's peak. But the DCA I don't plan to sell at all unless it starts to tank past 15%. That's the plan right now anyway. Not a great one but I'm not really looking to get rich or anything off this.

That's fair enough, thanks anon. That's kinda what I'm looking for anyway DESU.

>> No.28468038

It will go up

>> No.28468615

By how much?

>> No.28468962
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I hear Burger King Pokemon Burrito Coin is looking for investors. that seems more your lane.

>> No.28469029
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DCA out the same way you DCA in
There will come a day where you look at the numbers on your screen and you don't really have words, you are ecstatic
That's realistically when you stop putting money in and begin exiting.
Think of something tangible you would work towards. Land? House? Sex doll? Anything really.
This could be your chance to buy that thing you've been wanting. Or maybe it just buys security for you or your family. Either way, pick something to keep your head on straight otherwise you get wrapped up in the mania like everyone else.

>> No.28469232
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I've also been DCAing into LINK but the fucking thing just keep creeping up. When I started it was at 20 now its 27. Should I stop DCAing and just buy a lot right now before it hits 30 and never drops down again?

>> No.28469292

At least to 80, but likely 400 EOY.

>> No.28469483

Fuck off

That's good advice. I guess it's just to build wealth and let my money grow, for now anyway. You're right though, I'll have to figure out a long term goal.

That would be sweet

>> No.28469593

Absolutely not. And anyone telling you otherwise is a LINK bagholder. If you bought in after $10 you were way too late to the party.

>> No.28469703
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you r3dditors really stand out here

>> No.28469749

How are they bagholders when the price has gone up to $28 dollars?

>> No.28469774


>> No.28469780
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Ok second time seeing this duality pop up today
Someone's going around doing this on purpose lol

>> No.28469925

Because a ton of other cryptos shilled on /biz/ have gone up by 5-10 times that amount in the same amount of time. You're not losing money, but you're losing out on a lot of money while everyone else is making it.

>> No.28469981

There will be a day (which I feel is before next Monday) which Link will just take off again. I think we are going to see $60 within a week. You have limited time to get more in. Not larping here.

>> No.28470091

Well that's basically what I was thinking but at the same time aren't those other coins more risky? I guess I wanted something that was considered safer long term, if that makes sense. Which sounds ridiculous I'm sure given that we're talking crypto, but I think the logic still applies here.

What are you basing this off?

>> No.28470187

I give up, just hold LINK and be happy with maybe doubling your money before the bullrun is over

>> No.28470341

There are signs all around us. Also, Chainlink is just getting up and running. Remember to look at Link more as a company than a random shitcoin - it will grow at a rate that is unlike other cryptos. It is the coin to rule them all and soon many will understand this and accept it and sell their shitcoins to go to the King.

>> No.28470388

I'm similar to OP in that I was looking for something less risky. I understand that I could make more on shitcoin gambling but I'm too dumb to know which ones to buy

>> No.28470413

What's wrong with what I said? If you can't explain why you feel the way you do that's not my problem

Gotcha, in that case I'll keep buying and see what happens

>> No.28470726

He did explain himself. He says you are missing out on opportunity cost because there are other coins that will moon much faster. I'm >>28470388

>> No.28470965

I understand that but the whole idea of DCA is to buy and hold is it not? I mean yeah obviously if you want to gamble on other coins and make money that's a different concept, but that's not really what I'm looking to do at the moment. I was planning to do that with GRT but I may end up holding it instead. If I had more money to work with I would probably trade coins and stocks but it's not really worth my time when I'll make like 30-40 bucks at a time if that.

>> No.28471157

>Wait for GRT to double once
>Take out half your money
>Put it into another promising midcap crypto
>Wait for it to double
>Take out half your money
>Put it into another promising midcap crypto
>Continue doing this to build your portfolio
See how that works?

>> No.28471482

I guess that makes sense. I was just gonna keep buying until it either starts to tank or stops going up. I didn't expect it to jump to $2 this soon though. My first buy was at 60 cents. Do coins usually skyrocket like this? What advice can you offer on what to look for when deciding to buy a new coin?

>> No.28471585

Only in bull markets. Bear markets things will often crab for months on end and that's usually the best case scenario. Enjoy that you are in a time with unprecedented gains.

>> No.28471623

is GRT gonna dip again? what other coins should i be looking at?

>> No.28471698

Man, I think you might just be safest remaining in LINK and be happy with maybe doubling your money. I'm not saying this to be condescending, but the market is even more cutthroatthan the stock market, and will fuck up those who don't understand it.

