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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 143 KB, 691x400, seduction_feat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2841069 No.2841069 [Reply] [Original]

How delusion can you people be?

There is going to be a massive dip before August 1, are all of you high?

Don't fall for the hype, BTC is going nowhere for now.

There will be no moon mission to over $3000, that does not come now.


One the big boys is gonna split and mtgox this whole operation in to the ground.

Run from BTC


>> No.2841078

also pic related thai hookers you will get if you short.

>> No.2841112

>One the big boys is gonna split and mtgox this whole operation in to the ground.

That's why I have a paperwallet

>> No.2841126

those are men anon

>> No.2841131

That's not the point, good your following best practices, but whole market will take a beating.

The coins in your paperwallet will lose half their value.

>> No.2841133

What the hell are you talking about? There will be no UASF on August 1st because Segwit is already locked in.

>> No.2841145

can you at least make LTC go to $47.00 so I can cash out with only a $1.00 loss


>> No.2841173

>missed the rise
>spreading FUD
not gonna work, you missed your chance
checked this is the reality

>> No.2841175


>> No.2841194


fake news, nothing is locked in or confirmed yet, only normies are eating that shit up.

>> No.2841253


bip91 is already locked in at >95%

>> No.2841284

really this retarded huh? 256 blocks until non-segwit compliant blocks are rejected. Get ready.

>> No.2841364

lol clueless moron, miners can bail out at any moment and cuck the whole market

>> No.2841407

Rolling for 3. She's super fine.

4 as back up.

>> No.2841415

What does 7 mean when there are 6 girls? alone forever?

>> No.2841422

there's a difference between signalling, and locking in

if its locked in, the miners cant bail out easily

>> No.2841484

And purposely tank the value of the asset? I don't think so.

Money trumps ideology

>> No.2841517

why would anyone be so fucking retarded? is this on purpose?

>> No.2841518
File: 698 KB, 691x400, rollin.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

re-roll lucky no.6

>> No.2841532

AFAIK, bip39 is not enforced by bitcoin core. It's all just words and promises.

>> No.2841561

those are dudes you massive faggot

>> No.2841570

>hold throughout the fear and panic
>sell at the beginning of rally

You go op! Don't forget to fomo buy in when it hits 3.5k and "that's a buy signal".

>> No.2841633

its all fun and games, until you see the red -45% next to bitcoin tomorrow morning when you wake up.

>> No.2841653

>$1900 3 days ago
>skyrockets to $2700
>every greedy bastard jumps in to ride the moon mission.
>whales sell and weekend dip starts

>> No.2841682


>> No.2841869

even better, probably can only afford ladies without dicks though cause im a poorfag

>> No.2841937

Why do people think those are men? They are very attractive women. Any straight man would recognise the allure of their feminine faces.

>> No.2841957

>Not understanding what traps are
Or are you just baiting, anon-kun?

>> No.2841992

If those are traps then I guess I am gay because I would happily fuck them all. They are better looking than 90% of women I see where I live (UK).

>> No.2842033


>miners who make a living with coins purposefully tank the price for the lulz

/biz/ Ladies and Gentlemen

>> No.2842141

uh...nm carry on

>> No.2842153

Well that makes sense. Women in UK are hideous.

>> No.2842171
File: 200 KB, 1024x768, WhBxK6w.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this everyone's first day on the internet?

>> No.2842184

>doesn't understand game theory
>calls someone else a clueless moron


>> No.2842190


>> No.2843058

Not white enough. I wouldn't touch those girls with my dick extended to them via a 10 foot dildo.

>> No.2843078
File: 107 KB, 900x900, rulenumber3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have to go back.

>> No.2843100

das waycis

>> No.2843104
File: 976 KB, 500x259, makishima2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish niggers like you weren't gonna make money on this. Here's what's really happening - the smart money is leaving the market on the normie dumb money coming in now expecting "return to normal" after BIP 91 which was literally favored by all parties. The real clusterfuck is whether the miners will universally agree to the much later november hardfork to 2MB block size, which is what the whole august 1st fork was about in the first place. In the mean time, the smart money (chinese) are liquidating their BTC positions while the market is high so by the time the normie overton horizon even remembers the november hardfork, they're already out at 2600+ USD. Then you'll see the bloodbath to ~$1200-900 USD. Screenshot this.

>> No.2843119
File: 809 KB, 853x480, facedroolingwithdelight.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's just mean to reject a working girl because she's not white. Just say she's too expensive and because she's a fucking gook she'll lower the price at which point you're a fucking faggot if you still say no.

>> No.2843128

What's it matter, they all got dicks anyway

>> No.2843135
File: 105 KB, 245x245, expert.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This nigga understands psychology.

>> No.2843147

I'm a newfag so I'm gonna wait till post-august 1st to buy once I see what happens. Good luck to everyone!

>> No.2843300

You seem to have a good insight. May I ask how you are managing things? What are you currently doing and how are you going to play the next few weeks? Also which coins are you holding.

Thanks man, if you'd answer that would be nice.
I'm currently all in on ANS at 310k SAT so I'm basically screwed. (2k) I know I fucked up but I had to learn the hard way eventually. FOMO got the best of me.

>> No.2843344

hahaha keep holding faggots, don't sell your bags

>> No.2843356

give this a man a medal, he speaks the truth

>> No.2844325

This is what i think too. Sometimes i get lonely thinking these lonely thoughts. I haven'y completely understood what is going on with this hf thing, but as i understand it, people on /r/btc want it to happen and for some reason, people on /r/bitcoin doesnt want it to happen(well the people who aren't banned for giving unpopular opinions)?

Well if it doesnt happen the tx backlog will be full again quite fast and btc will have all these scaling issues and fee issues again. If it happens the price may shoot down a bit while everyone is trying to figure out what's going on but i think after some time, people will eventually realize that hfing is how all the crypto's scale and there wasnt any reason to fear it in the first place... I mean it's been hundreds of crypto's that have hf'ed and it's usually a non-event. When eth did it the price tanked for a while but that was because it was because of the hack and everything happened so suddenly i think. It's ironic that the price of bitcoin now might tank when the only reason a hf might be a bad thing for bitcoin is because its been hyped up to be. Technically that IS how coins upgrade. When the rally was going on a lot of coins hf'ed and the price might even go up because it was seen as a positive upgrade...

Correct me if im wrong but as i understand it a full-working LN system with apps, wallets, channels, etc is minimum years away, so do people really expect bitcoin's price to go up if the darkmarkets switch to something like IOTA? EVEN IF LN becomes operationable and the payment channels start popping up, why are we assuming these payment channels won't be regulated by governments like exchanges are today? If that happens we will be back to fiat and might as well use a bank...

Goddamit i hope DAG coins will rape all the blockcrap in the end.

>> No.2844494

IOTA is a fucking joke. Don't put your faith in DAG, it's vulnerable to spam.

>> No.2844519

iota is not susceptible to spam.

>> No.2844872

you're spam.

>> No.2844936

Have to agree with this fellow here. How could iota be susceptible to spam when transactions are confirmed whenever you make a transaction? If you make "spam" transactions, you are helping confirm other transactions every time you make one...

>> No.2844959


>> No.2845267


OP if this is your thread:
OP, if this is your thread...

Pls read last post. Thanks.

>> No.2845272
File: 11 KB, 996x71, Screenshot 2017-07-21 at 8.37.43 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


capped it
