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File: 281 KB, 800x800, 1586263155017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28463875 No.28463875 [Reply] [Original]


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Previous: >>28457795

>> No.28463901
File: 51 KB, 740x551, 18CE078A-7137-4A63-873B-E6C2C87C6698.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to stop gambling on degenerate penny shit and buy some real stocks

>Best Chinese investments:

>My favorite Chinese ETF’s:

Divest from America. Invest in China. Taiwan is a province of the People’s republic of China, so TSM is a Chinese company. Remember to say “thank you daddy Xi!” to secure your gains. Amerilards tongue my anus.

>> No.28463924

How much do they pay you?

>> No.28463943

i am fully invested in JAPANESE stocks

>> No.28463947
File: 311 KB, 2136x1056, E5AED6CA-1566-425E-88B2-01E3F17EDFAC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It wasn’t Reddit and it wasn’t paper hands.


>> No.28463951

how high is FNGU going?

>> No.28463972
File: 32 KB, 640x640, soxl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you thought today was green? pshh, just wait for tomorrow

>> No.28463973
File: 46 KB, 972x471, hjli.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay anons I was looking around at random tickers and found this one. Just finished a PO; developing a treatment for an illness that currently has no treatments. What do you think?


>> No.28463981

Give me an honest assessment of what will happen with CRBP tomorrow. Should I hold over the weekend in hopes of shedding my bags? In at 3.85

>> No.28463984
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>> No.28463988


>> No.28464003

>buy GRST!
Why? It literally doesn't do anything. It has next to no revenues.

>> No.28464017

oh good, another thing for Reddit to latch on to

>> No.28464019
File: 283 KB, 836x900, 1611818187929.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What do I buy tomoz frens CRBP is getting yeeted

>> No.28464032

Every time it goes up, they dilute
You'll have to time this one right...

>> No.28464042

The WSB cult refuses to buy anything other than more GME, and the discord tranny sect of WSB wants to pump GTE. What a world

>> No.28464049

ATOS is being held down because Robert Quay posted proof Covid-19 came from a lab in Wuhan. Atossa is going to save humanity and titties on the side.

>> No.28464054

Daddy Xi pumps my portfolio every day, so a lot.

Japan has a bit of a bobo problem, but I wish you luck.

>> No.28464063
File: 319 KB, 1280x1280, 8ballpepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello, I'm a poorfag. I don't have 25k+ to invest so I'm limited to 3-4 trades on a rolling week. I'm looking to maximize my potential gain over a week to week period and was thinking it might be a good idea to invest in viable companies that sell at just over $5 a share (to avoid penny stock fees) and see a volume of trading between 500k to 1 million or maybe a little higher as long as the bid/ask spread is typically no more than +3. I do have direct market access so I shouldn't get burned on a broker delay from buy order to execution. I am hoping to see prices double within a week or two and then sell what is needed to recoup my initial investment and keep the rest for profit. It seems to me there is more upside potential than downside but I really don't know.

>> No.28464076
File: 742 KB, 789x1200, 594225660el.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I write options?
I assume writing and shorting is not the same.

>> No.28464079

TSLA has no cashflow positive operations and its worth nearly a trillion dollars.

>> No.28464081

Dear anon,
What is the best risk-averse portfolio in your opinion?

I am considering Golden Butterfly: 20% of gold, long term treasuries, short term treasuries, small cap value, and US total stock market. What is your opinion?

>> No.28464091

My SNDL and AMC red were nothing compared to CTRM gains, today I was green.

>> No.28464094
File: 189 KB, 1024x680, 6935431262_b071141dd1_b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do I get to drop my skunky sndl beasters bags tomorrow?

>> No.28464115

I'll give it 5 minutes when the markets open before I totally dump GTE

>> No.28464131

Shut up retarded chink lover. TSLA is already super overvalued and NIO is not a better company than TSLA. NIO is not in any real world worth more than 20B.

>> No.28464142

whats the deal with DNN?

>> No.28464146
File: 78 KB, 631x649, dfen.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why did the volume fucking skyrocket after corona but the value is pretty constant?

>> No.28464153
File: 55 KB, 746x275, Screenshot from 2021-02-11 21-20-41.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wealthsimple could have hidden fees.

>> No.28464166

Fuck off China man. These streets belong to me.

>> No.28464191

hopefully it holds their attention span for a week or so

>> No.28464197
File: 410 KB, 567x829, covidleaders.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based and Xipilled

>> No.28464212

TSLA at least produces real products and has revenue. This is a company that used to make money and is on the verge of bankruptcy because it doesn't have revenues.

>> No.28464216

>long term treasuries, short term treasuries,
other than that it looks ok.

>> No.28464241

Close to open, buy to close
Technically an option writer is "short" the contract. Insurance companies don't make money paying out claims.

>> No.28464242
File: 1.69 MB, 1046x744, smg reader.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more money

>> No.28464247
File: 369 KB, 2004x350, QS-Morgan-Stanley-70-upgrade.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in case you missed it
>Morgan Stanley initiates overweight rating QS
>QS price target $70
I've been trying to tell you it was oversold /smg/!
Fidelity also just disclosed a 12.5M share ownership
2/16 earnings Singh is going to give an update on their progress - expecting great news

>> No.28464250

This is literally what we all are looking for.

>> No.28464254


>> No.28464266


Get that MJNE while you still can, anon. You get all 5 and I promise you you'll make it.

>> No.28464293

>level of service and perks
they dont even offer USD accounts

>> No.28464315
File: 59 KB, 388x389, 1593634756151.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

>> No.28464316
File: 299 KB, 1242x1554, B433C9B5-9CE7-481E-9774-6199703B4053.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up bros
>hit 25k benchmark few days ago
>one or two day trades nothing crazy
>started 26.5k today
>now I had 5 day trades totaled
>shit starts tanking
>I hold cause I ain’t a bitch
>my heavy bags in PLTR, DKNG, CRSR tank badly
>account absolutely bleeding
>normally wouldn’t care but I was over the RH pattern day trader
>couldn’t risk finishing the day below 25k
>shit literally tanking and I had to liquidate my entire portfolio
>had to do this so I wouldn’t be banned for 90 days
>couldn’t add funds cause bi weekly paycheck doesn’t hit until tmrw morning

Press “F” to pay respect

>> No.28464322

about to buy $20k worth of QLD tomorrow

lets go bros come on tech

>> No.28464323

Nio is better go to hell you fucking botch boy. You're just sad you missed the ev ramp up

>> No.28464326
File: 1.40 MB, 404x347, 1611373595463.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm tired of this 3 day weekend shit and I'm even more tired of the shitty fake holidays being on monday, THAT'S THE ONLY WEEKDAY I HAVE OFF FROM WORK HOLY FUCK

>> No.28464327
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How bad did you get fucked today /smg/?

