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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28340359 No.28340359 [Reply] [Original]

>Siacoin & Storj killer

>> No.28340824
File: 101 KB, 707x1000, IMG_20210210_233941_549.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Simple facts!!!

>> No.28340878

i cannot believe how comfy this shit is

>> No.28340928

>i got in at .03

>> No.28341572
File: 282 KB, 852x745, 1612979469602.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the one.

>> No.28341877

Very comfy indeed

>> No.28342069

The shills in this thread are strong. In for 1k

>> No.28342444
File: 78 KB, 523x768, 1612896992287.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go get 'em

>> No.28342583

waiting for 50 cents

>> No.28342643

Who the hell know how to use sia and storj?
Opacity is super simple
Try here for free https://www.opacity.io/sign-up/free

>> No.28342766

How many opacity accounts do you need to host all your hentai?

>> No.28343433
File: 63 KB, 850x644, two.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there's a reason 2tb plans are a thing

>> No.28344129

I hold OPCT, but what the fuck is this hentai shit

>> No.28344304

i've been waiting for this moment

>> No.28344519

Holding until $7.68!

>> No.28344572

What does it do in comparison?

>> No.28344733

number go up

>> No.28345209

keeping your hentai shit on your pc or normal cloud storage is for fucking plebs. that's how marriages end

>> No.28345635

biz wont buy until 100M market cap, dont worry, theyll come

>> No.28346209

probably right, this is the first time Reddit beat them to a coin

>> No.28346683
File: 50 KB, 750x1000, mmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's always been like this. biz/tards hate money and like to fomo. meanwhile i'm filling my bags with OPCT. need 60k more to stake though.

>> No.28346981

Another x10 and they'll be asking why everyone was so quiet about it, as is tradition.

>> No.28347459

can't wait for the "I should have bought when you told me" posts

>> No.28347472

this coin looooooookkksssss so shit

>> No.28347580
File: 32 KB, 464x618, 1612843586236.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>AWS storage

>> No.28347752
File: 6 KB, 225x225, brunofags.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can't wait for all the brunofags crying about their airdropped OPQ when we reach 7.68. get rekt fgts.

>> No.28347912

Sure thing mate. Good that soon the new site, client and app is going to be released, which actually looks amazing.

Automatic file backups on your PC or phone, don't come crying later.

>> No.28347957

why would it get to that number, specifically?

>> No.28348178

Oh yeah this is great, tried to access their whitepaper on their own fucking network and it doesn't work. https://www.opacity.io/share#handle=cffea1e29b305cffa52beb8c72abf878473298585fb8cb81c02eea01d07178514eb695c10a4bb1328eaf99926aba133b9b4e4f34ff42a7868707f30a6f9405a8
Truly the Siacoin & Storj killer.
gtfo with this shitcoin pnd

>> No.28348204

How much to stake

>> No.28348405



Here you go buffoon, the new Galaxy (Decentralization) whitepaper is coming out soon, keep your eyes peeled.

>> No.28348410

Got this years ago but missed the recent swap, gonna keep bugging them to see if I can get my shit

>> No.28348536

how 2 stake

>> No.28348712

explain im interested

>> No.28348867

anon didn't do any research...

>decentralized 'Galaxy' whitepaper soon
>storage nodes, governance, competitive storage system

probably forgot something. but decentralization is coming this year.

>> No.28348948




>> No.28349358


>> No.28349360

Fuck, why are the Ether fees so high, I want to get in with Uniswap...

With the team and their determination, I expect great things.

>> No.28349434

KuCoin is another great option :)

>> No.28349544

kek. you won't get anything. buy again poorfag, it's still low.

