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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 44 KB, 1836x1032, IMG_4893.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2841973 No.2841973 [Reply] [Original]

So did any of you find anything yet?


>> No.2841991

One time I found a wallet that showed a couple transactions, but a 0 balance. It was on the last page or close to it. I just search random pages when I am bored.

>> No.2842016


>> No.2842023

If I DID find something, what's the next step?

>> No.2842025

the first wallet on the first page has 1187 tx and 0 balance, I think it's just empty wallets

>> No.2842027

it's a joke website

>> No.2842047

no it isn't, retard.

>> No.2842060

t. nocoiner who wants to spread fud


>> No.2842063

The very first one was supposedly a real wallet that was used as the seed to generate all the others. It was claimed to be a joke site with all empty wallets, but people also claim the site has generated every single possible wallet possible within the current infrastructure. Problem is, there are more wallets than there are atoms in the observable universe. Good luck finding one that has something on it, so about 20 million from those unfathomable masses.

>> No.2842069

it's real, but it's mathematically impossible to find an address with bitcoin on it. i realize this is too hard of a concept for your feeble brain to comprehend, but it's true.

>> No.2842084

what If I deposit some into one of those addresses eh genius? checkmate

>> No.2842099

Categorically false. It would be very possible to find a funded address. It is mathematically UNLIKELY you will find anything within your lifetime however.

>> No.2842109

>t. nitpicking faggot

>> No.2842112

>generate all addresses / keys and store in database
>each mined block check all address against database
>if match profit
>keep running indefinately
>sooner or later you will get hits
Why isnt this a thing?

>> No.2842134

I just found an address with 0,2 btc
what do i do now?

>> No.2842135
File: 334 KB, 1366x768, Screenshot from 2017-07-21 12-30-59.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>literally the first wallet I clicked on had a balance of .0003 BTC.

Its the only one I've seen. I whipped up a quick python script to crawl it but idk how to make it try again after a connection timeout/reset.

The most it's crawled without interruption was ~113K wallets

>> No.2842150

No you didn't

And no you didn't

>> No.2842152


The number of pages IN the database is 75 digits long. It's impossible to query that much data before the next blockchain is resolved.

>> No.2842165


Yes I did, and to be a spiteful dick I'm going to show you.

I typed in the longest number I could consistently think of as the page number. I used the new number for 999 from The IT Crowd: 01189998819991197253. If you go to that page number, click on literally the first fucking wallet.

Its not enough for me to want to take it though.

>> No.2842173

Have your script start scraping from random page numbers. First millions have likely already been raked through.

>> No.2842174

google directory.io you piece of shit

it's fake you fucking dumb fuck, god i hate you nocoiner bastard coming here and spreading fud

no wonder you're all poor

all you do is spend your time on /biz/ not making any money

>> No.2842175

hey genius: there is no database. each page is generated on the fly by the page number.

>> No.2842177

I think the database pages are all stored separately and generated on the fly. You would need a program to access each page and compare that to the supplemental page of the block explorer. Even if your computer could go through a page per second, you would need 2.8718276e+67 years. to go through them all. Even if you were lucky enough to find one a 50000000 pages in, it would still be 1.5 years of constant searching.

Go for it.

>> No.2842192


It prompts me for what page number I want to start at. I just mash the numpad until it's 20 digits long and start there.

Well even if that's the case, each page consistently creates the same wallets, and there's way too fuckin' many to query between blockchain transactions, which was exactly my point.

>> No.2842195

Confirmed, I see a balance of .00017100 BTC

>> No.2842208


can i have a copy of your script?

>> No.2842210
File: 228 KB, 867x863, sdlkfjsfj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2842227


>> No.2842248

How would one even check these wallets if they have a private key. Don't you need to have the actual wallet.dat file physically on your drive aswell?

>> No.2842266

console>import private key

>> No.2842317



I have it in a folder called btc saved as btc.py. I made another blank file called lootxt that it saves the loot info into.

For instance, if it finds loot, it writes to it like this:

Page: 1189998819991197253
Wallet: 15tcRBo7e3HTi1Rob6KY6PD7LXu4yUug1j
BTC(Satoshis): 0.000171(17100)
Checked 1 wallets, 0 good

>> No.2842325


you're welcome

>> No.2842346

Thank anon, save me the effort to code. Maybe I will write a version to check random page number.

>> No.2842357

Having errors with the "from bs4 import BeautifulSoup" command, what's up with that?

