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File: 232 KB, 421x418, communism.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2841352 No.2841352 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any Communist crypto traders here? Do such people even exist in nature? Or they automatically avoid crypto like bourgeois plague?

>> No.2841363

I am. I learned a lot from crypto and why speculation is a cancer. At least i took some of those free market retards some of their money.

>> No.2841366

fuck off fuck of fuck off fuck off fuck off fuck off

>> No.2841411

How do I turn into a communist and start fighting for state-controlled economy&society?

>> No.2841465

lol is a communist.. get the fuck out of /biz you faggot

>> No.2841491

read a book moron. being a communist doesnt mean you dont run business or oblige free market losers with their game of speculation.

>> No.2841495

go back to tumblr faggot

>> No.2841497

Have you gloriously paid your crypto taxes to the State? And did you know that running a business was criminally punishable in the Soviet Union?

>> No.2841569

Me. Will rob the petite-bourgeoisie blind and use their money to fund the revolution. On the other hand, it's really to fight jew whales in their game.

>> No.2841572

cut you dick and suck a nigger

>> No.2841576

How can I force myself to love state-controlled economy and society, and finally become a Communist?

>> No.2841579

kys, commies

>> No.2841639

Nope, you can't. You can't force yourself to love centrally planned economy (state-controlled in your word) if you don't become selfless.

>> No.2841645


>> No.2841674

If you're selfless, what stops you from living in self-abnegation?

Also, doesn't it feel to be a cuckold trading crypto while hoping that the blockchain and the decentralized internet will be forbidden under a planned economy?

>> No.2841726

crypto and fiat have no difference for me, other than volatility

>> No.2841759

Aren't communist taxes like 100%? I mean, in the USSR, if you created your own farm and lived off of its produce, you went straight to jail.

>> No.2841783

there are no communists with money of their own

>> No.2841786

I find my personal interest meaningless and empty, that I constanstly strive to do something for the higher good. It's not forced self-abnegation, but happen naturally in my thought.
I understand other people are different from me, though.

>> No.2841803

And for trading crypto, my motto is using any useful tools and means, even from the enemies. The capitalist cucks in 20th century even borrowed some ideas from us communists in order to fight us, right?

>> No.2841804

>something for the higher good
the only question is who gets genocided next by your negatively-selected minions? until the inevitable collapse, of course

>> No.2841806 [DELETED] 

>crypto and fiat have no difference for me, other than volatility
Besides, you can say that fiat is enforced to you by the bourgeois hegemony, but crypto is something that you voluntarily delved into. Don't you feel like you go against your own principles by actively participating and supporting (by your actions) another a totally ancap phenomenon?

>> No.2841820

you get paid for your work just like in america. also the state get to keep a large percent of what you produce, just like corporations in america. the salary differences were smaller in the ussr though.
also, in 2017, only third world shitters live off of their produce. modern agriculture needs heavy government subsidies and support. so soviet farmers were much like modern small and medium
american farmers

>> No.2841829

>crypto and fiat have no difference for me, other than volatility
Besides, you can say that fiat is enforced to you by the bourgeois hegemony, but crypto is something that you voluntarily delve into. Don't you feel like you go against your own principles by actively participating and supporting (by your actions) a totally ancap phenomenon?

>> No.2841847

Nope, you are free to cultivate your own farm for personal use. But selling its products in "free market" is forbidden.
No one was forbidden to live in his own way if it didn't affect the society, but he effectly denied himself from many

>> No.2841850

Some people like gambling by their nature, or like accumulating various material and status points in their life, and then using them. You can't go against the human nature.

You, so're trying to save up some money by gambling? I think you might consider launching a Communist ICO, it would be funny

>> No.2841865

>in the USSR, if you created your own farm and lived off of its produce
1. land ownership was extremely limites so one had to be dependent on the totalitarian state
2. the land was either nationalized from those who knew how to farm and given to ignoramuses who couldn't even grow weed

>> No.2841882

I call it the natural selection. Who will win in the end? Survival of the fittest, of course. If you guys is really the future, we will accept to go the way of dinosaur. But don't expect we will go down without a fight.

History will decide everything.

>> No.2841899

In the USSR, there was literally a law against adults who had no work. Let alone a total deficit of all goods, when you could only get access to good books, food and items if you had connections. Corruption was omnipresent.

>Nope, you are free to cultivate your own farm for personal use. But selling its products in "free market" is forbidden.
Exactly. Selling is forbidden, and to maintain that forbiddance you need the strong hand of a powerful, watchful state that closely monitors your actions and thoughts.

>> No.2841903

>Survival of the fittest
but that is uncommunist, after all forced equality of subhumans and underachievers is the very basis of communism
survival of the fittest is ancap to the bone where negative traits weed themselves out unlike communism where positive traits weed themselves out

>> No.2841918

It's human nature (or nature of everything) to ever growing, accumulating or dead. But our direction of growing are different. I'm not denying my human nature, but my nature is different from your nature. It's a simple fact.

>> No.2841922

>but my nature is different from your nature. It's a simple fact.
Exactly, your nature is to deprive others of freedom while justifying it by your supposedly high ethnic standards

>> No.2841928

>the Soviet Union adapted the formula as: "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work

What is wrong with that?
BTFOs gibs and nigger welfare parasites
BTFOs jews and kike banking schemes
BTFOs nepotism and useless leeches

in theory

So, why was this premise wrong?

>> No.2841943

>So, why was this premise wrong?
It makes you worse than niggers and jews

>> No.2841949

central planning never works because it eliminates supply/demand and price discovery thus leading to starvation, misallocation and decisionmaking on wrong apparatchik-supplied data

>BTFOs gibs and nigger welfare parasites
no, dependency on the state is desired in totalitarian societies
>BTFOs jews and kike banking schemes
devaluation is a regular occurrence in commie central banks which all follow the kike model, only put "people's" premodifier in front of their names
>BTFOs nepotism and useless leeches

>> No.2841952

Nope, you are mistaken us with the other socialists. We Communists don't promote forced equality of subhumans or underachievers or some morality hypocripsy.

Socialism is the future because of that the wagecucks are not "subhumans" as you guys mistakenly think, but actually the "ubermensch" of the future. Just my 2 cents, believe it or not.

>> No.2841961

I don's see how, please elaborate what other than material motivation would such a society provide to exceptional anons? anons who are aware of competing ideological/economic systems in other countries?

>> No.2841965

Actually yes. I am a communist and make money off crypto. I actually think blockchain technology has has potential to build decentralized distribution of goods, necessary to communism. Once I make some money, I can funnel it towards propagandizing.

Regardless, I have no problem riding on the capitalist's coat tails and making profit off their speculative games rather than wasting my time with some bullshit wage job.

>> No.2841970

So who care? Might make right. Why mankind allow themselves to eat other species?

>> No.2841987

>I learned a lot from crypto and why speculation is a cancer. At least i took some of those free market retards some of their money.
Also, if this is true and you're in profit with crypto while being a commie, which I don't really believe somehow, but am ready to take as granted, then you most likely took the money of some pajeets and third worlders, which, last time I heard, Communists strive to defend

>> No.2841990

Just like capitalism cannot co-exist with other economic systems, since it subsumes everything and expands until it is completely dominant, so must communism. Communism must be international, everywhere, or it is nowhere and succumbs to capitalist market forces (which are far stronger).

>> No.2842005

that's cute
as long as there are armed people there will be dead communists

>> No.2842006

I'm still laughing my ass off on the funny fact that in USSR, there the tittle "Hero of Labour" for expectionally outstanding wagecucks. It's not worth much materially, but enough to make proud as fuck.

>> No.2842011

That's not really who you're taking money from, even if there was a "taking."

This is how obtuse capitalists are: hopefully someday they'll sell us the rope to hang them with.

>> No.2842012

>I'm a communist
So you're a Jew or a faggot from New York or SF? Trust fund? Lmao

>> No.2842017

Just become a vegan if you hate eating meat so much.

>> No.2842041

Any fags who claim to be communists or socialists need to help a fellow man that is trapped in a socialist state Venezuela, and I assure you it a shit economy and I am, by your standards almost starving. So please even if you are a greedy miser, plz give me something to eat i literally only have 2$ worth of crypto

>> No.2842044
File: 697 KB, 1001x821, 1489122444013.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i'm a communist
>but I openly use a capitalist system such as free trade
>and I actually own my own cryptos instead of the state

Commies are literally retarded which puts into question if these numb nuts are investing in crpyto is it time to short.

>> No.2842053

Kek, my point is that I'm fine with destroying capitalism, just like human is fine with eating meat. There's no moral hypocrisy here.

>> No.2842068

Do you realize that to build communism, you'll have to prohibit cryptocurrencies? You might leave out the blockchain technology as a whole, for distribution of goods, as you said, but all other stuff will have to be prohibited

Also, I'm really surprised that commies DO trade crypto. There are several people in this thread already. I'd never guess. I don't think you really gain that much, though, if at all. But anyway, it turns out it's possible to make money off of commies. Holy shit.

>> No.2842079

Just become a wagecuck like me, do you think I'm better than you, anon?

>> No.2842086

Because I don't believe in blockchain bullshit. Even jew banks are more efficient than this shit.

>> No.2842095

The fact that Communists are deeply violent and barbaric in their mentality, while at the same time claiming to possess some "superior" moral values is nothing surprising. One just has to look at history.

>> No.2842101

Are you fucking serious? Minimum wage here is about 100$ month

>> No.2842120

The same could be said for nationalists.

>> No.2842130

Make money off of me? The other way around, clown. I am actually making money off of this whole thing. I've already made tens of thousands of dollars.

>> No.2842136

Yes. Of course, the value exchange mechanism of crypto is not going to exist under communism. But now it does, and I'll use the speculative, contractions of capitalism to my benefit.

>> No.2842142

Then give me some you irreverent talk the talk but no walk the walk boasting faggot

>> No.2842162

How does it feel that the earliest adopters and hence largest holders of Bitcoin are libertarians? You might be able to take a few dollars of the Stacy's and Pajeets that think they can trade these days but every fiat dollar that goes into crypto is making libertarians stronger.

>> No.2842207
File: 40 KB, 400x400, 3158803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No, you're thinking small-scale, not like a businessman.