>> No.28464333
File: 2.18 MB, 1893x826, 1613095127108.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

DNN. Uranium Miner. Look at the dark pool buys. LOOK AT IT YOU FUCKING RETARDS.

>> No.28464353
File: 388 KB, 1812x974, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show proof i didn't see any for GTE pump

>> No.28464365
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>> No.28464384


fuck Vice

>> No.28464406

Sell GTE before the market opens before it dumps to its 52 week low tomorrow.

>> No.28464412

Sell at open and invest in FIRE

>> No.28464418

>ev ramp up
Chevy sells more EV than tesla and nio :^)

>> No.28464427
File: 107 KB, 400x300, 72505780d.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28464429

Looks like you got out in time at least.

>> No.28464432

You guys always ignore me. But I’d like to let everyone know that they should closely follow the UiPath IPO. This is definitely going to moon like AYX did.

>> No.28464444

well damn this sucks

>> No.28464448

Kek you weren't that shill who was posting "I told you retards to buy this" etc, yesterday?

>> No.28464468

It was glorious and I'm glad it held 1.70 but I'm getting nervous

>> No.28464469

I knew this would happen when you were bragging about 25k the other day

>> No.28464480
File: 50 KB, 651x513, 1447035F-F99C-4474-9822-8C1874648DE8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have my theory.

Weed stocks have been over pumped to make Reddit idiot bagholders who FOMO’d into GME and AMC at their peak buy them high, as always, in an attempt to make them either lose money there or cash out whatever they still had on GME and AMC so the HF could get their shares back for cheap.

This may be autism but considered all the shill articles against weed companies and SNDL being associated with Reddit (the SNDL sub nigger Reddit has barely 30.000 users and half of these are shills) and the massive short sales of today, I truly believe that this is an artificial correction for weed stocks.

>> No.28464481

no way they solve the dendrite issue. no company to date has. this is the only hope for the company

>> No.28464484

wow so the day trader rules really are there to fuck you over if you are a small trader. even after you hit the boundary.

>> No.28464490

It's not a loss if you don't sell.

>> No.28464491
File: 104 KB, 800x775, 1606266179366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not putting it all in things like MOON, FNGU, TQQQ, etc.

You must love stressing yourself out anon

>> No.28464495

*Although this might not be relevant to Wealthsimple Trade:

>> No.28464502
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>> No.28464507
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>> No.28464510

What's your annualized return?
If you beat inflation, don't cry.

>> No.28464528

Provide evidence to support this

>> No.28464532
File: 292 KB, 1505x937, 1613096312655.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The mentions are from the 29th. Hardly pumping.

>> No.28464541

one of your images that said "Hold/ buy GTE"

>> No.28464545

Look dude we get it. FUDD it up.

>> No.28464562

I'm bout to double down 10 minutes after open when a million lurkers and scared reddit fags sell to beat the weekend. Caught it at 2.05, itll be a 5$ bottom by may.

>> No.28464572

why are you posting this in /smg/? lol

>> No.28464580
File: 706 KB, 1440x1080, 1605586824728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought into OGI and i have no idea why i did.

>> No.28464589

Looks like SNEED may get another pump next week for them to dump those calls.

>> No.28464594

>CCIV AH pump

>> No.28464597

replace long term treasuries with corporate bonds?

>> No.28464607

>Treasuries, or bonds
Locked into low yields, Guaranteed to lose money, inflation will rape you into the floor.
Will probably continue to perform well
>Sm Caps
Not if it ain't me pickin' em, they'll just use your capital to purchase the bags and hide it against the return of the overall market
>US total market
This alone will probably outperform the entirety of the rest of the portfolio.
> Best risk averse
Super low risk, low return. Then use leverage to improve return. same risk as the underlying, and greater returns. The only way to get fucked is a crash, Use OTM put options to hedge against crashes.

>> No.28464609
File: 250 KB, 917x1551, 1612488433565.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

EV ramp up? Looks like you need some charging stations.

>> No.28464623

weak fingers can't screenshot correctly. lift weights.

>> No.28464624

Bear markets/crashes wipe out leveraged vehicles. The simple example as to why it won't "return" to previous levels is as follows:
25% loss, 33% gain in XYZ
Underlying change: 0% (0.75 * 1.33333)
3x Leveraged: -50% (0.25 * 2)

>> No.28464626

I'm in anon 224 @3.44. I'm gonna give it tomorrow. It will be up at some point.

>> No.28464627
File: 8 KB, 250x250, 1612833227415.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based dark pool anon and based digits

>> No.28464640

Tragic, lad.

I somehow didn't, although it does feel bad to miss out on potential gains.

>> No.28464645

whats the right move trips? those look like pricey options

>> No.28464649

Tbh I would love to be forced to liquidate everything. That way I could go all in soxl.

>> No.28464654
File: 425 KB, 892x714, konata read the book faggot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like people typed GTE by accident when they meant GME if you look at the context.

>> No.28464662
File: 85 KB, 710x600, _3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>annualized XIRR: 1022.93%

>> No.28464665
File: 802 KB, 1280x720, Dark Arisen.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Since UiPath hasn't disclosed information related to its financials and the IPO price, it wouldn't be prudent to comment on whether it would be a good IPO to invest in. If the IPO is priced reasonably, it looks like a good stock to own.
How do you people find out about stuff like this?

>> No.28464670
File: 1.96 MB, 540x290, 5a73467eefed32adebfb91e9d568a7d0.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is the open date? and the tiicker?

>> No.28464669

a reminder that sndl was at $4.9 in early premarket but fuckery went on and they changed the histograms to say it was $3.6 at peak.
caveat emptor apparently.

>> No.28464675
File: 144 KB, 1382x1106, DNN-338,353-one-day-volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been tracking DNN since opening my position in UUUU
338K calls bought today??

