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28319097 No.28319097 [Reply] [Original]

I am... SEVERELY overdiversified, and Im trying to just pick 2 or 3 tokens to move everything to. what should I sell, and what should I put it into?

also, tips for not fomoing after pulling out? that's how most of this happened.

>> No.28319196

BTC and ETH. Everything else is memes.

>> No.28319228

Id just sell everything that you have with under $300 in holdings, and disperse it into those 3 at an even ratio

>> No.28319280

Sell all
Go all in on BNB-CAKE and liquidity mine on pancakeswap

>> No.28319289

ETH is a meme

>> No.28319380

That way you literally can't lose.
Well, or maybe you can, but one of those should prevail and bring on a new era of crypto.

>> No.28319412

don;t listen to this fag. That;s the worst way to make money. The return of investment through this would be shit, try to go for high market cap with low value coins, like ava, grt, cocos

>> No.28319571

small stacks require big risks. half stack in BTC, other half in moonshot. personally, I'm holding avax.

>> No.28319653

Worst fucking portfolio I’ve ever seen Jesus Christ. Put it all into link and Avax. Bitcoin will crash soon and ethereum is gonna fuck up in the coming months

>> No.28319766


sell it all and buy GRT

Quadruple your money eoy

>> No.28319834

easy win

>> No.28319886

At this point when ETH and BTC is slowing down I would just put all in to AVAX
No other projects has gone up in such speed

>> No.28320023

terrible advice, all I hear from this is

>> No.28320133

I'm literally bagholding for a month now, and i'm not intersted in selling any of my shit, since I found a formula I'm pleased with. At least you can come with a counter argument if you don't agree, retard

>> No.28320208

Don't listen to these fags OP. AVAX will drop by 90% within months. That's a sure way to lose all your money.

The bull market is over. Stick to high market cap coins for safety.

>> No.28320217

fuck me. have you just bought everything that was shilled here in a day?

>> No.28320259

no dexg? ngmi

>> No.28320300


>> No.28320489

LINK GRT ETH UNI and eventually BTC is my portfolio.

>> No.28320521


>> No.28320553


>> No.28320724

I would go with Chainlink

>> No.28320753
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Just remove shit like IOTA, BTT, TRX, the rest is fine

>> No.28320797

ETH btc ~10x EOY. Dot Not so bad, reef has some medium to high risk with probably high reward. Link if the whales stop keeping the price down.

>> No.28320952

You are right ok that is overdiversified.

Go all-in on Rubic.

>> No.28321064
File: 22 KB, 485x332, port.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i already more than doubled my money with this portfolio, im sharing it with you bros because i want you all to make it

>> No.28321117

You must be new here. Enjoy getting rekt.

>> No.28321152

Wtf op that's the worst case of fomo I ever saw

>> No.28321249

All in on algo

>> No.28321389

>I'm literally bagholding for a month now
>i'm not intersted in selling any of my shit

You say one thing, but mean something else entirely....

You literally told him to look for overpriced trash, you said
>go for high market cap with low value coins
over-bought shit that is at or around ATH.... 'low value'

Do you even think before or while you type, or at the very least before you post? I'm not the retarded nigger telling him to buy actual garbage (see - low value)

>> No.28321452

I know, its a problem. tryna fix it.

>> No.28321601
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I consolidated.

>> No.28321881

Because of 2.0
Don't just write ETH off, they might find a solution. That's all I'm saying.

>> No.28322384

does crypto ever go down? seems like you can put money into anything and guarantee profit

>> No.28322396

Choose between ada and dot now and u will be good to go.
I won't comment on your choices, since I don't hold any of your coins but I know them.

>> No.28322681

now that's a based portfolio

>> No.28322735

Yeah, that newfag might just be the most retarded newfag I've seen in quite a while. Retards like this are the worst part about bull markets. High market cap low value coins. Hell of a strategy there. And he's been a "bagholder" for a whole entire MONTH?! So brave and noble.

>> No.28322749

Oh lord, you have much to learn. There’s a reason we say buy high, sell low.

>> No.28322770

This is the correct answer

>> No.28322882

no ethereum won't go anywhere newfag.

>> No.28323185

I would add a moonshot, a mid-low cap like rubic or bao tier; DYOR

>> No.28323245

relax there buddy, ETH is there JIC I need it for gas fees (not that 100 bucks is covering much at this point)

why lose ADA and AVAX? I understand the rest, but curious on your reasoning for those

>> No.28323382

I actually have 400 in RSR on binance (not pictured obviously)

>> No.28323397

Seems you bought every meme coin shilled on /biz/. The effort is admirable, and the anons that say BTC ETH LINK are not wrong at all, but with $300 I'd go for broke with one moonshot in the Hope's of doubling or tripling your holdings, then buy into the big dogs

>> No.28323539

if you had to yolo buy with 1k in hopes of doubling what would you buy?

>> No.28323898
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>> No.28324510

Sell all and buy GRT
I bought late at 85c and Im already up a bunch of money and now the that $1 has been broken multiple times it is there to stay

>> No.28326316

Lot of people say GRT and I've got a stack too but I'm not positive this alt run will continue for much longer. I'm about ready to park everything and let it play out. Shame, if it was 3 days ago I could've told you buy VTHO cuz it was the easiest 2x to call this year by chart. Sad!

>> No.28326787

AVAX, DOT, and ADA all have a decent chance at flipping ETH this cycle so any one of those would be a fine place to store your gains. Personally I'd go with AVAX since it's the lower mcap of those, its tech is better and it's the only one with a live Ethereum bridge at the moment.

>> No.28327742

is getting raped by ETH gas fees the only way an american can by AVAX? fugg