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28415937 No.28415937 [Reply] [Original]

100% serious, is this shit's price being suppressed? I'm hearing about bitfinex naked shorting it, all sorts of hijinks to explain its BTC ratio collapsing. etc etc etc

Whats going on?

>> No.28416018

No pumpamentals. Just like Chainlink.

Both are good projects with solid uses cases and adoption, but no pampamentals :(

>> No.28416044

why would you sell a coin north koreans are mining to fund their nuclear program?

>> No.28416089

God damn, shut up,
I wanted to sell my XRP for this but then all of a sudden this starts mooning.
Sold my XRP now and holding tether bags waiting for this shit to drop.

>> No.28416101

who said anything about selling, you absolute mong
leave the thread if you cant even comprehend what Im asking

>> No.28416289

Yeah. It makes no sense that all these shitcoins that nobody has every heard of will pump 100% during every alt rally and Monero, which is actually used and has fundamnetals, kind of slowly does its thing.
Bitfinex and Binance monitor the order books and short Monero heavily so they can accumulate more. Don't keep your XMR on an exchange.

>> No.28416409


Notice how shorts jump up the same time XMR BTC ratio collapses through the floor


>Bitfinex and Binance monitor the order books and short Monero heavily so they can accumulate more

Thats actually a bullish take on what I'm seeing. Common explanation for this is they are trying to pump ZEC or whatever to fuck Monero.

>> No.28416580

ZEC's team has possible affiliations with Mossad so it's a somewhat logical claim to make.

>> No.28416600

It's probably not just zcash. It's every shitcoin that they are holding (which includes zcash).
Monero has obvious long term potential, which is why it is targetted and fudded against. The whales are doing their best to shake weak hands and accumulate as much XMR as they can.

>> No.28416602

>Thats actually a bullish take on what I'm seeing. Common explanation for this is they are trying to pump ZEC or whatever to fuck Monero.
How would pumping zcash fuck monero? Sounds like you’re coping honestly

>> No.28416683

it's still <50% of previous ath. eth already made a new ath. still lots of room to get in

>> No.28416682


>> No.28416714

you're right I am coping, cause XMR has been complete dogshit since early September and I fucking want to know why

>> No.28416727

it fucks with Monero in the short term, but the long term this price suppression will lead to an explosion once the demand overshoots these sell walls. When that will happen is unknown, but they are playing a dangerous game.

>> No.28417273

I know little about how exchanges manipulate price. Can you explain more?

>> No.28417680

Sell walls are put up to encourange sell offs.
Monero is borrowed and sold in large amounts (shorting) to dump the price and allow the whales to buy back at even lower prices.
Exchanges (if they aren't trustworthy) has access to information of how much Monero is held on the exchange, so they could borrow some of the monero being held on the exchange as part of these methods of borrowing and shorting.
If you go to last year, Monero had two months of slow growth while the rest of the market wasn't moving. This growth is what would be happening if Monero wasn't being targeted. But then the Bitcoin pump started and Monero was shorted at every single resistance point. This, coupled with targeted fud (Bittrex) lead to further sell offs and demoralization. But it appears that the capitulation may be over. We shall see.

>> No.28417985
File: 190 KB, 485x319, Monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not deliberately "suppressed". The reason why Monero doesn't pump is that it's actually used. Get that in your head: Adoption isn't bullish, it's bearish. People spend their crypto right away instead of holding it.

>> No.28418890

as soon as xmr dips to ~100 ill get me 100

>> No.28419177

does anyone remember that analysis way back that predicted xmr $18k by 2030?
things take time.
XMR is unironically the coin with the most utility in the entire cryptosphere and is the most sound money ever created. Its going to be more valuable than eth by marketcap, even if they fix the failed project.
patience. extreme patience.

>> No.28419300

it's only mooning in dollars because BTC is pulling it up. the BTC ratio is still very much in the gutter. we're looking at a very violent rally here if all the supression is true and the btc ratio gets squeezed

>> No.28419369

ZEC became a stable coin. Not pumping and its bleeding sats since I bought some in November.

>> No.28419987

hopefully it at least established a bottom, still shit vs. btc over the past 3 months but in a way that means there is more room for it to move quickly if it mean reverts

suppression is real given the asymmetry on bitfinex and lack of margin on binance, dunno why someone would be that determined but they are

>> No.28420272


>> No.28420432

alright I've had my eye on XMR for a while, I will pick up some very soon but I only have ETH / erc20 wallets

any wallet recommendations for XMR ?