>> No.28464678
File: 300 KB, 1920x2060, screencapture-sec-gov-Archives-edgar-data-899037-000110619121000012-xslF345X03-primary-doc-xml-2021-02-11-17_23_52.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

big pump days were the last two
>i wonder why

>> No.28464679

Nevermind I'm retarded, it was shorted. kek

>> No.28464681

Did something happen with Nintendo?
I kinda just bought 100x NTDOY for fun because I think it's cool to have Nintendo in my portfolio. I didn't wait for it to dip under the daily MA50 so I'm bagholding a bit
But soon I won't be bagholding tomorrow!

i may be retarded though. I literally bought a stock just because i like animal crossing

>> No.28464684
File: 284 KB, 1242x1476, 32A0A17C-C189-4198-93BB-71A9AC0BB6E9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I didn’t want to sell. I knew it was a bad day. But that 25k benchmark had me sweating.

>> No.28464702

Not a chance, holding till the 26th

>> No.28464701


>> No.28464713

It's plausible enough, I'm not confident enough to outright call you a schizo.

>> No.28464718

So is GTE getting a normie pump tomorrow or are they already in and begging people to hold?

>> No.28464719

yeah obviously im in their disc voice chat right now and the niggers are talking about OCUGEN. He said he got it at 30/c and that "it'll keep going up"... these people are clueless .. at least about GTE

>> No.28464720


>> No.28464724

loading up now

>> No.28464726

You did great. You salvaged your account and prevented loss. You're doing great.

>> No.28464737


It dropped today and people are scared that it didn't pump AH so now it'll DOOMP on open tomorrow

>> No.28464740

CTRM is supposed to be a medium hold at least. I’m aiming at 5$ mark for selling 50% of my shares and then keep the other for the long term.

>> No.28464753
File: 192 KB, 962x1430, 1612579704166.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

buy AQB
buy AQB

>> No.28464755

Fine will wire 2k and buy shares. Fuck it

>> No.28464805

>already up 520% in a month
Dropping off some luggage are we?

>> No.28464804

I bought 5 calls @ 2.5

>> No.28464810

Weed will be legal in the states this summer. All drugs "decriminalized" by December. Then we go to digital currency so goverent can get their cut. Weed industry in the states is still in its infancy stage.

>> No.28464816
File: 160 KB, 1436x1080, 1613096984087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dont we all?

>> No.28464818
File: 3.92 MB, 2532x2928, 1581034194225.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if there are no options for the ticker I want to sell them for?
I have 100 stock to write a covered call. Can I just create them out of thin air?

>> No.28464820

This is a better way to invest than whatever ticker you see on reddit that just went up 40% the day before.

AAPL has made many more millionaires than WSB ever has. Yet its the most obvious investment choice so every "good trader" avoids putting money into it.

>> No.28464822

From what little I read it looks like nothing is disclosed yet as far as dates.

>> No.28464825

In fairness, that wasn't a bad choice to make on Monday, it was solid until fucking Reddit stepped in and moved to weedstocks. I'll never forgive them for that, I had some real comfy gains too.

>> No.28464829

Your mom didn't complain, bitch.

>> No.28464838

It’s up 7% AH and the larger pumps have happened PM not AH. Weak fud

>> No.28464841
File: 17 KB, 300x276, 1612543905855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are we buying tomorrow guys? Looking for an easy 20% gains - in and out

>> No.28464844

That's for their roboadviser accounts, retard. Wealthsimple and wealthsimple trade are not at all the same thing.
They charge 1.5% each way on trade value in us stocks and only have limited availability of stocks in trade.

>> No.28464849

I am not looking to maximize return, just to beat inflation.
Please elaborate on small cap value. Don't they have a long term advantage over total stock market (with added volatitily)?

>> No.28464858

Yes, the contract is "created" when you find a buyer at the price.

>> No.28464869

Biocryst's drug framework Factor D treats PNH among other complement-mediated diseases. Alexion has two drugs for the same diseases whose revenues totaled $4.3B/$6.0B total revenue last year. Total fucking cash cow. AstraZeneca bought them out for 39B. Factor D is better than Solris/Ultomiris (Alexions drugs). The same valuation for BCRX float = SP of $220. Conservative estimates brings me to $100. Beyond Factor D, Orladeyo is their most recently approved drug, bringing in ~$500k/yr/patient. DYOR on that one, just something to guarantee a ~$15 SP going forward if Factor D shits the bed (always a chance with Bios). Oh also, BCRX's drug is oral, as opposed to Alexion's IV solution.

https://ir.alexion.com/node/22191/pdf (Alexions revenue)
https://www.globenewswire.com/news-release/2020/12/06/2140171/0/en/BioCryst-s-Oral-Factor-D-Inhibitor-BCX9930-Shows-High-Potency-and-Specificity-for-Alternative-Pathway-of-Complement.html (Factor D efficacy)
https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/full/10.1177/2633004020959349 (Run down on the disease and its treatment market)

>> No.28464881

>All drugs "decriminalized" by December
lol that is definitely not going to happen in this administration or the next

>> No.28464889

Earlier you said $3.

>> No.28464902

what am i reading tho

>> No.28464919

did you pick some up?

>> No.28464926

Shill me on DNN when are we getting a poomp

>> No.28464938

Yeah, I meant more so that the pump isn't being shilled by rddt n'wahs. You're still right of course

>> No.28464955
File: 112 KB, 1280x720, 1592778198734.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

me on the right

>> No.28464960

5% of their stock was bought up by another company with an agreement to not interfere with their business (speculation on that part)

>> No.28464964
File: 243 KB, 440x248, tenor (1).gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

(i) For the three months ended December 31, 2020, net earnings attributable to Yamana equity holders would be adjusted by an increase of $4.7 million (2019 - increase of $12.1 million). For the year ended December 31, 2020, net earnings attributable to Yamana equity holders would be adjusted by an increase of $107.6 million (2019 - decrease of $106.2 million).


>> No.28464979

Nigger I've been telling people about UIpath for a week now. Databrick too.

>> No.28464980

are you blind, it's being pumped as I type this. just follow that insane call volume and don't get rugpulled.

>> No.28464985

don't feel bad. i bought FRT because its the closest thing to FART i could have in mine.

>> No.28464989

Its comming. They don't want a population that will riot. Goverent needs to sedate the masses.

>> No.28464992

I'll take $3. I 100% this bitch at $2 but I'm worried I'm hanging on too long trying to hit that benchmark. I know they bought a bunch of boats and shit but nothing seems as predictable as it sohuld be right now.

>> No.28464999

The 100% pump and dump is tomorrow. Buy PM and sell when it hits 100%.

