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File: 1.77 MB, 3000x2423, 1612855995817.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28407313 No.28407313 [Reply] [Original]

pan man edition

>Why Gold?
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i3S4rl6ehiI [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gksenA5Al_A [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FI7NnOg2rxo [Embed]

>Bullion dealers

>Constitutional/"junk" silver info

https://findbullionprices.com/ (US)
https://eu.compare.pm (EU)


>Bullion tax info by state:

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZCL6FKQZyoM [Embed]

Nitric Acid
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3mg9YcAShTo [Embed]
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=NgSXg-WOEVY [Embed]

>EU/ENGLAND sources
https://www.chards.co.uk/ [Much cheaper than BullionByPost]
https://goldprice.eu5.net/ [Website to compare gold prices for UK]

>Russian/European coins

>Relevant information regarding mining companies

Previous thread: >>28386852

>> No.28407467
File: 176 KB, 631x756, 1609291759321.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver... Buy it.

>> No.28407483
File: 176 KB, 1280x960, photo_2021-01-31_12-07-10.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.28407627

I wish I lived in the 1800's. Digging for gold while wearing a top hat seems so comfy. After a hard days work you go to the saloon for some whiskey. No OSHA or EPA to tell you to stop. I want to go back!

>> No.28407649

Goldlet here. I’m buying a gold eagle today from a coin shop. Do certain years make them more valuable? Anything helps, thanks

>> No.28407728
File: 404 KB, 666x506, 1598999083562.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Grug keep shiny rock
>Another Grug trapped in rock
>Lots of things trapped in rock
>Special rock
>Long nose tribe talk to Grug
>Say Grug give rock they give leaf
>Say Grug give leaf they give rock back
>Why Grug take leaf if Grug keep shiny rock?
>Bleg dig shiny rock
>Bleg give shiny rock take leaf from long nose tribe
>Bleg give leaf take mammoth
>Long nose tribe give many leaf take many mammoth
>Too many leaf no shiny rock
>Grug think long nose tribe keep no shiny rock for leaf
>Grug getting angry

>> No.28407779
File: 645 KB, 600x809, 1601876127981.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>contacted my dealer
>he will buy my 500g gold bar this saturday
Will drop those 25k right in small caps anon list as soon as I get them. Will keep my 100g gold bar and 500oz silver as a defensive position. I should take risk at 29yo.

>> No.28408047

generally speaking the coin shop would know the rarity of any low mintage years if any and would mark those particular ones up for numismatic value, if you are buying one at bullion prices then you aren't going to get anything rare so I wouldn't worry too much about it. have you hashed out the deal already? how much are you paying?

>> No.28408127
File: 402 KB, 666x506, 15989990835622.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's better version of pic

>> No.28408181

Bayhorse Silver ask is razor thin only a few thousand shares, bid is 500,000, people want in

>> No.28408427

Just tell him that you're buying for bullion. Certain years are slightly more valuable, but if the dealer knows you're a stacker not a collector hell just sell you the cheapest eagle

>> No.28408458

If you are a goldlet just get whatever is cheapest. No need to pay the numismatic meme jew if you don't own at least 5oz.

>> No.28408492
File: 311 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210211-110114_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did you buy CLF?


>> No.28408548
File: 1.47 MB, 737x800, 1595862753732.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So close to holy quads.
I think pretty soon you'll be wishing you had converted that bar to divisible silver instead of high risk stocks. It's flying off the shelves, both retail AND wholesale


>> No.28408856

pathetic, how much is Graeme pay you to shill his garbo stock?

>> No.28408880
File: 328 KB, 1752x880, Depletion.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Estimated silver depletion 2034
We may have a some more time to stack anons can you hold out another 10 years?

>> No.28409050
File: 225 KB, 478x481, industrial silver mining consumer products iphones.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Silver recycling will become economical FAR before deep sea mining and asteroid mining become economical

>> No.28409074
File: 18 KB, 833x483, FirstMajestic.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I get this message when I try to look at the coins I ordered a few weeks ago on First Majestic. Are they going to run off with my money?

>> No.28409150

Also, Basedhorse just attacked SLV


>> No.28409183

Lol you'll be fine

>> No.28409348
File: 189 KB, 2514x908, Recent.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thats actually pretty based my order contents that haven't shipped yet are still listed as "in stock"

>> No.28409431
File: 154 KB, 1095x999, Maple Standar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The Maple Candy Standard will overtake silvers market cap. Get in while you can. Short Aunt Jemima.

>> No.28409436

Is that SDB? I want to make sure not to order from wherever it is.

>> No.28409546

Junior orchard exploration recommendations?

>> No.28409626
File: 42 KB, 760x507, BAYHORSE__.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bayhorse mooning, up 0.22%

>> No.28409646
File: 122 KB, 750x920, yes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

si senoir probably call them next week if it hasn't shipped then

>> No.28409733

OH for fucks sake can we stop this?

>> No.28409796
File: 4 KB, 39x58, jewhorse.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off

>> No.28409860
File: 1.15 MB, 2048x1536, birch-tree-sap-collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Long farmers market syrup
>diversify into Birch syrup for the moon shot
>10 gallons to make it

>> No.28410263

Yes, but recycling can't recover 100% of silver.
Also many of used electronics are not recoverable. People would have to start mining old landfills.
If price of gold and silver will spike manufactures will try to minimize use of these metals.
Recycling will bring diminishing returns over time.
Planned obsolescence might no longer be a thing and electronic devices will last longer.
Use of silver will grow exponentially in this decade because of EVs.
Recycling alone will never cover all demand.

>> No.28410372
File: 551 KB, 1350x679, 1611942836752.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We would be doing humanity a great service by making planned obsolescence a thing of the past by driving up the price of the materials.

>> No.28410446
File: 358 KB, 260x146, maplesyrupshowerfullcliphttpyoutube6phf9hg9maefullvideohttpyoutubej5jgt8i4fb8_328eaa_4920895.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rare leaked footage of Pan Man indulging in his riches.

>> No.28410677
File: 734 KB, 1979x1597, KIMG0471~2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The conditions of cheap labor, low cost petroleum, grandfathered patented mines, and relative environmental leniency allowing for the profitable exploitation of mineral resources now will not exist in 2100. I like the perspective of Steve St.Angelo regarding how PMs are a store of energy-input or energy-equivalent value, and if fossil fuels become depleted and more expensive while the environmentalism noose continues tightening around industry then PMs will still be a safe store of wealth.

>Hey pmg has anyone used a silver refining service before?

Other refineries are out there but since it's the only place I've worked with I recommend:

How much sterling do you have and are you likely to get more scrap? 100+oz batches have the best rates.

>> No.28410828

Any updates on UUUU?

I pulled out at 5.36 and now I'm bummed. What's a good price point to get back in?

