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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 20 KB, 1023x569, get-monero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28329434 No.28329434 [Reply] [Original]

Imagine holding this piece of shit stablecoin.
Can't believe shills tried to force this fucking meme as a Top 5 coin, lmao what a fucking joke. It will never be anything more than a dead 2017 shitcoin.

>> No.28329516

The bottom for XMR is now, officially, in.

>> No.28330242

Maybe. The bittrex delisting really fucked with XMR. Also a lot of shorts open and no or bad marketing is driving the price decline.

>> No.28330314

My guess is you're jewish. I could be wrong but I'm probably not.

>> No.28330402

Okay FBI.

>> No.28330515

Wonder if you could use this to avoid taxes.

>> No.28330633

What a surprise, another totally organic Monero fud thread.
Kys nigger.

>> No.28330657

Yes. Capital gains tax to be more precise.

>> No.28330852
File: 8 KB, 233x216, F0668927-C103-4130-A63F-C26DFEE193F5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not like you held any of it to begin with, bootlicker. Now, go tell your agency that we all think you’re a bunch of fat stupid niggers

>> No.28330856

Lmao cry more bagholder
If you need to use monero then get it then, but it's literally one the worst performing cryptos and is useless for investing.

Keep holding bags of that crabbing pos while everyone else is getting rich faggot lmao

>> No.28330890

10 years from now monero will still be around and widely used. Your pump and dump scams will be rugpulled within the year.

>> No.28331043

Ain't it funny how /biz/ gets spammed with threads shitting on Monero precisely when it starts moving up? Retards like you weren't spouting this shit when we were crabbing only a few days ago

>> No.28331251

>still the same price 10 years from now
>my pump and dump scam made me rich within a month
Lmao keep coping bagholder.
XMRtards are literally the boomers of crypto. You're on the same level as retards stacking silver.

>everything else pumping anywhere from 10 to 30%
>shitero "pumps" 0.5%
Literal boomer tier returns.

>> No.28331750

Honestly this. XMR is a fucking mystery wrapped in a riddle. It DOES have some great tech, best of breed. But it has historically made a pretty shit investment compared to crypto in general.

Much safer to invest in ETH desu. Trade it all for XMR if you need to hide it or flee the country. Holding XMR long term is a recipe for tears.

This too. Major market things are not in XMR's favor.

>> No.28331754


Not only holding, but actively buying more.

>> No.28332016


Actually i'm actively selling my ETH for monero now.

>> No.28332043

Based. I'm buying 1 XMR a week for the rest of the year.

>> No.28332154


>> No.28332428

ah, you have a room temperature IQ
it all makes sense

>> No.28332508

DIdn't want to pay capital gains tax on an XMR stack so I used it to buy physical gold. In my country there is no capital gains tax on gold so I ended up losing 0% after selling the gold when it would otherwise be close to 50% CGT.

>> No.28332652
File: 714 KB, 888x894, 1583217578914.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not making money in the biggest crypto bullrun makes me smart
The absolute state of cuckero bagholders lmao

>> No.28332750

Im to understand that Monero has no cash ramp in or out.

You can only exchange it for other coins.

Also,Feds have an 800,000 warrent out for anyone that can break its opacity into the monero blockchain.

>> No.28332954

The reason so many people are bullish on Monero is that it will always be around. There is a practical use for it outside of the Crypto world.

Ethereum, Chainstink, etc are only valuable because of what they do for crypto tech wise. People outside of the crypto world don't care or give a fuck about what an Oracle or dApp is.

However, there are always going to be people who want currency or a store of value that is obfuscated and hidden from roles of authority such as the government and financial institutions. The blackmarket, tax evaders, people living under authoritarian regimes, all will have a vested interest in Monero because it fulfills such a practical need outside of the crypto world.

Once this Crypto bubble pops and everything besides BTC and a few other shitcoins are left standing, what do you think will happen to the price of coins whose entire value is what they bring to the crypto market?

Monero is one of the only cryptocurrencies besides BTC to have value outside of the bubble. Anybody whose old enough to remember the dot com crash and has half a brain is balls deep.

>> No.28333088


>> No.28333420

Don't care still stacking, suck my dick glownigger.

>> No.28333518

literal nigger
I’m sorry

>> No.28334412

>Im to understand that Monero has no cash ramp in or out.
This is its single most deadly problem. It would probably be 10x if it was listed on a major exchange where you could exchange EUR/USD for it.
But that won't happen. I think we all know why. And this added difficulty results in a significantly lower price, especially during a bullrun.

People can scream about its use case, and I agree it is quite valuable, though maybe to a lesser degree than most of the XMR bulls here. But the raw technicals are only part of the picture. Those are excellent, but fiat on-ramps and general ease of use, and marketing/acceptance outside of drugs are still complete shit.

Without significant USD buying options, XMR's only hope is a major alt season. Major major. And that is a huge disadvantage.

Tell me where I am wrong.

>> No.28334813

Just bought my first unknown amount of monero. Looking forward to acquiring more

>> No.28335887

You're not wrong but atomic swaps are being developed, if that ends up working out then it'll drastically lower the barriers to getting from fiat to xmr and vice versa. I think the moon shot is totally dependent on atomic swap or something like it

>> No.28336479
File: 36 KB, 417x349, 1573260905260.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Based, one spot has been reserved for you on pedo islan- I mean in the citadel.