There's a way to profit off of the WHOLE online left-wing community. You can promote crypto investing to them, saying that this is the way to finally overthrow capitalism, spruce it up with the sayings of Marx and Lenin, images of the hammer and sickle, WHILE making money with affiliate links (receiving commissions per each commie trade) AND recommending that they buy various shitcoins which you would of course have accumulated. Can be automated with advanced marketing techniques like list building.

It would be rather ironic.

Delicious. I'm outta the thread, thanks for the insight.

>> No.2842380
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>> No.2842386
File: 1.23 MB, 800x667, communism2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.2842404

I'm an anarcho primitivist.

If you look at the facts regarding our future ability to achieve viable space colonization within a reasonable timeframe you will see that it doesn't look good for us. So with that in mind one can see there is little point to our civilization.

That being said I'm a survivalist so I must survive in capitalism while also preparing for its inevitable end.

>> No.2842596


>> No.2843059

Commies fuck OFF

>> No.2843187

That's kinda similar to regular market crashes in capitalism, anon. All 20th century reactions to industrialisation were failures. If the left wants a change, they'll have to reinvent communism completely, since what Marx wanted was essentially capitalism without capitalism. Great productivity but without exploitation and shit like that. Unfortunately, that doesn't work. 20th century communism only created a new ruling class and a new way of exploiting people. (This becomes clear once you take a closer look at China) It's really sad that there are no new solutions coming from the left. It's all either post-political bullshit or 20th century nostalgia.

>> No.2843229

Generally involves being gelded.

>> No.2843284

>>BTFOs gibs and nigger welfare parasites
>no, dependency on the state is desired in totalitarian societies
Except that its clearly against "to each according to its work". Same with your other complains.

You cant refute "From each according to his ability, to each according to his work". At most you can say its impossible to implement, in which I agree.

>> No.2843326


crypto is literally ancap technology. kys you faggots. use your lack of economic understanding somewhere else. I heard you're all well suited for mass murder, bagging and heroin addiction.

>> No.2843336

Welfare recipients don't invest.

>> No.2843363

> is communist, makes profit in a open market by himself
>disproves his own retarded views of economic impotence
> doesn't realise it

also speculation serves the purpose of price finding and volume creation. therefore it is a social act benefiting other people. kys faggot. lrn2economics

>> No.2843382

Communism will win and Ethereum will be used for good, not for giant capitalist hedge-funds and dystopian AI-run corporations.

>> No.2843509

>You cant refute

are you retarded? it's not even a quantifiable statement. in what context do you want it refuted? moral? here: it can not result in anything else but slavery. without the ability to decide the purpose of your actions for yourself you have de facto given up ownership of yourself to someone else. additionally for any of your economic needs you have become completely dependent on the good will of some one else, be it the state or a private owner, you are de facto a slave, as you lack any ability to be independent. how can you even defend such a notion you degenerate freak?

maybe you want it refuted economically: without the ability to decide the best course of action for yourself economic outcome of your actions (and anyone elses) is bound to be suboptimal, resulting in increase of poverty.
ever wondered why any attempt of introducing socialism has always led to a famine 10 years after? here's why: no one has a clue what to - and no one has a reason to do it right in your magic system.

maybe you'd like it in the form of valuation of human life: with the only instance of ascribing value to your existence being the benefit of others, your own life loses any value. you can at no point argue against human sacrifice any more, as that sacrifice, be it in a gulag to the gods of class warfare or on top of a pyramid to quetzlcoatl, might become benefiting the collective without any other way of valuating your life anymoe, since your only purpose is to serve others. and when something has no value, you can break it as you please without being a crime.

did you never think about this? honestly, how stupid are you that you do not question your own believes? especially when they have resulted over and over again in the death of millions throughout history.

>> No.2843538
File: 234 KB, 810x688, readyforaction.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no joke, people should be afraid to admit they are commies. I personally am going to kill you when the civil war comes around

>> No.2843555

a) based
b) nazis are the same collectivist lefty pest. just because it's not marxian socialism, doesn't mean it doesn't suffer from the same short comings. they too murdered millions, just not as effective as the other commies.

>> No.2843572

false, they didnt murder million, theres no proof of such a thing

they did however save many russians from being killed, so you could say they saved millions

>> No.2843640


how the fuck do communists not realize that crypto is literally the most ancap thing to ever exist on the face of the planet. Do they realize that crypto will put an end to this commie Keynesian nonsense. I hope when all of us sane freemarket people have all the fucking money we have the sense to protect ourselves accordingly from these entitled delusional scumbags. Will we also have the strength to provide no food/water/shelter for them so that they die at the gates once and for all, i hope so.

>> No.2843657


Has ethereum really been overrun by communist faggots.

>> No.2843676

Vietnamese here > live under commie gov > sounds good didn't works > create extremly rich red guys (especially the poliburo) > the rest is poor > only good things is electricity is cheap > many miners. Another good thing is no muslim > when Ramadan happens they are watched or even captured and trapped in police station > very peaceful

>> No.2843824

are you somehow stupid. even without acknowledging the holocaust as perpetrated in the death camps you still have a raging war, documented pogroms, executions of whole villages by shooting, and whatnot. the german soul is anal and bureaucratic. you do not even have to rely on countless witness reports, or even allied documents. the germans themselves kept book. stop the nazibooing, it's pathetic. what is it you people like so much about degenerate socialists with coprophile obessions?

>> No.2843860

Not even sure if it's worth arguing with people like him. Some people just have their own version of reality that they want to believe and no one can tell them otherwise.

>> No.2843899

yeah, you're probably right. on the other hand if there's no one calling out their bs, it makes believing their fantasies much easier for others.

>> No.2843902

>we communists

Hello tumblr, how many cosmetic items and clothes did you steal today in the name of communism

>> No.2843937
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>> No.2843971
File: 17 KB, 211x239, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

lmao baby ancaps still think they stand a chance when their population isn't growing while us radical commies are, and more-so when we're active and they're not.
Sorry but when WE overthrow the government you'll be the minority and us commies will band together and suffocate you if not downright destroy you for violating the NAP.
You stand no chance as an individual against a huge collective capitalist. We'll blockade you. We'll be armed ready to assault. We'll suffocate your economy in every way imaginable.

>> No.2843985

sorry but the goyim know here. you arent fooling anyone with your propaganda

>> No.2844007

Radical commies are only growing in weight because 90% of them are fat and lazy. If they were intelligent and hard working they would be too busy profiting off capitalism to risk their life trying to overthrow the government.

>> No.2844016


How many cars have you set on fire so far? Anarchy is litteraly apocalyptic and nothing worth aiming for

>> No.2844018
File: 44 KB, 960x540, paar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>We Communists don't promote forced equality of subhumans or underachievers or some morality hypocripsy.

do you somehow don't understand your own ideology? 'you communists' are obsessed with the working class. in fact you want it to take the power. remember? dictatorship of the proletariat?
but guess what? the working class is at the bottom of society for a reason: they aren't that smart. in fact, all they have to offer is their physical labour. in what universe does that sound like the ubermensch to you? have you ever looked at these people? are you somehow blind to reality? the left constantly makes fun of them. calls them rednecks, nazis and what not. ubermensch my ass.

and them you want to give power, meaning you want them to be equal to the upper classes who are in power right now. by means of revolution. that's your fucking doctrine. how is this not forced equalisation of subhumans and underachievers? you fucking degenerate idiot?

kill yourself, because if you won't, the working class will.

>> No.2844025


>> No.2844038

They all went to a butterfly farm like my Dog did as a kid, ofc, Nazis are worse then commies, and holocaust deniers are the worst of em all

>> No.2844040

>If they were intelligent and hard working they would be too busy profiting off capitalism
HAHAHAHAHA this babby thinks capitalism is a meritocracy!

>> No.2844067

go live in africa then.
you will soon realize that governments come naturally among all animals, and that anarchy is impossible, because warlords will step in

>> No.2844073

Some people are born wealthy but for the most part, capitalism is a meritocracy. Or at least the closest we will reasonably get. You probably think you're a genius but since you're not successful, capitalism couldn't possibly be a meritocracy.

>> No.2844087
File: 7 KB, 259x194, download.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lol fat and ugly lazy commies XXXXDDD you can't work lazy frekos!
Meanwhile apparently we're emaciated weak-armed skinny faggots though as well?
Then we're violent dangerous coorderinated terrorists the next day?

Sorry but you're delusional.
You will be suffocated and either killed or will comply.

Most of us make plenty of money or are at least happy with our living situation and lives in general, just hate the system.
I made $40,000 in the last month off crypto shorting and I don't even have a big account (sub $250,000). I'm nineteen and I still collect welfare and disability, just for shits.
I also bummed it to #BurnLimo 2017 and masked the fuck up.
Sorry we aren't soulless selfish cucks like you who won't take a risk or make a stand. This is why we will win, and we will suffocate scum like yourself. You're trash.

>Small people are ususally richer so we should stomp on poor people
Wow you're stupid. You really understand nothing in regards to education, upbringing, culture, etc, do you?
You're fucking clueless.

Yeah that's why historically the most wealthy, civilized, and "smart" cultures were always based off direct-democracies and communalism rather than individualism.

>> No.2844095

I am a commie, but blockchain might just the crucial step towards GAI before or after helping to establish neocameralist micronations. It's a far-right technology.

>> No.2844114
File: 50 KB, 386x599, Death_penalty_for_Jews_outside_ghetto_and_for_Poles_helping_Jews_anyway_1941.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

here you have it in two languages. now think for a moment:
a) you have a population that you deem subhuman, but somehow still a little more worthwhile than jews.
b) you murder anyone from that population aiding jews (by hiding them)
c) you totally did not murder the jews.

>> No.2844116

Lul have fun killed at a protest just so you can feel good about potentially letting a tumblrina live for free while contributing her "fair share" aka tweeting about how evil men are.

>> No.2844148

> in regards to education, upbringing, culture, etc

yes, because people who do well in school end up working class. in the whole history it has never been shown that individuals who excel end up higher in the hierarchy than those who do not. because obviously your own shortcomings as projected onto all the groups you deeply feel are inferior aren't your own fault. no, it has to be a conspiracy. there's no such thing as being worse, right?

you are a fucking moron if you believe those who can will not overcome obstacles you impotent freak.

>> No.2844156
File: 59 KB, 661x440, 54.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

image has been misquoted countless times
Im not going balls deep debunking the holocaust, that will take hours and you arent going to listen to me

its been disproven by many revisionist, suggest you start there.