>> No.28410885

>the year is 2050
>the russian-canadian Birch & Maple Syrup Inc. owns the entire planetary supply of the new liquid gold
>no nations left, everyone bows to the syrup overlords
>populus is on minimal syrup UBI
>high caste citizens and high ranking officials stack gallons in their vaults
>new nanotech made it possible to store the syrup for aeons
>low caste members are forbidden to touch the magical juice, only get corn syrup


>> No.28411144

oy vey it would be anuder shoah

>> No.28411190
File: 20 KB, 640x640, 1549310399864.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bought it at 0.15

>> No.28411229

Pan Man laid it out last night...
>Ha maple syrup is the only future
>>limited supply based on seasons
>>long time consuming processing
>>difficult to counterfeit properly

>> No.28411375

Its very easy to set up an electrolytic cell to refine your own silver.
Seriously you dont need a chemistry degree.

>> No.28411437

>was literally watching ooga booga 2 video this morning

>> No.28411547

Can anyone confirm if ordering from Scottsdale Silver's egay store really ensures quickish shipping? Someone posted that here the other day but now I don't know to believe it or not since some guy on jewtube was bitching about how long they were taking back in April.

>> No.28411626
File: 592 KB, 1000x1333, IMG_0084.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i buyded this

>> No.28411702

What apps do you use for trading your mining stocks?

>> No.28411788

I don't know how to feel about the fact that reddit has a "wallstreetsilver" subreddit up with tons of people in it now. On the one hand I'm normally always happy to have more silverbugs in the game, on the other hand it means less time to stack at good prices. That being said if a silver squeeze gets as much meme momentum as GME did, wooo boy is the retail supply gonna dry up.

>> No.28411829

>low caste members are forbidden to touch the magical juice, only get corn syrup
That'll happen no matter what, only hyper-processed swill for the masses while the elite dine on grass-fed beef and honest maple syrup

>> No.28411833
File: 28 KB, 565x463, gross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who else is bought AG too high at 18+ and is now just waiting for it to get there again

>> No.28411836

I've been thinking about this for a while.
Can I buy old decommissioned landfills for their future mineral rights?

>> No.28412017
File: 275 KB, 500x375, Stack and Gat.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What's your guy's silver coin to silver bar ratio? I have a bar and some more rounds on the way. I don't want too many of either.

>> No.28412141

You know retail is not the most efficient way to squeeze COMEX right? You need to take 1000oz bars off the circulation which means either taking physical delivery (haha good luck), or buying PSLV. Buying retail silver is just fucking yourself on premium over spot while retailers pocket the difference.

>> No.28412326

I assumed those fags were all buying paper, am I wrong here?

>> No.28412334

what do you mean with less time?
You had 10 years since the last spike in silver LOL

>> No.28412403

1000oz bars are roughly the same price.
I tried.
The premiums are premiums for actually taking real delivery.
If you arent paying a premium, you arent actually taking delivery of anything in any meaningful way that threatens the system in any meaningful way.

>> No.28412441

I'm at mostly coins, I'd wager somewhere in the realm of 80/20 coins/bars+rounds.

>> No.28412446

looks gay

>> No.28412513

Hi anons, of you haven't figured it out yet, Silver is worthless. I'll help you out this one time and buy it from you at 10x its worth at 10/ozt since I'm a nice guy.

>> No.28412602

You know that 1000oz bars can be melted into coins? And smaller bars can be melted into 1000oz ones?
Removing silver in any form from the market will bring COMEX default.

>> No.28412618
File: 31 KB, 680x832, 6c6[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I want more

I know that, and am ok with that. I'm of the "If you don't hold it, it doesn't exist" crowd. That being said, yeah, SLV is worthless, PSLV at least is staked, and Bayhorse seems like a good idea. Just not really my jam to invest that way. I'm a shiny rock enjoyer.

>> No.28412673
File: 401 KB, 350x670, 1612156399219.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Retail is buying 1000oz bars, which is unprecedented. Fuck off shill



>> No.28412678

Don't sell it to him I'll take it off your hands for 5% below spot

>> No.28412718
File: 44 KB, 500x500, s-l500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i panic buyed this

>> No.28412815

Blow jobs from currently well off house wives. Nice anon.

>> No.28412832
File: 323 KB, 501x281, silver normie meme14.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Disregard this it looks cool. is it a kilo?

>> No.28413045

Silver buckler to carry into battle

>> No.28413156

I'm a woman

>> No.28413213
File: 324 KB, 1800x1800, 30 oz britannia statue epic 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Count what you have now
Don't count what you don't have

Daily reminder that if you can't lick it you don't own it

>> No.28413227
File: 99 KB, 468x380, 1612068780177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


5x 2021 ASEs for 155$.. I just bought 50. the premium is low compared to even rounds or private mints

>> No.28413272

>buying untrustworthy chink shit

>> No.28413277

>Clit flicks from currently successful businessmen.

>> No.28413303


>> No.28413304
File: 249 KB, 1200x1600, Family Photo 3o'3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buying retail will get the mints to call for delivery of those 1000oz bars so they can make more coins and smaller bars.

Buy physical in any form you are able.

>> No.28413327

Why is it always pistols in this general, no love for rifles or what?

>> No.28413385
File: 501 KB, 1000x769, 1604827377716.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't but you gotta admit they look cool


>> No.28413402
File: 367 KB, 600x600, 1612893103312.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

show bobs

>> No.28413428

Makes your stack look small

>> No.28413482

I figured but a stack is a stack lol

>> No.28413495
File: 63 KB, 1024x1024, 1599467966532.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be me
>be a frog
>want to buy my first 1 oz gold coin
>the queen of bongland is on almost every coin I see
>only wieners, krugs and AGE are free from the bong menace

What do I do bros? a gold wiener would fit nicely with my silverwieners (same diameter,37 mm) but they don't look good, krugs are based and boerpilled but they look like copper on every pictures I see, I find AGE soulless (don't ask me why, I don't know).

Should I give up on buying a 1oz coin and purchase 5 or 6 20 francs Napoleon III instead?

>> No.28413543

nice scam

>> No.28413596

Ill put it next to the ammo instead

>> No.28413668
File: 27 KB, 1020x414, IworkedinbusinessonceIswear.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just a reminder that Graeme's only credential he has listed anywhere is CEO of butthorse which has never traded above 2.30$ a share. Additionally trying to sell butthorse for days on end (several thousand shares) was met with no luck. No one wants to buy it. It's a bag.

>> No.28413696
File: 965 KB, 1960x1500, IMG_0028.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you buy 100 Kronen Österreich, same diameter as Wiener Phillys, 30.5g fine gold

>> No.28413704

Hey guys neurodivergen leaf here. Im interested in silver. I currently have about $1000 leaf bux in bonds which Im starting to think isnt worth holding onto. Thinking about selling this and using some spare cash to buy silver. Should I buy physical silver or invest in some silver mutual fund.