>> No.28465008

I decided that I'd gamble a reddit weed pump and then sell early leaving them to bag hold but it just kept collapsing. Hopefully I can at least break even.

>> No.28465012
File: 11 KB, 411x387, 1465382677829.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>limited availability of stocks in trade.
Is there a list?
Can you trade options with no fees?
Can you trade without a phone?
Spoon feed me. Thanks in advance.

>> No.28465016
File: 36 KB, 500x500, 1613097159707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i cant even read this

>> No.28465021

Why is it pumping

>> No.28465033

From what I can tell (reasonable non-reddit) people have been saying between $3-$5. If you look at reddit the goons there are hoping for $10-$20, with certain retards saying $100.

>> No.28465037

>anon buys obscur stock
>it goes up 7-10% on a day
>said anon proceeds to post shit like "HURR I TOLD YOU TO BUY"
>stock drops 7-10% next day

>> No.28465051

It’s public information that’s it’s going public. My company has invested heavily in automation software, including Alteryx, Tableau, and UiPath. Alteryx has done quite well and so did Tableau before it got acquired. There’s no doubt in my mind that UiPath will follow suit.

>> No.28465057

go back to discord, frail tranny.

>> No.28465063

Reddit has been in SNDL since June lol

>> No.28465064

I don't care what you faggots say if the chinks take over I intend to deserve a bullet.

Even if you assume this Weed doesn't make a lot of money it's a commodity. If you want weed exposure you're better off buying PM/MO

>> No.28465065

Hope they do. I wanna dump these bags tomorrow.

>> No.28465068
File: 330 KB, 540x361, 5AA922F8E95640D4ABABD04547F12361.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Totally forgot about MVIS
just fuck my shit up

>> No.28465073
File: 150 KB, 800x450, 1607362159768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why cant we have the cool ceo again?

>> No.28465082

No more (you)s for you.

>> No.28465083


So I buy premarket? When we selling?

>> No.28465085


>> No.28465088


>> No.28465089

there's two lines of merit, my nigga
feb 9 1.3 mil stocks purchased
feb 10 2.2 mil stocks purchased

>> No.28465117

Is that a buy-out?
Is it gonna pump HARD?

>> No.28465126

Nothing announced yet. I’ve read first half of 2021.

>> No.28465130

do you also own GAYMF

>> No.28465137

Tomorrow (today) we’ll see if I’m correct.
Speaking of SNDL alone it’s the last day for compliance and I predict a huge AH pump that may or may not dump on Tuesday IF the company doesn’t take advantage of the situation by releasing a huge announcement.
A correction is to be expected, but not with 60% short volume on a day with 3 billion shares traded (a record).

>> No.28465138
File: 997 KB, 500x281, tumblr_m5k6uxL50a1qjebobo1_500.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fourth quarter net earnings were $103.0 million or $0.11 per share basic and diluted compared to net earnings of $14.6 million or $0.02 per share basic and diluted a year earlier.

>> No.28465147

>My company
YOUR company, or the one you work for? What is it you guys do anyways?

>> No.28465149

That was more in reference to it being shorted.

>> No.28465156

that's an external investment from a holdings company

>> No.28465159

It's too late. You know I've wiggled into your mind.

>> No.28465162

Which companies make electric/hydrogen refrigeratored trucks? They are going be doing business when our MASSIVE salmon starts hitting the people

>> No.28465166

2 scoops tongues my anus, SOXL TO $1000

>> No.28465213

It clearly says disposition.

>> No.28465220

Alright boys! A billion people stormed the capitol to kill AoC. Which stocks profit from this? What is the play?

>> No.28465227
File: 115 KB, 1421x1080, 1613097333016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see, thanks

>> No.28465232

>SOXL TO $1000
Not with the stock split coming next month.

>> No.28465233

How does one get the dark pool information?

>> No.28465249

i don't trade euro shit

>> No.28465255

looks like WSB is partially responsible. They do look like they have positive news recently tho

>> No.28465257

Public accounting firm.

>> No.28465263

I’m the original CTRM and SNDL shill, I always said IPO price for SNDL 10-13$ and CTRM 5-10.

>> No.28465276

There is no option support whatsoever, no margin, no shorting, only market, limit and stop orders, 15m delayed data only, no graph tools, only line graph 'thumbnails', and for that matters, no forex, no futures, no cfd's, no bonds, no warrants, pretty sure no SPAC units, etc. It's useless for anything but boomerlong on canadian stocks. They have a list of available stocks somewhere on their site. Their basic criteria is no penny stocks, if it's dual-listed only the canadian stock available, and a few other restrictions on price/mcap/volume or some such. And of course, limited markets (no OTC, pretty sure no tsxv).

>> No.28465283
File: 109 KB, 700x500, download (26).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

every tiem

>> No.28465285

Honestly my 50% was going to be around 3.80, thinking we'd have trouble breaking that floor/ceiling of $4 back in 2019 or so. Old TA but within reasonable valuations. Going into the weekend so close to the $2 mark I'm no longer sure.

>> No.28465298
File: 19 KB, 673x166, DNN_Volume.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

WTF is that volume, damn. Do I drop get stock or gamble on options?

>> No.28465309

Also checked, so maybe anus after all.

>> No.28465316

I like TBLT
There was a bit of a pump earlier this week, but it's come back down to it's baseline growth rate

>> No.28465326
File: 213 KB, 1495x868, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i've been watching it from the start. I'd guess 5$ but 3 isn't a bad time to get off. Most will leave their bags at 5, I think. It could go to 8-10 if reddit memers decide to help the company but I have insider details about the supply chain industry. We need ships right now, so it'll pump, but later when the back log of shit to be shipped to/from china comes down a bit, it'll go back down. Expect a decisive peak though.

I'm in their WSB discord right now and aside from talking about OCUGEN they're arguing if crypto is gambling vs stocks as gambling. Our GTE bags are safe anons. They think SNDL is going to pump tomorrow.

>> No.28465331

Gee I don't know Mr. SEC/FBI agent, I could never imagine such a terrible event taking place.

>> No.28465333

Whatever piece of shit i see on the top gainers list at 4:02 AM EST. Easy 50% everyday within an hour. Just gotta watch the chart like a hawk until it starts dumping, usually around 6AM

>> No.28465365

I see. Thanks.

>> No.28465371

eh. i told you nerds to buy ZOM in October.

