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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2837491 No.2837491 [Reply] [Original]


>Still hasn't bought RDD

What's wrong biz babies?

>> No.2837518

Not a good time to shill this

>> No.2837562

Nigga shill AFTER it moons so we can dump our bags without too much hurry. Just stfu about it now.

>> No.2837587
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It already had its big moon, bag holding fuck. What? You thought it was going to moon again?

Samefagging is really pathetic, OP

>> No.2837717

>It already had its big moon
that's correct, but since it hasn't been molested for a while it's a nice prospect. Also it's cheap as fuck right now and I guess it will go down to ~25 sats.
I'm bagholding part of my gains, a bit more than 500k, I'm seriously thinking on doubling that if it goes sub 30 sats.
Same thing happened with SEC, it was kind of stable at 130 sats and it mooned out of nowhere and I tripled my money. Right now is on it's way back to 130 sats and you would have to be a fool to not grab some again.

>> No.2837757

Tbh I want you to be right. RDD is a perfect bridge for beginners into getting ahead because its so cheap. It was for me. Ripple was too and is cheap rn but its an even bigger risk than RDD. Is there any news ON RDD recently?

>> No.2837813

as far as I know redd-id was moved to Q3 this year along the mobile wallet.

>> No.2837838
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You mean carboncoin

>> No.2837867

Do you know what a id is newfag?

>> No.2837882

Yeah, why?

>> No.2837886

no thanks. I wasn't a fan when I made 2 BTC with XBY and had to withdraw, I don't know if I will ever put any money back in that exchange.
Also, it has already mooned, it was near 89 sats.

>> No.2837916

It's just a old dumb Reddit coin.

>> No.2838047

Nice sell walls.

>> No.2838080

OP here, ya'll niggas gonna be regretting when this coin hits 30k sats

>> No.2838255

I'm buying for sure.

>> No.2838358

just hitting 1k will make my week. Don't be a greedy fucker.

>> No.2838367

he isn't samefagging you fucking moron. i posted that one above

>> No.2838644

Have any of you niggers seen the sell wall? That shit is grander than the Great Wall of china. Probably greater than the wall Donald Trump will build from Mexicans. RDD ain't going no where buds. Enjoy bagholding!

>> No.2839381


Just wait for REDD ID

>> No.2839387

Now that BTC is done crashing I guess it's time for /biz/ to get back to pissing their allowance away on obvious shitcoins.

>> No.2839433

I'm strapping in for this. It'll be fun.

>> No.2839447

Lmao the fact that i already made 3k off this

>> No.2839905

website is down since a week shows the quality of this coin

>> No.2839908
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>website is down since a week shows the quality of this coin

>> No.2839921

Just jumped on the Redd train the other day

>> No.2840065


>> No.2840105

Is there any chance this thing might reach 1 cent by end of the year?
Can't imagine it happen Even with ReddID and mobile wallet release.....

>> No.2840114

Iv got 750k of these cunts since 5 sats how hopeful should I be?

>> No.2840125

I'm wondering why didn't you sell at 100 sats, it hovered around there for a long time

>> No.2840150

I'm not interested in trading. I'm just looking to hold what I have for a few years.

>> No.2840160

It will be worth 0 sats in less than a few weeks.

>> No.2840208

If that's the case only lost £50 oh well

>> No.2840594

site update.

>> No.2840835

I really don't like this coin but at the price it is now it is a steal honestly. it WILL eventually generate 2-3x regardless of muh REDD-ID

>> No.2840858

Anyone have an issue with synching the wallet?

>> No.2840884
File: 63 KB, 612x491, 1497519977208.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>website doesn't even work
>for an entire week
>radio silence from devs

I'm holding 1 million of these fuck nuggets and I should've unloaded them one month ago.

>> No.2840917

Getting nervous too

But remember, this coin has actual use cases, unlike the majority of other shitcoins which are confined to less-than-trustworthy exchanges.
Once the devs pull their fists out of their ass and get to integrating it better into platforms, this coin will surely moon,

>> No.2840944


I've shilled this coin back in early June and said the application of this coin could bring the entire normie ensemble to the crypto world and securing it's place as a social media tipping currency was genius. All the devs have to do is fucking deliver and it's lambo time, but seeing Redd-ID being in the works for 3-4+ years and the website going down for an entire week with no news is a big red flag for Shitcoin 2.0.