>> No.2842366


sudo apt-get install pip
sudo pip install bs4

>> No.2842368

newfag here. what did you mean by
>I used the new number for 999 from The IT Crowd: 01189998819991197253

>> No.2842383

Synthax error now. Goddamn. Also I'm on windows, yes I know I suck.

>> No.2842390


I was literally fucking around

The end of the script prompts you for the page to start and assigns it to the variable index. Just import random and set the range from 1 to the end of the pages it has. getpagedata() calls itself recursively, so on line 69 instead of


don't use int(index)+1, just assign it another random number in that range.

Windows requires more work for making scrapers. Run it on linux. Otherwise you'll have to rewrite it all for yourself.

>> No.2842394

Thanks anon.

>> No.2842403

That isn't the problem

print "Wallet %s is empty. Checked %s wallets in %s pages (%s good)" % (t1[1], wallets, t1[3], goods)

It's pointing at the (((( " ))))) after (%s good) for some reason.

>> No.2842408


Let's get to lootin'! We're all gonna make it brahs

Post screenshot?

>> No.2842418
File: 3 KB, 667x86, SEi21jQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2842451

btw checked every library, installed "requests" and now the script runs and nothing happens. It just closes itself.

>> No.2842452
File: 20 KB, 306x306, pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's like Ocean's 11 in this thread

>> No.2842489

Are you guys all literally retarded? This page just generates private keys on-the-fly, sequentially. It is mathematically literally almost impossible to find a real wallet. Scraping this site with a python script is the most retarded idea ever, because you can literally generate hundreds of thousands privatekeys a second by chosing random numbers, and then check them against all known bitcoin addresses on the blockchain. But even that would be retarded, because its so fucking unlikely. It is by definition more profitable to use your processing power to mine, which is essentially the same thing as guessing random private keys, just much more likely.

>> No.2842497

Python 3, anon. _https://www.daniweb.com/programming/software-development/threads/252500/syntax-error-on-closing-quotes

>> No.2842499

>Are you guys all literally retarded?

>> No.2842548

Fucking python. Thanks senpai.

>> No.2842564

Here is the version for Python 3: https://pastebin.com/Cyhgv4uX

If you are on Windows, open the cmd, cd to python folder and type:
python -m pip install bs4
python -m pip install requests
python -m pip install lxml

>> No.2842569

ayy lmao that shit chrysler tho

>> No.2842603

It's working, thank you my good anon. May the gods of bitcoin be with you in our quest to find Satoshi's wallet.

>> No.2842609
File: 207 KB, 334x468, 1500233256240.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm glad that would-be thieves are so dense.

>> No.2842636

He is right though. You could open up page 55477427436 pick address 34 and find 500BTC.

The chance is just so small we define it to be impossible

>> No.2842645
File: 134 KB, 1050x1400, 1489009074413-Wellmann-banana-mirror.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do you think you are m8?

>> No.2842686

btw, maybe I'm not reading it correctly, but when the script finds a wallet, shouldn't you do "goods = goods + 1"? I don't see that anywhere

>> No.2842693

nice just found 100k

>> No.2842722

Ops, I just copy from the author anon. Thank for pointing out

>> No.2842764

even if you take the whole power that the sun produces it would take ~30 years just to find a single wallet with a balance

>> No.2842797




>> No.2842799

I got it up and running in Win 7 with python environment. It says its checking away. started on a random page. this is incredible. thanks anon. i knew there was a way to do this, just don't have the coding background. my luck, ill find a wallet with 10K the minute of my death.

>> No.2842838

If I am reading the code right, if the program finds a wallet with anything >0 in it, it will output the page, wallet and BTCs to a text file in the folder, correct?

>> No.2842855

That's correct. The message will be like the one on the first response.

>> No.2842860

i checked every private key but there wasnt any bitcoin on them

>> No.2842869

Are you God?

>> No.2842875
File: 36 KB, 1743x288, hobos.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you faggots emptied it?

>> No.2842892


I tried but fucking electrum and their minimum fee bullshit, which wallet did you use whoever took it?

I got an addresss with 2k sats i need to move and the fucking electrum wallet won't let me

>> No.2842895

wow, didn't think anyone would do it for 50 cents.

>> No.2842904

You can pay 0 fees using electrum, go to the settings and choose manual fees.

>> No.2842941

>"goods = goods + 1"
That'll be "goods += 1". Check out /g/ sometime.

>> No.2843013
File: 65 KB, 889x463, nofee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yeah i've done that, and everytime i try and make a payment i get this stupid fucking message.

I don't give a fuck if the payment gets stuck for months just as long as it eventually goes through.

>> No.2843036

goods = goods + 1 should also work?