>> No.28465378
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>> No.28465382

Stock is an easy 2 bagger. Options will probably have high IV tomorrow but still worth it.

>> No.28465387

serious question: why isn't everyone here just buying MSTR? i've doubled my portifolio this month from going all in. it literally doubles in price every time there's some bitcoin news and thats happening every other day

>> No.28465403

Isn't that a good thing saying it's gonna pump even more regardless of r.dditors?

>> No.28465413

>Posts actual DD
>Literal silence
Never change /smg/

>> No.28465420

I will brother and also setting up etrade acct for DGTW. I am prioritizing these three rn


>> No.28465429

He's lying tho

>> No.28465440

How we looking tomorrow? It's going to be a GREEN day, I think. No trading on Monday, gotta get all the profit in we can.

>> No.28465446

I’ve been telling you guys about GTE for months now, I’m not here to gloat, I’m here to help us all make it because you guys are my friends

>> No.28465455

because other stocks are cheaper and have also 2x-5x'd for everyone else

>> No.28465462
File: 578 KB, 4026x3024, AQB2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jim Cramer mentioned AQB today and wants them on his show.


AquaBounty Technologies: “This is one of the boutique companies I’d like to have on. ... It’s interesting to me.”

Cramer might have our favorite mutant salmon fish stock on.

>> No.28465466

Its a lot of words bro. I'm still going through it but needed a break.

>> No.28465476

gross, how do you stand looking at that garbage

>> No.28465479

They better not fuck with GTE, I just want comfy gains, none of this TO THE MOON AND BEYOND shit they keep on forcing. And I dont want to wake up early just to sell premarket.

>> No.28465483
File: 27 KB, 380x507, 1592035479452.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm in their WSB discord right now

>> No.28465500

GTE EOM predictions? Could it hit $3 after earnings?

>> No.28465502

that premium is ca-razy

>> No.28465504

What will DNN be pumped to tomorrow? What should I try and buy in at/what time?

>> No.28465512

>buying a company going bankrupt
>buying a company that no longer makes money
Literally why? How can you expect a return on that shit?

>> No.28465519

Same, but it was bound to happen desu, gains started to be consistently high for weeks while the new gov didn't communicate on anything about the subject matter. Just wait for things to cool off for a little while then jump right back in.

>> No.28465524
File: 36 KB, 474x671, OIP (49).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so how many anons are holding most of their positions through this longer weekend? are we really scared for a correction next week?

>> No.28465528

anon where do you get these data files
i want to look at these data!

>> No.28465534

1) Reddit.

2) Believers in nuclear power have convinced themselves that nuclear has a place in the Green New Deal even though American environmentalists are rabidly, violently hostile towards nuclear. The GNDers are being completely irrational and nuclear really should have a place, but the movement doesn't work off of logic or reason. Nuclear doesn't have a place among non-GND energy policy either because those guys will simply drink oil until they die.

3) Uranium is a kind of boomer rock. People get sentimental about it.

>> No.28465536

I thought it's dead

>> No.28465542

Noooooo, I'm not ready yet. I'm not done accumulating!

>> No.28465548
File: 1011 KB, 400x214, 34562a02dd2beb5f1dbf5aa4fcabb8191.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stock this expensive make me depressed.

>> No.28465564
File: 303 KB, 3516x1550, 1612328407702.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Press release tomorrow faggot.

>> No.28465570

3 day weekend usually means red day.

>> No.28465573

I read enough to figure out it was a pharma company and lost interest.

>> No.28465579

I'm fully cash because I'm too pussy to hold over the weekend.

>> No.28465595

I bought 5 calls for 2.5
Rumor has its that's about as far as it's gonna go

>> No.28465602

Sm caps are higher risk, high return. Who is picking these Sm caps, and why should i trust them? Like our pension funds, ever look at the portfolios of these things? They use people's money to buy the bags of failed speculation. Bailing out the big boys at the people's expense. An index is fine, but some bank or hedgies ETF? no thanks, i like to know what i own. If all you want is to beat inflation, then you should just buy a basket of globally diversified ETFs, with a focus on hard assets, like infrastructure. Railways, midstreams, etc

>> No.28465607

MJNE already 1.28 tho

>> No.28465609

fuck i have a callus on my cock

>> No.28465626

Based and fren-pilled, are you holding through earnings?

>> No.28465629

>buying a company going bankrupt
clown market, this is a time where HTZ and AMC made people rich

>> No.28465637
File: 241 KB, 1440x1440, 456.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

its pretty cancer but i had to make sure our bags were safe cuz of all the FUD

>> No.28465652

BCRX has been a thing in this general for a few months now. We have a designated tripfag shill and everything. I think he shilled it all the way back when it was around $6. You must be new here, try not to be too an intolerable faggot.

>> No.28465663

not doing that but i've moved into safe plays

>> No.28465664

Thanks for your input with little to no research. Looks like GRST is going to make me a fortune

>> No.28465673

Sell the day before earnings. Good or bad, stocks like that always go down.

>> No.28465685
File: 145 KB, 1920x896, screencapture-sec-gov-Archives-edgar-data-1273441-000110465921011509-xslF345X03-tm215260-2-4seq1-xml-2021-02-11-17_34_16.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'm not going to oversell things
i hope it is
but i am worried that the executives at GTE are the ones dumping on us now
>pic related = $500,000 worth of stock issued to this guy
and that guy is just one of many

>> No.28465690

You should be trading with your fingers.... not your cock
Also: moisturize your cock, especially in the winter

>> No.28465692

How often does /biz/ catch PnD's? I caught RCMT this morning PM 200 @8 and rode to 12 for a smooth $800 in 30 minutes. Shit's exhilarating

>> No.28465699

Damn I spent all I want to spend on cheapie leaps already today, outside of some to drop on DNN.

>> No.28465705

If there’s a correction I’ll just buy more. I’m confident in my positions.

>> No.28465734

so fucking annoying being tied up in shit i need to wait on going back up. i want to dump into DNN but wont be able to.

>> No.28465742

>too much of an intolerable faggot
my apologies.

>> No.28465755

the problem with ipos is you get dumped on day 1

>> No.28465761


>> No.28465768

fucking why godammit

>> No.28465776

>moisturize your cock, especially in the winter
Lol @ the Americans

>> No.28465792
File: 79 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anon, I'm trying to give you the keys to the kingdom here. Buy some fucking DNN tomorrow and send me some BTC or something when you make a double bagger.