>> No.28349630

This is the first time I used kucoin to buy this token. Why havent I been using this all along? It seems great, for some reason I thought I couldnt use it in my restricted state of Washington but apparently I can

>> No.28349735
File: 76 KB, 748x748, 1612170774237.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

same wtf. I'm WA and thought I was limited to cuckbase and gemini. SO MUCH MONEY AND TIME WASTED

>> No.28350285

I think we just cant buy the crypto on the platform, unless you were able to? I just bought on cuckbase and sent to metamask becasue I was going to uniswap it but when that wouldn't work I finally logged back into kucoin and sent all my shit there and just bought without spending $50 on gas kek. Probably going to be doing most my trading on kucoin now

>> No.28350326

how is this better than Sia, storj, maidsafe or any of the others that came before?

Seems to be the same damn thing. Except its a goddamn ERC20 token isn't it? It seems like everything these days is which is fucking infuriating given it costs a fortune in ETH gas to move or swap anything

>> No.28350419

already pumped

>> No.28350450

Seems so. I feel retarded and don't even want to think about all the gas I've spent and refueled. Gonna kill myself when I do my taxes. Fuck this state... except for the nature. Blessed state.

>> No.28350660


How is KuCoin so different? Also , when >>28350285
talks about sending stuff from cuckbase do they mean BTC? ETH? Something else? To KuCoin?

So what, KuCoin is a way to trade ERC20 tokens without fucking ETH gas or some shit? Can you swap any token etc..? Or is it just an exchange that is somehow better than most other exchanges for coins that reside on their own blockchains

>> No.28350817
File: 104 KB, 600x400, 1_eJwnym4QY5rnvuPWyL1vuQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They coming out with LP yielding to incentivise LP. I think it's at 10% a year or so, payed out monthly.

The thing is this was never meant to be a yielding token so they're doing what they can to help it grow. Seriously, with decentralization, more hires, mobile app and desktop app with a complete overhaul of the website and all...
This is fucking primed to pump like PRL did back in 2017.
Was in PRL from 3c before it even blew up, rode it all the way up to $4 and down.
THIS WILL 100X LIKE PRL DID. One of the FEW 100x chances and considering its a 2017 token, with them working all the way through the bear market and now finally after finances coming good they can give it all their focus.

Sign up is literally 5 seconds and stupidly easy to use. Storage has not had its run yet... you boys just wait.

>> No.28350820

I actually spent all day stressing about those taxes :( fuck bro im ready to go balls deep in crypto but the taxes scare me and keep me away. Totally fine paying them Its just going to be a nightmare trying to figure out all the shit out. Might just pay on capital gains and hope that holds them off me. Still havent sold anything ever just made a lot of swaps and have weird shit like Ampleforth and im pretty sure no one still knows how to do taxes on that. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK

>> No.28351065

Yeah I bought eth on cuckbase and sent to kucoin and bought my OPCT on there. Im new to it but It seems they have a lot more alt coins but no actual exchange will have everything uniswap has. Uniswap is only for the freshest of shitcoins

>> No.28351132

My brother in law is asking about Bitcoin. Time to shift money to alts. OPCT is my favorite pick so far.

>> No.28351170

On etherscan you can see how much gas a wallet spend. 2eth of gas last year for me, for shitcoin trading

>> No.28351177

KuCoin works great imo. Low fees, fast transactions. I deposited funds there from an EU bank and it was there the same day.

>> No.28352054

SIA is great but lacks user friendliness and isn't focused on the avarage fucking joe. Can you get a 2TB storage plan with SIA or STORJ without signing up with your user credentials? Is it possible for an avarage user to upload shit from his phone directly to your Gdrive-like copy/pasta interface?

All this will be possible with Opacity. Plus everything is encrypted, files, metadata. And your encrypted key will never leave the client. So this shit is perfect for b/tards to store their cheese pizza. Just to give an example.

>> No.28352143


I heard something about decentralization? Will it be federated?

>> No.28352325

I just came.

>> No.28352346

Well crypto to crypto is a taxable event in USA, so if you swapped its taxed on your capital gains.

Sigh. Here we go.
>600 dollars in he past 4 months

>> No.28352956

when it moves to a decentralized network it's impossible to federate it. even storage nodes can't delete the shit because the files are chopped into chunks and encrypted.

the only thing they can do is to blacklist share handles. but how the fuck do they want to do that?