>> No.2844182

>he doesn't know that the best way to build socialism is to be as capitalist as possible right now so everything can be automated sooner

>> No.2844195

>implying that the global elite won't kill us off with world war 3 once that level of automation is achieved

>> No.2844212

Well it's either communism for the elite or communism for everyone then, depending on who wins. We're not at that point yet, though so... capitalism!

>> No.2844228
File: 13 KB, 326x300, 597dbafc4955813f695579535b689a55_i-1521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I made $40,000 in the last month off crypto shorting and I don't even have a big account (sub $250,000). I'm nineteen and I still collect welfareshorting and I don't even have a big account (sub $250,000).
LMAO, you're either full of shit (most likely), or just a bastard from a filthy rich boomer family who feels terribly guilty for being born rich, and unhappy and miserable because you can't enjoy the path of building your own fortune. 19 year old, my ass. Get a life, nigger.

>> No.2844236
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>> No.2844240
File: 162 KB, 634x833, article-0-150C4520000005DC-354_634x833.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>image has been misquoted countless times

do you even speak german? I bet you couldn't even tell me what's written there. but no, everybody has to be wrong, because you choose to believe a bunch of deranged degenerates with fringe theories trying to disprove recent history and documents written and handed out by the perpetrators themselves. but thats ok, because

>holocaust best day of my life
>also never happened.


>> No.2844268

daily reminder that there are actual far left people and sjws on biz lmao

>> No.2844278
File: 60 KB, 448x450, 1499982286073.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>because people who do well in school end up working class.
As I said: You're clueless.
I was/am smart and smashed every test and everything with a 95+ without any studying or even really paying attention at a certain point.
I was tested to have 154IQ in elementary school, and that didn't drop below the last time I was tested in my upper teens (148).

While I may have plenty of money now, much of my potential was wasted due to the lower-class life I had.
I wasn't given a more advanced course, sent to a better school, or had extra activities to participate in. As a result I lost interest in school before middle school and refused to go as it was a waste in my opinion.
In 8th grade I went back for the last 6months as I wanted to try it out again, and I learned literally nothing and was only there for the interactions. A month into 9th grade I refused to go again, and never went back, despite getting 95+ on everything I did still.

I overcame that poverty, but in the process I suffered a whole bunch, had years wasted, likely lost much of the potential I had, and simply stopped caring and being passionate about the things I was truly good at.
In between I discovered enormous talent in gaming (literally played as a substitute for many professional TI-participating Dota teams), but had a poor computer and thus could not advance past my occasional sub position simply because they could not reliably count on my computer, in which quickly turned into no longer being a sub for the same reasons.
I understood the tech behind Tesla's and BTC and wanted to invest my money into them both when I was barely a teenager, btc being below $1 and Tesla not even releasing their first car to the public.

Sorry but the system doesn't work and you're wrong.
You'll be smashed.

>> No.2844285

he is killing bolshevik scum in that picture. You honestly believe the germans had the capacity to murder innocent civilians in cold blood? is context not important to you?

>> No.2844307

I was born into an abusive family with a right-wing father who beat me, earned $100,000/year but spent it all on paper sports cards while we lived in a Mexican ghetto as the only white people, and I never was given anything as a child.

I wanted to get my $100 into btc back when it was less than $1, but my mother wouldn't let me.
I had professional gaming chances, but my father wouldn't buy me a computer and thus I was using a stolen school computer, and couldn't pursue it.

How I got this money is understanding the delusion of capitalism and committing fraud to earn a few thousand, then working the market and making those few grand into the $340,000 total investment account I have (not all is crypto).

Sorry you're a dumbass :)

>tumblrina live for free while contributing her "fair share" aka tweeting about how evil men are.
Symptom of a sick capitalist society.
That's not the norm.
Until hyper-consumerism and capitalist divisions of the community go away this problem will only get worse.

These things never existed back when we were communally living and everybody was forced into boxes and taught to hate each other.

>> No.2844352
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>While I may have plenty of money now

you have disproven yourself.

>As a result I lost interest in school yadayada
so what? who cares? you completely proved my point. you feel inferior, and now you're projecting your feelings onto proxy-victims in your attempt to prove that it's not you who is to blame for not utilising your potential.

and to make things worse, you actually used it in the end to overcome your own shitty living situation thanks to your own free economic will. wow. much communism, because there's totally no free market logic at work there, buddy. say, why do you suppose your average working class fucker doesn't do the same? may it be, because he lacks the skill? it's not like there aren't other ways to make a living than crypto. you know that.

also stop the yappering about gaming. what is wrong with you? boohoo, you don't get to have a nice computer? ever heard of a summer job?

you want something you find a way, faggot. instead you cry like a little girl because the world is mean to you. pathetic. the system works. you're just a loser.

>> No.2844357
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>with a right-wing father who beat me, earned $100,000/year but spent it all on paper sports cards while we lived in a Mexican ghetto as the only white people, and I never was given anything as a child
That's precisely what your problem is, you had shit parents, shit childhood, shit psyche. You have a whole lot of psychological issues because you're not a normal person. You have a deformed brain cortex, defunct empathy as well as outburst of violence, you can't communicate with people and behave in public. You're basically a nigger, just a white one. Might be an autist as well.

>are at least happy with our living situation and lives in general
No, nigger, you aren't, you're overwhelmed with guilt, suffering and despair.

You have an identity crisis, deal with it, retarded commie shit.

Fuck, I'm an actually happy person in comparison with you. All commies are sick.

>> No.2844379
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so I take you don't speak german. besides, to the nazis bolshevism was the same as 'judentum'. in that regard it doesn't matter, and honestly, that fucker who gets shot there is still a human being. so guess what? yes, nazis coul kill in cold blood. they did it a lot.

>> No.2844441
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>in your attempt to prove that it's not you who is to blame for not utilising your potential.
Sorry but if you think I could have just taken my knowledge or potential and created something myself with no money, no connections, and no support, you should shoot yourself in the head.
I did utilize what I could, which is why I did use that stolen school computer for so long. But that wasn't enough.

>because he lacks the skill?
Cultural/upbringing mostly, part being less intelligent.
You're missing the point where I had a ruined childhood, lost potential, generally a miserable life until about a year ago, and had to commit crimes/fraud as to force a chance to be given.

Again, clueless.
You can't get a summer job in the ghetto as a white kid who's barely (if even) a teenager and unemployment is through the roof.
There are no lawns to cut, and you cannot afford a mower.

lol I have guilt for what? Working the market so the ancaps get fucked and less of a share goes to the whales?

It's a shame you're miserable and have to project it, once again, but I'm not. Not anymore.
I have a nice $1000+ computer that never gives me a hickup, 5 monitors including a nice 144hz one for movies and gaming, I have plenty of women who like me (a shame I don't like women, I like girls), and I really don't need to worry about money at all. All I have to do is check mgeneral markets once a day for 5-10 minutes, and if there's a big change or some news I make a play and rake in the cash when I'm most likely right.
If I'm not right, toss that capital to the side and wait for it to mature or simply take the small loss.

Every day I just go do what I want. The only thing I'd personally want that I cannot have currently is the ability to adopt a daughter, but that's simply because I'm 19 and not 24 yet, which is the minimum age for that in my country.
No worries though, I have a couple girls in my life that are daughter-supplements that I take care of.

>> No.2844457

Yes of course. Communists are best equipped to profit off of crypto because we understand private property and why it is so dumb/easy to game better than any capitalist pig.

>> No.2844484
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>Sorry but if you think I could have just taken my knowledge or potential and created something myself with no money, no connections, and no support, you should shoot yourself in the head.

I did. In the very same situation, except I didn't get to have a father at all. Instead I got the gift of watching the poor in action.

>Cultural/upbringing mostly, part being less intelligent.
pic related, by a fucker just as 'smart' as you, my lying friend.

>You're missing the point where I had a ruined childhood, lost potential, generally a miserable life until about a year ago, and had to commit crimes/fraud as to force a chance to be given.

So what? So did I. I'm not whining. Why do you? You're a loser. The past doesn't prohibit you from taking action now.

>Again, clueless.
you are a loser. what do you not get about the fact that everybody else has a burden of his own? but instead of crying, they change their fate.

>You can't get a summer job in the ghetto
did you even try? or did this conclusion come from your deep belief in the futility of every action?

>> No.2844495
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>lol I have guilt for what?
For your shitty parents who have not given you anything.

>It's a shame you're miserable and have to project it, once again, but I'm not. Not anymore.
You pretty much are. Try to understand, you're not a crippled person because you were born in poor family. You're a crippled person because your father was a violent drunkard, and your mother was a neglectful whore. You don't even know who your ancestors are, you don't know what it is to be raised in a normal, caring family. That's why you're shit of a person. Your crappy parents made that choice, they made a decision by conceiving the abomination that is you. It's not a question of class warfare or capitalism, there are plenty of sane, normal people who were raised in poorer families, and they're actually happy, go on with their lives, run a business. It is your PERSONAL problem, because you're in the lowest tiers of the human kind.

>The only thing I'd personally want that I cannot have currently is the ability to adopt a daughter, but that's simply because I'm 19 and not 24 yet, which is the minimum age for that in my country.
>in my country.
No wonder. If you're a third worlder, it explains why you're a commie and why you're insane.

>> No.2844496

>we understand private property
if you did, you wouldn't be communists. kys

>> No.2844510

How can non brainwashed grown ups consider themselves communists? You have to be seriously retarded.

>> No.2844530

Commies don't have to ban cryptocurrencies. All that needs to be done is to remove the coercive nature of private property by guaranteeing people's basic needs. Then you can keep your worthless computer bits.

>> No.2844539

You don't sound a very nice or caring person. Are you sure you're on the "good" side? Usually good people don't get sexually excited about the pain of others, even if they are enemies. I would suggest you take a hard look at yourself and find out why it is you get pleasure from human pain and suffering. You can't be salivating over killing and oppressing and then say you're a good person.

>> No.2844542

Yeah, I'm in here. Individualistic morality is bourgeois nonsense, so why not make some crypto gains? I ain't no opportunist scum

>> No.2844552

>muh 6th grade history teacher told me the evil reds just want the state to own everything
>I never actually looked into the mountains of theory behind the movement

>> No.2844565

Communism is the abolition of the state, private property (which means things which produce, such as factories), and commodity production (commodities being things which are produced not for use, but for exchange. A company does not care what you use their product for so long as you buy it.).