>> No.28413774

Britania is cool as fuck tho and i'm a frog too the problem with napoopan coins is the numismatic value attached to it, you're not just buying pm

>> No.28413802

Buy physical unless you can't then buy some miners

>> No.28413894
File: 968 KB, 1000x850, Edward VIII Sovereign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one is a bongland coin but it looks pretty good compared to ones with the queen on it. Otherwise corona >>28413696 There are a lot of sovereign coins that you can look into to see if you like

>> No.28413907

Since you're a Leaf, buy some Maple Leaf coins if the premium isn't too much. If you can't buy physical for some reason just buy miners/PSLV.

>> No.28413968

Wont buying miners just allow the miners to ramp up production and help to bail their butts out with regard to and inability to source physical product?

>> No.28414046

dumb ass. its a verified dealer.. and protected from being counterfiet...

keep rubbing your hands Mr. Nosebergstienowitz

>> No.28414080
File: 66 KB, 675x601, 1612704089847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck I hate having to scroll through all the fag crypto posts to get to /pmg/

>> No.28414148
File: 88 KB, 1891x835, temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah it's a scam. "Purchases" up through January 30th and then nothing until today. So none sold as the high demand was tapering off slightly to now?

>> No.28414189
File: 27 KB, 325x324, charles-c2a35.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pray for a new and better monarch.

>> No.28414230

That's how I look at it. I can't sink enough money into paper to call for physical delivery from someone like sprott etc, but I figure people collectively sacking retail makes the bullion dealers pressure the mints for more product, and when the mints are low on product they pressure the COMEX for more big boy bars. The mints, having a relationship with COMEX and a business model that helps them stay afloat, should theoretically be able to have an easier time pressuring them than a bunch of faggots on /biz/ and reddit.

>> No.28414336

Don't lie to us. On all the other forums you can, but not us.

>> No.28414355
File: 87 KB, 1024x559, 1598985954947.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well memed fren

>> No.28414369
File: 22 KB, 533x477, 1430168593434.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw silverchads are now the new Great Reset

>> No.28414460

They look cool, thanks. And your krug doesn't look that red

A 20fr Nappy III is worth 300 euros, 51,72€ per gram of gold
The average 1oz gold coin is worth 1600 euros, 51,45€ per gram of gold

There is almost no difference in price fren

>> No.28414485

we all are sweety ;)

>> No.28414514
File: 213 KB, 900x900, 1613040894422.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That ship has sailed
Picrel was killed during the bolshevik revolution for being a good monarch

>> No.28414537

grind sessions with out of work banker chads

>> No.28414792

AMERITRADE. It has gay fees. Like 6 bucks per transaction but they didn't pull any ekbinhood faggotry

>> No.28414832
File: 133 KB, 300x296, YOULL OWN SILVER AND YOULL BE HAPPY.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We will be happy

>> No.28414904

Retail demand surpassed industrial demand last year.

>> No.28415185

>"Purchases" up through January 30th and then nothing until today

Learn to check the Revision History: https://www.ebay.com/rvh/383846730975?rt=nc&_trksid=p2047675.l48144

They were micromanaging the available quantities through the 30th, sold out, then didn't add any more until today which again sold out very quickly.

>> No.28415247

Is that US only? Im in Canada.

>> No.28415312

We do have one based woman that cruises here but she never shows tits. She seems like a good girl. I hate asking a decent woman to show tits. I do really want to see them though.

>> No.28415350


>> No.28415352
File: 2.31 MB, 2560x3000, BHS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Mining stocks often lead the metals. The banks short the miners as a way to kill sentiment in the metals. They especially like shorting companies like AG which refuse to supply the COMEX. Buying companies which don't sell cheap silver or support #silversqueeze on Twitter is sending an important message to other mining companies as well. Also, silverbugs tend to buy miners so if miners moon that means a lot of profit-taking by silverbugs to buy more physical silver.

>> No.28415396

There is already a shortage of 1000oz bars on comex. You can't get any until March currently.

>> No.28415418

Might be. Fidelity is another good one.

>> No.28415470
File: 132 KB, 460x700, 1603430874958.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nah I already have 500oz, i want more leverage. If all this covid mania didnt accelerate the western fall then i wouldve stacked more physical before going for miner. Now with 100g G + 500oz S, i feel its enough for the defensive side. Will put those 25k into things like dolly varden, impact, lion one or fireweed zinc. A 5% allocation on a position will be around 1k, enough to make good return when it moon. 25k on 20ish position, im good for the moon or higher.

>> No.28415484

I just started with them and have been extremely annoyed I cant buy penny stocks with uncleared funds. It's been like 4 days too. Does anyone know if fidelity makes you wait to buy penny stocks?

>> No.28415531

I suspect that bayhorse is being heavily shorted and manipulated.

>> No.28415616

then dont buy it Mr Shekelberg, but I wont buy your SLV either...
they just put 5 more lots up.. they are getting rid of their stock, probably from a pool sell order...

5 more up right now

>> No.28415675

When I first made my account it took several days to do anything but since then transactions go a lot quicker. I have funds availabl e in my account before it even hits my checking account. I think they throttle you when you first get started but ease up on restrictions once you get a history on your account.

>> No.28415694
File: 937 KB, 2223x2560, 1612309788082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>got payed earlier than expected
>go to see if JMB has stopped being gay with 299 dollar minimums
>still there plus 5 dollar plus premiums
>Bitcoin is still in a bull mode from Elon Musk pumpin it
I just wanna invest me fake shekels for meme coins and real money.

>> No.28415765

I would never buy metals on ebay. It seems like a total scam and I see obviously fake metals on there.

>> No.28415817
File: 43 KB, 629x263, Screenshot 2021-02-11 at 11.13.56 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JP Morgan must have slept in this morning
Waited until noon for the morning monkey hammering

>> No.28415826
File: 713 KB, 1000x700, The_Silver_Bullet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28415871

Good to know. Thanks

>> No.28416008

nah.. since the price is the same for bank transfer, wire, credit card paypa..

I use Credit Card, and mine pays 3% rewards. Plus its Visa, so if the package doesnt arrive they refund, me if its lost or stolen in the first 14 days they refund me, if its fake they refund me... I pay off the charge 3 days later and no interest hits and I make a bout 5$ off that purchase, which I use for bigger 100oz bars at the end of the year...

Id rather trust ebay than some random coin show where you will never see the seller again..

>> No.28416072

Has anyone considered that (((banks))) and (((hnwi))) are doing exactly what /pmg/ is doing, except on exponentially larger scale. Keeping the price down allows (((them))) to buy up whatever silver they can get their hands on. Once supply dries up they have the entire modern electronics industry, and the people who use those electronics by the literal balls instead of fiat balls.

>> No.28416193
File: 87 KB, 1500x650, bayh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't doubt it, if people got excited about stocks like Bayhorse and the silver miners in general then that would draw attention to silver as a sector and it would be a catastrophe the banks. They want people chasing Tesla, Bitcoin etc. which is why they press their con-men like Musk and Saylor into the public eye to mislead people in those directions.

