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File: 78 KB, 1033x1049, photo_2021-02-11_12-49-41.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28390898 No.28390898 [Reply] [Original]

Let's not get this forgotten. These are Telegram names of MCDC scammers. I don't want to say every one of them is scammer. For example: CosMoc was the guy who exposed other members, so he's good, Stefan was just random dude who got his share for some coding I guess, other one's is degenerates who shilled to you here and lied to you on Telegram about gecko listing.

Also, those same liers originate from Rubichads telegram group, and they are shilling you Rubic on biz every fucking day. I don't want to say that Rubic isn't legit project, just want to disclaim some thing.

>> No.28391174

If you thought MCDC was legit when it was obviously a shitpost to burn money on as a joke then you deserve to lose all your shit

>> No.28391255

but there is also nothing wrong with outing scammers

>> No.28391262

might as well make a quick pnd to get some $$ for rubic kek

>> No.28391303

This yuppp

>> No.28391355

That comma faggot has been involved in every single one of these scams

>> No.28391357
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Free coins soon at 0. Gonna grab some.

>> No.28391440

Before the rubicchads telegram went down some guy said he had the idea for McDonald coin and was going to put more liquidity into Rubic using profits from it. Maybe that's why it's pumping now? I own RBC and I think that's a pretty dog move. Someone might have the screenshot and you might be able to find out who else was involved

>> No.28391443

Accept your losses as a learning experience and move on. This shit is getting annoying.

>> No.28391457

I kept telling you fags that the number of holders did not increase at all
they were just pumping each other's bags, luring in gullible retards

the metric for success with memecoins is not the price but the number of wallets

>> No.28391470
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newfag, gtfo
getting scammed is like baptism retard
>I lost 2 BTC long time ago in /biz/
never again
>500k folio now
you learn nigger

>> No.28391474


I personally didn't lost anything in MCDC, I'm not sure if you guys trying to imply this here or speaking in general.

>> No.28391478

I came to this thread to post something similar to this. I don't get how anybody could have taken this project seriously I mean it had a copyrighted name of a company everyone knows.

>> No.28391579

I like to see scammers get what they deserve so I approve continuing the witch hunt

>> No.28391592


Again, don't call me names. Of course I wasn't stupid to touch this shit, I'm just volonteering for people who did. Fuck off pls

>> No.28391617
File: 26 KB, 472x650, images (44).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck defending them.
These kind of people will always be scum. In another life they would be sleezy car salesmen or door to door time share sellers.
Cunts would rip off their own parents if they could.
I love watching these rats stab each other in the back. They all get the rope.

>> No.28391621

>Also, those same liers originate from Rubichads telegram group, and they are shilling you Rubic on biz every fucking day. I don't want to say that Rubic isn't legit project, just want to disclaim some thing.

This is some fine detective work anyone with more than 5 brain cells figured out already. Its funny how the same group of people got dumped on by their supposed "leader" in the Rubic tg, then some thot and some dev with a full dump and rug pull. These are the very same people posting Rubic threads you see right now as if the last few days didnt even happen.

Theyve convinced themselves that if they dont stop shilling theyre gonna lose. They dont openly talk about their own FUD when it comes to Rubic on here and especially not in their tg groups, but they have it, its just a matter of time. Imagine youre livelihood is based on the cognitive dissonance that if you dont keep spamming memes it will lead to financial ruin.

Stay cubic my friends.

>> No.28391624
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>> No.28391721

If you bought this coin you are genuinely retarded and I'm happy they got away with your money.

>> No.28391748

So you weren't even affected by it, and yet you're here white knighting for some retards on /biz/ instead of doing something worthwhile
pathetic, ngmi

>> No.28391798

Ok Ronald, fuck off

>> No.28391850

You also get the rope faggot. It's a dime a dozen erc20 shit coin that anyone could make, and all the little rats try to be the first the escape the sinking ship without alerting the others.

No honour among thieves.

>> No.28391860

Every trader does this to a lesser degree.
Where do you think your gains coming from?