The USSR had:
A state
Private property (just because the government owned it doesn't mean it isn't privately owned)
And commodity production.

Tankies will defend the USSR by saying it was Socialist and that "Socialism is the stage between Capitalism and Communism" but this is retarded and anyone who has read Marx would disagree.

>> No.2844569

Doubt it. It's not enough to understand private property, whatever you mean by that. It's important to know how to calculate risks and have strong hands. Commies are hotheads.

>> No.2844574

I consider myself a hardcore capitalis. I strongly disagree with communists and I think they all have mental issues and/or a fundamental misunderstanding of what a society needs to function. But I have never once felt the desire to kill people just for disagreeing with me on this. This dude is insane if he wants to kill a majority of the population due to some warped sense of utilitarianism.

>> No.2844581

There seems to be unexpectedly many commies. What if in reality, you gamble against each other?

>> No.2844588

Holy fuck this thread is AIDs and OP is a faggot

>> No.2844595

In that case, I'm winning

>> No.2844598

If you did, you wouldn't be a capitalist. kys

>> No.2844599

How about looking into the history of its application next time faggot.

>muh theory

Heaven sounds nice to Christians too, doesn't make it real.

>> No.2844610

>I ain't no opportunist scum
>so why not make some crypto gains?

do you hear yourself talk, numbnut?

you obviously never even attempted to falsify your mountain of theory, otherwise you might have seen that instead of the working class getting increasingly poorer as predicted and the subsequent uprising, they got more wealthy and grew content with the system. maybe you should have payed more attention in 6th grade, because then you'd also knew, that during the whole of the 20th century every country that implemented socialist systems fell into poverty while capitalism heaved more people out of poverty than anything else ever had. you fucking uneducated retards. how do you people live with yourself?

>> No.2844614

Communists get a chance to profit over others
>yay i'm winning
Communists find themselves disadvantaged in some way

>> No.2844622

woah deep

>> No.2844623

>except I didn't get to have a father at all.
That's really not a bad thing.
So you were raised by the screen and isolated most of your life? Doubt it.

>pic related
It's not that genetics do not play a role, it's just that the vast majority of problems are not due to genetics.

>did you even try?
It's clear you're lying when you say things like this, and it shows you lived in a middle-class neighborhood at the very least.

Literally everything you said was wrong, great job mate.
I was born in and always lived in the USA, in the USA a single person cannot adopt till 24 generally.

There is no room in the world for skirting around the issue and being kind to disgusting individuals.
I do not take pleasure in the fact I will likely one day be executing a line of people, it's simply what will likely have to be done.
If you do not change, that's your choice and you will be forced to or suffocated as you are a vile individual. It's nothing personal, you won't be tortured, you'll be executed. It's strictly business :)

>> No.2844628

>Working class revolution happens
>Opportunists take control of it and ruin it
That is every single time in history. The issue with leftism is the "leftists"

>> No.2844644

> while us radical commies are, and more-so when we're active and they're
The only activity commies participate in is collecting piss bottles in their basements. Politics are controlled by SJWs.

>> No.2844650


My god you are the biggest larping faggot ive ever heard of.

>> No.2844651

That will happen every time. Communists/leftist operate under the delusion that equality exists.

>> No.2844663

>Literally everything you said was wrong, great job mate.
I did not even make up anything. You said that you grew up in a neglectful family yourself. I summed it up.

You're a miserable commie shit with a wretched childhood, and you don't have the mind of a sane, happy person, neither do you make any efforts to become one. Get a life.

>> No.2844667

>Communism is about equality
Have you read literally anything by Marx? He talks about how some workers are better at their jobs than their co-workers.

>> No.2844680

Yet no one is entitled to the fruit of their own labor, gee where do I sign up? Sure want to make sure Tyrone gets a just as much of my production as I do.

>not about equality


>> No.2844683

Don't you think that by participating in crypto trading and giving out crypto advice, you're advancing the ancap agenda?

>> No.2844684


How do you not understand that the amount of force required for people from Group A to make sure they are equal with Group B means entrusting a ENORMOUS amount of power to Group C which eventually FUCKS/MURDERS/RAPES GROUPS A, B AND C........

>> No.2844692
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>he still thinks communism is about equal wealth

>> No.2844695


It's ok, we already won. Keynes and his commie faggot friends can go fuck themselves and die of starvation after crypto takes over.

>> No.2844700

Get out of here nigger. If you were so smart, how come you didin't find a way to get the money?
Not so smart now, are we? What a niger. Go fap of to Manga.

>> No.2844702

Yes, he's literally a mentally unbalanced person. He speaks about violence in his every post. His brain is most likely damaged on a physical level.

>> No.2844703

>The only activity commies participate in is collecting piss bottles in their basements.
See >>2844087

>ahahahah u larp u kant be reel m8 fucking faggot get a life
Sorry you're than insecure and shit that you have to resort to such shitposts mate.

No, I said my father was bad and spent his money on cards, was abusive.
My mother wasn't though. She was very attentive and was just in the position of a slave, and treated like that her whole life, and thus she didn't resist my father and leave him.

>Someone in power needs to watch over the subordinates
How do you not understand you're describing everything but communism?

ankraps are a joke so no

>> No.2844705
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not real communism. you're laughable.

>> No.2844706

>he unironically thinks its not

>> No.2844714

>nigger you're stupid how couldn't you find a way out of your jailcell? Couldn't you find the key WHAT A DUMB NIGGER!
Like, bullet yourself, friend-o.

>> No.2844715

Every argument out of communists
>not real communism
>its capitalism's fault it failed

>> No.2844729


How about working and saving your money for better computer faggot. Instead of complaining you could have done just about anything to save for the best computer in existence. You think you are special but you have no idea that you are exactly the same as every other "talented" faggot that thinks they are so good but come up with 1000 excuses why they aren't better than the next guy. Stop complaining, put in the work, put in the time, save for your own equipment, have some fucking heart, man the fuck up, push through and be a winner instead of a whiney crybaby faggot.

>> No.2844732

If I called every case of capitalism feudalism and then point to a case where a feudal king abused his people would that prove capitalism is bad?
Seriously you people are brain-dead.

>> No.2844733

>I've never read Marx and I know literally fuck all about his theories, but I got told it was about equal wealth so I guess that must be it

>> No.2844737

>No, I said my father was bad and spent his money on cards, was abusive.
>My mother wasn't though.
Your mother didn't manage to provide you with a decent childhood, and you grew into a criminal, violent, drug-dealing embarrassment instead. Yeah, if you had a happy childhood and no mental issues, you would have been a different person.

>> No.2844740

Maybe you should try capitalism faggot.

literally what?

>> No.2844744


Please explain to me how you are going to stop someone tall, smart, good looking and hard working from acquiring more resources than the average person. Do you understand the police state required to enforce such a thing?

>> No.2844750

>How about working and saving your money for better computer faggot.
So tell me what job does a 11-12 year old get in a Mexican ghetto where he isn't even part of the community. has no transportation, no references, no connections?
Goddamn you're an idiot.

What's next?
>Man you are WEAK stop complaining how you couldn't invest in BTC when it was below $1 despite having the money because you didn't have a credit card SHUT UP IT'S YOUR FAULT!
Sorry mate, but I'd have tens of millions right now if I wasn't fucked by this cultural and my father back then.
Those are the facts. Sorry you were a mindless drone till you turned 18.


>> No.2844751

>ankraps are a joke so no
LMAO, and how do you imagine them, in black tracksuits, breaking shop windows and running from the cops in the street?

The point is, if you actively participate in the whole crypto infosphere (as well as provide liquidity by your trades), you're NOT promoting communism. Not in any way.

>> No.2844753


Also, you are no whale. I'm a fucking whale and just my BAT account is worth more than any amount of money you will ever make in your entire fucking life. I'll send you 1 bat just to make you cry faggot.

>> No.2844754

>So you were raised by the screen and isolated most of your life? Doubt it.

what exactly do you think is the life of a single mother like? of course I grew up in front a screen.

> it's just that the vast majority of problems are not due to genetics.
it's not about genetics. it's about denial of reality / science for the sake of blaming society for ones own short comings.

>It's clear you're lying when you ...
maybe it's just that I'm a few years older than you are and have seen your very mindset from the inside. you didn't even make any attempt other than asking for someone else to solve your problem and then robbing your school mates of the few chances they have, do you?

>> No.2844760

Yeah, I'm brain dead and feudalism is the same thing as free market capitalism.

Fucking kys kike.

>> No.2844763
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>Maybe you should try capitalism faggot

>> No.2844767


The same way my other mexican friends made money when they grew up in the hood. They grew a pair of fucking balls and hustled their ass off, buying whatever they could and selling whatever they could. Also, you could not have been that poor in mexico doing some shit like playing fucking DOTA. The friends that I had didn't even have fucking shoes most of the time. Stop lying to yourself, it makes ZERO fucking sense.

>> No.2844772

the person who invented DOS is not Bill Gates
the person who invented fast food is not Ray Kroc
the person who invented Batman is not Bob Kane
how is it a meritocracy?

>> No.2844778

>what exactly do you think is the life of a single mother like? of course I grew up in front a screen.

I feel you, bro. At least our isolation has given us more of an incentive to reflect, albeit with somewhat emotional frustration. Do drugs.

>> No.2844779

>>I've never read Marx and I know literally fuck all about his theories, but I got told it was about equal wealth so I guess that must be it

>qualifies as an argument

>> No.2844783

Copyright is enforced by the state, anyway

>> No.2844787

so is property

>> No.2844789

>capitalism is a meritocracy
Kek, tell that to the millions of Liberians who definitely could do whatever they wanted with their lives, if they pulled themselves up by their bootstraps, amirite?

>> No.2844795

>unequal opportunities depending on wealth
I don't think you understand that word.

>> No.2844797

All you have to do is change the culture.
If that person does good and is appreciated they will be given extra voluntarily.
That's not an issue.
But if they go around trying to enslave people and impose their bullshit on them, then they'll be resisted and out-casted.

