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28454712 No.28454712 [Reply] [Original]

You thought you could just pile into penny stocks, make huge returns, and not have to be a wage slave for the rest of your life?! You do know we control the entire system right?

We are shutting it the fuck down. Oh also there will be no refunds, enjoy your losses. Should have learned your lesson last week when you tried to make money in our market.


>> No.28455077
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>> No.28455330
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>> No.28455686

>how dare you make money incels

>> No.28455749
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>its chart is a gas chromatograph

>> No.28455847
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>> No.28455881

They made this decission only in case of this stock. Mainly because this company exists only on paper. Sound decission imo.

>> No.28455894

post nose

>> No.28456085
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top kek

>> No.28456094

And you think they won’t do this in any of the others?

You think this won’t cause people who hold stocks in these clown companies to dump them tomorrow?

Prepare for red if you hold penny stocks. I’m glad my orders didn’t fill today now.

>> No.28456227

>buying penny stocks at all

Buying penistech for 10 dollars because you know it'll go to 20 dollars by the 28th is a sound decision. Going all in on something that's 1 cent that could shrink to half a cent if a whale decides to leave the pool is not.

>> No.28456442

Company described in the link was a scam and SEC pulled the plug because of this. Nobody is stopping you from trading stocks of actual companies. Wake me up when it actually happens.
> reddit spacing
I guess you're just drama queen

The issue is not with pennystock, but with buying shares of company that doesn't exist. SEC protected retards who didn't even do basic DD on stock they are buying.
Although my take is you're not investing but playing casino here, so I don't care what SEC does to you.

>> No.28456517
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Fuck the goyim

>> No.28456542

you know how many of these penny stock companies only exist on paper? a lot.

>> No.28456664

Your point? Usually when people are investing, they are supposed to check this stuff before putting money. But with pump n dumps it's not investing, just a casino that by design leaves lots of people who are hurt in the process, holding useless shares of company that doesn't exist.

>> No.28456766

The smallest company I own shares in is $580M and the smallest I've ever owned shares in is ~$50M CAD. Buying defunct shell companies is dumb and you should feel dumb.

>> No.28456775

Good. Too many scams. Invest in safe index funds like spy, qqq and your local bank.

>> No.28456776


>> No.28456913

That could describe about half of any company stock that isn’t 20+ years old.

>> No.28457193

Nice estimate. Could be 90%, I don't care. It's bad decission to put money in something like this and SEC stepped in to protect retards from hurting themselves. Stock market is for investing, not get rich quick schemes that creates lots of hurt people with huge loses.
Every time reddit pumps stock I already own it ends badly for actual investors, because stock then dumps and people lose trust in it. I just wish all reddit fags would eat dirt and die already.

>> No.28457355

>Stock market is for investing

>> No.28457367

Unlike all the people holding shares in a company that absolutely exists like Rolls Royce?

Everyone’s doing just fine in there I’m sure.... cause they are an actual company and all.

>> No.28457509

fucking based science poster. GC-MS chad

>> No.28457688

Tesla is fine over 800$ though. It’s totally worth more than every other automaker on earth combined right? I’m sure there is no risk in TQQQ either cause stocks only go up yea?

How about that IPO today in BMBL opening it to the public for 2x their cost basis then dumping bags on retail all day is perfectly fine by you I presume. A meme dating app is totally worth it’s 8 BILLION dollar market cap I’m sure.

>> No.28457722

RYCEY is z real company that does research and produces things. How can you even compare it to company that didn't file single SEC report in 3 years?
Yes and making money from your investment.
And then you have scammers who want to buy you shares of nonexistant company so that you pump it.

>> No.28457877

SEC didn't stop trading on this stock because of bad price. They stopped it because company doesn't exist. Don't try moving goalposts and wake me up when SEC blocks trading on actual company that exists.

>> No.28458121

Rolls Royce is a company that exists. It has employees, it has revenue, it has assets. I don't think this is disputed.

>> No.28458777

AMC, GME, BBY, what else did they halt last week I forget. Sure it was FINRA halting trading for “””volatility””” and ultimately DTC mandating brokers front 100% of the cash on hand which is absurd but it doesn’t matter. The fact is these people are all the same club and they shut down anything that normal people are making abnormal gains doing.

I guarantee you if XYZ hedge fund had been buying up these shares 2000% then the CEO came out and announced the cure for cancer and it went up to 100,000 per share the SEC wouldn’t do a damn thing.

If it’s listed it should be traceable. If it’s a ghost company then delist it. If I qualify to get my company listed in the pink sheets and my goal is to time travel by running electrical current across my ballsack and people wanna pump a billion dollars into it that’s the fucking free market.

I’m tired of this nanny state bullshit. People need to be allowed to fail and eat shit then kill themselves. We didn’t come so far as a species keeping retards and weak faggots alive.

>> No.28458873

So was Enron and pets.com.

>> No.28458982
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>> No.28459187

What are you even ranting about at this point?
>there are risks to investing
>do your own DD
congrats you passed the tutorial

>> No.28459441

You can check what was halted yourself. Rest of your post is speculation and rambling of a person that wants to continue participating in scams.

>> No.28459809

His argument seems to be "let the retards burn, fuck the SEC' which is quite based desu

>> No.28460370

I did my DD, the market is a joke and everyone with any experience in the real knows it. The worst companies in the entire market have the best gains for years running. Numerous studies confirm this. Logically atheism pink sheet companies that aren’t even really functioning companies should be the best performing thing on the market, and surprise surprise, they are. That’s why they really shut it down. They are trying to hide the fact that all this DD, funduuurmentals and other CNBC bullshit is all absolutely worthless garbage, the entirety of the market is playing chicken in a sort of prisoners dilemma where if we all just keep buying forever we all win. But the moment people start really cashing out it will fall faster than a stone from the sky because it’s all a confidence game.

Difference is they have the plunge protection team and myriad circuit breakers to stop it. HFT was whipped into shape years ago after the flash crash and basically told to not let the markets go lower like that ever again so now they mostly just spoof in one direction.

It’s about control, they want people in what they can control.

>> No.28460478

OWS 2.0 incoming
Brace yourselves

>> No.28461584

Read it; not selling

>> No.28462087

The stock market is almost entirely speculation detached from reality.
Only now that other people than the hedges and firms can shape it to they have to step in so heavily and manipulate the market.