>> No.28416299

>Miss GPL yesterday at 0.88
>See it moon to 1.15 by open today
>Have a limit buy at 1.00 for 500 shares thinking it'll never trigger
>Don't see it freefall
>Down to .97 now

Fuck my ass

>> No.28416303

thats why JP Morgan dumped 1 million extra shares of SLV onto the market, made up out of thin air.. it dropped the price and they are trying to avoid being GME'ed... They will probably pay another 7 million $ fine but made it up with those 1 million shares

>> No.28416382

I'd verify the quality of that if I were you. PMs out of china is very very risky. I think a bank in China found out that a part of their "reserves" was fake gold.

>> No.28416395
File: 780 KB, 1075x1042, 1612485271870.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>if its fake they refund me
Only buy from trusted sellers on ebay. They usually ship within 1 day. The one being discussed here is not a trusted seller it is a scam. Fake silver is just as bad as buying SLV

>> No.28416487

Of course they are. A true value silver market will destroy everything the 13 families have established for centuries and the illusion of “diversed” benefits.

>> No.28416534
File: 12 KB, 198x255, MuH_YeLlOw_SpOtTeD_ToAd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Be me
>Pond drys up cause reasons
>Hop 3 miles to the nearest pond
>see a pond on a ranch next to some cows
>sit on cow shit and eat flys all day while i watch farmer bob check his oil well
>fast farward a few day and some s o y sucker is taking a bunch of pictures of me sitting on a pile of cow shit eating flys
>farmer bob chases them off for trespassing but can't shoot them for some reason
>fast forward another few days and i see 30 s o y suckers pull up in their teslas and preuses and proceed to chain themselves to farmer bobs tractor
>Protest goes on for a week before some E-thot notices the s o y suckers protesting o twater and makes it viral
>Gubna Moonbean eminent domains all 500 acres of farmer bobs ranch and shuts down the three copper mines trucker dave saved up for 20 years to buy next property over and deeds all the land to me
>Trucker dave left for Arizona penniless
>Homeless bob now lives in a refrigorator box outside Fresno
>fast forward 2 years
> Pond i was at gets cemented over by a Chinese solar company so grusome newsom can make a buck
>hop on to next ranch/construction project

>> No.28416589

see you at 0.88

>> No.28416592

checked. add on dips. still undervalued.

>> No.28416631

I agree. If you bought it from a good seller and you know it's a fake you can submit a claim and return it

>> No.28416712

Retailers don't actually pocket the difference. Their suppliers increase the price. Maybe places like FM which mines their own silver can make a killing.

>> No.28416889
File: 46 KB, 627x262, Screenshot 2021-02-11 at 11.24.14 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It took all night and half the trading day to build
a +15 cent move. It is reversed in minutes
(((They))) are laughing at us

>> No.28416932
File: 2.11 MB, 200x150, wrestling-commentator-laughs-at-you.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28416972

I'd add 1000 shares at .88, but we'll see. Since I already have a position I'll see if we drop lower towards .75

Not lime I'm not used to seeing a ton of red already anyway.

>> No.28417051

Mind sharing a list of trusted ebay sellers?

>> No.28417116
File: 211 KB, 1024x822, waco.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But you will never be a REAL woman.

>> No.28417269

>bought GPL at 0.82
>saw it rise to 1.2 yesterday
>didn't selled any because even at that price it was severely undervalued

>> No.28417270
File: 77 KB, 743x664, 1612507190336.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's so nice to see platinumchads BTFO palladiumtards, what kind of retard looks at a catalytic converters and thinks "hmmm cut the price of the material we've been using for years to a third because of a single scandle. Boost the new material 500% despite most converters still not using it"
Fuck you palladium-niggers, you will never be a real metal.
Also, commodities breakout incoming? Silver hasn't managed to breakout because of the suppression but that may not last long if every other commodity also surges. As of now platinum is getting credit for leading the breakout and not millions of dollars flowing into silver.

>> No.28417315
File: 41 KB, 400x394, 150-Euro-1-Oz.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

JM has Philharmonics for 31.99$..

>> No.28417377

They fucked me good when they opened at $22 on Monday a couple weeks ago. 46 shares at $22. Thought I was getting in at $16.

>> No.28417458

This is why when a miner pumps you IMMEDIATELY SELL at the end of the day. It will correct the next day and then you BUY BACK IN.

>> No.28417462

Well I don't buy from ebay at all but places like Scottsdale mint, apmex, JMBullion on ebay are all good places. Also if the dealer has 100% good reviews and some other requirements I cant remember based on other recommendations here then they may be safe

>> No.28417521
File: 70 KB, 446x435, 15535651377960.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks like Wiener tokens are not needed.

>> No.28417674

look at how much feedback they have.. the verified ones sell 500+ items per day..

MCM (dude is dumbshit who doesnt by PM on ebay.. they are reliable)

just to name a few.. but check the feedback..

and dont be afraid to buy off ebay.. use your CC and you have a really nice safety net and get perks

You can goto the mints or PM dealers straight up..

JM Bullion and ProvidentMetals are the same company
SDBullion is good
Highland Mint

>> No.28417698
File: 102 KB, 674x667, 1595973417450.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silver keeps dropping.. gold below $1830 again and moving towards $1730.. meanwhile bitcoin pumps 5%-20% everyday
think gold might be the only asset on the planet that is actually dropping these days, the more money I put into gold the poorer I get
think this is it for me lads.. I've got 7 oz of gold and 120 oz of silver with $5k in miners. won't sell it but I'm never buying more, ever

>> No.28417723

I don't see a penis but literally half the coins I see on here have a demonic satan worshipping pedo cunt on them. Ill take a Philharmonic over a queen coin any day.

>> No.28417782

I didn't know this but I found out that ERIC SPROTT, HECLA, AND QUENTIN HENNIGH are all invested in strike point gold. It's also the same CEO as Dolly varden. No debt. 5 million in cash. Bonanza grade gold and silver drills. https://www.streetwisereports.com/article/2021/01/04/strikepoint-gold-high-grade-silver-and-gold-in-the-golden-triangle.html

Was definitely feeling shaky on it the past couple weeks so I did some research over at ceo.ca

Now the onky stock I'm uneasy about is CCW.

>> No.28417851

Apple is getting in on BTC now. I believe Nissan is as well.

>> No.28417866

Right now that’s the best I can find for a mainstream coin.

>> No.28417868

Where and what physical silver should I buy in the UK? Looking to just buy 20oz to get started.

>> No.28417891

Golden state mint has the most red pilled bullion.

>> No.28417979

Trust the plan!
Schiff predicted this!

>> No.28418014

probably should stick to britannias
they're relatively cheap and CGT-free

>> No.28418088

Elon Musk is pushing Bitcoin hard right now.. he knows that the silver squeeze will eventually happen and he will have to spend an extra 10k per EV in production.. this is his hedge right now.. pump BTC up so much that he can produce his EVs cheap when silver spikes... but he can sell them as if though he paid 800$oz

>> No.28418099
File: 606 KB, 1600x1133, 1597289027230.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whats the best silver miners? Think my account finally got approved on fidelity.
Still bayhorse?