You have to put something

>> No.2843038

I've actually found a number of coins that have had transactions made for sums amounting to many BTC. Also found handfuls of wallets that had negligible amount of BTC (<0.0001 BTC).

Followed a transaction from one of the formerly bigger ones and it lead to a wallet with about 488 BTC. Is this some guy who is actually raking up BTC from these wallets or something? Or is he doing something else? I'm genuinely confused. Most of the wallets that have transaction histories for 1+ BTC have had them transferred recently and into bigger wallets. What might be going on here?

Are some people actually beating the unrealistic odds and raking in BTC? Or are they distributing BTC around and retransferring for whatever reason?

>> No.2843046


I've tried putting 1 sat or 10 sats it still doesn't work

>> No.2843052

Yeah it will do the job. Just that there's more to it if you're willing to learn. >>>/g/

>> No.2843055
File: 36 KB, 465x453, ebin_marisa.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2843060

It isn't working, says it has something to do with the identation, tabs and spaces. I honestly don't know what to do. I check it out once in a while, but I'm not really into programming.

>> No.2843075

No way around it.

>> No.2843076

Copy whitespace from existing code. Python is picky with indentation...

>> No.2843085

Already did the course. Dude it's not my first rodeo. It's my first time with python 3 though. No wonder people prefer 2.7, jesus. This wasn't as picky back then.

>> No.2843097


>> No.2843126

Copied the line above. I was trying with the enter key, enter and then backspace, tab tab, nothing worked, ffs.

>> No.2843129

Can you adapt the script to create a log.txt that saves wallets that were found to have something?

>> No.2843158

The script does that. Read the "elif".

>> No.2843170

Didn't notice. Good.

>> No.2843213

Is it expected for the script to go at a nice pace for some time and then randomly get stuck after one address and take 1 or 2 minutes to get back?
This is happening often.

>> No.2843367

It's called internet delay.

>> No.2843475

Pajeets browse here too.

>> No.2843485

Lol. You're not serious, right?

... I mean... Really? Goods++
I just fell for bait though, didn't I?

>> No.2843576

There are a little under 16m BTC wallets currently in use. If you made a script that went through 1 trillion addresses per second, it would take you over 3*1^108 years to go through them all. But go ahead, feel free to make that python script. Maybe you'll manage to get 100 wallets/sec and you'll get lucky.


>> No.2843625

we just found one tho

>> No.2843642

i found an privkey with 0.32 BTC 2 days ago lol

>> No.2843643

How much?

>> No.2843655

Prove it.
Post the page you found it on.
You transferred it already, right?

>> No.2843661

Nice, just found 100k

>> No.2843666

Well that was easy. I found some wallets with some bitcoins inside them on the first page. Like at least 4 BTC or so. Wat now?

>> No.2843696

That's not Final Balance you're looking at. That 4 BTC wallet USED TO HAVE 4.something BTC in it, but not anymore. It's all in the transaction history. The wallet has 0 funds if the Final Balance is 0.

>> No.2843730

read the thread lol

>> No.2843741

>using ++ to increment ever

>> No.2843749
File: 65 KB, 310x350, ProofGeneral-splash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soldier, what am I looking at?


>> No.2843752

This is interesting...

>> No.2843760

About $21M.

>> No.2843764
File: 69 KB, 1054x300, sshot.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2843767

What page did you find them on? Unless this is some sort of scam shit, you should be able to import the private key to a wallet, and start sending money out of there. I'm sure whoever owns the wallet is keeping tabs on it though. Dangerous stuff. I'm thinking throwaway exchange account somehow, trade for XMR and send to personal wallets.

Is this doable?

>> No.2843819

Stop being such a gullible idiot.
If you spent 1 minute checking the address you would see it was faked.

For fuck's sake...

>> No.2843835
File: 402 KB, 1400x886, uyjhgfghj1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is like looking for unused cd keys for online games, lel.

>> No.2843837

HOLY SHIT they stole all the BTC and hacked the blockexplorer to show 0 transactions? BTC IS CRACKED SELL NOW

>> No.2843866

Aren't those 2 different wallet addresses?

>> No.2843876


>> No.2843881

They're just random addresses of some whales. He didn't find them here and doesn't have the private keys.

It's like it's your first decade here..

>> No.2843914

just found this but it's been emptied on June 2


>> No.2843925

Which page?

>> No.2843956

I conclude that >>2843914 is full of shit.
He didn't find the address randomly on directory.io
He found it on a /biz/ thread from May.

Why so many liars?