She couldn't change the fact she had an abusive husband that wouldn't even let her have a job or bank account other than running away, which she essentially couldn't do either due to her upbringing and the position she was in, which again if you knew anything on the topic you'd understand.

None of those other things were an issue. Drugs being sold across the street changed nothing.
What changed things was being poor and neglected in schools, and having little opportunities, most which get smashed because of being poor.

No, I imagine them sitting in their fancy plush room with overpriced shit, talking shit all day while being well groomed despite going nowhere the whole day, and doing fucking nothing for what they believe in other than saying "lol stalin communism sucks."

I didn't say I was a whale you idiot.
Not yet.

>what exactly do you think is the life of a single mother like?
It can be good if your mother is good.

>you didn't even make any attempt other than asking for someone else to solve your problem and then robbing your school mates of the few chances they have, do you?

Literally brain-dead m8.
I can't explain it more clear than I already did.

>> No.2844798

>Yet no one is entitled to the fruit of their own labor
That is Capitalism.
Previously in Feudalism it made sense for individuals to own the tools necessary to produce the things we need to survive (the Means of Production, but I hate using that term now because people made it cringey), it made sense because they were small tools which could only be used by a single individual at a time, a carpenter would have his own knives, no one else should have owned his knives, he made his own tools, he worked on his own products and he could decide where his products would be distributed. If a farmer in the community needed a yoke, the carpenter could make a yoke and give it to the farmer directly. Often the carpenter would even get to see his yoke being used.

Capitalism retains the fact that individuals can own the Means of Production, but single individuals cannot be the only ones who work to produce now. Instead of small tools which can only be used by a single worker, now there are massive tools which can require multiple. Production, in motion, is socialized, but the actual ownership of the tools which produce is still privatized. This is a fatal contradiction. It means that those who produce are not receiving the fruits of their labor in full because they, by the very nature of the system, must be paid less than they produce.

>> No.2844803


This world rewards hustle, stop complaining.

>> No.2844804

>Goddamn you're an idiot.
no, you are, bolillo. If you can't find a job, create one. besides you moron, in what world would a twelve year old become rich just by having the ability to play video games? what kind of delusional moron are you that you whine about this? no wonder people in your neighbourhood didn't like you.

>> No.2844806

No you didn't retard, all you did is say capitalism is at all related to feudalism, which it isn't.

>> No.2844807

>I didn't say I was a whale you idiot.
What is enough to be considered a whale, in your opinion?

>> No.2844809

You don't need to make group A and group B equal. You need to abolish markets and the commodity.

Did you even read what I wrote in full?
>Tankies will defend the USSR by saying it was Socialist and that "Socialism is the stage between Capitalism and Communism" but this is retarded and anyone who has read Marx would disagree.

>> No.2844811

At least it made sense as a response. Saying "maybe you should try capitalism" is a retarded non-sequitur.
Communism and Socialism are about the abolition of commodity production and private ownership of the means of production. That doesn't equate to wealth equality by any stretch of the imagination. Marx specifically discusses how differences in wealth will occur under socialism.
That's an argument

>> No.2844816

>This world rewards hustle, stop complaining.
Yeah all those gangmembers are rewarded since they turn to crime because there's little alternative

>> No.2844818
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>> No.2844821

>I do not take pleasure in the fact I will likely one day be executing a line of people, it's simply what will likely have to be done.
>If you do not change, that's your choice and you will be forced to or suffocated as you are a vile individual. It's nothing personal, you won't be tortured, you'll be executed. It's strictly business :)
You're lying. You can lie to me, but you can't lie to yourself. I've run into people like you. You attach yourselves to ideology so you can justify your sickness, but deep down you just want an excuse to be evil to people. Listen, if that's what you are, fine. Just be honest about it. I'll take an honest psychopath over a lying one. In any case, the way you speak already betrays your sadistic desires. You definitely do not come off as someone who thinks that killing is a necessary evil, a means to an end. For you, killing is the end and your ideology is the means.

You know what the tell is? Hang out on /pol/ a bit, and you will see. They're all believers, but the ones who aren't comfortable with what they consider necessary will avoid even mentioning it, and when they do it's never with such confidence. The ones who want to do it, for the sake of doing it, have no such discretion. They openly talk of genocide the same way you do. They crave it. They can't wait for that day.

>> No.2844826

Barter actually sucks dick and we replaced it with currency for a reason. Also plenty of people didn't own the means of production, in fact most never did.

>> No.2844827

>Socialism is the stage between Capitalism and Communism" but this is retarded and anyone who has read Marx would disagree.
My nibba, this is hegelian dialectics
what the fuck are you smoking?

>> No.2844829


What enslavement???

If I make a machine that makes fishing nets and people in the 10,000 person village want to come work for me so that I can make more fishing nets which in turn feeds everyone more efficiently. Why do you get to come in with your gun/spear and break up this voluntary agreement? Just because you cannot understand that 99% of the population works as part of a voluntary agreement, do we really need to tear everything down? You are completely delusional.

>> No.2844834
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>I do not take pleasure in the fact I will likely one day be executing a line of people, it's simply what will likely have to be done.
>If you do not change, that's your choice and you will be forced to or suffocated as you are a vile individual. It's nothing personal, you won't be tortured, you'll be executed. It's strictly business
Stop being a lifestylist

>> No.2844847

>shared risk
>shared reward
>differences in wealth distribution


>> No.2844850


I'll be happy to use my capitalist created fucking ray gun to vaporize you and your commie faggot friends. You do realize that the next battle is going to be a complete joke. It's literally going to look like the movie War of The Worlds

>> No.2844852

Currency is not JUST a replacement for barter, that is a heavy oversimplification. Currency allows for accumulation, something which functionally does not exist with barter. It also allows for direct laboring for wages. Currency is not a 1:1 trade for bartering. The correct solution is not to return to barter but remove the need for both barter and currency.

Marx used the words Socialism and Communism interchangeably. There was no stage between Capitalism and Socialism/Communism. Lenin made this revision because he was an opportunist.

>> No.2844859

Yeah for a guy who claims to be opposed to disgusting individuals, he's talking about personally executing people far more than anyone else in this thread. I disagree that he cannot lie to himself though. To me it seems like his delusion is genuine. He probably really thinks he's in a world where killing capitalists on the streets is a great outcome for society.

>> No.2844862

>Do drugs.
been there, done that. not the best of ideas. work hard makes for a way better life. anyway, I'm not bitter about it. shit happens, man. just don't hang up yourself on it.

what do you suppose would happen if they tried?

you stole a computer from a school, you retard. what do you think it was for? you stole from your community, your very peers who you cry about, mr. communist. fucking hypocrite.

>It can be good if your mother is good.
you're a larping moron.

>> No.2844864

>remove the need for both barter and currency
and replace it with what?

Why the fuck are commies on a board almost entirely dedicated to currency?

>> No.2844867

If you don't work to make fishing nets, but you own the fishing net factory, you inevitably skim off the top of the profits created by your workers. That's capitalism. Also, essentially no bourgeoisie made their own means of production, they bought them by saving up (being exploited in the same way), or they inherited them, or they took them from feudalists way back, so your analogy is shit.
What other choice does a worker have? Starve? Get their own means of production and exploit others?

>> No.2844869

>There was no stage between Capitalism and Socialism/Communism

Dictatorship of the proletariat.

>> No.2844877

If a worker works harder or longer, he gets paid more. You know, kind of like a meritocracy

>> No.2844879

> remove the need for both barter and currency.
How are people this dumb, what the fuck? How can anyone older than 4 years old think this is remotely possible? I am really curious how this would work. Please show me that my economics background was all a lie.

>> No.2844890
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Well, back to business

What do Communist crypto traders think about the fact that by their participation in the crypto community, giving out advice etc. they're advancing a totally decentralized, anarcho-capitalist market system, instead of collectivist, shared means of production?

Don't Communist crypto traders feel like cucks?

>> No.2844893

>muh labor theory of value

If you bust your ass digging a ditch and fill it back up, you've effectively produced nothing of value, but according to this shit theory that has been debunked over and over again you should be treated like a KANG.

>> No.2844911

>in what world would a twelve year old become rich just by having the ability to play video games?
Obviously you know nothing about what you're talking about, once again, yet can't shut up or look anything up.
Dota (2) players can make millions in a single tournament, and if I had a good computer at the time I'd have been on a team that competed in most big tournaments of the time, and I'd likely have been getting paid at least a thousand or two a month even if me and my team did not perform particularly well (relatively).
If I so happened to be on a good team or be exceptional beyond what I previous found, then I could have went on to compete in the last few TI's.

You're probably going to crush your children's opportunities too, even though you aren't poor, as you're stupid.

That's my point.
Is State-capitalism in any way related to Communism?

Depends on the market, for crypto that would be at least $350,000-500,000 in a particular altcoin or $4,000,000+ in total to begin to get into that status.

>Long-back early capitalism comparison
That's not relevant anymore.
Now a days it's more like you bring in your big ship to their coast, then demand they purchase small boats from you to fish and then shoot down any boats not produced by you. Meanwhile you charge them a tax too!

>you stole a computer from a school, you retard.
Are you joking?
You do realize what computers were used for, right? Nothing.

>> No.2844912


You do realize that management is a job? Often a much more skilled and specialized job than someone using the machinery that:

A. I created and know how to fix/operate/train people

B. Had the resources saved to invest in building the damn "factory"

C. Yes the reason they choose to work at my factory is because they earn more "fish/food/water/shelter" per hour than if they were to go try and get it themselves.

D. Most people choose to work for someone because believe it or not, starting a business is fucking HARD.

E. People choose to work for someone VOLUNTARILY because going out and scavenging for their own "fish/food/water/shelter" is way harder and yields less than getting a fucking job.

>> No.2844913

>what do you suppose would happen if they tried?
Ah, I see now, the problem is they're not trying. Wtf I'm capitalist now
Top fucking kek, I'm sure you've read Marx, I'm sure you understand the LTV. Socially necessary labour time you dolt

>> No.2844923

Management =/= Ownership

>> No.2844925
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pic related. read it. your criticism sounds like a severely disfigured miscarriage grasping for air while implicitly pleading to be mercy killed by its looks alone.

>> No.2844929

this thread is so gay
go back to /pol/ you tards.

