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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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2830356 No.2830356 [Reply] [Original]

How much should you spend on a gf?

Rich alphas seem to buy their gfs expensive shit all the time

But why do I feel like a sucker when my gf tells me she wants to go """shopping""" i.e. me buy her stuff

is it just my inner jew?

>> No.2830389

I guess that just enough to make her realise that you spend money on her. She don't work? As far as I know, real alphas, as you said, don't have to pay for things because it's enough with making her feel horny 24/7.

Perhaps I am just a random guy without girlfriend but, I wouldn't be with somebody who wants your money.

>> No.2830398

Alpha here, you only need to spend money if your are gamma or below to compensate for your NEETness

>> No.2830430

> spending money
How does that work

>> No.2830431


I never spent any money on my gf.
Then again, I don't have a gf.

But seriously, when I was in my last 5-year relationship I didn't "spend money" on my gf.
It was pretty much a give and take but nobody in the relationship "leeched" off the other.
That's what true love is all about isn't it?
And if you need a "GF" just for fucking, then you'll be better off going done the ONS route.

>> No.2830437

>spending with GF
They who should spend on me. Not otherwise.

>> No.2830443

tfw I'd be happy to buy stuff for gf (as I earn a bit of money and she's a student working part time for min wage), but she insists on even splitting furniture costs 50/50 so we can't have a couch because she doesn't have the money to pay for her part.
At least she let me buy her a nice dress.

>> No.2830453

>At least she let me buy her a nice dress.
Just curious, can you take decisions on her wardrobe?

"Dear, this dress fits you really well, it works great with that haircut".

...or it is too muh-white-privilege?

>> No.2830478

Exactly, that's why NEETs don't have girls.
Be handsome and funny or be rich.

>> No.2830506

Unless your gf stays at home and has no job because you both decided that she takes care for your kid, you don't give her money.

Sure, don't be a jew that counts every penny spend "on" her, but why would you have to give her money to shop?
If she shops for food for you both, just pay half.
If she shops random thins for herself, she's gotta use her money.

>> No.2830527

Too be honest I have spent a lot on my gf but she spends what she can on me too even if she doesn't make as much as I do.

I really can't complain though, man, she does her part of the bills which is split right down the middle and it would be a lot harder to survive on my own. She keeps the house clean to which I would never do because I'm too absent minded.

>> No.2830532

What if she earns, but a lot less than me, and can't afford any luxuries

>> No.2830592

if you're /biz/, your gf should spend on you

>> No.2830654

I only spend money on my gf when she doesn't want it or expect it.

If she's expecting it, she's getting absolutely nothing

>> No.2830657

Sneak 60/40
Consolidate 70/30
Finish 80/20
Dump when she has no money
Rinse & Repeat

>> No.2830677

My girlfriend has her own job and I don't spend anything on her other than the occasional meal or drink, except that she'll buy me those too so it's even.

>> No.2830678

If you need to spend money on your GF, you can rather go fuck whores @ a brothel once a week. Some guy posted a brothel that has 60EU entry and 50EU per whore. So you can fuck like 3 whores @ 210 with free food etc. at the brothel. That's 840EU per month, if you gotta pay for a wife, you're way above this, and with the whore option you fuck 12 different women a month if you plan it correctly. I totally do not understand paying for your gf if you have a ridiculous option like this.

>> No.2830687

I'd go for the occasional gift, or spend on things we both enjoy (holidays, a day at the spa, some lingerie I also enjoy), but certainly not the
>here's my credit card, do your worst!

>> No.2831886

I make my gf buy me shit even though she makes less money than I do. Gets some grade A dicking as a reward.

Step your game up op.

>> No.2832147


if you (only) fuck whores it gets depressing real quick
ask me how I know

>> No.2832245

How do you you know this, anon?

>> No.2832280


As little as possible. Pussy is pussy, but that's a super volatile commodity. Oddly enough, pussy is the only commodity that gets more expensive the less it's worth, as aging women pass the wall and demand more and more. Not only that, but it's a commodity that demands more maintenance funds the more maintenance funds you put into it. Not a good long-term holding option, desu. Buy, pump, dump.

>> No.2832284

>your gf actually requests to go "shopping"

you don't have a girlfriend you have a sugarbaby

>> No.2832322

>How much should you spend on a gf?

