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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28433261 No.28433261 [Reply] [Original]

>tweets nonstop every single day
>network goes down
>*crickets chirping*

>> No.28433446

ETH killer eh?

>> No.28433536
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He's in $CLF


>> No.28433653

typical roach

>> No.28433756

It's embarrassing. It's much better to delay instead of releasing a broken product. I should have realised things were going to fall apart when I saw the wallet being glitchy in Safari.

>> No.28433794

so you expect him to be on twitter rather than helping to fix the problem?

And also He sent this Message
"Greetings to everyone,

On the evening of the Avalanche network, Pangolin congestion triggered a bug. Because of this bug, a great slowdown started in the net. The bug's impact is limited: the funds are intact, it is impossible for anyone to lose their AVAX or other digital assets. We are currently working on a patch, we will ask friends who set up a node when it comes to, let them deploy the patch, restore the network speed. No need for excitement or panic, Bitcoin and almost every other system have experienced similar problems in similar growth phases, we are about to circumvent ours. "How can Avalanche be better in every way, nothing bad?" The answer I gave to them was always "The biggest disadvantage of Avalanche is that the code is new". I believe we will pass these stages with your support, and as a result, Avalanche will be even stronger.

>> No.28433977

Is that...google translate?

>> No.28434010


>t. cringy nocoiners

Keep seething poories.

>> No.28434467

Makes you think what else he's trying to hide besides this fraud of a project that he somehow miraculously created.

If it ain't etherium your probably gonna end up being disappointed.


>> No.28434541

pajeet cant spell the coin hes shilling

>> No.28434707
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>> No.28434868

Has to grunt in disgusting guttural t*rk babble and use google translate. Lmao.
Can’t even speak English.

>> No.28436369

Move on with your coins kek why are you so focused on avax, no matter how hard youre fudding wont change shit, people who wanted to sell did, those who cant probably will do too, but the majority of avalanche wallaets are staking, you’ve been trying so hard and nothing but an expected crabbing around 40-50 range. Move on already.

>> No.28436534
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it literally is

>> No.28436872

>releases a statement in Turkish, not English
Remember the (((Turks))) consider you sub human if you're not one of (((them)))

>> No.28436916

The absolute state of roachcoin

>> No.28437413

Seethe more untermensch.

You couldn't pull it off.

You had the perfect FUD chance, but AVAX still above 40. You fucked up, subhuman slaves.

>> No.28437572

The bernie madoff of crypto

>> No.28437677
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fuds talking shit about avax while their coins are crashing everyday with 999 problems

>> No.28437875
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All this endless FUD by FTM (female to male pajeet coin), RADIX (more like 8 year nothingx), Uniswap (more like gas-bitch cumswap) alliance, and butthurt /pol/ untermensch whom Hitler failed to remove 75 years ago...

And all you did was make AVAX crab between 15% and 5% lower from its ATH.

You had the perfect chance too. But alas; failure is a habit for you poor folk. You will merely seethe and watch AVAX become 50 tomorrow morning, and the pump will continue.

You just... COULDNT SELL IT.

>> No.28439099

imaging coping this hard. i got in ETH at $46 dollars. Are you mad that you’re getting mogged by mETH heads?

>> No.28439300

>You just... COULDNT SELL IT.
Yeah exactly, that's the problem! People can't sell AVAX because the fucking chain isn't working. Lmao