>> No.2843970

duh I won't tell you, I'll keep an eye on it in case the owner uses it again

>> No.2843973

page 3423418, the 3727th key from the top

>> No.2843978

this site gives me the rush of gambling but i dont lose anything doing so, it has to be too good to be true right?

>> No.2843995

theoratically it is gambling, there's a chance you could win, you just wont

>> No.2844002
File: 185 KB, 300x300, Wait+a+second+are+you+trying+to+be+tripscausedthis+_24283b009a92249d7008cecd3f08508a.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Those private keys can't be real.
Because it should take a huge amount of calculating power and time to even find 1 private key matching the correct address in that trillion mess of numbers.

Otherwise why couldn't I simply use a optimized searching program+OS to type in some whale's address and finding out his private key if supposedly every single address+their correct private keys have managed to be written down?

>> No.2844029

>Otherwise why couldn't I simply use a optimized searching program+OS to type in some whale's address and finding out his private key

It's easy to calculate a priv+pub keypair.
It's hard to brute-force a priv key from a pub one.

>if supposedly every single address+their correct private keys have managed to be written down?
Not all keys were written down. directory.io calculates them on the fly.
It's impossible to write them all down at once.

>> No.2844054

The keys are real but they're not stored anywhere, just generated on the fly any time you request a page. You could write a script to query one trillion addresses/second and you wouldn't get through all of them in time before the heat death of the universe. People just don't comprehend how large 2^160 is.

>> No.2844301

A private key is a 256-bit value, meaning there are approximately 1.1579e77 possible keys (There are about 1.2288e66 invalid values, but subtracting them from the full set of values goes beyond the precision we're working with here). 1 trillion = 1e12
1.1579e77 values / 1e12 values per second = 1.1579e65 seconds
60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour, 24 hours in a day, approximately 365 days in a year gives us 3.1536e7 seconds per year.
1.1579e65 seconds / 3.1536e7 seconds per year = 3.6717e57 years.
But wait, there's more!
Each of those 1.1579e77 values will occupy 32 bytes of storage space.
1.1579e77 values * 1.1579e77 bytes per value = 3.7053e78 bytes of data.
According to WolframAlpha, there are approximately 1e50 atoms on Earth. Even if you could store 1 byte of data per atom:
3.7053e78 atoms / 1e50 atoms per Earth = 3.7053e28 Earths worth of atoms
Beyond even that: According to Landeauer's principle, at room temperature, the absolute minimum amount of energy required to store one bit of information is 2.85e-21 joules.
The mass of the sun is approximately 1.988435e30 kg. According to general relativity, 1kg of mass will provide you with approximately 1.7867e17 joules of energy (look for a mass-to-energy calculator if you want to double check this).
So we're storing:
3.7053e78 bytes * 8 bits per byte = 2.9643e79 bits of data
Which requires:
2.9643e79 bits * 2.85e-21 joules per bit = 8.44822e58 joules of energy
The sun will provide us with
1.988435e30 kg * 1.7867e17 joules per kilogram = 3.5527e47 joules of energy
Meaning we would need:
8.44822e58 joules / 3.5527e47 joules per sun = 2.3779e11 suns
So, if you could use the entire planet as a hard drive, storing 1 byte per atom, using stars as fuel, and cycling through 1 trillion keys per second, you'd need 37 octillion Earths to store it, and 237 billion suns to power the device capable of doing it, all of which would take you 3.6717 octodecillion years.
Better get cracking.

>> No.2844321

So your saying theres a chance?

>> No.2844329

Nigga even if there's 0.00000000000000001% chance of finding an address with some btc in it I fucking take it.

>> No.2844347

Ok, i just find something but i cant figure out how to send it to my bitcoin wallet, someone help!

>> No.2844353


Spoils the LARP

fun killer

>> No.2844382

If only you were so ambitious about actually doing something productive to make money.

>> No.2844400
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>> No.2844407

There's a chance so small your brains can't even comprehend it. Similar to how your brains couldn't process the Planck limit, or 142 quintillion kelvins of heat. You simply can't even begin to imagine that kind of temperature, as you can't even begin to imagine the size of the odds of finding a wallet here.

But if you want to, go ahead. It's not impossible. Simply... improbable to say the least.

>> No.2844516
File: 70 KB, 1080x720, risk I took.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What if all these "post your adress and I will send trips 1000 bitcoins" threads are an attempt to generate the private keys of valid public keys?

>> No.2844690

It's called beginner's luck. I also randomly came across a wallet with an insignificant balance but haven't found anything since.

