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2841838 No.2841838 [Reply] [Original]

> living in EU
> moving to USA in a month.
> Have 10k in savings
> don't want to get a 9-5 job

how do I avoid having to wageslave for jews ?
I need your wisdom biz

>> No.2841855

Go on craigslist to get an under the table job

>> No.2841974

> don't want to get a 9-5 job

>> No.2841994

cocksucking is quick if you're good at it
your accent will net you more tips as well

>> No.2842001


>> No.2842014

Have fun in the ghetto Sasha. Lol

>> No.2842117


go on crypto

>> No.2842200

Suck yank penis and invest the earnings in NEO

>> No.2842220

Work online and live in a cheap country. The USA is a country you move away from, not to.

>> No.2842231

This, Why TF did you even come here?

>> No.2842245

it's so cool country! i have seen movies!

american dream

>> No.2842298

>moving to USA
>not wanting to be a wagecuck

You dun goofed, new friend. The USA is wage cuck central.

>> No.2842306

don't come we have too many worthless immigrants already

>> No.2842310

name one country that is better than the USA
(im german an plan to emigrate to the us)

>> No.2842314

under the table jobs are 7-11

>> No.2842348

are you an illegal immigrant? with so little money and no job already on the line, there's no chance in hell you are getting in legally

>> No.2842372

pfff... good luck buddy. you'll get in easily without any struggle (you won't)

>> No.2842376

>(im german an plan to emigrate to the us)
Germany is among the top countries in work conditions and life/work balance. Why the fuck would you want to move to a shithole like the US?
Don't tell me you fell for the muh ray-fuugeez meme.

>> No.2842384

If you want to be a programmer/IT or doctor, and already have a job lined up here it is great. Pay is way higher here

If you plan on min wagecucking you are better off in Europe where there are actually white cities

>> No.2842385

what do you plan on doing in the USA once you arrive german bro ?

I wish I could work on my own business but you need a lot more than 10k to start.

>> No.2842387

It's really not hard at all. There are so many loopholes. All he would have to do is go to a US base in Germany and marry an American there if everything else fails.

>> No.2842389

>wanting to move to burgerland

is this some kind of satire?

>> No.2842399

I'm legal nigger, just tired of wageslaving for jews

>> No.2842410

what's wrong with USA ? wages are higher there for pretty much every kind of job.

>> No.2842424

so it's life

are you fucking retarded? serious question

>> No.2842429

Anon, how old are you?

>> No.2842445

oh come on, an IT developer can get 200k a year in burgerland easily. That kind of money is really hard to come across in western europe.

>> No.2842446

This country sucks man, get ready to struggle because there's no dream here anymore.

>> No.2842449

exactly this. I love the huge bike lanes and walking paths and ample trams and busses in Europe, but I wouldn't move there if I weren't rich. I don't want to make 26,000 Euros per year and get taxed at 40% after all the VATs and socialism.

Europe has twice the amount of people in about the same space as America. I'd still rather be here, generally.

>> No.2842454

Fuck off we're full, beaner scum!

>> No.2842459
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>IT developer can get 200k a year in burgerland easily

>> No.2842464

the average wage in the UK for an adult is like 25k pounds. here it's like $34k. still better here. at least we aren't being taxed 40% making under 30K.

>> No.2842468

Your problem is that you are thinking in terms of money alone. You have to consider the quality of life in general and the work space quality in particular.
Germany is known to have the lowest working hours per week and the most paid vacations per year.
Americans tell me how much they love it here and many of them plan to settle in here after they finish their studies.
Whether you decide to go to the US or remain in Germany is your choice of course but I tell you to research every single aspect and not just money.
Good luck with whatever you want to do.

>> No.2842480

are you an anchor baby?

i've tried for 8 yeas and still stand at square zero. there are no "loopholes" if you want to do it legally. arrange marriage is considered a felony if it is meant for papers.

sure, i'm from a third world shithole and they make it impossible for people that really need help, eventhough i'm a mechanical engineer with 60k in cash in the bank.

german anon will probably have better chances because of the place he was born in, although he very well could stay in germany. i wish i could live in germany. ironic my grandma was german but when i begged at the embassy for help to escape this shithole they told me to fuck off.

>> No.2842485
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Anywhere on this list.

