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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 77 KB, 1125x1068, WhatsApp Image 2021-02-11 at 12.05.34 PM.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28416337 No.28416337 [Reply] [Original]

kek im totally not LE

>> No.28416545

If not for MDMA you would not have bought any BTC in the first place

>> No.28416650

this, drugs are why I even know about bitcoin

>> No.28416788
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> fried my brain with research chemical
> still up 500% in a month

>> No.28416839

i got caught lol the government knows I'm a degenerate

>> No.28416994

yes and he'd probably sell as soon as he had bitcoin again and then bitch and moan that he sold too early. Everyone talks about lambos but few understand that this asset is so valuable that you would be better off taking a loan against it rather than outright selling

>> No.28417015

In 2013 I used to work for in IT for a warehouse. The IT manager was an old fuck that knew nothing and had the servers connected directed to the internet with no physical firewalls and connected directly to a standard house modem. I told him it was a security risk but whatever.

6 months after I got hired and told him it had a giant target on the back we got hacked, the database of the entire warehouse compromised because the "backup system" was retarded as well (an external HDD connected directed to the server, holy fuck) and the back up was also compromised.

We were told to give back 1000 bitcoin tokens that at the time was about 70K american dollarydoos. Since my boss was a retard and didn't even understood what bitcoin was I had to take care of everything. We did the transaction and got or data back while the old fuck was calling an "expert" friend to help him with "decoding the database back" while I took care of the bitcoing stuff. I bought like 100 bitcoins at 70 something and sold like 50 at 400 and a few years later the rest at 3000.

To this day I want to kill myself over it.

>> No.28417106

the good old days

>> No.28417156

In 2012 I discovered bitcoin at $7/per after finding the silk road and ALMOST invested $1000 into it. I'd have like $7m today...

>> No.28417392


>> No.28417726

You would have sold at $100 max, don't lose sleep over it

>> No.28417806
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yeah legit my rope story is 2 mil in dogecoin fuck me.

and 2 bitcoins.

Still have 1 shiny litecoin in a wallet on a usb tho from 2014

>> No.28417938
File: 10 KB, 1426x309, It's over..png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's over.

>> No.28418072

these retards who had 10 btc 8 years ago actually think they wouldve held through all the bear markets if they didnt spend it on drugs. the reason they got it in the first place was for drugs. i had .5 btc in 2015 and gambled it away. i only bought it to gamble with. fucking retards

>> No.28418093

Used BTC for its pure purpose. Trade and sticking it to the system.

>> No.28418431

Knowing me and my anxious overthinking self I would have never pulled the trigger on actually purchasing shit from the silkroad
This makes me feel better. I almost got into mining too but at the time GPU prices were insane, they were all sold out anyway, and ASICs were on the horizon and all pre-order sold the fuck out

>> No.28419142

Literally this XD

>> No.28419370

At least you made money anon, no one could have seen all this coming from back then. Your hands have strengthened since then I'm sure.

>> No.28419468

this is why its impossible to time the market. What seems like an AMAZING OMGGG deal today might be looked at as a terrible deal in years to come.

>> No.28420356
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>physical firewalls
sounds awesome

>> No.28420627

The only thing I ever bought with Bitcoin was a year's worth of a low quality VPS. That was a $2000 mistake.