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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28434135 No.28434135 [Reply] [Original]

Another 100X missed, anon? Pathetic.

Rocketbunny is about to release rocket drop. Get those presale tokens now from staked pools. Fuck waiting in line to hopefully get into new projects read more about it here:


Rocket Bunny combines the most sought after tokenomics across DeFi: automatic liquidity adds, compounding yield, deflationary supply, liquidity provider rewards, and price shock protection.

Rocket Bunny is a deflationary token with a max circulating supply of 777 Quadrilion. Each transaction incurs a 4% tax that is distributed in four equal parts: 1% to holders, 1% burned to The Rabbit's Hole, 1% locked liquidity, and 1% as a bonus to liquidity providers. As volume increases, the amount burned increases logarithmically, eventually leading to an exponential decrease in supply.

The Rabbit Hole burns do not stop, the holder rewards do not stop, the 2x rewards for liquidity providers do not stop, and the locked liquidity adds do not stop. This means the Rocket Bunny supply will become more scarce, your holdings will continue to increase, particularly if you are a liquidty provider earning 2x rewards, and the price floor for Rocket Bunny will continue to rise.

Deflationary supply
Rewards directly into your wallet
2x rewards for LP
Automatic & locked liquidity adds
Whale dump protection

Website: rocketbunny.io

Medium: medium.com/@RocketBunny

Twitter: twitter.com/RocketBunny2021?s=01

Chat: @RocketBunnyChat

News: @RocketBunnyAnnouncements

DEXTools: https://www.dextools.io/app/uniswap/pair-explorer/0x9ddd23c1ec9c69bc833008d4d2f86f6aa491bc91

ChartEx: https://chartex.pro/?symbol=UNISWAP%3ABUNNY.57497C%2FWETH&interval=1&theme=Dark

Uniswap: https://app.uniswap.org/#/swap?outputCurrency=0x3Ea50B7Ef6a7eaf7E966E2cb72b519C16557497c

Contract: https://etherscan.io/address/0x3ea50b7ef6a7eaf7e966e2cb72b519c16557497c


>> No.28434322

These pump and dumps are getting more sophisticated

>> No.28434586
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>> No.28434830

they're playing the long con: releasing a product that brings actual utility, getting holders to keep holding for "gains", increasing the project's reputation and use, probably release another product or two...

...THEN they rug your dumbasses

don't say i didn't warn you anons

>> No.28434906

Attention! Over the next 3 days, I will be holding a $BUNNY meme contest and rewarding the most clever, awesome and/or funny memes.

1st place prize $500 of BUNNY
2nd place prize $250 of BUNNY
3rd place prize $100 of BUNNY

>> No.28435008
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Can you please stop telling people how we're going to rug anon? Seriously that's disrespectful.

>> No.28435241


>> No.28435255
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>> No.28435432

No presales, no airdrops, no team tokens, no rugs. Only fud.

>> No.28435728
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>> No.28436094
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you did pick up a bag of bunnies, right anon?