>> No.28418169
File: 385 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210211-113257_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You guys... No one is shorting baghorse except one or two guys. Literally 18,000 shares. That's 1440$ usd. You fucking baghorse morons are the worst. Not a single institution owns a single share of this heap of shit company.

>> No.28418178

I missed out the the Banker Justice rounds.. hate myself to this day..

>> No.28418398

or he could just spend the 1.5 billion on physical silver when it's cheap and force his competitors to
raise their prices

>> No.28418403
File: 229 KB, 900x445, 5 francs argent 1867.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

so true we need wholesome money

>> No.28418415

Is institutional ownership a fair metric of a mining stock’s potential at this moment? PM’s have done nothing but crab since August save for a few small blips on the radar.

>> No.28418433


>> No.28418479
File: 133 KB, 2035x871, caps.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


See picture related for my latest list of small caps in order of risk/reward. I don't recommend Klondike any more because it has a predatory management team and Vangold is obviously halted.


Institutions don't buy Bayhorse because the market cap is too small. That's also why it offers outsized (100x+) returns to normal people at $50 silver, because you can buy it at an absurdly cheap market cap whereas institutions can't.

>> No.28418495

Thanks I will get them. Just noticed they do a 500 coin box and it gave me a boner.

>> No.28418502

How can they dumb price everyday?
Are they really selling or just spoofing the price?
Or is this just some talmudic magic and price is totally fake and dictated by them?

>> No.28418664


I'm heavily invested in BHS but I would not call it best. It's all dependent on your risk/reward goals. If I wasn't willing to take risks I'd stick with smaller gains but more stability like HL, PAAS, AG etc.

>> No.28418667


Also, this picture should really have Impact and Silver One. Forgot to mention them.

>> No.28418769

but he could spend that 1.5 of BTC right now, watch it spike to 80k, sell enought to recover his original investment, use that on silver, and still have the surplus in BTC...

why only make money on one end?

>> No.28418797
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>> No.28418810
File: 61 KB, 640x479, fshusz6ItdFTxhrzdFA1IP4rf5fHuVtgCGKO-9qXj6k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon that's the Maple Candy Standard. It can't be stopped. The momentum is gaining.

>> No.28418873

AG, CDE, HL, FSM, etc.
Junior miners require patience while they eagerly await cracking $30/oz for getting out of their channels. The major producers like PAAS have limited upside. Those mid tier producers are a compromise. Unlikely to have cash raises (but not impossible) and more upside like the juniors.
Bayhorse has been range trading for 5 years.

>> No.28418929

Same, but instead i bought 350 shares. Im embarrassed by myself

>> No.28419095
File: 418 KB, 540x407, 1589318937476.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Platinum was ALWAYS the answer, the breakout was extremely obvious to anyone that saw the charts. Platinum will SAVE silver and together we'll ride up to 18,000 an ounce.

>> No.28419124
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Idk is that one even wholesome. He was a revolutionary


>> No.28419191
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There's only a few billions of silver which the con-man Musk could buy. He could already purchase all the available silver 100 times over with Tesla's market cap. He isn't hoarding silver, he's distracting the common people from silver because silver is the banker-killer. Complete con-man with a worthless company and a despicable history, Tesla Charts will tell you all about it. He's a Great Reset tool. They put him on Joe Rogan with a marijuana spliff to seem "personable" and people are so gullible that they swallowed every moment of it. Your average person thinks that any person with a funny-sounding name and a "scientific"-sounding company is a genius.

>> No.28419281

Jeff clark bought it too.

>> No.28419313
File: 73 KB, 1003x704, JPmorgan comex metals manipulation2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Spoofing and just printing contracts when someone buys

>> No.28419390
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>avoiding the part where the posts I replied to stating baghorse is being shorted by insidious forces
>100x returns
The stock has never traded above 2.30$ and hasn't mined a single ounce of silver since it was created in 2004 and to this day has an inferred estimate of the ounces. Why would you sit on a mine for 17 years, manipulate your internal stock option pricing, and claim huge demand for your stock, when, and I've tested this, no one will buy your shares if you try and sell? Where's the so called demand?

>> No.28419453
File: 1.18 MB, 1879x2281, Biohazard Stack 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Biohazard stack continues to grow

>> No.28419635

yeah.. I was told by a friend that in AZ there sits an old abandoned executive airport with supposedly 3000 Tesla EVs in the hangers and under tarps.. cars that couldnt be sold and are just there....

I honestly expect Joe Biden to throw some type of subsidy to Musk the way Obama did to Solandra...

Thats why Nancy Pelosi took out bought 1 million options in Tesla..

>> No.28419737
File: 144 KB, 900x600, native-silver-natural-history-museum-london.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Morning all!
How we doing this morning? I am heading into work to see if the cold weather gear has shown up or not yet.
Hope everyone else is comfy.

>> No.28419851
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>> No.28419940


They currently have them in stock.

>> No.28419976

trannies dont count, sorry

>> No.28420016
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Yes. His company has a P. E. ratio of, what, nearly 2000 now (15 is normal, 30 is expensive, and dividend-paying miners like Kinross are trading at only _8_). If the silver shorts were broken, the bank and the system would fail, Tesla would pretty much plunge to zero. It would lose 90-99% of its value or simply go bankrupt. It survives only in the present bubble economy. Musk will never talk about silver, he knows what it would do to him. Tesla is there as a black hole for people to throw their money in as a diversion, just like SLV or Bitcoin. Anything to distract from the silver short, which is the only thing that can kill the Great Reset. He obviously made some kind of deal with the devil with the people in power.

>> No.28420052

I like Philharmonics I don't care what they say

>> No.28420077


and of course Snopes did it word mental gymnastics to cover for her...

Something is gonna happen with Tesla that will make the company skyrocket in price.. I think the SpaceX thing was to force out the retail investor..

>> No.28420094
File: 104 KB, 400x338, Eric_Shipton_yeti_footprint-public-domain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

watch out for the abominable snowman

>> No.28420125

sup PAN MAN. i was checking my email to see if Blue moon mining got back to me (nothing yet) if i don't hear from them in the near future oh well, otherwise i intend to call 16 to 1 in a few days anyways.

>> No.28420131

A maple based economy is the best economy.

>> No.28420255

Made 3x my initial investment on a crypto and only regret not buying more/earlier.
I fully expect it to crash to around 50% what it is now but it's a long term play that I'm comfortable sitting on for a long time.
My stocks, however... not doing too great.

Hope you have a nice day PM.


>> No.28420456

>decent woman
No such thing in the chans

>> No.28420476

Check once a day than after two weeks message them again as a reminder. That helps a lot.
Yeti would be neat to witness.
yea i am hoping things do better in the near future, the worlds so frustrating.

>> No.28420488
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Extremely comfy, got confirmation my 26k from selling a 500g gold bar are coming. Will buy miner with both hands.

