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2832937 No.2832937 [Reply] [Original]

ETH has weak fundamentals and shit code, there 12 years old hacking wallets created by the co-founder himself.

All the marketing in the world will not save it, treat it like any shitcoin, day trade and make some cash.

This is not a long term hold, it is currently the top shitcoin but soon it will be at the bottom with dogecoin, sia, ans etc

The reason I am telling you this is becomes I don't want you to get burnt, no it is not bitcoin 2.0 it will not have even close to the acceptance and success that bitcoin has.

>> No.2832944

I know it hurts, but it is the truth.

>> No.2832962
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>thinks /biz has any sway on the markets

mfw when op shills fud on 4chan

>> No.2832977
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Anyone that doesn't realize that is clearly delusional.

FFS, even the devs say it's an experiment that went awfully wrong yesterday btw

The only reason it is not crashing today is because BTC is on a Bull Run

>> No.2832981

read my post again lad, I know this shithole has no influence, I think total the people on this board own below 150 coins.

Also I didn't say to dump it, just remember you are dealing with a glorified shitcoin.

>> No.2833012

>weak fundamentals and shit code

Do you truly think the fundamentals are weak? And do you honestly think a bug in an eth-wallet translates to weak code of the core ethereum platform?

I'm not saying it's not a colossal oversight on Parity's part, but one major bug in a wallet component in one of many clients is not surprising. You act as if the blockchain and core components are flawed.

>> No.2833030

It's not even a coin. It's an infrastructure that you can build coins like Bancor, contract, kickstart stuff. Like bitcoin, ether idea is unique and incredible but lack of testing and practice. Ethereum is a "coin" to make ICO to scam billion dollars not for poor shit /biz fag so just dump it.

>> No.2833041

Dont care. Made a fuckton of money from it and will continue to do so

>> No.2833063

Exactly, contiue to make a fuckton of money, but remember the house of cards will eventually fall and you better not be holding anything.

My point is this is not the next BTC, treat it and give it the respect of a shitcoin.

>> No.2833076

as if bitcoin hasn't had it's own share of wallet thefts and scams


>> No.2833081

wrong link. meant: https://bitcointalk.org/index.php?topic=576337#post_bitcoin_savings_and_trust

>> No.2833236

What about ETC? Does it have long-term potential? Currently its floating between 15 and 20 USD

>> No.2833491

ETC is even worst dont put a single cent in to it, you will only get burned a left with bags.

>> No.2833506

Thanks for the advice.

>> No.2833530

Is LTC a shitcoin OP?

I don't any ETH or BTC.

I have my life savings in LTC but feel I may be making a mistake and should sell 50% for BTC on the next dip.

>> No.2833541

I've made quite a bit shorting it so far.

>> No.2833564

if its not btc, then it's a shitcoin

>> No.2833572

The EVM itself is fundamentally broken, then there's absolute shit implementations built on top like Solidity that bring their own massive share of undefined behavior in the name of muh ez to make contracts

>> No.2833595


The bug was in a smartcontract that Parity wrote to do multisig. Between that and the DAO, we're seeing that its very hard to write secure smartcontracts in Solidity, even for people who are REALLY into ethereum. If those people cant write contracts that wont get pwned, what chance do other people have?

An easier-to-use language for smart contracts is a *great* idea, but solidity/ethereum sucks at it.

Day trade all you want, make money now. This shit is sinking

>> No.2833628
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>changed code in Jan 2017
>leads to vulnerability for any multisig wallet to be drained
>no one vetted this
>"oh no guys, what a horrible accident!"

Definitely not an inside job.

>> No.2833657

LTC is a safe stable coin that will rise slowly to the top as more and more cash is injected in to crypto, definitely a long term hold.

I expect it to be over $100 by January 2018, only problem is that it is too boring and secure so we don't get any hacking or hardfork news.