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File: 89 KB, 1098x768, Greta-Thunberg-impossible-a-rater-en-2019-elle-a-ete-designee-personnalite-de-l-annee-par-le-Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28395194 No.28395194 [Reply] [Original]

when will she rise against cryptos and make it all crash?

>> No.28395306

she doesn't have that kind of power. plus when is the last time you saw her in the news the world is getting bored of her and her gimmick is wearing thin on most people. she has been discarded by the media.

>> No.28395408

Hard to say, probably never.
She’s a puppet to manipulate millennials and zoomer who are typically pro-crypto, even if they don’t understand it. So bad mouthing crypto as not being ‘green’ could discredit their platform.

>> No.28395452

she wouldn't survive that

>> No.28395489

>rising against anything
They don't have the energy

>> No.28395675

Soon, I'm dumping all my crypto this week. The government is gonna crack down on them to.

>> No.28395895

Does she have an OnlyFans account, yet?

>> No.28396898

who is this semen demon

>> No.28396983

Why would she give a fuck about crypto

>> No.28397171

crypto mining consumes a huge amount of energy

>> No.28397224

She would have to start criticizing China then

>> No.28397316

Her breath smells of stale onions milk

>> No.28397564

She's probably buying bitcoin as we speak

>> No.28397568

she's not 15 anymore so nobody cares.
I love how she once spouted "if you burn the coal you pay the toll" LMFAO

>> No.28397643

soon my fren
I correct, NOW, my fren.

>> No.28397724
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$CLF is peak performance. Green Steel


>> No.28397793
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based Greta is onto something

>> No.28397864

She'll make an environment-friendly Gretacoin and I'll pump and dump it.

>> No.28397878
File: 100 KB, 650x557, c67_edited.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ban all POW on ethereum NOW!!!!

>> No.28398264

holy fuck these vegantards really are on another level of cringe

>> No.28398636
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More like "flat tits society"

>> No.28398745
File: 97 KB, 1201x1501, 145514939_476821446644017_8418584273936006553_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I prefer this version

>> No.28398767

She looks like an underdevloped larvae or some prehistoric fish.

>> No.28398819

You are what you eat

>> No.28398822
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>> No.28398993
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Crypto will unironically be the next target of """environmentalists"""

>> No.28399986
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normies pretend to agree with environmental wackos but it's just an act to earn social points. They're not selling their cars or cell phones, living in pods, riding bikes to work, eating bugs, or any of that shit. It's just another slogan for their twitter bio. Basically the same is true of BLM or any other horse shit social movement. The same people who like her, the "I FUCKIGN LOVE SCIENCE" retards who don't even know what science means, either own crypto or wish they did because they think it's "the future" or somehow more egalitarian than regular investments and they think Star Trek was a predictive documentary. They won't turn against crypto any more than they'll turn against their fantasies of world government or eliminating poverty.

Every socialist believes they are a temporarily embarrassed central planner. They preach that shit for everyone else, not for them. That's why none of their goals ever really are achieved, they're not willing to walk the walk. They don't connect their personal habits to their supposed beliefs. They use $1k apple phones to bitch about capitalism and do all their shopping on amazon and ruin all the local independent businesses and in the next moment complain that Jeff Bezos is too wealthy and it's not fair. They don't have functioning brains.

If greta came out about crypto they would pretend to agree with her publicly, then probably buy crypto without any sense of their own hypocrisy.

>> No.28400532
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bring it on, retard

>> No.28400707

I rode my bike to work back in the beforetime, when there was still an office to go to. But that was just because I enjoyed the ride and didn't want to become a disgusting fatbody.

>> No.28400964

did anyone ever really gave a fuck about what she said or whas it just a meme?

Still don't know wtf the story was all about

>> No.28401364
File: 66 KB, 500x838, hot-girls-bike-bicycle-15.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Last time I owned a car was 15+ years ago, full-time cyclist in the NE united states where people won't even drive because the weather gets so bad, and I've been lectured by more champagne socialists than I care to count for my evil ways because I don't think the government should tax emissions and think carbon credits are a fucking scam. I also smoke a pack a day and regularly use a variety of recreational drugs and at age 40 I do 100+ mile day rides in the summer and much longer touring rides. I'm probably in better general health than most 25 year olds who want me to get vaccinated against the shanghai shivers like just eat a grapefruit every day do some exercise and you won't get sick it's literally that easy

>> No.28401590
File: 82 KB, 696x1160, 1608240007944.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

jews needed a mouthpiece to push their Great Reset bullshit a bit harder, and she was chosen as their pawn for 15 minutes. there is a really weird cult/religious developing around this environmental stuff, and libshit worshipped her as a sort of living saint for a while. that's really all there is to the story, she didn't actually do anything important or interesting.

the West is really losing its mind

>> No.28401603

listen up fren, you have to stop hyperfocussing on specific individuals and turn them into totems of your anger.
I'm not specifically talking about her, but there are so many more people in the world that have more power over you than a literal little girl. It's like those youtubers who keep making videos about Anita Sarkeesian in current yeasr

>> No.28401772

nice anon! I have never done a century ride but was doing 60 milers last summer every weekend. NYC area, there are some suprisingly great rides around there

>> No.28401832

shes making me rise alright if u know what i mean

>> No.28402055

She is 18 now, so if she'll rise she will get fucked figurativelly and literally.
Also probably knows she was manipulated (probably even prostituted).

>> No.28402206

Based greta

>> No.28402304

My favorite thing in the world is the Great Allegheny Passage - C&O Canal trail route that connects Pittsburgh (home) to DC. There's something very zen and mind-altering about spending a week straight just pedaling in one direction from the moment you wake up until you camp and fall asleep listening to forest sounds and rushing water. For most people it sounds like hell, and it can be at times, but in the end it's incredibly therapeutic to just stop thinking and just be an engine and crank crank crank all day. If you enjoy long rides find a good trail similar to the ones I mentioned, bolt a rack on your bike and throw a tent or hammock and some supplies on there, and spend a few days riding and camping.

>> No.28402305

she probably sold her pussy to some kike for her 15 minutes of fame, she knows what she's doing

>> No.28402661


>> No.28402782

15 year old thots should be getting bred, not talking about important issues in public

>> No.28402981

shit you're making me miss riding now. moved to the rocky mountains area, can't wait until it's warm enough to get back on the bike again and explore the trails around here

>> No.28403438

I used to do this on my commute when I was 25 too. Back then I lived in South of Portugal so the roads were optimal for riding bike.

Moved up 400km north and now I'm fucked out of options, but I like life better here so it's a good trade off.

>> No.28403891

I have alot of experience with different styles of riding in woodland areas but desert touring is something I really want to try. When I get rich on shitcoins a trip to CO/UT/AZ specifically for bikepacking rides will be near the top of my list of things to do