>> No.2845030

no you haven't you liar

>> No.2845057

>No you haven't
>Guy posts evidence
>Now guy says he found a small amount
>No you haven't
Are you bagholders actually retarded

>> No.2845079

I don't understand, I found a balance with like 20 bitcoin in it, but it's not like I can access it from anywhere.

Where do you go to actually transfer from one address to the other?

>> No.2845089


what page is it on? I can help you

>> No.2845091

not sure how much better this is than the other one posted but here's my attempt.
going to have it run 24/7 on my headless server

>> No.2845104
File: 19 KB, 318x145, Screen Shot 2017-07-21 at 7.56.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2845110

try except

>> No.2845136

>stop calling out my retardation, y-you're ruining the fun!
lol ok

>> No.2845140

He didn't post evidence. He's more likely to win the lottery multiple times in a row than stumble across an address with btc in it, excluding the ones on the front page. I know I'm just feeding trolls at this point but I get irrationally triggered by this meme.

>> No.2845141

there are a couple towards the last pages that had coins in them at some point-- one had... HAD... 10 BTC and the other had 2, plus various ones that had dust in and out.

put there to fuck with desperate losers like us, maybe. Haven't found any active wallets anywhere else.

>> No.2845148

retard those are clearly people "testing" the concept

>> No.2845150

Checked 67891267891526789 wallets in 1461246712456781246784 pages

>> No.2845151

i really don't understand how you retards are so stupid

i was the one who originally posted this page directory.io as a fud troll but you retards actually took the bait

>> No.2845158 [DELETED] 

and better yet, you're

holy shit i swear to god 4chan average iq has dropped over the last few years from 115 to 90

>> No.2845161

much more likely that someone else has seen the IT crowd and decided to leave a tiny amount of btc in that address.

retards here using python scripts trying to win a lottery with 1000x worse odds than an actual lottery

>> No.2845163


Naw they had older transactions from last year etc. I am not gonna share em b/c I am now watching those wallets on the offchance something new shows up in them.

whether or not you believe me doesn't matter... i did yesterday fucked myself out of $350 of [very good coin y'all don't need to know about] by screwing up encryption on the wallet, so i am indeed a retard, no argument there.

>> No.2845166

and better yet, you're actually trying to bruteforce sha256 my sides

holy shit i swear to god 4chan average iq has dropped over the last few years from 115 to 90.

must be the /pol/tards

>> No.2845171

its not that 4chan is stupid
id wager that its prob a place with a little above average intelligence (no hand-holding to post thwarts most people away)

its that we stopped being able to tell if people are trolling or not. it used to be really obvious before, now literally every post could be a troll or a retard.

>> No.2845178

Both scripts are kind of dumb in the sense that they use directory.io , there are python libraries that let you generate keys on your own and API services that let you query balances directly, so you can go much faster than 1 address per second.

And if you really wanted to get serious you'd set up a full node, parse out all 15m+ addresses with a balance, chuck them all into a bloom filter and rack up a giant electricity bill trying to find a key collision by generating as many private keys are your hardware will allow (at which point you'd probably have much better luck mining coins directly)

And either way I'm sure within the next few years any address that holds coins will be multisig.

>> No.2845183

they literally think they've found free money. it's pathetic.

>> No.2845185

What about the large bitcoin collider?

>> No.2845200

I've been talking shit this entire time about how its literally mathematicaly almost impossible.

I just found one with previous transactions, granted its very small amounts and all in 2014, what the fuck are the chances????

>> No.2845202


>what if

>> No.2845219

>not having a dedicated wallet for tips and other small transactions that is routinely emptied

>> No.2845369
File: 31 KB, 435x106, Schermafbeelding 2017-07-22 om 02.59.09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


what do i do ? im on Mac

>> No.2845377

my god you idiots truly are retarded

>> No.2845424

IM NOT A PROGRAMMER FOR GOD SAKES this is Chinese for me

>> No.2845435

>please help me try to steal people's money even though I am a massive retard

>> No.2845451
File: 114 KB, 1241x501, Schermafbeelding 2017-07-22 om 03.12.57.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

aiiiii almost

>> No.2845454


Git gud son

I'm the guy who wrote it, start with Learn Python the Hard Way

>> No.2845479

you still use "%s" % (var) like a pleb instead of "{}".format(var)

>> No.2845484
File: 1.97 MB, 1044x1576, fool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you try googling the error shithead?

>> No.2845568

it's cool, you can eat my unwashed ass you arrogant STEMfag

>> No.2845586

yea nvm faggot, turns out I accidentally went back to page 1, where most of the accounts have been sent tiny amounts

do you buy lottery tickets every week and bash STEMfags for saying the odds are almost impossible too?