>> No.2842491

I thought people on here had some foresight, bringing an unlimited number of useless welfare leeches over generally does not end well

>> No.2842494

is that parody?

>> No.2842502


getting pretty closed to it though

>> No.2842505

my hometown is less than 40% white
i never see other germans but me at the gym
all schools are full of muds and they are getting more by the minute, literally
Atleast maybe 10% of american niggers are useful but with muds its a 0% quota

>> No.2842508

Yah when the crisis hits we will escape to a better place. But so far it is just one more million unemployed dead weights. Everything else is still good as ever from my side anyway (I live in Bavaria which is the least cucked state in this case).

>> No.2842521

Can you name the town please? I also live in Germany but I haven't seen this issue. Must suck to be you though. Why not just move to another state?

>> No.2842523

No. But I think it assumes you're making money online or have a big expat wage, not being a local wagecuck.

I lived in Taiwan and it was awesome.

>> No.2842527

oh you were a german shittalking the US
watch less ard and zdf you brainedead mongol
nrm near dortmund here

>> No.2842538

that's why I don't want to wageslave and the reason I started this thread. I know working conditions are much better here in EU but you can make more money in USA.

Also houses are much much cheaper

> mexico

>> No.2842563

Dortumund was infested with third worlders way before the refugees came in.
And no, I don't want the news and I do despise the third worlders, but that is not enough reason for me to move to a shithole like burgerland. For god's sake just look at their streets and cities, not a single city is that dirty in Germany.

>> No.2842570
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i am german the refugee meme is small problem.Problem is the next goverment coalition in this or if we are lucky in the next election. Its called R2G it means RED RED GREAN Coalition, it would be the dawn of german economy thats why i wanna also leave, furthermore the political situation is stronger on the far right then ever (AFD) and ond the left aswell, not from seats in the parlament but from the extremists, just look hamburg or Hambacher forst.
Also generall the German mindset is about safety, equality, and general a dark mood.. every start up leaves for AUS, Britbong Land, the USA new zealand even for estonia, the only new companys that stay here are meme food deliver start ups.. burecraucy here is a ton more then in the usa also
> muh healthcare
but pay around 180 Euro every month only for healthcare
> muh retirent..
wont get a cent only if the refugees breed like shit and their children will become high paying workers
> muh work life time balance
its shit because you cant make additionla money and if you are selfemployed and wanna employ sb it will brake your neck because you have to pay nearly the same amount of sallery additional to the sallery in taxes and stuff to the gov.

Also i want guns and you reall get blamed here if you show off your money, i make some money with my gardening company and i employ Polacs illegal because i cant afford fucking german workers. Thats why i want to leave, us is my fav because i believe your main value is freedom, so is mine, but i am also ok with NZ and AUS or Thailand to my grandma if i cant get a greencard

>> No.2842575

he is a bavarian german
he is not from the us
he might have never informed himself of other countries and their conditions
he believes germany is a nice to live in country

i would rather go to italy greece or saudi arabia instead of the top 4 on your list

i dont care about working conditions or taxes or making money
i want a safe haven to start a family and to start producing my very own soccer team that can live in that place for generations
germany will not be a safe space in the future and is not right now islam will undermine germany by a 100% centainty and there will either be a real brutal civil war or germany will go islamic and become islamic in maybe 40 years

>> No.2842585

i forgot that germany is drifting further and further left like the frog above me said
we are literally going into sozialism
i dont want to live in this country any longer than i have to

>> No.2842587
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uez anon meddl an dich

also this, a house is here minimum 150k Euro, a small one cause of building regulations and muh climate change I DONT FUCKIN CARE I JUST WANT MY KEKSHAD

>> No.2842608
File: 3 KB, 124x125, 1499961086666s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i gues this election FDP and CDU can get one last time a majority, but next election we are fucked and we gonna make debt like berlin.
If you burgers wanna see how shity it can become just to inform you , nearly all of berlin is payed buy bavaria , because berlin is long time governt by this r2g coaliton, if you wanna healthcare have fun wih it :) oh and dont dare to say sth mean to the goverment ! its Hatespeech dummy, you will get arested ! Isnt that cool ? no meany words and other opinions ( thx to heiko maas one of the social dems in gov)

>> No.2842632

Ideally I would want to make money in USA and later on settle down in Italy or in a rural area in America.

