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28408397 No.28408397 [Reply] [Original]

I've been looking at it for two years now and never bothered to understand

>> No.28409127

dont buy market price, buy limits so less fees

set a stop limit: stop price is when the order becomes active, and the stop limit is the price to be sold at
also look up slippage

>> No.28409232

for fist one i mean you buy limit a big higher than order book or less so like its not that far it just works like that

for the second one yes the sell stop price you stop the being in the stock when you reach the lower when the price falls to the stop price you stop the price to the limit you sell at the price of the limit

>> No.28409565

it's pretty easy once you get the hang of it it's pretty logical it's like walls
market price - do not buy it buys instantly best available price for the market price but you get a charge of the fee big so do not do it it you want the fee to be less i mean to be small because they cannot not exist they always are fees thanks STUPID coinbase!
now buy limit you buy the limit and it price the limits and you if you do post only you dont pay noything i mean you still pay a bit of fee cuz thanks STUPID COINBASE. now buy stop i think it does something to stop the limit i dont know exactly I rarely use it, in fact so i dont know

sell market price is the thing you dont want to do because it costs a big fee and you do not want the big fee s oyou want to limit how much you pay for the fee so you go to limit selling and whati t does is limits the sell or someting actually i have no idea i only use the: SELL STOP - which does that it says it does it stops the sell like it stops and thel sells the price and it also becomes a maker order which you know is less than taker order fee so you get less fees which is good! :) now to stop the sell you have to put limit price is the price of the sell price but the stop limit is the order become actual order price so you dont want them to be very close together or they may slip and fall so
so I hope it helps

>> No.28410740
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Thank you fren, this is a real good summary. I bought most of my stack market price, but that was before coinbase raised the fees in 2020, so it wasn't too bad on pro

Also I meant how do I read the bottom part of the graph? Where a big red and green wall are constantly going up and down. I don't get what that represents.