>> No.28391907

>I don't want to say that Rubic isn't legit project
Fuck, I'm scared. I'm relatively new to crypto, and here I was about to buy some Rubic. What did they exactly organize on the Telegram group? FUD or FOMO?

>> No.28391920

oh no my fake alias has been exposed on an anonymous message board. Go do something better with your time OP

>> No.28391965

1 million mcdc holder here who got in during pre-sale and isn't a part of the team. This is what I believe happened, but take it with a grain of salt....

These are the guys who helped shill rubic early on and held a very large stack of rubic... They created mcdc and made rubic dump hard causing people to take rubic profits. Some of them seemed like they were in it with a good heart, while a few of the team were scammers from the start planning to dump on everyone. You noticed the rbc threads on biz disappeared almost instantly (down from like 20 a day) and immediately a ton of mcdc threads went up. They shilled mcdc constantly on rubichads telegram and comma faggot kept telling everyone to buy and believe in him. A few of the mcdc crew who planned on scamming had transferred their tokens into a a few new wallets, but kept around a million in their own wallet. They used the small wallets to sell off at the top and all the way down. Once mcdc was completely rugged, only the good guys portion of the team were left. I feel bad for anyone who invested into this... I still made out with a profit from the pre-sale luckily as I started to sell off around 10 cents and down to 1 cent. Pre-sale max was 0.5 eth and that was for 1 million tokens which was worth around 60 eth at the top. I'm sure these poor retards saw 60 eth for free and couldn't resist. Ironically enough, I followed the transfers and these wallets were putting most of their profit back into rubic during the dips. I think the scammers the entire time were trying to pump mcdc for profits and swing rubic when it hit back to 25 cents. Fuck comma the most he was the leader of the whole scam and it was confirmed he had multiple telegram accounts which he used to trick people. If you find him, you know what to do biz. Rumor has it he made a new telegram Alt by the name of Marco

>> No.28391981
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>> No.28392028

Well yes, I told everyone it was Coom 2.0 rugpull exit bogaloo

>> No.28392057

I still don't get why people hope that some meme animal/food coins are a long term investment.
You buy in knowing it's a pump and dump and sell after a short time and put your profits into real low mc projects.

>> No.28392089

FOMO dude. Every single Rubic thread on this board is made by them

>> No.28392151

Buying and selling legit projects with definable value is not the same as making a scam coin with the sole goal of ripping people off.

>> No.28392168


>> No.28392200

These fags are also the ones that keep dumping Rubic. Comma for sure others probably too.

>> No.28392206
File: 292 KB, 1080x1241, CommaAlt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ah here we go... Found it for you guys

>> No.28392267

Daksha Kabir might have also been one of the mcdc scammers as well, not sure though

>> No.28392295

Still, Rubic is a legit project while MCDC (i hope at least) everybody knew that it was a pump 'n dump

>> No.28392354

I've noticed with a lot of these pump n dumps the whales promise not to dump until Reddit gets involved, just goes to show not to trust anyone on this site

>> No.28392399

This. His new account is Macro not Marco. The level of greed to scam rbc group, the most promising project for years is disgusting and retarded. There was screenshots of members fudding rbc too which is pure deceit

>> No.28392411
File: 22 KB, 480x480, brainletmicrowavedbrain.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>buying a coin named McDonald in the first place

>> No.28392487
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Not everyone. Picrel

>> No.28392516

Yeah and I'm 99% sure they are the same 5-6 people in every single rubic thread now fudding rubic extremely hard to try and either accumulate or buy back in at a lower price kek. Once they're bought in, they'll start shilling again, mark my words.

>> No.28392523
File: 83 KB, 860x791, 47-470730_pepe-meme-facepalm-png-download-pepe-the-frog.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How did you not think you were going to get fucked ? , It's a MCdonald coin for ffs . Stop investing in shit coins and find something that does something.

>> No.28392565
File: 414 KB, 772x1228, 1612299652742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck off dejan you third world cretin. I can spot your shithouse english from a mile away.
t. never bought mcdc but am a rubichad from day 1

>> No.28392667

rubic is a legit project, but completely artificially pumped by an external group. Even at it's current price it's still massively overrated for a shitty exchange with no users and an inexperienced team of Russian autists.

