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2837904 No.2837904 [Reply] [Original]

Guys this sudden recovery got me scared, history is repeating itself.

Are we currently at the "back to normal" stage?

>> No.2837922

yes buy back in at 2400-2500

>> No.2837964

Seems too high, more like at 1800-1900

>> No.2837980

No, it's a bull trap. Normal is pre-2017. Expect a massive crash tomorrow.

>> No.2837987

this shit gonna explode over the weekend, gonna be so many suicide threads

>> No.2837992

Nobody fucking knows.

>> No.2838056
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>BTC wont be able to break through 3k ATH
>those who bought the dip will start to cash out their profit
>BTC starts to fall
>people realize it's not gonna stay above 2k
>panic selling

This is what is likely to happen. We are also entering the weekend, do you know what happened the last 3 weeks?

>> No.2838072

Weekend dip starts now. Prepare yourself.

>> No.2838093

The best time for a long term buy is when 90% of people say it's going back to 100. We have a long way to go

>> No.2838094


No one predicted the remarkable activity in the last 2 days. I doubt even the whales knew what the fuck is going on.

>> No.2838102

oh shit whaddap

>> No.2838107

People knew it was gonna pump. Chink news gets around. They dumped at around 2650 went to bed and woke up and saw it at 2900. You know what happened next, nobody expected it to go that far.

>> No.2838131

I don't know nigs, I started a software dev internship a few months back and half of interns hold btc, from fractional amounts to several coins. Nobody is planning to sell. I mean if this is your gamble to make rent next month, youre gonna have to sell regardless, but in tech circles where you have some disposable income this isnt the case

>> No.2838137

Buy order at 2400

>> No.2838151
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Nice, I set mine to 2500 to be conservative, but I'll be mad if it drops in excess of this limit.

>> No.2838155

Robust TA, just bought 100k

>> No.2838159

New bottom is 2600. Buy or die poor.

>> No.2838162

exactly. not everybody is a poorfag. we are holding for the long haul.

>> No.2838175
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There are going to be lots and lots of suicide threads

>> No.2838182

In response to a pump, or in response to a dip?

>> No.2838188

I'm thinking similarly but it's only Friday.

>> No.2838196

But these people are poor fags. Nothing you or I do matters. What matters is what chink and pajeet do because they are smelly and have more coins.

>> No.2838198
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Any chance it'll got sub-2000? I'd be overjoyed.

>> No.2838202

yep, just like my TSLA stock. all a dip means is it's on sale. not selling my BTC or TSLA for at least a decade, barring catastrophic news like Papa Elon getting mangled to death in a hyperloop collapse or some shit.

>> No.2838220

I'd be scared shitless, no way that would happen unless something bad happens news wise.

>> No.2838250

Anyone thinking it will go back to 1800 is a retard. Only reason it was dipping so much was FUD and fear mongering of hard fork, which won't happen anymore. I'd put a buy order to 2300-2500, doubt it will dip more than that.

Also, STOP POSTING THIS FUCKING MEME CHART. Jesus christ, it's like 20 threads per day with using this shit.

>> No.2838267

nah, not unless aug 1 goes terribly, it seems to have a floor around 2200.

>> No.2838274
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I don't think August 1st matters anymore now that BIP 91 will be implemented/is implemented. New date to worry about is November when nodes vote for the 2 MB update/fork.

>> No.2838291
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Where the dip buyers at?

>> No.2838309

I don't care whether 1 bitcoin is worth $100 or $10,000, I will obtain at least 1,000,000 of them. I will climb Satoshi Tower and challenge the creator of the cyberverse.

>> No.2838386

No. Bitcoin has been in the 2000s for a month.

The return to normal stage happens immediately after the bubble while people are still manic. This is more like Nov 2015 which was relatively stable after a mini bubble and then slowly gained for a few months.

>> No.2838406

>muh evil weekend meme
ok stop now

>> No.2838416

ffs i bought when it was a 1900 , and now since i slept all day yesterday , i bought at 2600 thinking it will hit 3000 , but nooooooooooooo REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>> No.2838427


>> No.2838433

>coiners believe exponential moves based on hope can keep happening

really is sad, 90% of you will end up with no money when this bubble bursts

>> No.2838484


Nervous, man? Increasingly? For which time now?

>> No.2838495

basically anybody who don't buy dgb is fucked. check the analysis. fucking idiots

>> No.2838503

lol you don't know shit. you're guessing. like everyone else on this board. you're just such a huge cuck that you don't want people to get paid for something you don't have the balls to invest in.

>> No.2838511

This. Sell your crypto and get into bonds. The market is overoptimistic and is going to reset itself soon.

>> No.2838535

yes best time for long term buy is when people go woah hold on it just jumped 1000 dollars in a few days maybe we should wait a little.

>> No.2838584

Well, Bitcoin is pretty obviously going to crash before Aug 1. I'm selling today and will buy again on the dip.

>> No.2838602 [DELETED] 

This. Keep your gains and don't get greed or iron hands take over.

>> No.2838621

Fuck. No mooning please

>> No.2838966

Ha ha ha bonds. Yeah great idea, let us all know how that goes. Bitcoin is less of a risk which says a lot.

>> No.2839019
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But we got segwit locked in, I dont think this weekend will dip

Thoughts anons?

>> No.2839492

There was never a bubble.

>> No.2839505

No nigger, in fact I don't even think the crash and the recovery are even related

>> No.2839536
File: 175 KB, 1300x1390, poorkidsaregoingtogetsoldforcoins.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When the chinks wake up and see that the support held, they are going to be selling their children to buy. Welcome to Lamboland you fucking niggers.

>> No.2839546

Nevermind...it was just brought to my attention that it is the afternoon in china. Apply the same but to bedtime... and morning in every non-North American country in the West... minus Mexico.

>> No.2839652
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My thinking is this fucking board is full of bullshit. I'm doubting myself now.

>> No.2839668

lmao you think anyone actually has an idea of what is going on? Unless they are a whale, I think not. Crypto is mostly speculation retard,

>> No.2839691

we are exactly here. I've seen a few bubbles popping and it's the exact same shit each time..
The last couple days were the text book bulltrap.Prepare for the plunge.

>> No.2839705


New ATH tomorrow, then dip to about 2600. Cap it.

>> No.2839739

Of course not, markets are based on aggregate emotion.

>> No.2839797
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Can't wait for your suicide thread to come, sincerely

>> No.2841329

>you're just such a huge cuck that you don't want people to get paid for something you don't have the balls to invest in.>