About equal to how much she spends on you. I have a feeling you're doing an /r9k/-LARP but a relationship is a two way street. If you're buying your girlfriend everything she wants and she's not doing shit then you're just her sugardaddy. It's supposed to be 50-50 (or close to it).


>> No.2832362

I pay for everything that has a contract associated with it that I also use.

In other words, I pay for the rent and my car, and I also throw her some money for food every week otherwise she doesn't get enough. When we go out to eat I usually pay, but she get's really small meals and I always get the most expensive thing on the menu.

If we ever broke up, I'd be fine because everything that we own is in my name. I bought the furniture and utilities and the house. We have seperate contracts for everything(We don't share a phone bill or anything like that).

On her birthday/christmas I buy her a nice gift since it goes a long way.

She pays for our vacations(but if we do something there like jetskis/scuba I pay for that).

She pays the regular utility bills.

She pays for all her own shit.

I like this situation because I make a lot of money and I also like to have the freedom to be able to leave her at a moment's notice and not have to uproot my whole life. If you're a wageslave making peanuts, then you may have to hope you find a girl who matches your income who you can split with.

I don't buy her clothes/purses/jewelry/w.e. I wouldn't date a woman that couldn't provide for herself.

>> No.2832367

never buy her something when she expects it
besides that, spend as little or as much as you want.

case closed

>> No.2832687

I'm only interested in a gf who's a software dev like me. So making good money like me, not some leech. So no big spending should be required.

>> No.2832728

Sound nice. The usual girl would blame you for not loving her enough to pay for everything. She would also ask for shared owning and shit.

How to get a girl like yours?

>> No.2832783

As a man it is your job to "provide" for her. This has very different meanings to different people, but for me it's just make sure she has everything she needs, and a lot of things she wants.

It depends a lot on how much she makes and how much you make though. My gf makes less than me, so I pick up a lot of checks and buy her gifts probably once every 1-2 months. They're not really expensive (~$50) but they make her very happy and that makes me happy.

To all the people saying only betas spend money on their gfs: You're just wrong. It is a common beta tactic to spend money in the hopes of getting sex, yes; but, when you meet a girl that's really special and makes you happy every day you're going to want to do nice things for her. Most of the time the easiest way to do that is to spend a little bit of money.

you should spend like 2-5% of your annual income on your gf, depending on your financial situation.

Downvote all you want, but that's a real answer to your question OP

>> No.2832810
File: 726 KB, 1225x1264, 1497351786184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't spend a single dime. See pic.

>> No.2832823

Not a larp but probably not quite as bad as implied in the OP either.

She has bought small things for me but she is objectively poor and from a poor family.

""shopping"" is fairly rare, what's more common is eating out and me paying the entire bill. She could not afford to eat out otherwise

How do I prove to myself I'm not a sugar daddy? Stop buying shit/taking her out ever and see if she leaves me?

>> No.2832838
File: 114 KB, 865x1009, 1497351432418.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And as to why? "Over nothing" was the fact that he hid his money.

>> No.2832872


I've read this one before but not the first one you posted.

Roasties BTFO.

>> No.2832886

What a lame website. I googled that title to see what this has to do with money, and the moderators have deleted everything.

>> No.2832892


Holy fucking shit, I suddenly want to invest in a sex doll.... I've ended 3 relationships because of the girl pestering me about money, while their eyes are fixated on trinkets and tendies.
Thanks for these anon, now I don't feel like such a jerk for ditching crying QT3.14s
And I'm not even rich, I just own some land and I'm in good shape...wtf...

>> No.2832895

Might as well throw your money in the trash. If she wants equality then equality we will have. We can split our meals and trips.

>> No.2832928

>Rich alphas seem to buy their gfs expensive shit all the time
No, only betas allow their gf's to access the bottomless credit card. Be responsible with your money anon.

>> No.2832950
File: 520 KB, 831x1172, 1500314822489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the true /biz/raeli

>> No.2833036

This guy reminds me of me, I am a maximum jew when it comes to money. When I go on dates it is either 50/50 or i pay this bill and next bill is on you. I never discussed money and i wear ragged clothes all the time except in professional situations. I would love to have a drink with Will, he seems like a chill dude.

>> No.2833096


None outside of the occasional small gesture (like dinner).

I'm married and we split everything down the middle. Separate bank accounts, pay half of every bill / grocery trip / household item, take turns buying dinner, etc.

We exchange gifts on the usual occasions but generally keep the price down.

If your woman expects you to buy her shit all the time she's shit, get rid of her.