The sheer quantity of threads about rubic and the zip files full of hundreds of pre-made memes in each thread should have tipped off anyone that it was a PND.

>> No.28392808

>1 post by ID
Kek found a member of the mcdc team who didn't buy back into rubic in time... Fud on faggot rubic is going to $10 this year and you know it. Cope harder fag

>> No.28392814

They shilled rubic? Anything else? Massive buy signal from the mega brains at mcdc.

>> No.28392820

it's mooning right now because it's undervalued you brown skinned faggot. For sure it pumped too hard and fast and because of that had a massive correction. If you think that shilling on /biz/ has the ability to send a coin to 80mil mcap in the span of a week then you literally have zero fucking brain cells. KYS

>> No.28392960

I bought rubic at .23 and sold at .73, but I knew it was a PND. The retards who held on all the way back down, or the ones who bought the top thinking it was going to be 5$ within a week are the ones I feel sorry for.

And anyone who bought MCDC deserves to lose all their money.

>> No.28392961

It was trending on twitter in the top 10 crypto mentions for a week and will continue to do so especially with the matic collab. Biz is never wrong.

>> No.28393011

>Biz is never wrong.
>in a thread about how /biz/ got rugpulled by a literal clown coin

>> No.28393018

Buy the dip, bastard
>they said more and more
Then shill this scam on /biz/
>good I have bot ocean subscription and use bots for trading and low risks on DEX

>> No.28393025
File: 129 KB, 1000x1000, IMG_20210129_120107_334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're gonna be priced out extremely quickly

>> No.28393066

I tried to warn you mouthbreathers. But you wouldn't listen. You never do.

If you lost money, you deserved it. Learn from it.

>> No.28393074

This is irrefutably false.

>> No.28393104

Biz was pointing this out in every thread you dumb fuck. >60iq could see mcshilledcoin was a scam

>> No.28393114

How the fuck would you not know the McDonalds coin was a scam, only complete retards would fall for such obvious Jewish tricks

>> No.28393116

This, i'm pretty sure those scammers where behind the rubic fud campaign too. fuck those guys, fuck rubichads tg, and fuck mc faggots for willingly buying into a scam.

>> No.28393192

This right here. Anyone who genuinely believes Rubic has the potential to get into the top 100 is severely brain damaged and should not be in crypto, because they WILL end up losing their money at some point.

>> No.28393434

If you see no real technical discussion but only 95% memes and talking about price, chances are you're being pajeet'ed. Go into some GRT threads if you want to see what real organic threads without pajeets trying to shill their bags looks like.

>> No.28393539
File: 60 KB, 600x604, scumbagsteve.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>throw pajeet accusations
>comes to your thread shill his shitcoin

>> No.28393651

This is good advice. Look at the avax threads recently too by way of comparison. Another warning sign is if the coin has absolutely zero mentions outside of /biz/, as was the case with rubic throughout its pump.


>> No.28393758

not for rubic fud campain, but for Rubic shill campain for sure


>> No.28393872

they bought and they are shilling in this thread right now

>> No.28394020

Let me ask you this. Why the fuck are you even trading a crypto that has pajeets shilling and fudding it back and forth? It's a shitty PnD. And had you used your head and went into the GRT threads, or the AVAX threads, or fucking hell, even the REEF threads along with real anons, you'd be drowning in money right now. But instead you're allowing pajeets to bleed you dry.

>> No.28394106

I don't understand I thought MCDC was backed by McDonalds? How did they create the coin without infringing copy right? I've contacted McDonalds but I've had no reply yet.

>> No.28394145

Nobody is this fucking retarded.

>> No.28394465

You are right. The Graph is backed by Graphics Card manufacturer NVIDIA (Graph = Graphics)

>> No.28394746

Still, I agree with OP and still think this is possibly a legit project. The tg shills you see are being paid to post memes everywhere. If it is a legit project then long term it will just make them look somewhat scummy, but as long as they delivery on promises and dont rug pull then I dont care much. As time goes on and if Rubic really blows up, as in like $5+ then the same guys could potentially have some sway if they decide theyve had their fun and decide to dump. And again all it could be is just a few members deciding that theyre good to cash out and cause a chain reaction to cause others to sell. Not good.