>> No.2844930

>I can make more fishing nets which in turn feeds everyone more efficiently
You are completely ignoring the contradictions of capitalism. Your goal of making nets would be to extract the surplus value for yourself because you yourself owns that MoP, subsequntly minimizing the pay of the workers and selling the nets for as much as possible.
So, not only would the people lack the money to buy the nets (this a prominent contradiction; the workers can't afford to buy the product they are making), they would probably also lack the money to buy enough of the fish to be comfortable.

>voluntary agreement
Except most workers in the third world are forced to work for shit pay or they'll die. There isn't really enough options to warrant it as "voluntary".

Lenin wanted state-capitalism to evolve to socialism. Socialism itself does not mean statelessness and no currency as communism does. Marx stressed the material conditions, one of these conditions would be a post-scarcity economy and so on.

>been there, done that
Shit, man. Drugs are just about the only happy thing I have. I won't fuck with hard stuff (except cocaine, that's really nice) so I just got a weed dependency

>> No.2844935

>Socially necessary labour time
As defined by a party, not demand, thus completely inefficient. Why does this need to be stated over and over?

hurr another commie favorite. It's not completely off I suppose. Only because communism doesn't exist in reality and someone will always take control. Every goddamn time.

Seriously, what are you guys doing on a board about currency?

>> No.2844944

shared means of production doesn't mean that someone owns it if they have nothing to do with it. For all we know those single individuals might own their means of production in a mutualist sense

>> No.2844950
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I couldn't have worded it better. Straight to the point.

>> No.2844952


You are completely misguided, I don't even know where to begin.

Have you ever wondered why the people in 3rd world countries still go to their shit jobs rather than try to "hunt/fish/scavenge/etc". Think about it, just take the time to THINK ABOUT IT for fucks sake. Don't listen to me, don't read a book, dont watch a youtube video. Why would they go into work and not scavenge for themselves, just THINK about it!!!

>> No.2844954

>He probably really thinks he's in a world where killing capitalists on the streets is a great outcome for society.
He'd be quite useful to the party, no doubt. Once all the capitalists are dead or in gulags, he'll be turned loose on the leftists who are having second thoughts. That's what awaits the peace and love types who got fooled into thinking they making the world better. I suppose I can't blame him for wanting a society in which he is supremely useful and valued, but he is certainly a monster.

>> No.2844969
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>if if if
fucking kill yourself. you deserve every beating you got you whiny little whore. you would likely have gotten nothing you deranged delusional fuck. you were fucking twelve. what kind of walking, talking example of the dunning-kruger effect are you that you hang on to your retarded beliefs?

>You're probably going to crush your children's opportunities too

if they'd be anything like you I'd crush their skulls out of disappointment. no wonder your father became an alcoholic.

>> No.2844970

>As defined by a party, not demand, thus completely inefficient
Nope. Read Kapital

>> No.2844971

You learned the wrong lesson, you were supposed to learn why stupid shitheads deserve to lose their money and nobody is equal

>> No.2844979

By the way, for all the normal people here. Myself and some of the cryptomilly buddies are considering putting together funds to start a "socialist utopia" island youtube/webTV show where everyone can see their stupid bullshit playout over the course of time. What say you?

>> No.2844982

>and replace it with what?
There is no longer a need for either of these things now that production is so efficient. Producing for use rather than exchange. This is a synthesis of how Feudal society could use their products, but with the tools which produced under Capitalist society. The arguments for how this occurs are different depending on who you ask, but it's somewhat foolish to ask any individual this question anyway. Imagine two barons in Feudal society discussing Wall St and the kind of international trade we have today, it is impossible for them to do this, because they're limited by their material conditions. Just as those in Feudal society could not completely comprehend Capitalism before it occurred, we cannot completely comprehend Communism before it occurs.

However, just saying "I can't explain what this will look like to you" is a shit-tier answer. So I'll give you at least something to work with. Communities would be built around what they can produce for society, and would be heavily integrated with other, similar communities. Commons succeed by self-regulation, which is why there was no Tragedy of the Commons, and why there certainly won't be any under Communism. It is reasonable to guess that everyone would be directly involved in helping create some of the basics, I remember Kropotkin talking about how a Paris Commune would/could have every able-bodied person work 5 hours a day for 18 days a year to produce enough food for all of Paris (this was under the assumption that Paris would be completely blocked off from the rest of society).

>Why the fuck are commies on a board almost entirely dedicated to currency?
Because we don't live in a communist society right now, so I may as well participate in the one we currently have. I'm also trying to learn more on Crypto Currency.

>> No.2844984

How about you save me the trouble and just explain. Also why are you on /biz/? I get it you're a communist, this isn't the place for you. Go shit up /pol/.

>> No.2844997
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>Only because communism doesn't exist in reality
The incan empire, Suebi as Julius Caesar described them in De Bello Gallico, east-coast native americans at the time of the discovery, and the sumerian riverculture before the priest kings are all reminiscent of what we imagine communism is like.

>hurr durr dey kan go 2 da woods n pik berries lel if dey dont want 2 werk
Are you actually fucking serious? Do you imagine that millions would fucking migrate like nomads in search of food? There wouldn't be any state or corporate response? I'm the delusional one. Who would have thought that the solution to global wage-slavery is foraging?

>> No.2845003

Until we have fully automated gay space communism this argument is invalid.

The reason feudal society was so different is because peasants didn't have any enfranchisement at all in the market. Also basically everyone had to work on a farm, trade still existed and was very capitalist for merchants.

Further peasants didn't produced more than the consumed because they had no access to a market for trade. They actually had the means to produce a surplus however, but no incentive to do so.

>> No.2845008

seriously, what do you think will happen if a whole populations starts improving their living situations each for his own? might it become something like all the other countries where this has occurred and now are considered among the richest nations in the world? what do you think, you dingus?
did you never asked yourself why all these evil capitalist nations with all their exploitation and evilness somehow end up rich while all those fucked up little shitholes who dabble in socialism become poverty ridden hellholes full of famines and misery? and do not even think about saying exploitation of the 3rd world for a moment, because all our sweatshop colonies from 50 years ago are called financial hubs and prosperous by now. except of course those who got helped by our russian friends. they ended up shitholes.

>> No.2845010
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>remove the need for both barter and currency.

>> No.2845014

>primitive societies in which a good amount of people were enslaved and at the head was a dictator

Yea I mean when you put it that way...

>> No.2845020

>How about you save me the trouble and just explain
Capital vol. 1 is almost 2000 pages alone. Economic theory isn't something as simple as to be dumbed down. The fact that you haven't even read one of the most important economic works in modern day yet spew your narrowminded ignorance really tells a lot about you. You talk all that sass yet have not a single clue about the suject at hand. Even if that dude were to summarize I bet my sweet ass you would come up with some retarded shit

>> No.2845026

>It is reasonable to guess that everyone would be directly involved in helping create some of the basics
We have tons of leeches that don't work even when they would get direct compensation for it. I don't understand why you think more people would get involved now that we got rid of the compensation.

>> No.2845027


Ok, so say I love hunting and I'm a great hunter. I just loooooove fucking doing it. After some time I have acquired a nice stash of furs and salted meats. "Hmmmmm what should i do with all this?" So voluntarily trade it to people for various items and now I have a considerable amount of wealth. Are you going to come into my home and take this from me by force?

>> No.2845040

>incan empire
>primitive societies
What the actual fuck?

>at the head was a dictator
Sumeria and the natives were decentralized, i.e no "dictator". The suebi's monarchies vastly differed from a blatant dictatorship, the power dymanc between the king and the people were flipped.

>> No.2845049

>Shit, man. Drugs are just about the only happy thing I have.
don't sweat it, man. it's what I concluded for myself. If you like it, who am I to tell you what is good for you? (except of course from the medical perspective. cocaine isn't really that good for you. not when you realise that it causes your blood vessels to contract and most death reports due to cocaine abuse read like 'stroke, hear attack or just sudden death, despite otherwise perfect health. shit's crazy.)

>> No.2845061

Holy fuck man, if you can't summarize a simple concept in a paragraph then there is something wrong with the concept.

Yes it is the party you fuckwad. I know its the dictatorship of the proletariat on how to sure things up in theory, but in reality that shit doesn't ever come into play.

Yes those are primitive, holy shit dude and the Inca empire had an absolute monarch. Just stop fucking posting.

>> No.2845075

Because you're working with them. You can simply point out that they're being lazy. I'm also incredibly dubious on whether or not people are lazy leeches. Alienation in the workforce makes people not want to work. Poor education makes people not want to work. When every single person you know is directly involved in helping create enough food for every single person you know, and you all get to see the work you did for each other, I am highly skeptical that being a leech exists anymore.

Ancaps have a nasty habit of oversimplifying an incredibly complex mode of production. You do not get to just take a transaction between two individuals and say "yep this is all Capitalism is". It ignores information asymmetry. It ignores the economic crashes that have happened every 10 years since the 1840s. It ignores how mergers create monopolies.

>> No.2845090

>The fact that you haven't even read one of the most important economic works in modern day

you're overestimating marxs importance in economics. in fact it isn't even important at all. it is for political theory. and history. but not for economics. not at all. during the time marx was writing his love letter to boredom, the marginal revolution has already occurred in economics, rendering his base assumption and thus his whole writing utterly obsolete.
he is like any other german philosopher: full of hate and wrong.

>> No.2845093

seig heil commie cunt

>> No.2845099

i agree churchill and FDR are mass murderers

>> No.2845102

go away. you're just as much a leftist retard.

>> No.2845106

I really don't know where commies get off claiming he has any role in modern economic models. Only thing kind of close is Keynes, which sucks dicks.

>> No.2845112
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the germans deserved expulsion and dresden. now fuck off, socialist scum fucker.

>> No.2845121

they belief so because usually all they know about the whole field is a brief summary of 'das kapital' they read on reddit.

>> No.2845130

>if you can't summarize a simple concept
I didn't read you and that other guy's exchange. What should I summarize?

>Yes those are primitive
Then I guess the roman empire and the greeks were even more primitive. Do you know what primitive means?

>holy shit dude and the Inca empire had an absolute monarch
When did I say otherwise? That's besides the point, the parallel between communism and the incan empire are prominent. Here's a fist-page-google article

>in fact it isn't even important at all
Any solution to capitalism will have marxism as the forefront. Marxism the analysis of capitalism, it's economic theory, it isn't some subjective shit (although he does get commie-ptsd one or two times in Capital).