>> No.2845600

im half an hour in and i found 3 with recent transactions, all from this moth and even 1 with transaction from yesterday

>> No.2845610

here's why you haven't
theres retards on this thread running python scripts that check 1 account per second, one of them said hes literally checked millions of accounts
only one of them found anything, and it was 1 account with 15 cents on it (the account was a special page number, the first entry on a number that is a reference to a show, so it was likely put there by a fan of the show)

there is literally a 0% chance that you've found THREE in THIRTY MINUTES, do you realize how ridiculous you sound?

>> No.2845647
File: 5 KB, 189x189, 1498501490521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

thank you, my sometimes retarded brain didn't think about that

>> No.2845650

there are more wallet addresses than grains of sand on the entire planet

good luck finding anything significant

most of the wallets you will find that have been used are wallets that are specifically numerically relevant to this type of task such as wallet #1 or the final wallet etc

>> No.2845658

Also if you are still in 5HpHag territory you need to rethink yourself.

>> No.2845664
File: 112 KB, 1275x510, Schermafbeelding 2017-07-22 om 03.22.39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


while you were shittalking i just found another one
it has no balance but pretty fresh transactions so what every smart guy would do is write that shit down and monitor it untill it has balance

>> No.2845667


Delete the tabs and use 4 spaces instead ;)

>> No.2845671

this you goddamn retards

anyone whos running scripts, or fucking manually clicking wallets, you're actually retarded

every single wallet you found with transactions on it, is becuase someone found the page number significant and moved some insignifcant amount to and from.

>> No.2845676

whats the page number

let me guess, something that is somehow significant and someone moved money after they saw it on the website, not before.

>> No.2845677

check dis >>2845451

>> No.2845690

ok dutchfag, ill bite
are you randomly clicking wallets or running a script?
are the wallets on pages that are significant? (like last page, first page, significant number like a reference to a show, or something like 42 which a lot of people would go to)

>> No.2845706
File: 147 KB, 608x624, arktonight_full.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I didn't think anyone here was smart enough to write a scraper but actually be stupid enough to think it was actually possible to find a key, much less ACTUALLY start scraping the fucking website pages for it.

Oh jesus christ.

>> No.2845709

So the space of what you're looking for is 2^160
Private keys are bigger, but that's not important. You just need something with the same hash of public key.
Let's assume all 21 million bitcoins exist. With 2^160 possible addresses, that gives an expected value of:
21000000 / 2^160 = 1.4 e-41 BTC / key pair
Currently mining has about a 1/1e21 chance of getting a block per hash, which gives a reward of 25 coins. This gives an expected value of:
25 / 1e21 = 2.5 e-20 BTC / hash
If we assume that generating the keypair takes about as long as the hash
2.5 e-20 / 1.4 e-41 = 1.7 e21
So mining is approximately two billion trillion times more profitable than searching for private keys. Probably several orders of magnitude more than that if you factor in checking the balances of all the public keys you generate.

>> No.2845727

find a weakness in the random generator of wallet creation services my friend

>> No.2845749

those are datamining threads, they are trying to mark the coins of 4channers

once you give them just 1 address you own, they can follow you for life.

>> No.2845766

not your business mate
if they're active wallets i'll get something out of it, if not i get nothing out of it... so what is your role in this and why do you care.

>> No.2845777

the worst part is that it's trivial to actually hash a private key into an address but they're actually scraping some poor soul's joke website for it and probably eating a ton of his bandwidth

>> No.2845782

>not your business mate
confirmed retard looking at the first and last page and screaming "I FOUND SOMETHING!!!"

>> No.2845795


If you're serious about this you should share your checks and save a register of what you've sweeped. Just sayin'

>> No.2845799

i scanned over 500k wallets so far with .15 btc total

>> No.2845817

No, you didn't

>> No.2845847
File: 88 KB, 640x850, 1500153490769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this thread is just sad

>> No.2845858

Hey /biz/, did you know that some people are buried with gold teeth? I'll sell you dumb niggers some shovels.

>> No.2845888

nah, i just smashed a couple of times on my keyboard but oke, whatever you want to believe

>> No.2845909
File: 41 KB, 564x438, Closetpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only person laughing will be that smart guy with the scraper getting all that sweet btc money. I have a map to some treasure that's somewhere in the universe, you wan't to buy it brother?

>> No.2845955

>i'll believe some random anon on /biz/ that claims to have hit astronomical odds.

i don't think you realize what kinda odds you're dealing with. it might as well be impossible to find one actual wallet, let alone 3 in 30 mins lmaaao

>> No.2845964

the map just says that its somwhere in the universe without any further information, right?

wow thats almost the same odds as what we're doing here

how much are you selling it for?