>> No.28465814

Anon, you can't buy at 4am EST

>> No.28465840
File: 97 KB, 225x273, 1612736967312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is now a BOBO thread

>> No.28465842

Will CTRM earnings next month keep us afloat?

(Get it? Afloat? As in boats?)

>> No.28465871

Hold for a year or two.

>> No.28465878

Isn't darkpool data only reported two weeks later and exclusively by finra? How do you get this data EOD? How do I know you aren't an autist shilling shit with an excel spreadsheet?

>> No.28465885
File: 64 KB, 640x640, sieg mommy (4).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know that feel

>> No.28465889
File: 111 KB, 460x416, bbbbbbbbbbbb.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you shouldn't talk about things you don't know about

>> No.28465917

I've got incremental sales. I'll make money so long as I sell before it truly dumps. I bought in super early because of an anon and so I can handle a free fall and still make it out

>> No.28465935

your broker doesnt let you trade at 4am?

>> No.28465938

Sometimes you just got to have some faith bro.

>> No.28465954

What does DD stand for?

>> No.28465959
File: 59 KB, 749x694, 2988fj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

im canadas and last thread people saay use wealth simple because 0% comissions only place for canadsians

however do they do this? what can there be for to them ddo it?

i have 50$

>> No.28465967

>I could be a millionaire if i invested in this when penny market general was still around and it was under a dollar, hate to see it

>> No.28465976

At first I didn't get what they were talking about lol, forgot everyone over there has had their penis mutilated at birth

>> No.28465984

It's a long term for me brother. 3-5 years relaxing with some San Pelly G while I talk boats with the CEO. I do own enough shares to probably warrant at least a trip to to see what the fuck their operations are like.

>> No.28465989

Dick Drippings

>> No.28466000

I'm optimistic about tomorrow. Got greedy and bought back in yesterday. If it doesn't go up I'll get what I deserve and move on.

>> No.28466020

Maybe use that $50 for English classes.

>> No.28466021

>moisturize your cock, especially in the winter
way to moist down there, winter, summer, w/e. sometimes i consider stuffing my boxers with something absorbent. Canada btw.

>> No.28466036
File: 288 KB, 870x904, 1605270478184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>An anonymous Amazon employee verified by Medium’s editorial staff wrote yesterday that Amazon should not be selling facial recognition software “Rekognition” to law enforcement as it was being used by police departments and Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) without ethical oversight.
this is the greatest company ive ever heard of

>> No.28466038

Designated driver

>> No.28466040
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>> No.28466042

Daily Dicking

>> No.28466054

>stock issued to this guy
Are you doing this on purpose?

>> No.28466066

I have faith in a lot of shit, but not in this board's ability to trust cropped images.

>> No.28466071

Wow 5.85% how will you ever recover ?

>> No.28466076

Dragon Dildo

>> No.28466092

Baking soda.

>> No.28466093

>the only US broker that lets you trade at 4:00 AM pre market is chink spyware

>> No.28466111
File: 641 KB, 719x718, 1611893222566.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i have no heat its

>> No.28466118


Buy the rumor sell the news, BCRX is said to pump next week. It could very well pump next week or simply wait until the week of the earnings report on feb 25th. Buy bcrx and sell either EOD feb 24th or beginning of the day feb 25th. Diamond hands until then. There was a big dip today so you guys can get some easy cheapies.

notice that I don't care about what the earnings report says, it honestly doesn't matter although its probably going to be good.

>> No.28466121

Isn’t this old news? I heard Amazon cancelled their law enforcement contracts.

>> No.28466123

What does this mean?

>> No.28466129

I'm just trying to help you make some money anon.

>> No.28466136

Anon, stop using robinhood

>> No.28466137

fucking gamestop

>> No.28466154

donkey dick

>> No.28466158

If only we could get them to smuggle drugs and illegals, it would be bullish as fuck.

>> No.28466161

TD Ameritrade lets you trade pre-market

>> No.28466177

when is the IPO

>> No.28466197
File: 6 KB, 305x264, Screenshot 2021-02-11 214804.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, got a real winner here.

>> No.28466200

Go home Hadji

>> No.28466219

Are you the one who shared the dark pool data? How did you aquire it and why is nobody else asking this question? Am I late to the party?

Send me the script so I can pull it down EOD.

>> No.28466226
File: 1.95 MB, 708x1256, 1611965626623.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]




>> No.28466235

I guess it depends where you live. When I lived in Maryland, where it's always humid, it was never an issue. I recently moved to the PNW though and suddenly this winter my dick skin starts callusing and cracking... just from the dry air. And I don't even take my dick out all that much...

>> No.28466244

Doing what?

>> No.28466256

At 4? Schwab makes you wait until 7:30

>> No.28466274

Corn starch

>> No.28466277

I was wondering about that with starlink. Not sure if i should be a day 1 buy, or wait a bit

>> No.28466286

I just like the stock

>> No.28466293

Due Dilligence

>> No.28466296


>> No.28466314

hope they lose MORE.

t.20k shares

>> No.28466320

what's the PT?

>> No.28466323

we now have biden for a president

>> No.28466322

I don't want to eat bugs.

>> No.28466329

What? I went through that Evans guy's list and it's a cumulative amount

>> No.28466334

>tfw 26% taxes on capital gain

I don’t feel so good...

>> No.28466345

I appreciate it but talk to me. Shill me a little harder. I got 10gs I'm ready to put down on a shilled stock but I need to know how/where you got the data. Just give me the tip bro; just the tip.

>> No.28466354
File: 7 KB, 235x215, 1603297902946s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't I'm down 3%

>> No.28466356

>im canadas
>this whole post
Your canadian, and seemingly this illiterate? They sell your trading data to the clearing houses, who then front run your trades. Wealth simple is also owned by Power corp of canada. Basically a company that exists to serve the prosperity of a wealthy family.
Job my man, or EI, or CERB gibs, your priced out of trading in canada by fees alone. our regulators are tight cheeked brutal MFs

>> No.28466362

thanks for the research anon i really appreciate it.... this might be a fun ride

>> No.28466425

better put some aside so you don't end up owing gains and holding bags at the same time

>> No.28466429
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>> No.28466441

If they don't I will. I do own a sail boat.

>> No.28466453

Dick dick

>I have 50 dollarydos
Too little
get a job

>> No.28466456

Likely first half of 2021.

>> No.28466462

Switch to TD Ameritard and use Thinkorswim. Watch out for the jumps at low volume.

