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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28333940 No.28333940 [Reply] [Original]

should i just kms at this point?

>> No.28334126

>mid 8 figure hell
should I just go all-in $ROPE?

>> No.28334166

This meme is definitely not tired yet.

>> No.28334186

Yes, but send me your coins first

>> No.28334214

You guys really need to stop acting like having mid 6 figures is a bad thing. Do you have any idea how much money that is to 90% of people in the US? It's like you're passive-aggressively flaunting how much money you have by unironically masking it as a depressing thing. Jesus man, celebrate and stop bragging this way.

>> No.28334247

shutup poorfag your opinion means nothing to us

>> No.28334254

This meme just reinforces my belief that monetary security doesn't equate to happiness.

>> No.28334342

Do you understand that there's virtually no difference between mid 6 figures and 0? That's like what, 1 house in the city?

>> No.28334407

Do you realize what taxes are? Worst case scenario $500K is actually only $250K.

>> No.28334446

Ever heard of mortgages?

>> No.28334454

Or like 3 lambos but yeah

>> No.28334566

I 'm in lower 6 figure hell and it's making me lazy. I'm caring less and less about my career, it's really not a good feel.

>> No.28334783

this is crypto there is no security

>> No.28334854

Why hodl when you've already made it?

>> No.28334952

>mid 6 figures
>made it

>> No.28335096

If accumulating wealth is your end goal sure. For me it's about facilitating end goals.

>> No.28335137
File: 11 KB, 236x226, 1f501947f1660bca8a8c7cd774b82ab6--frog-meme-the-frog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a high 8 figure self made man. I have to laugh at a lot of you thinking you'll ever reach the pinnacle. Anyone below mid 7 figures is someone I would not want to associate with.

>> No.28335163
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People not in 6 figure hell can never understand the pain of being in 6 figure hell

>> No.28335213

No, my end goals are just higher than yours I guess.

>> No.28335337

Whatever that means, sure.

>> No.28335384

>tfw low six figure hell
Does it get better when you hit 4-500 bros? Does it feel more secure and like you will not get rekt and bumped back down to five figure purgatory with one wrong move like it does around 200?

>> No.28336136

Until you hit mid 7 figure, you will always be 1 wrong move away from bankruptcy. Write this down and do not forget it.

>> No.28336753

Yes. Money won't make you better. There's still hope for the 6 figure people.

>> No.28336922

Half a million is a 400 square foot bachelor's suite after taxes. Maybe not even by the time shit clears and said condo has gone up 10%. It's 2 million for a house within driving distance of my city's core. Not enough property for a garden. Maybe 4 feet to the fence on either side.

>> No.28336991


I honestly love it. I was eating at this coffee shop with a buddy of mine who works in FinTech and these faggot hipsters were sitting next to us having a loud conversation bitching about antifa or student loans or some dumb shit and i started complaining about six figure hell to my buddy making sure they heard me. They quieted down and couldn't help but listen in while I just bitched about not being able to see my portfolio go up as much and really played up how miserable it was to not have as much fun investing anymore. Got the dirtiest looks from them as I left.

Was fucking hilarious

>> No.28337151
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>> No.28337252

It's humble bragging but 6 figure hell fucking sucks. I was happier last year when a different life was further away.