>> No.2845970

>[very good coin y'all don't need to know about]
So you scam people on /biz/ like the faggot you are. Good luck with your endeavors.

>> No.2845980

The problem I find with this is couldn't someone program an AI to look through all these wallet and log every one that has bitcoin available? An AI could do this very fast with a good enough computer.

>> No.2845984


Read through the thread, there's a Python script. The chances of you finding a valid wallet are so mathematically small anyway so there's not much point

>> No.2845986

Is everyone in here trolling? There is no way to make money out of this shit. Everyone claiming to is having you on for a laff.

>> No.2845987

even if you used all the computers in the world it would take thousands of years

>> No.2845991

You just gave me an idea, let me power my quantum computer!

>> No.2845993

this entire thread speaks volumes of the average intelligence of /biz/ posters.

>> No.2845996

this lmao

truly embarrassing

>> No.2846004

Actually I retract that statement, i went to http://directory.io/1337 and found:


it had 0.00007343 BTC in 2016.. lol.

>> No.2846010

>The problem I find with this is couldn't someone program an AI to look through all these wallet and log every one that has bitcoin available? An AI could do this very fast with a good enough computer.
you are retarded

>> No.2846013

wow, it's almost as if 1337 is page number lots of people would check and test

>> No.2846017

you're trolling right?
please tell me you're making fun of the retards on this retarded board

>> No.2846025

>Artificial intelligence
>Programmers create a machine with actual intelligence only to let it sift through randomly generated btc wallets to see if they get astronomically lucky

>> No.2846026

how does 10x=9+0.999
= to

>> No.2846029

cuz x = 0.999

>> No.2846030

No way, I fully am going to search every page with a python script now. Does anyone know how to parse html?

Thanks for this site bros, we're all gonna make it.

>> No.2846038

>No way, I fully am going to search every page with a python script now. Does anyone know how to parse html?

good satire

>> No.2846042

thank god
I was worried

>> No.2846046

I found several with insignificant but nonzero amounts of BTC in them in my first few clicks. What am I missing here? I'm not poor enough to want to take them, but exactly how is this bullshit?

>> No.2846051

>I found several with insignificant but nonzero amounts of BTC in them in my first few clicks
lol no you didn't

>> No.2846055


On the first page I presume??

>> No.2846063

he can't tell the difference between "total received" and "final balance" on blockchain.info

what a total board of fucking retards

>> No.2846075

I think you can make a regex to parse it. Maybe something like /(?:<[a-zA-Z]+>)*([a-zA-Z0-9]+)+/ But it probably needs to be a bit more complicated than that.
To make your program run faster, make sure you use a language that can compile regex like python. Pass the "O3" argument to re.compile to make sure it compiles it as hard as possible.
And since brute-forcing private keys is "hard", you'll be better off running this on a server with a fast internet connection even if it doesn't have as good a gpu as something else. That way you can do network queries to directory.io really quickly to get the keys and also to blockchain.info to check the balances.

>> No.2846087

ok :)

this is literally a free lottery that anyone can play

>> No.2846098

i started 2 scripts, first starting from the first page and the second one starting from the last no i'll just wait 10243 years untill they meet in the middle

>> No.2846099

you have no proof you made any money from this retard

holy shit this board is awful

>> No.2846120

>humorous site that technically has every private key in existence
>mathematically impossible to take advantage of, i.e., this is how cryptography works and why it is secure.

Never change /biz/. Now I understand why you brainlet wage slaves mess up my order constantly.

>> No.2846131
File: 55 KB, 500x473, tumblr_inline_nt0vb5equP1spsojg_500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What happens when someone develops a quantum computer server bot that is able to ctrl+f and figure out which page your public key is on anons?

>> No.2846137

lmao everyone'll be fucked
we're not too far off from this, 10-20 years
thats why some coins like IOTA are really promising long-term, they're quantum-secure.

>> No.2846147

1 in 292201338 chance of winning the grand prize of the powerball lottery.

1 in 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936 chance of guessing a funded private key.

Yes, you can use a dictionary and a number of 256 bit KDFs, but you're competing with millions of bots each constantly running thousands of parallel dictionary attacks.

You're all in way over your heads.

So, yeah.. Play the lottery instead, kids.

>> No.2846149


This is exactly what I was thinking

>> No.2846152

so you are saying there is a chance?