>the marginal revolution
please tell me further of this

>rendering his base assumption and thus his whole writing utterly obsolete
His "obsolete assumption" are acknowledged and observed to this day by marxists and capitalists alike. He had a few trivial predictions that were wrong (like the consistent decrease in wage) but since his time we have seen his work hold up and be accurate.

>> No.2845154

>Because you're working with them. You can simply point out that they're being lazy. I'm also incredibly dubious on whether or not people are lazy leeches.

You have an incredibly naive view of society. Do you even see all the posts talking about being a neet on this board? Money or bartering didn't exist I wouldn't work either, I don't care about people calling me lazy. Anything that relies on people working purely to be a nice person is just not a stable system. It's the economic equivalent of "why cant we all be friends?"

>> No.2845159

>t. Marxism the analysis of capitalism, it's economic theory, it isn't some subjective shit

and it was considered wrong at the time it was written as it is considered now. the analysis isn't even that good like often claimed. no wonder when you realise that marx never saw a factory from the inside.

>please tell me further of this

look it up. wikipedia is a few mouse clicks away, and they do a way better job than I ever could with my broken english.

>His "obsolete assumption" are acknowledged and observed to this day by marxists and capitalists alike.

says the dude who doesn't know what the marginal revolution is. no,its not acknowledged at all. it is wrong, because it is based on the labour theory of value, which is wrong.

>. He had a few trivial predictions that were wrong

like workers getting increasingly poorer and a subsequent uprising. yeah, that's trivial, except all his predictions were based on this one.
proving his 'scientific socialism' completely wrong. when your predictions do not match reality your theory is considered wrong in science. ever thought about this? you're believing in ancient hogwash.

>ut since his time we have seen his work hold up and be accurate.

simply no. we see it over and over refuted. stop kidding yourself. just because everyone in your bubble keeps uttering bullshit, doesn't mean the bullshit to be true. it isn't. every attempt at socialism ever has failed and resulted in millions dying in horrible ways. over and over again. how much more people have to die for you to acknowledge that communism is wrong?

>> No.2845173
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Commie here

I thought i was alone too

I feel dirty a lot of the time, sitting at work looking at charts and reading about econ like a pig; but knowing capitalism is going to destroy itself anyway helps me sleep at night

>> No.2845175

Why cut off my explanation of the subject matter? NEETs are a victim of alienation. It's also easy to say you wouldn't care, but when you're born into a system you are inherently molded by it. People are affected by the material conditions around them. You're not working to be a nice person, you're working so you're able to live. You're not going to want to deal with being disliked by your society.

>> No.2845188

>I feel dirty a lot of the time,
it is because you are.

>> No.2845198

So, how much of your spare cash have you blown away on crypto already?

>> No.2845205

is x5 my initial investment blowing away?

>> No.2845212

Do you feel that your views started to transform with your gains?

>> No.2845239

aspirations, not views

i used to day dream about flooding the streets with bourgeoisie blood, but now id just be happy if i could buy a condo and live on a mountain somewhere with my sweet gains

>> No.2845241

for instance here's a very nice example of refuting socialist systems:


it was formulated in 1920. that's almost a 100 years ago and unlike your marxist theories, it is indeed acknowledged at least to the degree that it states an inherent problem to any planning economy.

just so you don't have wade through a wall of text: it states that prices confer information about production costs and thus are necessary for efficient economic decision making. like take a farmer who has to decide what crop to plant: based on market prices he can choose the one that proposes to be the most profitable (since higher prices at equal production costs mean higher demand), thus he can a) make more people happy, b) more people wealthier, by lowering prices of a demanded good and c) improve upon his business by making some money that he can reinvest.

all of this you do not have in a planned economy. it was beautifully illustrated when the soviet union became the worlds biggest importer of American shoe catalogues, in an desperate attempt to find a price tag for their shoes that makes sense by copying it from the catalogues.

>> No.2845247

That change is rather bizzare. Are you becoming more accepting of the concept of private capital?

>> No.2845271
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>it was considered wrong at the time it was written as it is considered now
Considered wrong by who? The economic field doesn't consider it wrong. He wasn't wrong about globalization, he wasn't wrong about recessions in intervals, nor about monopoly, and so on. There's outright aknowledgement of his theory, the last article I read along the same lines was from no other than a neoliberal economist from Aalborg, Denmark. Shit, Marx himself said he wanted to motivate leftist ideology with a social scientific base (economic theory). Marxism isn't a political ideology, it's economics. Don't be scared just because it has "Marx" in it's name.

>wikipedia is a few mouse clicks away
Can you recommend any books you yourself have read on the subject?

>says the dude who doesn't know what the marginal revolution
I read theory in my native language, you fucking asshole. Step off your high horse and stop being so smug, you cunt.

>it is wrong, because it is based on the labour theory of value, which is wrong.
Circular logic - it's wrong because it's wrong? Are you actually stupid?

>except all his predictions were based on this one
Lmao no it wasn't. His other predictions has little to do with wage decrease.

>when your predictions do not match reality your theory is considered wrong in science. ever thought about this?
You don't understand how science works. If something is wrong then you go back rectify it. This is developing the field, this is how you progress. The social science of economics isn't far off from a natural science like mathematics, don't you think? It's like Sisyphus. Saying that all of Marx is wrong because one of the predicions is, is just dumb. How many scientists haven't there been throughout history that were wrong? You are basically like Mac from sunny https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NFPtjXFfczM

>we see it over and over refuted
Exactly what has been refuted? What I mentioned in the begining of this post sure as shit isn't refuted.

>> No.2845273

lol im not inherently against private capital, but if that capital is in the hundreds of millions or billions, i believe you have a moral responsibility to redistribute a majority of that wealth to those in need.

I say a majority, not because im a fascist, but because nobody can use that much money in 10 lifetimes.

>> No.2845278

I'm starting to think you're just skimming wiki articles with a red-scare boner.

> every attempt at socialism ever has failed and resulted in millions dying in horrible ways. over and over again. how much more people have to die for you to acknowledge that communism is wrong?
Ok, now I know you have no idea what you are saying. Those 3 economic systems are not the same.

>> No.2845309

>implying economic planning is by any means the only socialist mode
>implying that refuting USSR economic planning is refuting collective ownership
You are embarrassing yourself. Collective ownership of the means of production (socialism) is not synonymous with economic plannng. Stop reading wikipedia and start reading theory. If you don't understand these economic and political definions then you can't understand the ideology nor theory.

>> No.2845325

Fuck off

>> No.2845371


>> No.2845414

> Collective ownership of the means of production (socialism) is not synonymous with economic plannng.

it is. economic planning it the only logical result. economic activity is intertwined. you think your shoe factory doesn't need lorries for transportation? how else are you gonna assign needed goods for processes if you have no market? the astonishing thing about leftists of all couleur is that they do not understand the consequences and implications of their very own ideas. like you people constantly rambling on about exploitation while proposing a system as solution that results in the enslavement of everyone to an abstract entity that still suffers from the very corrupting forces you deem so undesirable about the status quo.

>I'm starting to think you're just skimming wiki articles with a red-scare boner.

no, I'm linking wiki articles to give you a chance to look up the topic from a somewhat not biased source. you want me to link to articles on mises.org?

>Those 3 economic systems are not the same.

state capitalism as devised by lenin is socialism or the way there (but that's a somewhat blurry thing). socialism is the way to communism. communists implement therefore socialism which is state capitalism. it's in a practical sense synonymous.

comment too long ...

>> No.2845465

>Circular logic
do you know what this means? when something is wrong because it is based on a wrong theory doesn't make the statement circular. the labour theory of value is not marx's brain child.

>I read theory in my native language, you fucking asshole.

the marginal revolution is what killed off the labour theory of value. when you do not know what it is, yet demand for your dumb theories to have the status of being acknowledged by real people, I have every right to be smug about it.

>if something is wrong then you go back rectify it.

rectifying it is a acknowledgment of your initial theory not being correct. therefore false.

> Saying that all of Marx is wrong because one of the predicions is, is just dumb.

it is, when his whole construct is based on the wrong assumption.

>How many scientists haven't there been throughout history that were wrong?

how much relevance have their wrong theories now, bitch? communists murder people for an idea that is proven to be wrong.

anyway, I'm getting bored. I hope somebody murders you and your family in your sleep.

>> No.2845505

>implying some champagne socialist faggot can overthrow the country that just elected trump and has a bunch of guns

>> No.2845654

>> Collective ownership of the means of production (socialism) is not synonymous with economic plannng.
>it is
Collective ownership of the means of productions entails that the workers own the means of which they produce goods, it does not entail the state managing economy. There hasn't been a single economist that has ever defined socialism as economic planning. How thick are you?

>how else are you gonna assign needed goods for processes if you have no market?
Who said there wouldn't be a market? Socialism even allows a free market. Again, you are confusing USSR with socialism. Socialism is a broad term but it fundamentally means collective ownership of the means of production and abolition of private (not individual) property.

>proposing a system as solution that results in the enslavement of everyone
Are you american? This is insane propaganda. Socialism in inherently direct-democratic, from the workplace to society as a whole.

>somewhat not biased source

>state capitalism as devised by lenin is socialism or the way there (but that's a somewhat blurry thing).
>t. stoopid & haven't read lenin
According to socialist interpretation of hegelian dialectics capitalism is the precursor to socialism and socialism is the precursor to communism. All of these economic systems rise according to the material conditions. For an example, feudalism broke down and was replaced by capitalism when the guilds could no longer manage the demand nor the supply. In the same sense, capitalism will break down due to future economic and political circumstances.

>> No.2845659

Marx predicted that the socialist revolutions would happen and succeed in industrial nations. Capitalism, in marxist thought, is only meant to industrialize and develop the material conditions. In the mid 1800's the revolutions failed in industrial nations. Instead there was revolutions in agricultural nations like Russia, obviously problematic and not compatible with original marxist theory. Lenin, understanding that the feudal material conditions in Russia didn't allow for socialism yet, thought the state would be a better alternative than private capitalism as a precursor for socialism. This is statecapitalism and it is by no means socialism, it's supposed to substitute capitalism as a precursor.

>communists implement therefore socialism which is state capitalism
This makes no sense what so ever. Again, these aren't systems you implement out of the blue like a democracy or a dictatorship. These economic systems can only happen when the material conditions are right, something which is out of our control. Wether the conditions were right in the last couple of hundred of years or if it is now is another matter.