With 500k you can literally buy a fucking palace in a rural area in USA, whereas in EU you might be able to get a 2 bedroom cuckshed.

USA is the land of milk and honey.

>> No.2842651

>not earning tons of money in USA and dumping it on bitcoins

>> No.2842690

how come germany is one of the richest countries on earth yet you say there are no startups ?

>> No.2842717


> palace
> "rural area"

i think you mean shithole middle of nowhere no one wants to live in and its cheap for that reason.

>> No.2842739

This thread is two hours old so I don't expect a reply from OP, but:

Why are you coming to the USA?
What do you plan on doing once you get here?
Do you have citizenship, or are you coming with a work visa?
Do you have any skills/talents/experience in anything that isn't flipping burgers for minimum wage?
What do you do currently in the EU?

>> No.2842747


german here
heres whats wrong with germany

>highest taxes in EU (after belgium - not even a real country, so doenst count)
>massive overregulation
>wages suck compared to US
>getting flooded with niggers and arabs
>government will literally take 60% of your money and give it to shitkins to breed you out of existence

so yeah Im considering a move to the US too

>> No.2842751


Nevertheless, when you look at less distorted measures of material success, the Germans are not as well off as you might think. If you look at GDP per head, then of course Germany comes out well ahead of Portugal, Greece, Cyprus, Spain and Italy. But in fact Germany is only just above the eurozone average.

When it comes to household consumption, the picture is more striking. And there should not be that much surprise in this either.

Since 1999, German average earnings have risen by about 23pc, compared with 39pc for France and 48pc for the UK.

germany are not rich

>> No.2842770


>> No.2842775
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after ww two were good conditions for buisness, and if you have to build up a whole country its easy to fund companys because you have a whole market to fill, but over time burecreacy growths so much and to become a biz man is pretty unaccapted by society now, your family will blame you because you risk so much and can drive you biz against the wall. Its hard to do biz here, its mostly common you take over a biz from your parents or in rare cases if your really good worker in a small company, the owner sometimess sells the company cheap to his favorite employed if he has no children himself, but most buisness stuff is done by the huge old companys like BAYA, VW, BMW, Alliance, BOSCH etc. because they can afford burecraucy workers and workers in generall, also they can afford the ground to expand their company, like i said land is expensive and builidings are super expensive. Also you have to buy safety stuff and courses. the only biz you can do here is maybe online stuff, but all the internet meme cucks leave for muh silicon valley bs. I was just lucky with my gardening biz because i hoped on the trend for regional food and a greenhouse doenst need a lot of regulaiton, also i employ the polacs illegal.
> short
> all money if from huge automobile and pharmacy companys from after war
> if biz condition will be socialist cuck shit in next or next next election
> chinks will fuck our economy
> chinks already buy a lot of old german companys

>> No.2842781
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T. Christian Lindner
> tfw hes right

>> No.2842784


corporations and politicans are getting filthy rich
middle class is dying out
and after elections this year they will raise taxes even more
germany is a slave colony and a terrible place if youre ambitious and want to make money

great place if youre a nigger and want to live on welfare though

>> No.2842791

Kek you don't know shit about the USA

Here in the USA, you get eaten alive by things other than taxes. You pay your taxes, but healthcare is shit, you work long hours, but don't have nearly the same quality of life as European countries. You complain about refugees, but here we have literal no-go areas in cities because the cops are afraid to enter them.

I love this country, but I know that there are a LOT of things wrong with it. It's not all fireworks and hamburgers, sadly.

>> No.2842794

If youre moving to usa, and only have 10k, bet your ass you will be wage slavin, boy. Welcome home, have fun.

>> No.2842804

visit a major eu city or the ruhr area in germany
you will change your opionion as fast as your neurones can fire buddy

>> No.2842811

40% after VAT? Closer to 60-75% after VAT here in scandinavia

>> No.2842818

I actually visited Budapest, Hamburg, Dresden, and Prague before the refugee crisis. It was very nice.


>> No.2842831

and you dont know shit about germany
income tax here is 42% if you make more than a measly 70k a year
on top of that you got healthcare (which is shit here too), social security (which goes directly to niggers), capitalgains taxes, real estate tax, 19% VAt and the list goes on and on and on

at the end of the day youre lucky if they leave you about a third of your money

US has lower taxes
99% white states
in my field I could probably 3x my income just by moving to the US

and what quality of life are you talking about exactly?

noone said US is paradise. but if you want to make money its infinitely better than western europe.