A lot of the info provided on Rubic here is from shills, yet I cant exactly say it isnt informative and so far promises have been delivered by the Rubic devs. But also a decent amount of the FUD is made and controlled by them(tg group) too. Make some easy to debunk fud and Rubic wins again, spam more memes. Again, I just think the Rubic dev just kinda paid them and they did their thing to advertise, nothing malicious, but really annoying. The drama that happened within the tg group was its own thing.

Id so delve into your own research on Rubic, Keep watch on the road map, AMA's, whenever they update Twitter, things like that. Its been around for a few months and has a working exchange so there is plenty credibility out there.

Again, this organized and controlled narrative to gain profits will be for mostly for their benefit for profit, /biz/ and the devs are an afterthought. All it will take for another one of them to back stab and bring it all down. All they see us as is cattle and fodder for profit and have co-opted this project for their gain. We will never has a somewhat unbiased opinion for Rubic and it is because of these faggots. Again, pay attention to the actual project itself, as long as it isnt a rug pull you can get some decent gains.

Hopefully you Rubifags will keep this in mind too. Stay cubic, my friends...

>> No.28394866
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No Dejan?

>> No.28394943

His name isn’t Marco, it’s Macro

>> No.28394975
File: 110 KB, 870x696, photo_2021-01-30_18-05-39.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're fucking retarded mate no one is being payed to post memes. We do it because it's funny and we like the project. God, you're like a a hollow soul who's never actually felt the euphoria and power of meme magic.

>> No.28394987

I think the fact that they had some shitty frog meme on the wall behind them during the AMA, plus the kekistan color (and old logo) makes it obvious that they're at least aware of /biz/, so it isn't a huge leap to imagine them actually having links to the shills.

>> No.28395051

Isn’t someone from the Rubic team one of these faggots?

>> No.28395144

Also this. Rubic is still being used as a pump and dump. This is coming from an insider: Stay away.

>> No.28395159

See >>28394020

You are wasting your time because you've made the number one mistake in crypto; becoming emotionally attached to a shitcoin.

>> No.28395186

Link is taking off before they could rugpull lmao.
Have fun spending your scam money on $100 LINK, should have just held.

>> No.28395258

of course they are aware, some mongoloids are constantly spamming /biz/ threads and memes on the official rubic tg.

>> No.28395965 [DELETED] 

I bought presale. Still holding the bag I believe he was too and worked with comma

>> No.28396112

I'm in Rubichads, don't know what you're talking about; its literally just a confy chat with some annoying TA. As usual, OP is a faggot.

>> No.28396508

Welcome to the ORBI party, RUBIconmen. It was the same pump and dump group, same behavior, same everything. Wish we had some names and addresses to these (((people))).

>> No.28396651

Cant you just change your telegram name under 10s? Kek

>> No.28396852

Hey my fellow Rubichads! Its great that we have to talk about this here instead of our own group chat because we can discuss this anonymously since we dont trust each other! Praise the cuuuube!!!

>> No.28397013

This. This is very close to exactly what happened half the team was serious about the project half was not. It was a mexican standoff leaving the honest team members holding their bags not knowing what to do being at ends with what had happened. I'm sure comma an daksha were working together to inflate the price while other team members planned to sell when the price got hot. You want to ask me more I'll tell

>> No.28397528


>> No.28397778
File: 111 KB, 960x540, 1611420727803.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Interesting and Reassuring

My Rubic Stays Cubic

>> No.28398578

>rbc peaks
>mcdc appears and gets shilled on telegram
>all the rbc threads disappear and mcdc threads appear
>rbc starts to get fudded everywhere while comma swings and tells everybody in the telegram to hold.
>Guy with dog profile pic and guy with scottish flag username in the telegram notice that every admin was either a mcdc account or one of commas alts get banned.
>threads appear on /biz/ explaining all this and comma deletes his account and makes a bunch of alts.

>> No.28398671

he is beyond redemption