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28374037 No.28374037 [Reply] [Original]

Is nofap a meme?

>> No.28374140

No. Masturbating lowers testosterone and depletes stem cells from your body. It actually shortens your life and makes you more feminine.

>> No.28374205

Doesn’t it prevent prostate cancer though

>> No.28374546


>> No.28374992

It's more of a cult than anything. But doing no porn is good if it's become a problem for you. Masturbating is almost never the problem however.

>> No.28375080

No, the only ones that will tell you it is are coping

>> No.28375130

nofap is a meme, but quitting porn will change your life

>> No.28375216

this. problem is if you keep jacking off, you're probably gonna relapse back into porn eventually

>> No.28375223

No it doesn't, you're actually dumb if you believe this though I assume you're shitposting

>> No.28375317

No, it got rid of the large part of my social anxiety. It's real and not placebo. Your voice gets deeper to. I won't leave the house anymore unless I'm on nofap. After fapping I feel like I'm back in highschool were I couldn't look someone in the eye for more than 3 sec.

>> No.28375385

At least stop watching other people fuck on a video on daily basis. It is suggestion for getting cucked.

>> No.28375458

It is a fucking meme. Don't listen to these faggots, 100% of the effects they're getting are from quitting porn, not fapping. Porn fucks with your brain, fapping is completely fine.

>> No.28375468

The real redpill is that placebo has a real effect on your life and this is actually what changes your entire view on reality. Being a slave to "muh physical reality" is the reason why you are fucking ill in the first place.

>> No.28375538

yes, a heavy addiction to porn is the real problem masturbating is just fine

>> No.28375541

no fap is unironically the most autistic conclusion to arrive at.

>> No.28375583
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Which means that it's correct?

>> No.28375639

just fapped to some porn, it was like flushing a cache in my mind and I instantly went to work on my app with post nut clarity, I never felt more productive, all day I couldn't even bring myself to start on it

>> No.28375672


>> No.28375808


porn fucks your dopamine and serotonin which in turn fucks a lot of other aspects of your life

every animal on earth engages in some masturbatory behavior or another though, don't believe sjw cuckpill bullshit

>> No.28376039

But at what cost?

>> No.28376731

No study has shown masturbation lowers testosterone or "depletes stem cells"
Bro science retard

>> No.28376760

There have been both studies that show an increased and studies that show a decreased chance of prostate cancer with frequent masterbation, so it's not something that is proven one way or the other.

People that say nofap causes prostate cancer are cherry picking studies.

>> No.28376849
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>nofap is meme
>no porn isn't

>> No.28378261

Yes, but they are right about porn. Fap without porn is ok.

>> No.28378412

no, do you think your ancestors got prostate cancer for not watching cuck porn in the last 9999999 years? retard alert

>> No.28378529

nofap movement is a meme, I don't watch porn anymore and I like to do these nofap streaks when I'm 1-2months of not fapping.
It really makes me feel powerfull and energetic and I do approach women like I'm going to fuck them so it scores good pussy.
But all I want is love I don't even wanna slay that pointless pussy.
It just makes me feel good to not masturbate, ofcourse when the need comes too overtaking I will fap or else I'll be sent to prison for rape.

>> No.28379218

>he thinks our ancestors didn't fap

>> No.28379635

>coombrain can't read more then 2 words

this is your brain on cuck porn

>> No.28379789

>1.5 posts by this ID

>> No.28379856

I kek'd

>> No.28379883

You can mastutbate without porn

>> No.28379947

retain ur semen bros
ur body will expel excess in sleep
its way better for ur spirit

>> No.28379985

I am printing this message and putting it on my fucking wall

>> No.28380155

Of course it does, although temporarily. After you've just coomed whats on your mind? Certainly not going out and finding a mate you fucking cretin

>> No.28380310

Fapping wastes precious Chi. The chinese figured this out 3000 years ago and people are only now rediscovering it

>> No.28380366

best wishes, fren

>> No.28380416
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nofap is based. because I'm a boomer, I've also evolved to not nutting from sex, so I can pound like a porn star and then just stop when I'm tired and the girl has nutted a bunch. it's less draining than nutting. but definitely don't do porn. just wanted to share that no-nut sex is also possible & based

>> No.28381499

>Masturbating lowers testosterone and depletes stem cells from your body. It actually shortens your life and makes you more feminine.
By what logic having sex wouldnt do the same?

>> No.28381847

It does do the same. Men aren't built to fuck 24/7. The worst effect of masturbation nowadays is the dopamine short circuit from porn though, not masturbation itself

>> No.28381915

Porn is fucked up, stay away. Jack off by your mind and you’re good

>> No.28383107

this. Nofap is for idling shits

>> No.28383481

>I am addicted
>I need to get a hit to go on with my day and be productive
>I will be a wreck if I don't get my hit
>this is a good thing, I'm totally not addicted


>> No.28383524

my body tells me its good and wants me to do it so i do it.