>> No.2842837

i guess everything but hamburg is still nice
its not just before the refugee crisis
stuff is spiraling down real fast since 2000
if you visited before that you might have seen the last nice image about modern day germany

>> No.2842848

is quality of live accounting your daughers getting raped in borad daylight or at public celebrations

you have no idea

>> No.2842873

It ain't that much better in the US regarding taxes.

>> No.2842883

You've never been to Europe though
I've lived in America for a few months, you absolutely have it better. You've got the space to hide from diversity. Your blacks are on average harder workers than arabs - due to the simple fact they work at all! Socialized healthcare isn't so great because the same arabs on welfare hog up every doctor since they can come at any hour of the day. You need money in the US, but at the same time making 6 figures is trivially easy compared to Europe. You've been born in the land of easy mode (only australia has it even better) and you're blind to that because it's the norm to you. Europe is easier if you're a slave but 10x times harder if you have the drive to desire more from life.

>> No.2842894


>The average U.S. worker faces a tax burden of 31.3 percent.

I would kill to pay only 31.3 percent in taxes
you still dont get it, do you?


>> No.2842903

The quality is pretty shit here, i know it sounds like a meme anon, but the most people here are the most time depressed, just the good think about germans is they dont swallo tons of antidepresivas like the scandinavicucks.

I think you dont know how it is to dont have so much freedom as you do, i hated the usa because i thought you are so patriotic and arrogant, then i was in holiday in the usa and slowly understanded that you patriotism is way more a love for freedom, i never enjoyed live as much as in burgerland.
> hiiking and shooting in idaho
> slap city singing
> rainbows with meme hippies
> cheap icetea everywhere
> nice greetings from people
> so much individualistic persons
> finnaly get appreacheadet for being biz boy
> georgia with rednecks

one thing annoys me, dont wanna sound racicst, i am a shitskin myself but the blacks are really all pretty agressive besides them in Orleans.

anon even that you can hunt that easy, i have to pay here over 8k in Euro for hunting licence + cheap rifle

>> No.2842910

T. Racicst anon

the most welfare is consumed by east germans, wich a majority still suports nazis or cuckoonism

>> No.2842919

The American dream is to work until you are unable to then retire to the years you spend waiting to die. This country is a shit hole under the guise of greatness.

>> No.2842927

Wew, you burgers really don't understand how lucky you are.
I'd suck dicks of everyone in this thread for American citizenship.

>> No.2842936

I'm sure you're completely impartial as a self-professed shitskin.
Your 90 IQ probably doesn't comprehend the notion of per capita.
Regardless, I'm in France and arabs use the most welfare EVEN in absolute terms, this is why the law forbids ethnic statistics.
I don't give a shit about your kind, I don't give a shit about my country anymore, you're just disgusting people with disgusting customs who ruin my happiness and I want to go as far away from you as possible.

>> No.2842948


t. niggerloving communist



cant even go fishing in germany without having a fucking license

>> No.2842968

American freedoms are getting tighter and tighter every year. This country really is not paradise. Guns are not worth dealing with this shitty meme of a country.

>> No.2842997

>implying i would live on welfare
> being french
stop socialist cuck

germany would be a good country if they wouldnt combine DDR and BRD, seperate states with open border would be fine, so the DDR could contuine they socialist shit like the french and i would live a happy life in the BDR

I hate communists, but some of my cildhoodfriends are now unironical antifas, uni was also invested, you dont know how much it hurts if you trigger me with that
To be fair fishing licence is ceap for 80 Euro but i am annoyed to spend 2 months or what is it ? for a fucking fishing licence

>> No.2843002

>Germany’s tax wedges was much lower for married couples with children, at 34 percent

Is it that you can't get married anon?