>> No.28420565

chinks have already made synthetic honey.. its flooding the Latin American market..and the 55 gallon drums even say to put some sugar in the mix or a bee or two to sell its as genuine..

give it a year they will make synthetic maple syrup

>> No.28420575

just like GME?
how did that turn out for the buyers of that?
not shitting on Bayhorse but throwing money into something over politics or ideology isnt always the smart move

>> No.28420691

>Check once a day than after two weeks message them again as a reminder.
alright. if i don't hear from them by wed i'll start looking at other places just in case and send them another message with my resume attatched.

>> No.28420896

I don't get the #BiDone coin. Is it supposed to be that forced "Bye Don" meme? Shitty boomer humor defacing that beautiful silver.

>> No.28420965
File: 40 KB, 734x561, Capturing.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

current prototype for a silver meme, probably gonna be about 2 ounces of poured silver

>> No.28421001

go play with bitcoins then
nothing wrong with doing more than one

>> No.28421088
File: 408 KB, 1850x1144, 1600762831178.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't find an infographic I downloaded from here of market cap of Tesla vs most other big car manufacturers and they were almost equivalent

>> No.28421108

Tesla doesn't make any money from selling cars. In a fact they sold every car at loss.
Their only source of income is selling green bonds to other car manufactures.
But almost every car company has plan to start selling their own EVs this year.
I suspect they will raise quota of "clean energy" car sales to about 10%.
This way Tesla will still sell green credits and remain "profitable"

>> No.28421120

needs the chan clover on the back

>> No.28421139
File: 610 KB, 2081x1263, Anguish.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that the JM Bullion can say they have all the stock in the world but that doesn't make it true. Its been over two weeks now and my order of WAR NICKELS, THE MOST HATED FORM OF JUNK SILVER, has yet to be packed, let alone shipped.

If they can't source 300 of those things ($15 FV), then they don't have shit ready to go for any real bullion.
WTF is platinum doing? Is my meme ounce of that stuff going to fund my next gold buy?

>> No.28421151


Miners are shorted unfairly, GME never had any real fundamentals behind it. That's the important distinction to make. AG for example should already be at least double what it is today. I mentioned in a previous post that Kinross has a P. E. ratio of 8, and pays dividends, and yet 15 is normal, and something like Tesla is trading at 2000. Bayhorse is objectively the best risk-reward investment of the 21st century. All you have to do is calculate 1 million silver ounces a year at $50 silver, AISC of $10 (so 50 - 10), and then multiply for a 30x cash-flow valuation. It has an excellent chance to go 100x at $50 silver and 1000x at $400 silver; that's simply the inescapable logical conclusion of future cash flow vs present market cap. But sentiment in the miners is so low that nobody knows or cares about it.

>> No.28421194
File: 3.12 MB, 4032x3024, 26FC55C5-C6B9-4F88-A94E-7444E36B5F4D.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It’s a nice coin.

>> No.28421230

probably made the first design he thought of in order to get it on the market as quickly as possible

>> No.28421411


do triple 7s along the edge and the clover on the back...

>> No.28421508

KEK wills it

>> No.28421694

u should get started now, that way you wont wait as long if it doesn't work out

Bayhorse is shit

>> No.28421729

My first 25 ounces of silver is in the mail guys. Also have two ounces of gold. Thats pirate status, right?

>> No.28421851
File: 98 KB, 686x533, tesla market cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They are worth more than next five biggest car companies combined.
But they produced less than 1% cars produced in 2020.

>> No.28421877

>u should get started now
you're right, i need to start looking at the next one.

>> No.28421963
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>> No.28421997

Thats why we are shorting Aunt Jemima and longing Farmers Market anon. Decentralized Maple Syrup will never come in the form of 55 gallon drums.

>> No.28422026

What are your thoughts on Apple, Google, Facebook, Microsoft, etc? The blue chip tech stocks.

>> No.28422073

>They are worth more than next five biggest car companies combined.
>But they produced less than 1% cars produced in 2020.
yeah, the more you lay the math out for me the more i realize how pumped his company is.

>> No.28422078


>hasn't mined a single ounce of silver since it was created in 2004

Bayhorse Mine wasn't acquired until 2014. So no, they haven't been "sitting on a mine for 17 years," they've had a mine for 6 years, and Graeme refused to throw away his ultra-high-grade silver to the bankers and the COMEX in exchange for pitiful returns. Observe that now that we actually have a good silver price, Graeme has an off-take purchase agreement with one of the biggest concentrate trading companies in the world.

>> No.28422079
File: 169 KB, 480x640, 1599184094103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i only have gold and no silver now i'm feeling like i shoulda bought some silver too and the cheapest i can find is 30€ or $36 an ounce.

>> No.28422137

Is the 100 peseta collector in here? I have a few questions regarding them

>> No.28422306
File: 110 KB, 1100x825, 5d03c7ce6fc92022d23c0dc7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

silver low $26 is a buy

>> No.28422373
File: 122 KB, 769x498, 1596901303059.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally the FOMO is beginning!

>> No.28422416

>dat big gold drop

love it

>> No.28422436

something is gonna happen with Tesla.. Im thinking massive government subsidy or contract..

>> No.28422444


Extremely overvalued, but nothing is anywhere near so bad as Tesla. Apple has a P. E. of 36, so extremely expensive, but nothing like the 2000 P. E. of Tesla. When all the bubbles deflate an Apple investor might still retain 25% of his money, but a Tesla investor will probably have 1%.

>> No.28422472

Has anyone done the math regarding all of this power usage?
How many power plants would need to be built
to provide the electricity for all of these EVs?
Does Biden plan to cover the country in solar panels?

>> No.28422534

Thank you Nate, very cool!

>> No.28422706
File: 176 KB, 640x464, Gold_dragon_-_Chris_Seaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't worry about it. The dollar is going to zero, ZERO!
And you will still have your coins.

>> No.28422713


No wonder people are shilling it so hard.

Cuckedhorse fans have significant bags.

and yea yea ik "silver miner anon told me to buy it!"

retard niggers dont know what a stop loss is.

>> No.28422748

While I agree those companies are overvalued, when determining valuation of a company i would suggest relying on more data than just the PE ratio.

>> No.28422845


>> No.28422854

i think Elon is gonna be as broke as his freinds will be on wall st

>> No.28422908
File: 501 KB, 1988x1344, tesla fraud market cap pe ratio.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not the sleekest one I was looking for but this does a good job illustrating it. Complete and utter clown economy. Tesla definitely gets pumped by Fed money printer go brrr

>> No.28422938

43000 shares at 0.08 average. Feeling good.

>> No.28423128


P. E. ratio is simply a rough and useful measure, especially because I don't see any American company outperforming expectations. All of them are going to struggle at best, collapse at worst, because they deal in dollars, and the dollar will fall farther than any other currency, if not simply go to zero.

>> No.28423188

Yeah you're wrong. They're definitely pushing PSLV and buying physical in there.

>> No.28423204
File: 2.64 MB, 4032x1960, 16130681866873921830801883125149.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel secure fren. Life's not easy, but it sure pays off.

>> No.28423300

Your posts are going to end up making me put a third of my portfolio in this company.