>> No.28383717

Your body is getting fooled by a mirage. Are you a fucking 80 IQ monkey with no higher thinking? Do you also believe that magic tricks are real?

>> No.28383817

na dog our bodies evolved for hundreds of thousands of years, to tell us cumming is good. you're living in your own tranny psyop afraid of some buzzfeed article you read 3 years ago by a feminist. have sex.

>> No.28383935

jacking off to tranny porn is another thing entirely
you are a dumb mutt and you will be blind forever

>> No.28384101

That has nothing to do with testosterone levels, you dumb animal. That's caused by hormones released during the refractory period, which only last minutes anyways.

>> No.28384313

>your propensity to look for a mate is not affected by your testosterone levels

how far are you idiots willing to go with your semantics before you admit that oversex is bad

>> No.28384407

It is not a meme. Try it out for yourself and observe the positive changes

>> No.28384446

Who are you quoting, retard?
The reason men don't want to fuck immediately after having an orgasm has nothing to do with testosterone levels. Don't be fucking stupid and learn to read.

>> No.28384571

That prostate cancer research is a joke. Its done on men at ages around 55. Plus nofap wasnt involved in that research. Also isnt there another research that said less frequent faps i good for young adults, while more is for older ppl.

>> No.28384596

Yes. But you don't have to fap every single day though. And excessive masturbation can also cause problems since you overload your prostate

>> No.28384637

Men and women have a differing excretion pathway. They excrete blood, we excrete protein. Therefore their blood is much healthier. Meanwhile we can cycle our proteins better. A woman really has no way to evacuate her proteins, so she needs to be careful not to eat too much or shell become high T, unless thats what she wants. And meanwhile a man needs to make sure he bleeds.
Now on to our excretory advantage as men. Our semen. It is very healthy to excrete every week to 2 weeks that much is pretty much sure, otherwise more or less seems to be fine too. If youre not feeling it, try less. If you feel agitated and high T try more. Also if you ate some shit protein like McD then go coom some and replace it by eating a good healthy fish broth soup or something. Ok that's the pros
Heres the cons and what to watch out for:
Watching porn - we internalize another mans desire but forget thats not my dick and when it comes your time to shine in the bed you may end up lethargic and not coom
Cooming to other women - may be seen as unfaithful
Cooming too much - can cause limp dick
Cooming with pharmaceuticals - can cause swamp ass, infected or moldy skin, rashes, clogged pipes

So when its time to coom heres some pointers:
Use coconut oil and maybe some shea butter. If youre a stinky boy maybe try oregano oil mixed with the coconut oil but be careful if you dont have an infection it will feel like burning.
Dont use cetaphil.
Try cooming with just your mind.
If youre limp or not coomig during sex, coom less and stop with the porn
Do not take SSRIs or other pharma jew medicines, including ive heard the schizo ones prevent cooming too. It will ruin your sex life. No man can be sane or happy without the ability to coom.

>> No.28384664
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>> No.28384721


dont waste livetime for 3sec pleasure unless you want children

>> No.28384777

No, you should fap as little as possible and never ever use porn.

>> No.28384877


>> No.28384924

Almost a haiku

>> No.28384932

the real killer is porn. stop watching porn and you will see dramatic positive changes in your life
masturbation is fine if you do it like once or twice a month WITHOUT porn, but masturbate as little as possible

>> No.28384977
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Right back at you

>> No.28385033

An absolute meme, noporn is the way.

>> No.28385194

Bro what the fucking CHECK

>> No.28385212

Um, anon, what the fuck

>> No.28385309

7 7's quick astrologists what does this mean for ASKO price?

>> No.28385342

Nope. But the real goal should be no porn. Porn is a disgusting habit that is actively destroying you, there are no benefits, only negatives. You need to realize if you are a porn user you are a slave to this system.


>> No.28385366

if I'm not having sex regularly this is my typical rhythm

>> No.28385521

People here are so redpilled about porn but other than myself i guess totally oblivious to pharma implications. You faggots need to learn how evil jerking off with cetaphil as a moisturizer is and what it does to your skin. Is no one redpilled enough to make sure to recommend to use healthy lubricants? How about avoiding pills? It feels like you all are robots repeating "porn is bad, else"

>> No.28385580
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Yes. It’s the number one killer of mammals all around the world because they don’t have hands and can’t jack off 3 times a day to internet porn.