>> No.2843005

Yeah i regogniced the mood shifts, i guess you addoped some german values, but i have more hope in your country, where freedom was and propaly still is one of the main values, here in germany the freedom maybe thrifed 45 until the late 60s

>> No.2843039

okay, retards. read this to have your hopes of reaching the US crushed

and trump wants to halve the legal immigrants by half

>> No.2843051

> Why are you coming to the USA?
To make money

> What do you plan on doing once you get here?
work as a wageslave, tired of doing that though, maybe start my company, need money though

> Do you have citizenship, or are you coming with a work visa?
visa but not tied to any company so I can do whatever I want

> Do you have any skills/talents/experience in anything that isn't flipping burgers for minimum wage?
Software Developer

> What do you do currently in the EU?
Software Developer

>> No.2843061

Unironically Slovenia, provided you aren't a wageslave

>> No.2843084


oh wait youre a shitskin yourself
and youre in favour of immigration
well colour me surprised

and you piece of shit have the nerve to complain about east germans?
get the fuck out of my country and go back to whatever hellhole you crawled out of

>> No.2843086

Use your 10k to buy an old pickup, a little trailer, and some lawn care equipment and then cut old ladies' lawns for a couple hundred bucks a day. No more wageslaving for you!

>> No.2843095

what visa?

>> No.2843107


>live in oppressive socialist hellhole
>2nd highest taxes in the world
>"LOL just get married anon"

>> No.2843118

You don't need a 9-5. Come to Boston and get a 630-11 like me.

>> No.2843121


whats so great about slovenia anon?
seems like a post-gommunist shithole to me
these are usually not the greatest places to live

>> No.2843132


>> No.2843133


According to >>2843039 your easiest way is to get married to an American.

>> No.2843140
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I'm ooropoor and would love to become one with the burgers. America is the land of opportunities!

>> No.2843148

o1a, o1b, o2?

but if it fraudulent, you get the boot. and if not, you are hooked with alimony for life

>> No.2843156


yeah no thx
everybody knows american wimmen are the biggest whores on the planet
no offense to my future US host country of course

>> No.2843168

Try to get a job with a big tech company, learn as much as you can about marketing both products and yourself, try to spread your name around and build up your resume.

Try and live cheaply (It will be hard considering all of the big tech companies live in rather expensive areas) and reinvest your money into other things when possible. Only way to beat the life of a wageslave is to build up enough money-making assets so your passive income is enough to surpass living expenses.

>Marrying an Army girl

Women in the military (at least here) are probably the biggest whores on the planet. Stay far away from them.

>> No.2843169

It is your fault for falling for the first pussy you see. You have to learn how to choose your wife anons.

>> No.2843182

Doesn't have to be an army girl. Just go to any international program gathering in any university. Bam, lots of americans.

>> No.2843190

yeah, no. i call shenanigans. i'm reading about the O1 visa

if you had this visa, you wouldn't have made this thread

>> No.2843192
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Can someone tell me what the fuck is wrong with Italy? I'm from California and have my goals set to buy a villa in Italy by 30. Are taxes and gov really that bad? I talked to a business owner while living in Milan and he said it's very hard for new business similar to Kraut complaints but will my daily/business life suffer once I move there? Planning on keeping income US based

>> No.2843195


t. proud future cuck

>> No.2843216

You want to give your stuff to the Mafia this badly anon?

>> No.2843220

>whats so great about slovenia anon?
-ethnically homogenous and safe af
-tidy af and no pollution to speak of
-50% wilderness and all kinds of terrain and diverse climate
-easy path to weapon ownership including F/A not currently in use by LE/MIL
-speaking your mind politically incorrect won't cost you anything
-nice place for business ownership, allows for tax optimization
-EU member with access to 500M market
>seems like a post-gommunist shithole to me
sure if you're a wagecuck then you'll always be one because it's hard to be socially mobile on 50% of your gross pay
>these are usually not the greatest places to live
it's the exception maybe rivalled only by czech republic

>> No.2843225

you don't have to be wealthy or einstein to get an O1 you just need a good immigration lawyer.

>> No.2843230

>t. proud future cuck
>saying it while crying about "muh white genocide"

>> No.2843237

do you live in slovenia ? what do you do for a living ?

>> No.2843242

kek yeah right, cunt. Plenty of really nice places around me for half a mil. Where do you live, California?

>> No.2843246

italy is one of the nicest countries I've ever been to, its chill and beautiful, perfect for raising a family.