>> No.28423376
File: 337 KB, 1262x631, 123EE600-9A66-4B0F-9A4F-751FF35EB739.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where is the Q post referencing Elon Musk and Jeff Bezos? I swear Trump is involved with this whole situation.

>> No.28423410


Bob Moriarty bought his BHS shares at 0.14 CAD and he still "owns a boatload" and "loves the company." This would be one of the most respecting mining-stock analysts who is close friends with Dr Quinton Hennigh of Irving, Eloro, Novo etc. fame. 0.14 CAD for BHS is extremely cheap.


Moriarty's largest position is Irving Resources which went down 50% last year. Stocks go up and stocks go down. The value is what matters. Don't know why some people here are so obsessed with these little day-to-day price movements.

>> No.28423547

idk bro, i don't fallow q. i just pay attention to what you fuckers say so i know wtf 15-30 million people are thinking.

>> No.28423892
File: 2.05 MB, 3431x2573, 20210211_193545.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Muh kween!

>> No.28423940

There was a Q post where it said that the ones participating in the system, JB and EM included, would be taken down too. No survivors.

>> No.28423957


I really hope that you do well out of it Pacifico anon. If Bayhorse soars then I'm going to be happier for you than I am for myself.

>> No.28423979

anyone have any thought on Copper options? I browsed the CME page and it looks like you can buy 2 years out...

>> No.28424088

They would have to redesign power grid but instead they are shutting down nuclear power plants. The only source of energy that could make massive EV implementation possible.
>solar panels
This is very bullish for silver. But solar panels and wind turbines aren't reliable source of electricity.
Sudden spikes in energy demand will cause massive blackouts.
And blackouts can crash stock markets and most cryptocurrencies.
>the more you lay the math out for me the more i realize how pumped his company is
The same can be said about whole economy.
M1 money supply is rising worldwide and they plant to inject it into economy with massive stimulus. Hyperinflation is only matter of time. They are also prognosing record GDP growth at least here in Europe. They won't be able to meet their goal and will have to run massive budget deficit.

>> No.28424090

well if you find it great! I'm not gonna bark up that tree bro.

>> No.28424251

Two more weeks

>> No.28424336
File: 357 KB, 3200x2566, 2013_CSK_09726_0115_000(a_small_oak_and_iron-bound_chest_16th_century124707).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.28424391

Im considering investing in Carbon Credits..

but actually physical investing..

I can get former mine land in Amazon for about 5$ per Hectare. From what Im seeing an hectare of Willow will be considered viable after 2 years, with a lifespan of 10.

@15$ per hectare per year for carbon credits I think its worth it. 100k hectares, 5 families taking care of the land (pay them 30k per year), taxes, planting trees etc etc I still end up with ROI after 6 months of collecting sales of carbon credits (2.5 years)

>> No.28424451
File: 198 KB, 411x383, 1612858955855.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

25% of my pf is in IRV, how irresponsible am i ?

>> No.28424464

>They won't be able to meet their goal and will have to run massive budget deficit.
so we watch the old industry collapse and replace it with what ever we see fit. like the crowed funded ammo factory this thread has been trying to look into.

>> No.28424484
File: 45 KB, 676x380, angelpaul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28424493

Thank you. I've reached the point where I like everything in my portfolio after diligent research on every company. I'm not sure what I would sell to buy more BHS.

>> No.28424539

>re pays off.
only 4 formerly well to do housewives and questionable age daughter BJs in that stack..

>> No.28424985


Was really glad about the latest drilling results from IRV and the fact that they got the drillers back into Japan. Q. H. said "yes, it was a nail-biter, Akiko battled her way through this." I'm sure that IRV has hit a bottom now and that the only way is up.


I'm in the same position now, only a question of waiting for the paper price to get over $30. Hope that silversqueeze finally gives us the revolution we need.

>> No.28425145

We dont trade futures here.

1. We're all poor.
2. Shit is too risky

>> No.28425294


Be sure to check every nickel when they do show up, fuckers slipped in a 1947 on my order of 140 coins last month.

>> No.28425702

when the price of silver fluctuates as it has been doing lately (5-10% daily) be sure to check Ebay for junk silver.

I got 300$ of 40% JFKs for 1.25$ UNDER spot. people that put buy it now auctions up and dont pull them when the price of silver changes.

>> No.28425711

Do you see the silver squeeze losing momentum? It was a trending topic on Twitter for a few days, multiple threads on 4chan all day, mad rushes to LCS and online bullion dealers, but it seems now that things have slowed down substantially. I was actually posting in a silver thread on pol a few days ago and it was abruptly deleted.

>> No.28426041

How does buying 1000 oz bars work? Do you have to be a company in order to do so?

>> No.28426102


I think that the cat is out of the bag now, forever. 4chan is definitely on board with silver, you can see it everywhere. The silver threads might not be all over the catalogs any more, but in any thread to do with silver, the majority are going to be in favour of silver. WallStreetSilver and Silverbugs are growing every day, the silver Youtube channels and public figures continue to accumulate more influence and followers. Scottsdale Mint is struggling to find 1000-oz bars any more (https://ceo.ca/@Vaughan/state-of-the-silver-bullion-market-a-view-from-the-front-line)), premiums on coins remain as high as 100%, _everybody_ knows that SLV is a fraud and prefers PSLV. It is now widely known that silver is how you kill the banks. GME has taught tens of millions of people about short-squeezing and predatory naked shorting, which makes the manipulation of silver understandable. I think that we're still in a different universe from the one which we were in before this silversqueeze business all started. Also, the original WSB mods are back now; can you imagine what would happen if the original WSB got back on board with silver again?

>> No.28426143

i just realized something. so the french just condemed the woke-ish and started screaming reds under the bed at th US. I think this is gonna be the Excuse for the French and Germans to ditch the dollar and start the hyper inflation.

>> No.28426511

Next we need to redpill them on Trump.

>> No.28426517

>french just condemed the woke-ish and started screaming reds under the bed at th US
Fake and gay

>> No.28426561
File: 2.38 MB, 558x430, bidask.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So between JM Bouillon and some of the sites for my local dealers, I can figure out a fair 'real' ask price for what I can buy physical at.

But how do I figure out the retail Bid Price? I want to keep track of the daily spread.

>> No.28426595
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>> No.28426661
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It's ok fren you can still fomo in and make it. There's a long way to go

>> No.28426662

>Next we need to redpill them on Trump
On what?

>> No.28426872

dude the french education minister came out the other day and said that wokeism is bad and it's coming from US colleges.

>> No.28426898

Do one that's the 4 of clubs

>> No.28426956

>his wife is the one wearing trousers
Ngmi he’s getting legally robbed soon

>> No.28426962

I would love to be a fly on the wall during meetings at the CME Group. Or the Fed.

