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28338000 No.28338000 [Reply] [Original]

What’s up I’m 19 and I’m a new investor trying to get into crypto. Been browsing biz for years but I’m just now getting started. I’ve got $600. I heard we’re in a bullrun. How do I turn it into 6K?

If you want I can make weekly threads updating my gains. I’m feeling bullish so redpill me pls.

>> No.28338092

GRT, start delegating. take your biden dollars and put it into small market cap coins that are <5$. swingies get the rope
don't trust pajeet pnd's

>> No.28338106

hodl that RBC son

>> No.28338217
File: 239 KB, 750x1104, AD008A1E-C7FD-427E-9BDB-E3D59B720AC5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

With just $600 starting capital, you can't diversify. Go all in one coin and don't listen to biz shills.

>> No.28338248

What app is this

>> No.28338261
File: 46 KB, 700x641, 7C85233E-0D27-4762-8ACC-85E93CA2220B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>see continuous threads from absolute newfags trying to get rich and actually getting replies
just tethered 70% of my portfolio gg everyone

>> No.28338285


>> No.28338374

HOGE has massive meme energy now. Can't guarantee 6k, but you will probably 4-5x it

>> No.28338402
File: 212 KB, 1200x794, DfoN_FEUEAAtsGE.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not wanting newfags to pump your bags

>> No.28338415

Thanks bro

>> No.28338422

nice trips

>> No.28338454

Ya now it’s really starting to look like 2017.

“I bought at the top, how do i 10x my portfolio”

>> No.28338480

You are outdated old man. Now it is avaxing up. Fuck your infinite supply chain.

>> No.28338513

>Buy BNB
>Buy Pancake coin
>F A R M

>> No.28338571

>I heard we’re in a bullrun.
What? Where did you hear that?

>> No.28338586


>> No.28338653

>been browsing biz for years but I'm just now getting started

do people really?

>> No.28339180

Checked, and you're here forever now. Might as well just rope, this is hell.

>> No.28339218

That's me in 2017, I've lost everything.

>> No.28339364

Those sound like pump and dumps dude. Like serious pump and dumps.
Potential rugpull. Matter of fact it’s dipping right now as we speak.

>> No.28339585

I’m new as well how does everyone feel about coin base app?

>> No.28339843

Use pro. I'd use it if it would link to my bank

>> No.28340273

SNDL weedbro has gone up from 50cent and is 3.5$ in less than 2 weeks.

Its not too late.

>> No.28340374

Thx I think I’m limited to what I can use anyway because of where I live

>> No.28340456

this thread is a massive sell signal, holy shit.

>> No.28340771

You already have Rubic in there, mate.

>> No.28341159

REEF or OPCT, you decide

>> No.28341424


still early, probably the quickest way to make some gains right now
check out the HOGE general threads on here for more info

>> No.28341573

I'm coping by telling myself newfags are drop in the piss bucket and that it's institutions that will continue pumping the price

>> No.28341677
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new people getting in is hardly a sell signal. If youre HODLing anything, especially cheap coins theyre guaranteed to 2-5x. New people will buy btc, eth, link, and then whatever is cheapest. I wke up every morning and scoop whatever coin is the cheapest then sell at the daily high. not getting rich but hasnt failed me too bad yet

>> No.28341694

buy ada and hold for dear life

>> No.28342028

lmao. damn.. 80% of my coins are .finance.

>> No.28342584
File: 257 KB, 1200x798, 1612880191382.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

can someone here recommend a good alt trading app? My port is 80% alts and 20% dot-affiliated coins. I keep getting stuck bagholding because I cant sell quickly enough through uniswap and also cant set sell limits, etc.

>> No.28343280

i'm 19 and worth 200k

you're falling behind op

>> No.28344259

Nobody knows if its going up down or sideways. We just know we're supposed to jerkoff three times a day.

>> No.28344439

True, there comes a point when there isn't enough new money buying into the market to sustain the price level. Having said that, in my opinion (not financial advice), we're nowhere near the market cycle top. Google trends shows we're at only 50% of the 2017 levels for search trends. The RHOLD ratio (https://www.lookintobitcoin.com/charts/rhodl-ratio/)) is significantly lower than it was at any other market cycle top. Ethereum hasn't broken 2x it's ATH yet (most people are expecting this.) Also I believe Tesla buying in changes the landscape of crypto completely, I don't see 50% retracements being possible anymore (could be wrong, just my opinion.) In short, don't tether yet, we have a way to go.