>> No.28385726

moon then dump for months until binance listing then dump again, there

>> No.28385817

having sex gives you confidence, masturbating makes your tits grow

>> No.28386029

I forgot to mention jerking off is a somewhat unnatural muscle movement internal rotation type. If its taking you a long time to do, at some point its clearly hard on the body due to outright physical assertion towards internally rotating muscles. Sex is good because it works the hip and doesnt internally rotate the shoulders.

>> No.28386072

>everybody who tries it resoundingly agrees it works
>more energy, more focus, gain muscle etc.
>cuck soi scientists claim there isn't enough (((evidence))) and try and shill fingering your prostate
yes goy, keep cooming

>> No.28386328

I can't get rid of porn, it is part of my income, I draw nudes and sometimes use porn (no sex acts) for reference and anatomy study, am I doomed?

>> No.28386355

Pretty nice desu

>> No.28386400

You just made me break my monitor you fucking faggot

>> No.28386816

I forgot to mention if youre autistic dont twist your balls. Youd be amazed at how they can get tangled.

>> No.28386978

You're fucking retarded

>> No.28387334

At least draw something wholesome. Don't contribute to the downward spiral.

>> No.28387698

At my current skill level, can only pick one

>> No.28387715

Literal porn industry shilling.
90% of things said in favor of fapping is fake studies paid out by porn corps.
>Remember, doctors recommend Malboro.

>> No.28387858

But almost nobody's doing it. Porn is literal cuck fetishism

>> No.28388003

Fuck yes. Going to find a female to fuck? That is the point. I only managed to find a gf after a week of nofap. Retention makes you be more confident and assertive.

>> No.28388121

Nofap is not a meme but it’s different for certain groups. First of all it’s useless for women, they don’t have the same “greatness” men have so to speak. At least not the majority.

If you gap all day and all night and everything’s the same, then just go on with your life. However if you do see your life get better when on semen retention then that’s obviously a sign.

>> No.28388229

Imagine believing that humans NEED to masturbate. Truly coombrains, the whole lot of you. Have you not seen the studies with the monkeys?

>> No.28388306
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>> No.28388385

no its not, theres a war going on to own our minds, porn is a virus.

>> No.28388568

Certain chemicals are released during sex as opposed to masturbation

>> No.28388621

Ancient Germans never masturbated

>> No.28388823
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Stop Nofap nazis

>> No.28388880
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This is anti semitic

>> No.28389094

In the Torah masturbation is despised ironically

>> No.28389242

which goes to prove they push everything they know is harmful

>> No.28389409
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Be careful around them!!

>> No.28389488
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>> No.28389645

Save this:

Frequent masturbation lowers testosterone utilization https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Alonso_Fernandez-Guasti/publication/6536830_Relationship_between_Sexual_Satiety_and_Brain_Androgen_Receptors/links/54b6c2970cf2e68eb27f0321/Relationship-between-Sexual-Satiety-and-Brain-Androgen-Receptors.pdf

Three weeks of abstinence increases testostorone levels https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/11760788

Masturbation is associated with lower psychological health and reproductive well-being https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/14681994.2019.1677883

Sperm contains compounds that prolong lifespan, fight cancer & heart disease https://vitalrecord.tamhsc.edu/spermidine-rich-foods-may-prevent-liver-cancer-extend-lifespan/

Men who are sexually active in their 20s and 30s are more likely to develop prostate cancer https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1111/j.1464-410X.2008.08030.x

Masturbation decreases dopamine levels https://sites.tufts.edu/emotiononthebrain/2014/11/18/postcoital-neurochemistry-the-blues-and-the-highs/

Watching porn reduces gray matter in prefrontal cortex https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapsychiatry/fullarticle/1874574

Porn addiction has similar mechanism with substance addiction https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4600144/

Making sperm shortens lifespan of male worms https://www.nytimes.com/1992/12/03/us/in-worm-at-least-making-sperm-is-found-to-shorten-a-male-s-life.html

Masturbating 3 days in a row decreases sperm count by 20% https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/2054949

Increasing ejaculation frequency decreases sperm count significantly https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15497706

Prevalence of erectile dysfunction doubled between 2004 and 2013 http://cir.usc.edu/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Genital-Image-Sexual-Anxiety-and-Erectile-Dysfunction-Among-Young-Male-Military-Personnel.pdf

Pornography consumption is associated with mental health issues https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC6327603/

>> No.28389696

>le hecking non masturbating terrorists
it's actually the inverse
it's the porn addicted perverted mutant freaks that are dangerous

>> No.28389740

The amount of seethe it causes is a valid reason to practice it.

>> No.28389853

Right, a pornsite profiting from sexual abuse and revenge porn cares so much about lowering sexual assault rates. It's those damn non-porn-watchers who are dangerous!

>> No.28390014
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dopamine reduction and self controll
been serving me well the last couple months