>> No.28427002

>But how do I figure out the retail Bid Price? I want to keep track of the daily spread.
EBAY listings with bids. To make it easier, something with good liquidity and reputation like Britannia's, Leafs, Eagles, etc. You could even do an average of all of those to account for shortages of one relative to the others
Similarly, though harder to track, maybe certain kinds of junk silver. The difference between the "premium" coins and the junk could be an indicator of momentum

>> No.28427086
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>> No.28427216

He will lose his position for that, don't worry

>> No.28427442

I would buy things.

>> No.28427462

i approve this coin

>> No.28427629

>He will lose his position for that, don't worry
even still, watch the EU use that as the excuse to get off the dollar and on the YUAN

>> No.28427644

I remember this being purposed several threads ago. I would pay top dollar for this.

>> No.28427653
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Just got $10fv of Franklins and BU '64 Kennedy's in the mail today.

>> No.28427722

Yeah, I saved it sometime last year. Nobody has stepped forward to make it and the OG who made it is nowhere to be found I guess

>> No.28427746

>I would love to be a fly on the wall during meetings at the CME Group
"Sir, the silver bars are running out of space for ownership stickers"
"No worries. It's all JPM anyway"
>Or the Fed
"Here is contingency plan #2584 for printer jams"
"We decided to remove education from the CPI because all you need to make it now is YOLO calls"

>> No.28427782

Yeah you're probably right

>> No.28427893

>20,000 bayhorse buy order at 10 cents still isnt filling

Day 4 of my bayhorse order not filling.

>> No.28427925


The only thing I fear is what these despicable bastards will do in their desperation. Their ponzi scheme already should have fallen apart in 2020 but they didn't let it. They have murdered tens of thousands of innocent people from suicide and other secondary results as a consequence of their pandemic hoax and lockdowns. They have destroyed the liberty of billions. It is very conceivable that they will ban silver if things start getting out of hand. That's why we need to get silver into as many different hands as possible before that happens. Especially need to encourage silversqueeze among conservatives and the Infowars and patriots.win crowd.

>> No.28427937


>> No.28427966


Original post for anyone interested.

>> No.28428126
File: 1.72 MB, 2488x1488, 1612630189032.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Amazing little racket they've got going on there isn't it? Would be a shame if some total unknown came out of nowhere and ruined their little schemes

>> No.28428296

Oh shit yeah that's it. I couldn't remember if there was a version with dimensions or if it was just text in the post like that link shows

>> No.28428475

so hears what i think will go down
>French media has a heart attack and blames it's economic woes on the failing US dollar
>Germany catches on and has the Euro pegged to Chinas "Gold" backed YUAN
>US dollar is now only held by China and Japan
>Japan switches to gold backed curency
>US dollar Hyper inflates as China dumps its Dollars
i'm more than likely wrong on multiple points but this is how i think things will unfold in the near future.

>> No.28428741
File: 90 KB, 640x480, Snapshot@2020_1106_184756.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

whos baking next bread?

>> No.28428990

i ll do it shortly anyone got a good pic for the OP?

>> No.28429074
File: 310 KB, 2308x1733, 1613007932781.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's one ;^)

>> No.28429077

not perfect, but not a bad thought.

>> No.28429079
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>> No.28429145
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>> No.28429213
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>> No.28429248

Rectal swabs, double-masking guidelines, masks on infants, no loud talking in your own home, etc. should be evidence to the entire world that is about something way more than health. I am revolted and enraged, just as you are, at the sight of children being conditioned with masks and unable to even play outside. This should be waking people up, but it simply isn't. Absolutely sickening how this pandemic has been used to distract, pacify, and shackle us for an economic meltdown and transfer of wealth never before seen in history. It is, very unfortunately, working so well.

>> No.28429261
File: 498 KB, 1318x807, 1612924476496.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe a meme one?

>> No.28429364

Either of these, leaning towards this >>28429145

>> No.28429380

Love the inherent autism in the stack structure tho

>> No.28429559

All my homies dive for treasure and mine landfills

>> No.28429641


I always knew that this was a sick world, sick beyond description, but I never imagined until last year quite how weak-willed most people were, nor how evil our rulers. I have never read of anything in history which is quite like what we are experiencing today.

>> No.28429776
File: 3.93 MB, 3762x3760, LM 41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

moon mining edition

>> No.28429792

i just boutgh a half troy pound of junk silver from ebay. so i'll have a lot more soon..
thanks, i try to restack it so i'm not posting the same pic all the time.

>> No.28429807

Get the fuck out of bonds.

>> No.28430130
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>> No.28430158
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>> No.28430163

You have a lot of reading to do. I'm not giving you recommendations because you'll come back pissed later

>> No.28430335

Damn you really like alexco, golden minerals and great Panther.

>> No.28430373

sell puts on your favorite miners for income... I have about 5% of my money in physical, and 20% in miners

>> No.28430393

>Your order is currently being minted, and is being added to our shipping queue. Once your order has been shipped, you will be notified via email with your shipping and tracking information. Please be aware that all deliveries will require a signature.

>> No.28430462

Impact and silver one are solid solid solid. Silver one is more solid than impact though.

>> No.28430570

Definitely post this in next thread at the top so people can see. A few people ITT have mentioned that exact problem

>> No.28430628
File: 768 KB, 2560x3500, panth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I don't own any of those three stocks myself but I've been telling people to buy them for about 10 months if they don't have access to the NYSE. (Picture related.) I'm also the one who introduced all of them here.

>> No.28430699


Note, I am not sure if the OP picture worked, in thumb nail its a little angry asian man, but when expanded its the correct photo, apologies if its fucked.

>> No.28430717

They are producing silver right now and a contract is incoming.

>> No.28430751


>if they don't have access to the NYSE.

(Meant to say "if they don't have access to anything _other than_ the NYSE.")

>> No.28430821
File: 464 KB, 1080x2280, Screenshot_20210211-134627_DuckDuckGo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

2004-present on the ceo's own linkedin page. Someone's feeding you bull.

>> No.28430898

This is why we are buying silver so we can rid the earth of these Chinese bastards.

>> No.28430915

What size bars are those in your pic?

>> No.28430960


2004-2014 is when the company was called Kent Exploration. It was an exploreco with three properties located in New Zealand. Completely irrelevant to the Bayhorse Silver days, which begin in 2014.

>> No.28430995

These issues are far too complicated for retards to be weighing opinions on.

>> No.28431033

to be fair Bayhorse as a company has existed in many forms before this, so that could be where the confusion is stemming from.

>> No.28431092

did you find those going through rolls?

>> No.28431238


>> No.28431320

Jumping in on this Quentin HENNIGH, Eric Sprott, and hecla mining are all invested in strike point gold.

>> No.28431418

All this grasping at straws to try to disparage this company is making me feel even more bullish.

>> No.28431425

>market orders

>> No.28431508

What's the resource estimate for Irving. How many ounces in the ground?

>> No.28431555

Aren't those manufactured in Australia?

>> No.28431660

The last two months the mint sold more eagles than the previous two years combined.

>> No.28431727

No such thing as "best" but BHS is good. DYODD.

>> No.28431771

Increase the buy limit to eleven cents.