>> No.2843247


>czech republic

you know I used to spend a couple of months in CZ back in university
its a lovely country
no sandniggers whatsoever
they even have pretty low taxes and liberal drug and gun laws

but if you dont speak the language and dont know anyone there its not easy for a foreigner
also a lot of these central/eastern europeans hate germans

>> No.2843251

fuck you i am half germans, so its the fault of your kind that started breeding with others, and your french your subhumans by definition.
At least i work, socialist a worst than working shitskins.

your probably a unemployed east german that is mad because refugees raped you in you welfare butt
just stay in your part of the country and never cross the old border

>> No.2843253

O1 is a non immigrant visa. i'm not even sure it allows you to look for work. what the fuck. it is supposed to be used for presentations, or to keep working on your field where you "excel", like if you founded facebook on europe and want to bring it to the US

how old are you? it's like talking to a child

>> No.2843257


>livin under government that openly calls for genocide of german people


>wifing up used up whores

yeah totally the same thing

>> No.2843259

yeah I'm local and self-employed, dealing with all things IT (both enterprise and small business)

language's a bitch alright

>> No.2843261

>how old are you? it's like talking to a child

>> No.2843270
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why are you moving ? i'm thinking about moving too. please elaborate.

>> No.2843283


listen you half-nigger
east germans rebuilt their cities after the yanks bombed us back into the stone age in WW2
maybe you should edumucate yourself about "trümmerfrauen"

my maternal grandfather is indead east german
he killed communists in the war
and after that he busted his ass to build a business for his children
so you need to shut your subhuman mouth about east germans. its NOT east german people that are bringing this country down. its the hordes of arabs and niggers leeching off welfare that are destroyig this country.

of course you would never understand something like racial solidarity to your own people. seeing youre a halfbreed-bastard that was unlucky enough not to get aborted.
im sorry your mom is a racemixing harlot btw. that must really sting.

>> No.2843287

Care to elaborate? aside from lack of social mobility and obvious lack of political efficacy that all low icome/education citizens face in more rural areas I found Italy very safe and organised. Middle class seems to be thriving and seeing as I'm already from LA the mafia you speak of would not be so different than the slight disadvantage I already have by not having my last name be Cohen or equivalent

>> No.2843298

I was just memeing anon

>> No.2843311


isnt italy in the shitter economically?
and also being overrun by niggers fleeing the brutal civil war in africa?

>> No.2843314

Enter the words Italy Africans and economy into your Google search window

>> No.2843334

nigger im not detailing all my life in a nepalese tapestry board. Get a lawyer if you need info on the kind of visas available.

>> No.2843353

Buy 2 or 3 antminer l3+ and use the rest to wait until they arive.

Risky, but will work

>> No.2843368

> its not east germans that bring down the economy
> east german Federal land still shittyst economy after 25 years of support
> lowest nigger rate in germany
even if the immigrants slow down economy, you east germans do more and even the japanes chinks rebuild their citys, so did the brits and the frenchs, nothing special about it , but still apprecheat it my grandma was one, but ofc you rebuild a city if its destroyed, sth you east germans dont understand

>> No.2843389

i mean
you know what solidarity means right
the eastern germans pay for our western NIGGERS too
you as a new american living in cali will pay for banks in new york
how dumb are you

>> No.2843390


>shittiest economy
>lowest nigger rate

wow its almost like these niggers only go where the money is
really boggles the mind

I was born in western germany btw
not that it matters

Id much rather pay soli to support my east german countrymen than have a bunch of niggers and arabs walking around here. halfbreeds like you are a cruel joke of nature and have no place in german society.

>> No.2843408


>isnt italy in the shitter economically?

Yeah compared to Germany, but it's not what you think it is. Actually the Italians have higher networth than the Germans because they own their homes wereas the retarded Germans rent for all their lives. Live in Italy is pretty dope. You Americans have this wrong idea that just because they have a slighter lower GDP than Germany, then they must be a complete shithole like Mississippi or something. It's more like New Jersey vs New York.

Also GDP of Germany is high but average German is pretty poor, everything considered.

>> No.2843436


italys economy has shrunk 10% in the last 10 years
you have a youth unemployment of 37%
your banking system is collapsing as we speak
your politicans are notoriously corrupt
and youre getting flooded with thousands of lybian niggers every day

i wouldnt really call that "pretty dope" by any means. but ok.