>it's in a practical sense synonymous.
Trust me when I say you are ignorant as shit

>> No.2845780
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Nitpicking post. Go back to original discourse. First you talk about Marx then socialism then LTV. No, the original debate wasn't even about LTV. You just stated it was wrong and mentioned the "marginal revolution" like that's any sort of legitimate argument. You're fucking dumb if you think throwing around a term without proper articulation of an argument is aight in a discourse.

>rectifying it is a acknowledgment of your initial theory not being correct. therefore false.
>a wrong prediction about the unforseeable future, based on the circumstances of a society 200 years ago, prior to the economic change since
>ignore the many correct and observable predictions
>nah, the whole theory is false
Oh wow that makes so much sense. Boi you are exaggerating

>it is, when his whole construct is based on the wrong assumption.
Marxism isn't based on the prediction that wages will steadily decrease. At the time, before our modern capitalist system became increasingly social democratic, it seemed accurate. Keep in the working conditions back then. I am going to let his predictions speak for themselves.
Your mother is a whore and you are a slut
I cant wait for the nigger gangbang in the future gulags you classcuck faggot

>> No.2845831

why did I glimpsed back at this thread? anyway, I keep it short, since I already started drinking.

economic planning is a necessary implication of shared ownership. you could go at it from a psychological perspective or just point out that complex goal oriented behaviour that depends on interaction of several individuals simply needs to be choreographed to work. (no, this doesn't apply to capitalism as capitalism is swarm behaviour and the perceived goal is a result of complex interactions that seems goal oriented due to the entities making up the swarm adhering to a certain rule set)

the moment you introduce market forces, you'll find yourself creating a competition between corporations. if that's what you call socialism, that's fine. it might work. but your utopia just went down the drain because the workers of coca cola have more income than pepsi, resulting in a wealth-oriented hierarchy. e.g. you're not having a class-less society, therefore no communism.

no, I am not american. the slavery thing is another necessary result from equalising outcome of the skilled or talented with that of the lesser skilled. you might as well say that your economic life, which btw. when you think that to the end is your whole life, because at the very bottom of this whole construct, you'll realise that economics is an abstract way of thinking about any human interaction. (denying this is denying the fact that people have any self interest, making them essentially robots). anyway, by giving up your self-interest to the benefit of the group, no matter how large, you're also giving up your freedom, while the benefit of the group demands your acting in accordance to its goals. meaning you have given up your freedom and do what others do. that is slavery. and when you're better at something than others, it's will also end in exploitation. because let's face it, people won't give up themselves. they might say so, but it's not their nature.

comment too long

>> No.2845941



kill yourself. do you not understand the meaning of 'somewhat' in that sentence. I mentioned the alternative.

>According to socialist interpretation of hegelian dialectics ...

I don't care about your retarded reinterpretations of words for the sake of proving how x was not real y just to get another shot at having another famine.
in the end you can use the shit interchangeably as you want and socialists always implement the same crap, which fails and then it's not reals socialism. than it's state capitalism, even though when you came up with it it somehow was the real deal.
stop making excuses for your inhuman shiftiest of a ideology.

>. Wether the conditions were right in the last couple of hundred of years or if it is now is another matter.

do you hear yourself? the conditions will never be right, because the whole system is flawed. you can not equalise outcome, no matter what. scarcity will never end, no matter what. those things are natural laws. they can not be overturned. not without destroying all desire in humans. and I'm sure you like the idea.

>Trust me when I say you are ignorant as shit
no. you are. also you're hiding behind walls of insufferable boring bullshit like it was true just because it gives makes you wish you were dead while reading it.
you will find, and it's easy to spot, that despite the walls of lies you read about how great your bullshit ideology is, that it can not possibly work in any way. every working class bloke can see it. that's why you people are so beloved by the working class.

and even just by saying two things can't be at the same point at the same time and knowing that people have desire, you have your whole idea disproved.

and don't come with bs about the workers and means of productions, (which too is a fucking meme word, because everything, literally everything, can be used for production.)
because then half of the world already is socialist thanks to the wonder of corparate stocks.

>> No.2845997
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>nd do what others do
*do what others say. (eg. the planners. yes, a soviet albeit an abstract entity still qualifies as such)

>> No.2846005
File: 32 KB, 800x800, american-challenge-800.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stick this in your ass

>> No.2846014

If you are a """"""communist'"""""""""" past the age of 17 you are subhuman trash and should be deported to Venezuela

>> No.2846021
File: 189 KB, 420x608, lina2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>BTFOs jews and kike banking schemes

Dumb nigger, the USSR literally was a kike banking scheme

>> No.2846111

Wrong, it's enforced by the copyright holder.

>> No.2846135

>All you have to do is change the culture.
>If that person does good and is appreciated they will be given extra voluntarily.
>That's not an issue.
>But if they go around trying to enslave people and impose their bullshit on them, then they'll be resisted and out-casted.

Many people are selfish, violent, and petty by nature. This is why communism failed. Culture is superficial. You can't change the individualistic attitudes of people.

>> No.2846212

>NEETs are a victim of alienation.

No, they're not victims. Maybe there a few with legit mental problems, but I bet the majority of the NEETs are capable becoming productive members of society if they tried hard enough. They're fucking lazy, self-entitled, egotistic, selfish, intolerant, and insensitive. Their view of the world is completely distorted. They use self-victimization as a psychological crutch. Nothing is ever their own fault. It's always everyone else's fault. They always put blame on their problems on their parents, teachers, siblings, the few friends they have, and everyone else. They think everyone is antagonistic towards them when reality they're the biggest assholes.

>> No.2846350

holy kek lefties are such unprincipled scum

>> No.2846421

The people most obsessed with virtue signalling tend to be the least virtuous. Who would have guessed.

>> No.2846467

When there is Yang, Yin must exist. You think that most people are selfish, when in reality both types exist. It's just that atm, the selfish ones are stronger and dominating, but eventually, the selfless will become stronger. Nature changes in cycle.

>> No.2846832
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>claim the USSR wasn't communist because it didn't abolish the state or commodity production
"haha not REAL communism amirite? simply being run by a communist party makes you a communist country"
>claim that communism lead to insanely rapid development of the Chinese economy
"haha dummy that's state capitalism. simply being run by a communist party means nothing. "

>> No.2846877

>central planning never works
It's insanely effective during total war (i.e. ww1/2) when calculating inputs and outputs becomes trivial.
It's only once you have a consumer boom that problems arise.

>> No.2847259
File: 224 KB, 819x1108, TheRoadToSerfdom.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kys you video game obsessed moron. gosh, how much I hope for your mother to get cancer as punishment for bringing to life such a useless piece of shit.
hurrr in my gaem it works. kill yourself. and better take your hole genetic line with you, or I will.

>> No.2847265

Hayek was a crank

>> No.2847690
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This thread is more fucked up than any gore, futa or loli thread on this website.

>> No.2847737

You really do like this comic, don't you?
Tell me, where has the scenario depicted ever actually transpired? I can't think of a single country. The USSR never started with benevolent planning, it started with a dictatorship, likewise with the entire Eastern Bloc more-or-less. Meanwhile all Western postwar attempts at benevolent planning were both much smaller in scope and didn't lead to any sort of dictatorship. They simply left it highly ambiguous whether they'd actually worked or not (Viz. New Zealand's "Think Big") or became notorious white elephants.

The closest vaguely similar country I can think of is Chile, but we can both see why it would be ridiculous to shoehorn that one in. I mean, Ol' Hayek certainly didn't consider Pinochet to be Dr. Serfdom.

>> No.2848107
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Hello, I came here from leftypol and I run a medium-sized enterprise and also a communist. (Not a trader though, while there are of course successful and accomplished traders, it is mostly a meme for sad and useless loosers who see at as an easy money and only lose money there)

What the stupid righttards don't understand is that communists have absolutely no qualms with capitalism or market economy. To shift to full on state run economy is an option (and by the way the only one who did this was Stalin) but not an obligation.

Otherwise, there is nothing wrong for a communist to pursue the highest position in society (which would be accumulation of capital in capitalist society), or to maintain capitalism (as a temporary formation to be swept away with progress).

I would argue that Marxism helped me with business with one thing at least. Economic and financial interests is everything. Ethics, morals and feelings are nothing.

>> No.2848220

>be a communist
>own anything

pick one OP you retard

>> No.2848229

>communists have absolutely no qualms with capitalism or market economy

this is what leftypol actually believes

>> No.2848244

It doesn't matter what you or anyone believes. The fact is that Lenin, who was literally a father of communism, established a capitalist market economy in the Soviet Union (and arguably the most successful in Russia ever), which is basically the same as the modern Chinese.
The only person who completely rejected it was Stalin, and no modern political communist movements go there at all.

>> No.2848263

>during total war
you commietard subhumans are living, breathing anachronisms and if your shitty revolution was to take place it would've happened 150 years ago
hope you try tho so the world can purge itself of the red menace once again and snuff out the underachieving, envious pieces of shit coveting their industrious neighbours' property

>> No.2848266

I'm not a communist, I'm explaining the one scenario in which central planning has demonstrable utility in response to a claim that it never works.

>> No.2848422
File: 73 KB, 456x750, 1497995804619.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How would crypto-labor-vouchers function?

>> No.2848562

>imblying commies have a NAP at all

>> No.2848566

>I would argue that Marxism helped me with business with one thing at least. Economic and financial interests is everything. Ethics, morals and feelings are nothing.
So Marxism helped separate you from your soul for your own gain. This doesn't sound like something I would want the supreme leader of my country to be indoctrinated by desu.
Also i don't know much about it except for the deaths associated with it. Which is, as far as i know the political movement to have the largest body count in recent history.

>> No.2848576

Yeah, and we laugh at them every time

>> No.2848611

Lets take for example USSR.Private corporations were forbidden almost all of its lifetime and was punishable by law.
>biggest funds
>just predict the future bro
you are a retard

>> No.2849197

>Also i don't know much about it except for the deaths associated with it.

this is the problem with all of you. all you want to read about is red scare propaganda, and not theory.

The USSR wasnt even communist, lenin admitted that. The USSR went from feudalism, to a transitionary period of capitalism/socialism, then full blown capitalism in the 60s.