>> No.28471739

Thanks fren, it's exciting to watch my money grow like that for sure. I wish I had done this years earlier but better late than never.

What can I use resource wise to learn? Yes that's a serious question

>> No.28471800

>> $26 :: They are suppressing the price
>> $27 :: They are suppressing the price
>> $28 :: They are suppressing the price
>> $29 :: They are suppressing the price
>> BTC Crashes
>> $15 :: They are suppressing the price
>> $12 :: They are suppressing the price

>> $18 :: You see! This was the chosen one

Don't listen to bagholders

>> No.28471855

>What can I use resource wise to learn?
Stay here and sponge up as much knowledge as you can this bullrun and during the bear market, then apply that knowledge in 3-4 years when the next bullmarket begins.

>> No.28471908

how long will this bull run last?

>> No.28471999

And anon, look at GRT right now. It's up 10% in 15 minutes and it's not going to slow down. You could have been on that rocket with the rest of us.

Nobody knows, that's why everyone is trying to make as much money as possible as fast as possible. Except LINK holders.

>> No.28472100

Should I still buy GRT? I'm getting FOMO'd hard here

>> No.28472298

That's up to you. Maybe it dips again, maybe it won't.

>> No.28472307
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this is still under the radar, when they're ready to announce it'll be big
>nah jk it'll dump 5%

>> No.28472384

>All memes aside

>> No.28472391

No idea. I myself am always weary of putting money in at ATH, but there's also the chance it just doubles again this week. FOMO is very real and tempting.
I'm a long-term Link holder from 2018, but I also own a few hundred AVAX which is up over 200% this week, and PRQ which did a x5 last month, but still pretty low marketcap. Try and look for projects that bring something new to the table/ something low cap in the Defi space.

>> No.28472444
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>> No.28472759
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Nice find and digits, anon.

>> No.28472769

Fair enough but why 3 years? It can't be that complex to learn

>> No.28472882

Does this same concept apply for stocks or is that a different ballgame altogether?

>> No.28473119

It will go up, just not as much as everything else, per usual BZB+1

>> No.28473612

I think that anon means in 3-4 years when the next bull run starts.
A lot of these things apply to the stock market too, but usually at a much slower pace and generally with much less volatility unless it's a GME meme stock. Crypto is the wild west and massive returns can be made and wiped out in minutes with no rhyme or reason. For most people just DCA'ing every so often into projects you like is the best course of action, and never try to time the market. If it comes crashing down, fine, it's merely a better opportunity to buy. Time is your friend long-term imo.

>> No.28473667

Nice, thanks a lot anon. I'm the op I'm just on my phone.

>> No.28473668

It seems to be a fundamentally good project with real applications in Defi. Yet it hasn't pumped like the other altcoins. It seems to be decoupled from everything. LINK does it's own thing. Because it seems decouled from everything, I hope that it will moon when we least expect it this bull run. I hope LINK joins the bull run, the lazy Fuck.

>> No.28474213

No problem, anon. It's good you're willing to ask questions and learn. I totally missed the BTC/ETH run in 2017, and had to go through two years of bear market hell until my investment (Link) finally started paying off. You are going to make it.

>> No.28474218

Take it from someone who held through the bear market from 2017 fomo
when this shit dips down again, don't get discouraged
it will settle at a higher low and the shitcoins will get shaken out
you're doing the right thing finding solid projects, just believe in them and don't sell just because things aren't going well for a few months/years.
That being said, try to take a portion you can afford to lose and make some risky plays, ESPECIALLY NOW.

>> No.28474618

>That being said, try to take a portion you can afford to lose and make some risky plays, ESPECIALLY NOW.
thanks. how does a newfag like me know which risky plays to make? the amount of knowledge i don't have about crypto is astounding.

>> No.28475691

I hope so man. I feel like I'm finally getting my priorities straight when it comes to money and wealth. We'll see where it goes. I hope you make it as well.

Thanks fren, and yeah that's what the plan was with 25% of my portfolio. I'm not sure if I'm gonna maybe do a DCA with BTC/LINK/ETH/GRT with the way GRT has been mooning lately, then find another coin to gamble with, or do as anon suggested and use half the return from GRT and reinvest that way. I'll have to think about it.

>> No.28475991

How am I going with this distribution? I'd like to somehow hit 6 figures before the end of this bull run

>> No.28476075
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>> No.28476199

>token not required

>> No.28476229

API3 makes LINK obsolete. LINK is just a middleman.