>> No.2846163

There's also a chance that quantum fuckery will cause atoms to pop up into existence that are perfectly arranged to put 100 BTC into your wallet

I'm waiting for that to happen

>> No.2846166

So you're saying it could become very mathematically possible in the near future? ...

>> No.2846170

Oh fuck, 10 years? There's no way any crypto besides IOTA will be able to become quantum-secure in time.

>> No.2846177

i genuinely can't tell if this is satire or not

>> No.2846189

Yea, near future too.
All non-quantum cryptography will be fucked, although we're making progress towards quantum-secure cryptography (I won't even pretend to know how that works), IOTA claims to be quantum-secure, not sure how secure it actually is

>> No.2846213

We'll have bigger fucking problems than cryptocoins being defunct. SSL will be useless, anyone with a quantum computer could just listen to every phone call, all cellular data, wifi networks, encrypted digital mobile radios for public safety, everything will be done.

>> No.2846214

I read some reddit thread about it after you mentioned it, and the wikibot mentioned most types of quantum algos or whatever would still be cracked by a super quantum computer. Not sure if IOTA has a good version but yeah, shame it's only on bitfinex right now.

Also the fact that no miner will ever be able to mine a block again before a quantum guy cucks them

>> No.2846215

If anyone found any private keys with coins they were probably keys generated with a bad random number generator. I'd imagine the stuff on the first/last pages are something like 0x00000000 and 0xFFFFFFFF (or however many bytes are needed to represent the keys). Faulty key generation software may cause a private key seeded with 0 or MAX_INT, but because of address hashing, the public key and private key would look normal.

>> No.2846224

Yeah I was thinking this too, like your bank accounts and everything getting hacked unless everyone moves to quantum, and that there are still many breakthroughs needed for a legit one which could be who knows long in reality

Intredasting times

>> No.2846228

Btw, this guy actually found over 1000 BTC from addresses generated with weak RNG properties. Unlike any of you toiling away time you'll never get back on a satire website unironically thinking it's real.


>> No.2846242

ECDSA 256 bit, or 32 bytes, which can be represented with 64 hex chars.

>> No.2846278

I don't think it'll go down like you guys will think it will go down. The world will be changed so much by then simply because we're forced to.

Quantum computing breakthrough where we have an actual usable proper amount of computing will 100% be achieved by either a government of a country, or a huge tech corporation like Google.

One of those entities, after discovering proper quantum computing, or when getting close, will trigger an insane push for quantum-security from all other entities in the world.

The other corporations/governments won't necessarily do this for the good of the people, but because a government with quantum computing will completely dominate all other governments without.

This will result in everything being quantum secure, before whoever discovered quantum computing willl have a chance to take advantage of some random btc wallets when they can literally break government encryptions of anything.

In my opinion, I think quantum computing will be 100 times more good than bad and we will see an era of computing and digitization and constant breakthroughs like we've never seen before.

>> No.2846367

>1 in 115792089237316195423570985008687907853269984665640564039457584007913129639936 chance
yeah but i'm lucky.

>> No.2846436

>And since brute-forcing private keys is "hard", you'll be better off running this on a server with a fast internet connection even if it doesn't have as good a gpu as something else. That way you can do network queries to directory.io really quickly to get the keys and also to blockchain.info to check the balances.
he would make more money just mining bitcoin in a pool

>> No.2846461

How pissed off would you guy's be if i said Im going to hook with up to the OSG shared network?

>> No.2846497
File: 485 KB, 996x722, Schermafbeelding 2017-07-22 om 06.59.43.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quantum computing is closer than you think


>> No.2846958

No. The wallet.dat basically lists the private keys. There is nothing else in it.

>> No.2846967

laughably untrue

>> No.2847735

You might want to recheck your math

>> No.2847840

Quantum computers wouldn't actually make it possible to break AES-256

>> No.2847889

They make it possible to break RSA and DSA/DH (and thus elliptic curves) however.
Also, literally nobody uses AES-256, everybody uses AES-128 instead which is already weak and becomes even weaker with quantum computers.

>> No.2848078

>the brainlets on this board are trying to break ECDSA private keys by bruteforce

lmaoing @ all your lives

>> No.2848783

If you can generate 256 bit keys faster, yes it can.

>> No.2849673

Please god be bait

>> No.2849734

umm m8 all the computers in the world for trillions upon trillions of years would never find a single wallet

>> No.2851336
File: 278 KB, 420x410, 1401755778336.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw retards actually trying to brute force SHA 256 with a fucking scraper script

>> No.2851391

If you're actually doing this just generate your own random addresses in pythons instead of scraping
Maybe in a year you'll find 1sat