>> No.2843446

its safe and dope
europe is a paradise
americans have no fucking idea how good their life and country really is
the leftists propaganda must ve brainwashed them too hard

>> No.2843469

> border opens
> guess where tons of east germans went
> thinking east germans are country man

germans are no country man, bavarians are
just stop ronny

thats why i wanna leave, i hate german solidarity bullshit, and that the east germans pay for sth, they would have to make money what they dont.
the west germans pay nignogs and the eastgermans

>> No.2843496

I noticed African beggars in microscopic numbers compared to the homelessness I already encounter in LA except they actually try to give you braclets and shit instead of being crackheads like I'm used to in LA. I notice an ambition and eagnerss to be mobilised so I've been thinking of a way to capitalise on this taking the rest of Italy's economy into consideration I wonder what the opportunities/ solutions could be? Not many Africans in major cities but undoubtley could turn into a real big problem as sourrounding areas are increasing occupied by a displaced people

>> No.2843508

and you are wrong again
the soli is so low in numbers that you will not notice it if its gone
its the exact other way around
the eastern suffer because of the westerns
look at polands economy compared to eastern germanys
eastern germans have to pay high taxes that they cant afford with their comparable lower payments

>> No.2843546

Since no one is giving you good advice op here it goes

Try to apply for a couple universities and schools. Their are plenty of opportunities and scholarships and grants for foreigners.

10k is not nearly enough capital to live off or start a business.

I would take advantage of any programs that are available and get paid to go to school, including a stipend. But neets on here think
>but huh college debt

It's too easy to do it debt free.
While your in school apply for work study and you'll get paid to do your homework as well.

Once you get the capital saved up then you can start investing it in either real estate or starting your own company or doing whatver it is the Fuck yiure wanna do

>> No.2843559

I-i-it is in the us 2 ? can i doge it some how ?
the tax is procentual and rises with higher salery ? why should east germans pay higher taxes ? maybe federal taxes, wich is there own fault, they voted there federal gov

>> No.2843567

post a timestamped pic of your visa to shut me up.

i'm just saying your larping is crumbling, or you are going to immigrate/work illegally

>> No.2843600

earn 1000 euro pay 40% you have 600 euro
earn 1500 euro pay 40% you have 900 euro

>> No.2843616


you can start a chaturbate account and rub your cawk for the moneys

>> No.2843646

wtf you dont pay for a 1000 euro sallery 40% only upperclass pays this high wages, wich are mostly from westgermany


>> No.2843658

* taxes

are you even german ?

>> No.2843924

Fraud, US banks have terrible online security, living there is a goldmine

>> No.2845324

The land of the free:

You can't even really get into forex because the government agency for regulating futures doesn't want have been working hard shutting it down. This is for a few reasons including, they are the agency for regulating futures and forex is their competition they want to shut it down to get you to switch over to futures; forex is decentralized and not on a central exchange so they cant control and regulate it like they can like with a futures central exchange. As of now they have eliminated all except two bucketshops so its duopoly. This was all part of the regulations installed after the financial crisis to prevent another one from happening. But if you have more than $10million, none of these restrictions apply to you anyways, so it only affects the little guy like as if the little guy caused the financial crisis.
In other countries, even in China, there are some really decent prime brokers you can get access to real tick and volume data. But not if you are an American, if you are then your only options are two bucket shops who will cheat you and you will never get access to the real market through them. How many times have you read about a awesome broker overseas that offers tick and volume data from the real forex market, or a real API instead of shitty mt4, or cTrader, but only to find out they aren't allowed to accept people from the US. btw in the US you cant even get access to a decent platform like say cTrader or develop your own custom platform because they lock you down to shitty mt4. Being in the US puts you at a enormous disadvantage compared to people in foreign countries.

>> No.2845393

That's not all there are many regulations that prevent you from doing with your own money what you want, like you cant day trade equities, you can't trade cryptocoins in some big states you cant gamble online, you cant lend your money out to earn income through p2p, etc. It seems that people in countries like China have more financial freedom because at least whet you go to the good forex broker's websites and put in USA they have a message saying they cant accept you but if you put in China there is no message like that.
And it's a crime for the little guy to bypass these rules, and for your own protection they have all the windows bared and doors locked, you cant escape them because of capital controls on your bank account to prevent you from opening an account in a sane country and wiring your money there.
And the way the laws are written as a US citizen their regulations apply to you no matter where you go. ET could pick you up and carry you away to Ross 128 but you'd still be bound by US laws.