>> No.28466482

Fuck off back to india

>> No.28466483

i hope they dont sell our trading data. wtf are we paying these absurd commission for

>> No.28466486

How do people find stocks to invest in? Outside of memes

>> No.28466504

Enjoy your long weekend Anon :)

>> No.28466506

This literally got pump and dumped by reddit a week ago.

>> No.28466547

actually had a decent day today. thank you MARA and MGNI

>> No.28466551

Take a hit of crack and relax bro.

>> No.28466565

Have you looked into foreign markets?
I think if you get accounts in other countries you can keep going all night in different parts of the world

>> No.28466566

>sometime in the next 4 months

>> No.28466576

so this is a large degree of why people say to invest only in areas you know well; anon listed the new drug (in the pipeline, which can take 10 years from start to finish, possibly longer) as being taken orally rather than by IV as a positive, but in drugs like this a huge concern with oral consumption is hepatotoxicity not encountered in IV solutions. If this is the case in the new drug as it usually is, that would not be a positive at all, and would take quite a bit more management for lesser absorption.

Tl;dr: don't buy pharma companies you've never heard of outside the context of the stock market

>> No.28466577
File: 28 KB, 460x818, aE2n0Ze_460s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wwant to buy 1 GME can someone show me how to usse wealth simple?

i have 50$

>> No.28466584

I check my horoscope and get a tarot reading.

>> No.28466585
File: 342 KB, 1280x1280, 1613086142087.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I don't want to eat bugs.

>> No.28466595

Wealthsimple, probably, this is how robinhood works if i recall. But if your using a real broker, through your bank, or Questrade, thats what your commissions are for

>> No.28466604
File: 859 KB, 200x200, pepe-smug-handwave.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ma niggas

>> No.28466607

If you give me that $50 I can turn it into $500. I have a proprietary algo that can predict the winner of any women's college basketball game.

>> No.28466614
File: 44 KB, 620x675, hehsorrykid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Capacity, market reach, future food shortage potential, overall investment growth this and past year. Sorry you cant think long term kiddo.

>> No.28466649

This is something I need to ask my bank since it’s the first time that I’m cashing out with fat 3-400% gains and I absolutely want to reinvest them immediately 75% of them.
They keep the taxes but I don’t know if they take them from my account on the next day or if they’re simply give me the net amount of money minus taxes.

>> No.28466670

>watching womens sports


>> No.28466689

Modern fracking began in the 1940s and it did not make the US a net producer of oil until the 2010's. New technology takes a while to become mature and accepted. Your vapid opinion has no value.

>> No.28466703

You should reconsider, truly.

>> No.28466713


>> No.28466722
File: 26 KB, 999x629, GRST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28466727

Miss out then. I’m just trying to help you guys out.

>> No.28466739

pharma, weed, and even mines are all about regulation

you can get away with mines most of the time but you have to be ready to get fucked any time is you are messing with those. i guess weed is pharma anyway too.

>> No.28466742

We have had plenty of presidents since the aquadvantage salmon was first created.
>didn't go to market under Bush
>didn't go to market under Clinton
>didn't go to market under Bush
>didn't go to market under Obama
>didn't go to market under Trump
>didn't go to market under ______

>> No.28466750
File: 343 KB, 500x281, download.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Daily dose

>> No.28466762
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>> No.28466768
File: 404 KB, 510x525, 1430125723.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>only 50 dollars
>wants to use it to trade stocks
>and not just any stock but GME

>> No.28466771

You'll probably get a 1099 EOY from your brokerage. Set aside ~30% for taxes. Or don't pay them. Fuck them. They won't go after you for not reporting $100.

>> No.28466778

this has to be bait....w/e. You can't. Wealthsimple doesn't have access to US exchanges, and GME doesn't trade on the TSX.

>> No.28466793

dragon dildo

>> No.28466811

>Anon bought DNN, right?

>> No.28466815

Ding dong.

>> No.28466827

Fracking was not economically viable back then. Nothing has changed for these mutant fish since 1989.

>> No.28466835
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>> No.28466844

im looking at VBR which tracks CRSP US small cap value index

>> No.28466862

Good job. You ran a pump in a clown market. This is definitely sustainable and it won't crash to zero!

>> No.28466896

Give her just the tip

>> No.28466895

We have been through every kind of market you can think of since the mutant salmon were made. Why have they not gone to market and why do you expect it to be any different now?

>> No.28466902
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>i have 50$
Go to tastytrade and learn about options trading if you want to turn that $50 into $0.

>> No.28466906
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>> No.28466910

Sirs, please buy afc gamma sirs

>> No.28466911

I just go by the first ticker mentioned on SMG. No need to DD.

>> No.28466918

I’m in Europe anon, my bank is the taxpayer so they keep the taxes and next year I’ll see the gains and what I paid on my tax modules.

>> No.28466919

>blah blah blah blah blah blah I want want everyone else wants blah blah

>> No.28466958

ill keep an eye out but no way anyone remembers it after today unless its shilled consistently until IPO. Not that you care

>> No.28466961
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Just giver her the hole thing, in her butt of course

>> No.28466966

tell her you left it in your other pair of pants
(you better beat inflation tomorrow)

>> No.28466989

Look I know the kind of game people like you play. You see people talk about something but are too lazy to do your own research, so you FUD the thing as hard as possible to bait legitimate responses that will convince you. Stay poor faggot.

>> No.28466990

That sucks. No wonder why there isn't a middle class in Europe.

>> No.28466993

Check out AVUV if you're looking at VBR. Not saying it's better but make sure to compare (if you haven't already).

>> No.28467017

Anon I think it may be too late for the spooky ghost stock.

>> No.28467034

>I’m in Europe anon, my bank is the taxpayer so they keep the taxes and next year I’ll see the gains and what I paid on my tax modules.
Good grief, that sounds even shittier than our tax system.

>> No.28467045
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>not on the welath simple stocks
can i make money in canadian stocks like US stocks?

it probaby wont be as good it never things are

>> No.28467090

what THE FUCK is going on in Europe?