>> No.28344581

based and masturpilled

>> No.28344584
File: 6 KB, 267x189, F11AA3FE-E6E5-457E-94E5-9D4A48982857.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m 19 and would have had at least 40K in my second month of crypto if I just held my coin, but I just had to go buy GME. Now I’m down to $2K and starting from scratch

>> No.28344591
File: 48 KB, 454x322, mybuddyron.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hello fellow /biz/nessmen, I'm just starting my coin collection by selling some of my low performing stocks in my 401k. How do I buy these coins you are all so excited about? About to retire here soon and it seems a good investment. I already have some dollar Susan B. Anthony coins and a variety of Indian pennies. What is your favorite coin? Funny thing about Indian pennies, there's to major groups of them based on what alloys they are composed of, are there any of these cryptocurrency coins with different alloys? My personal favorite is the early 1859 Indian Penny which was 12% nickel and a whoopping 88% copper! Today's pennies are zinc and as my granddaughter says "weak sauce". I'm looking for really high % composition cryptocurrency for collecting purposes to put next to my Indian Head Pennies. Got a space all picked out in the den. I'm also looking into this new coin currency because of corona. My neighbor Bill says that the corona is going to tank the stock market soon and that's why he sold all his stocks and is buying silver bars now. That Bill is a card, I tell ya. I helped him refinish is boat last fall and we found some reefer cigarettes in the bilge. He claimed they weren't his but I'm pretty sure him and his huzzy wife are smoking the devil's lettuce out there on the lake. Anyway, good luck you young folks in your coin acquistions. Here's a picture of my buddy Ron, he's a straight shooter.


>> No.28344788

Checked, you can look at various coins or stocks that look like crab claws and play on those.

Another idea is since a bunch of new people are getting in to crypto suddenly, pick the coin with the best looking logo because a bunch of others will probably do that too.

Also be aware of transaction fees to exchange back into USD if you need to, they can be exorbitant.

>> No.28344792

>If you want
lurk moar faggot

>> No.28344844

Stoo buying crypto you fat retards.
Buy actual stocks. Or if youre poor FUCK OFF AND DIE or GET A JOB AND LOSE WEIGHT.

>> No.28344918

Buy reef a 3 cents hold and sell at 25 cents

No you didn't

>> No.28344924

I would’ve been worth 40K when Shiba was up but I got greedy and didn’t sell. So now I’m back at the beginning.
Look at this dip as a blessing in disguise. Now you can start from the absolute bottom so there’s nowhere to go but up. Starting from scratch can be a good thing. It’s like a game. It can be fun.

>> No.28345069

>real stocks are for the birds
>goes to the gym 5 times a week
>work as a senior quality and insights analyst

go eat a dick

>> No.28345319

>It’s like a game. It can be fun.
I know. I’m treating as such. It’s like I had leveled up to the max then my character was stripped of all his supplies and weapons.

>> No.28345333

Do not fucking buy Rubic it is an Indian scammer coin and they will rugpull you. Buy something in the top 100 with a lot of growth potential in the next week that's tanked for the last few days like ALPHA or HBAR. Good luck little Anon.

>> No.28346013

My son you must choose

>> No.28346362

buy REEF and thank me later when it goes to $0.50 per reefy

>> No.28346979
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buy kleros, its cheap right now

>> No.28347039

GRT was a pajeet pnd

>> No.28347862

I’ve Been watching Kleros. Shits been crabbing forever.
Just look at this way. We’ve got room for maybe 2 or 3 more meme scam coins. Just get a quick 2x in each and watch as you just got a 32x in maybe a week.

>> No.28348148

Buying crypto is not investing, its gambling. Learn the difference.

>> No.28348158

You want to make it? Don't apply for any loans, work in 2-3 jobs every day. Do side jobs even if it requires kneepads. Never listen to moralfags, they don't want you to make it. Put all of that into your crypto/stock market account.