>> No.28420508

I use the official cli wallet on loonix
MyMonero is probably best on Windows

>> No.28420924

monero is used for drugs alot
darkmarkets adopt monero, sometimes stop dealing with btc entirely, monero-only
druggies get monero and spend it immediately

>> No.28421066


cake wallet

officail CLI/GUI
feather (lightweight)

mymonero is online wallet

I use CLI just out of old habits but all are good

>> No.28421154

Yes the price is being suppressed tell me something new

>> No.28421162

some people hold.

me for example.

>> No.28421437

thanks, much appreciated frens

>> No.28421562


>> No.28421781

This doesn't make much sense. A immediate buy and sell shouldn't have much effect on price. Speculation will still drive the price up if that happens.

>> No.28422143

every bag holder thinks their coin is being suppressed when they are emotionally invested and it's not performing like they hoped for

>> No.28422587
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shorts are at an ATH on bitfinex alone. if any coin were to be surpressed it would be monero. governments and bitcoin maxis fear it

>> No.28423258

Can't we short squeeze this epic reddit style?

>> No.28423845

I'm already doing everything I can...

>> No.28424260


yes I think that would be a good way to burn the shorts and spread the advantages of monero over bitcoin. would be more like the silver squeeze. buy monero and most importantly withdraw from the exchange. idk if these exchanges are allowing naked shorts or not

>> No.28424541

i like monero as much as the next person.... but as soon as it's bought, it's sold. People who get monero exchange it for USD and that's why the value doesn't go up. People have to hold long term with "Diamond hands" to drive up the price.

>> No.28425902

the reason why it's being suppressed is they don't want you to hide your money.

when you simply trade your coins to monero and back immediately, it's highly probably to connect your new wallet with the old one.

but if you wait for an hour, or a full day or even more, it becomes more and more difficult to prove anything.

the establishment is suppressing this coin on purpose and causing insecurity on purpose. so you wouldn't trust your coins just remain in your wallet. what if it dumps 50% by tomorrow?!

no, they like to know what's going on and this is the only option they have to try and stop us.

>> No.28425982

People just aren't that into a coin that does nothing but be anonymous. Anon L2s for eth are coming, making monero entirely redundant.

>> No.28426225


100% this

>> No.28426808


crypto's killer feature is and will always be MONEY. monero is the best form of digital MONEY. it was designed from the start to be MONEY. dynamic blocksize, tail emission, randomX, txn size reduction were all developed to make it a better form of MONEY. etherum is a token to run an exspensive computer.

>> No.28427327

>is the literal only coin that enables true freedom with a bounty on it by the IRS being suppressed?
wake the fuck up anon. accumulate as much as possible. and thank me in some years.
all you have to do is hold. dystopian legislation, bitcoin chainalysis, and cashless society will do the rest.

>> No.28427435

>Common explanation for this is they are trying to pump ZEC or whatever to fuck Monero.
lead developer of z-cash: https://twitter.com/zooko/status/863202798883577856?lang=en

>> No.28427574

>is this shit's price being suppressed?
Yes, by the intelligence agencies themselves, worldwide but mostly by the burgers.

>> No.28427618

Kill yourself glownigger.
Your vaporware cope will be glorious when Monero takes the throne.

>> No.28427667

An L2 for eth that you can move in and out of that has the same security guarantees is objectively better in every way.

>> No.28427730
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MoneroChads, is an Intel core i7 8th gen CPU enough to mine some XMR? How much $ per month can I hope to earn if I keep mining day and night?

>> No.28428073

Except your non existent base layer privacy you RETARD.

>> No.28428408

About 5$ per month
I mine monero in the winter cause I want the heat anyway, but it's not a cash cow.

>> No.28428626

tfw only 50 xmr, i am never going to make it

when will north korea dump their bags?

>> No.28428839

bought an unknown amount yesterday

>> No.28428882

So if your main concern is privacy you simply don't use the base layer. Easy.

>> No.28429140

1 BTC will get you in the Citadel, but you'll need 1 XMR for the minecraft server.

>> No.28429164

Lmfao. You really have no idea what you are talking about, do you?
What’s funnier is you shilling nonexistent coins. Your are shilling vaporware over the currently working Monero. You are never going to make it.

>> No.28429819

I dunno, I follow all the DNM’s and forums (on minecraft) very closely.
Everyone amongst those circles thinks this will be the next bitcoin, they remember spending 2btc on a gram of weed years ago so don’t want to make the same mistake again.
Sure most is being spent straight away, but nearly everyone is storing some away, just in case.
Besides all the vendors will be exchanging their XMR for fiat at a lot slower rate than people are buying XMR to spend.

>> No.28429841

It's where shit is heading. Monero is just too niche.