>> No.28467100

They didn't immediately put it on sale, and the company moved hands many times. Aside from that, FDA and health canada approvals happened only in 2016 and 2015 but they had a stay of import until 2020. This is what changed for the most part. In the meantime, they also have tilapia and trout, both GMO'd up, and are selling to argentina, panama and cuba on top of canada and usa. They also do GMO and non-GMO, have farms now (instead of just field tests), have only started production-scale operations in 2019, etc.
In 2021, farm 3 should be completed, and farm 4 should start or even complete as well. Farm 4 or 5 should be done by 2023 by their current plans. They are also cleared for field trials in china and brazil and in talk for farm 4 to get it in israel. Finally, they are expecting that the PEI farm will be allowed to raise salmons to full maturity in the coming years (if we're lucky, 2021 or 2022).

>> No.28467111

>They sell your trading data to the clearing houses, who then front run your trades.
Isn't that illegal in Canada hence the high fees on most brokers?


>"Canadian regulators require brokers to go with best execution... for all orders to meet at the market," rather than through a wholesale marketmaker, said Marius Zoican, assistant professor of finance at the University of Toronto.

>"As long as payment for order flow is not allowed in Canada, it would be difficult to have full-fledged zero-commission trading," he added.

So payment for order flow (daddy Madoff's idea) is illegal here.

>> No.28467115

No those fuckers will wait 30 years and then audit you with fees up the ass.

>> No.28467128
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I have been saying Factor D is BCRX pump pig for months. If people havent secured a position by now, they never will lol

>> No.28467136

Currently got ~15k shares of CTRM. Thinking about selling at $3 and going all in on SNCA or IZEA. What do you guys think? I swear I'm the only person who did DD on SNCA.

>RenTec owns 7% of the company
>Definitive merger announced
>Insane accumulation volume
>Only $30m mcap, so much room to grow
>Currently $1.73, CNN Business analyst values at $500
>Bullish chart

>> No.28467142
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Haji go get a job you can't do anything with $50

>> No.28467156

how about you fucking move

>> No.28467161
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>> No.28467160
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>GME not on wealthsimple
u r dumb don't post ever again

>> No.28467167
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Is HumbledTrader based

>> No.28467179

Regulators only approved it for consumption in the US in 2015. You stupid, stupid fucking nigger. KYS and kill your family first for birthing such a dumb fucking child.

>> No.28467196
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You know damn well the same factors which have kept this product from going to market for 30 years are still in force today.

This is a pipe dream

>> No.28467207

So nobody can answer me how that anon posted EOD dark pool data. I have never seen this before and I have a grey pube on my balls. I will reiterate that my current understanding is finra exclusively reports this data with a two-week lag. If there is software out there that crawls the darkpool transactions I am very very interested in it. I would like to be in on this DNN trade but I am skeptical. Can somebody explain it to me?

>> No.28467224
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Inflation. Bigger fish for cheaper, energy costs increasing causing the need for closer sourced food. Why just eat the rice and beans when you can have cheap fish?

>> No.28467222

You can buy ZQQ or HQU on questrade when it dumps and hodl. But you need money to make money with stocks. And with options you're more likely to lose it all.

>> No.28467227

There's a 3 year look back limit and they don't audit you if they have a reported amount, they will just issue a penalty notice and charge interest on top of the tax they recalculate.

>> No.28467228

yea but they can sure as shit lower the fucking fees.

>> No.28467234

*Hightower just reported shares yesterday

>> No.28467237

Anyone who refers to themselves as humble cannot be based.

>> No.28467270
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So just to be clear
>buy asap
>Sell tomorrow after it pumps
Is it really that easy?

>> No.28467284

Nah they wont. They don't have the resources.

>> No.28467285

Ugly, bad accent, would still fuck though.

>> No.28467292


>> No.28467305
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>> No.28467378
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I've been with questrade since last April but I keep looking for something cheaper but as good. I've been using their IQ edge platform. I share a smartphone with my wife and I'm not installing trading apps on that thing.

>> No.28467384

>tiktok poster

yep gonna HODL and wait for steady profits.

>> No.28467392

Will they even issue penalty on amounts lower than ~5k? What's the cutoff?

>> No.28467502
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>I have never seen this before
Sir, I've been posting this shit here since I found out about it in November last year. I'm sure any person that regularly posts here as seen them at least once by now.

>> No.28467546

Who shilled EMANN here sub $1?

>> No.28467554

A few very obscure subreddits, forums, and discords filled with poor autists obsessively research to find stocks that should pump, the chads of the group buy in then go out and spread the ticker so the rest of us will buy in and pump it harder, then reddit gets wind of it and brokerages who see us making buys clue off the hedgies that a pump is happening. The hedgies then buy in, the deep market chads see the pump go vertical and sell for a major profit, some of us don't get greedy and sell as sell, then hedgies sell and make puts, creating the dump that devastates retailers and reddit.

You're never going to be a part of the ground floor, but with enough emotional control you can be a part of the mid pump.

>> No.28467559

Oh Jesus, maybe this is the top.

>> No.28467606
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how do i make a short on wealth simpe?

it says only market buy, limit buy, stop limit buy

please fast the price is over 50$ now i am running out of time

>> No.28467727

yes it did, anon and redditfags are retarded.

>> No.28467729

Fuck I was retarded and passed on UUUU at 5.09 for MOGO. Fuck my life.

>> No.28467730
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>> No.28467761
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My portfolio kept flipping between -1% and -1% all fucking day and ended at -0.03%.

Am I hedged yet?

>> No.28467782

My information must have been out of date, i use TD. Fund your account, Find the buy button, there will likely be a search bar somewhere, type in GME, should be straight forward, the Ui looks decent

>> No.28467796

I think of mines/agriculture/etc more in relation to price changes in the commodities they price than regulations

Weed is a bad investment because the companies are run by potheads

Pharma can and has gotten around regulations, so they're not always restrictive, but the larger companies will shit on the smaller ones; micro or small cap, esp pre-revenue pharma companies are always a bad investment unless you really understand the product or have a doctor to explain it to you. The thing is, a medication can be approved but not be the best thing for a condition. Alternatively, there could be better, but the company with the inferior product has more attractive sales reps. Lipitor is the most prescribed medication in the world, but statins in general have terrible sides and are rarely actually necessary.

Don't buy pharma stocks unless you understand the product and its competitors, and how the industry works.

>> No.28467872

>rocketed from 1.40 to 1.80 in the last few days

Wow anon you're so ahead of the market thanks for bringing us this mooning stock. Sure I'll buy some of those bags!

>> No.28468019

Alaskan salmon fishing industry is the largest in the world but is now regulated to prevent overfishing. Oil drilling on the Alaskan shore could also decrease number of salmon available.

>> No.28468044

Anon sometimes a gray pube means you're malnourished