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28315706 No.28315706 [Reply] [Original]

My 21 year old brother lost 5K which was half his money and attempted suicide by jumping in front of a truck. It served out of the way and then he got arrested and put in the hospital.

He's an finance student at a great school and has an internship lined up, but was so distressed by the loss he tried to kill himself.

Retail trading is a mental illness.

>> No.28315799

I don’t believe it. Teach your brother to have some fucking balls.

>> No.28315939

>have some balls

What does this have to do with having balls dumbass?

He said life is pointless if he can't earn money.

>> No.28316278

my folio swings 5 figures daily. Tell him to nut up

>> No.28316376

Losing 5k is nothing the grand scheme of things. He’s going to make that every month after he graduates. I have a family friend that just killed himself over $4M in taxes to the IRS. Your friend should shut the fuck up and stop being a whiny bitch

>> No.28316628

>jumping in front of a truck
this is a LARP but only terrible people kill themselves this way

>> No.28316665

he is not mature enough.
you know that.

>> No.28316709

Yeah but you have more money then him, he had 10K, he lost HALF HIS MONEY.

He feels that he doesn't have the ability to earn money in the market and therefore life isn't worth living. He even said what's the point of living if he can't earn money beyond a basic salary?

He still wants to kill himself even in the hospital right now.

>> No.28316730

I don’t get killing yourself because you owe someone else money. Like nigga just run away or something

>> No.28316754

Over five thousand US dollars?!?!? What a fucking pussy. I gained and lost 200k in 2017. I’m a terrible trader but at least I’m not a little bitch

>> No.28316757

i dont think losing 5k was his problem
sounds like he has some major deeper issues he is facing

>> No.28316819

It was on impulse.

>> No.28316831

My portfolio swings ~80k on a daily basis - you need to give him a lesson on perspective. 5k is peanuts.

>> No.28316853

if true - be happy he survived and be more in his life retard. its bleak for male zoomers nowadays like really bleak. get him some puss in his life so he gets a grip

>> No.28316876

did I stutter?

>> No.28316903

OP, trust me when I say if this story is true it's not because he lost 5k.

>> No.28316949

Why would you commit suicide over dumb shit like a debt? Just leave the country, retard. You've got over 200 options to choose from, and many of those won't care about handing you back over to the burgers.

How does someone that low IQ manage to get millions of dollars in the first place?

>> No.28317017

And I'm supposed to give a shit, why?

>> No.28317071
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Poor guy just wanted to get isekai'd by truck-kun so he could be with his waifu

But rly though...what kind of faggot goes all emo over 5k?

>> No.28317112

I hope you’re LARPING. But if your not get his some fucking help....and make sure your up his ass 24/7 until he gets past this...you’re his brother and it’s your responsibility. Money doesn’t mean shit...it’s points on a board. Work with him to help him make it and see that gambling with leverage in stocks and crypto is just that...gambling. Buy btc and Eth and hodl as a savings account or hep him set up a node to run transactions to get paid that way. I really do hope you’re lying, Anon.

>> No.28317126
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A whole $5000, huh? He's financially ruined.

>> No.28317149

I lost $450k of unrealized gains last summer and I broke water gun in front of my 5 year old nephew who dared to shoot me in the eye

Whacked it into pieces in front of him, felt good for a while. But then apologized and bought him a new one

>> No.28317249

op it was his first major loss?
if its a first he is a pussy

>> No.28317255

Holy shit 5k? I would kill myself if I lost 5 dollars

>> No.28317275

>be finance student
>lose half your wealth

>> No.28317394

He only had 10K so it was a lot to him.

He tried to hire a hooker in Europe but Covid locked his trip down.

>> No.28317419

Imagine killing yourself over money, cringe.

>> No.28317429

if not a LARP your bro probably got problems beyond the money he lost

>> No.28317434

your brother either has bigger issues than 5k and needed an excuse.
the usd is about to crash. 5k will be 2500 in buying power and he will easily make that back. just tell him to calm down, we all die and there is no reason to rush it. theres also better thigns to do than kill yourself. youd think he would try drugs or like whore mongering first.

>> No.28317435

On volatile days my investments swing around more than that every day. Investing is a wild ride, he's an idiot. If he can't deal with it, he shouldn't deal.

>> No.28317509
File: 62 KB, 976x850, _91408619_55df76d5-2245-41c1-8031-07a4da3f313f.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>suicide over $5k

>> No.28317530

What else could it be?

>> No.28317543

You just posted this on /pol/
Fuck off

>> No.28317546

believe in the multiverse? our universe is at all times simulating probabilistic futures extrapolated from present decisions or events

in some number of these alternate future universes, your brother did not lose the $5k, and so those iterated brothers lived on to enjoy surplus from the now irrecoverable $5k

when your brother lost the $5k, those future iterations were extinguished, and so sought revenge on the one who snuffed them

your brother was lucky to survive such an attack

>> No.28317556

Yeah I'm about as poor as your brother and if I lost all my shit in one go I would probably just pack it up and get a job and get back to side hustles

>> No.28317583


>> No.28317600

Half of his money is still basically nothing. If he can't stand a $5k loss how can be go into finance managing millions of dollars in assets?

>> No.28317656 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210210-132510_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Tell that retard buy CLF lol


>> No.28317665

Like what? What problems could he possibly have?

He said he wants to kill himself if he can't become rich

>the usd is about to crash. 5k will be 2500 in buying power and he will easily make that back. just tell him to calm down, we all die and there is no reason to rush it. theres also better thigns to do than kill yourself. youd think he would try drugs or like whore mongering first.

That was his entire argument for investing it in super leveraged funds

He went on a huge rant about the Great Reset and how they're going to use QE to destroy the dollar, so he invested in super-leveraged options investments so when the elites hyperinflate the stock market he'll make huge returns.

That was his logic, that the USD is going down the tubes.

>> No.28317709


what a fucking retard.

I hope you and him get sterilized. Your genetic seed is a complete dogshit.

>> No.28317754

I spend more on trying to heal a dying cat I had.
I still had less than 10k available and tried to heal a cat for 6k but it still died. Yet I didnt think a bus would solve anything.
I can clearly say this guy was a worthless investment from the start.

>> No.28317796

If you can't handle rapid 50% swings without sweating you should buy metals not crypto.

>> No.28317816

>Like what? What problems could he possibly have?
>That was his entire argument for investing it in super leveraged funds
>He went on a huge rant about the Great Reset and how they're going to use QE to destroy the dollar, so he invested in super-leveraged options investments so when the elites hyperinflate the stock market he'll make huge returns.
>That was his logic, that the USD is going down the tubes.

Probably some serious mental issues not that he's wrong that the USD is going down the tubes but obviously there is always something deeper

>> No.28317844

why doesn't he try hanging himself? I hear suicide by shotgun is super effective

>> No.28317848

why do u richfags always compare your high living standards and large portfolio's with someones life savings?
80k swings is the equivalent of having €80 Bucks for poorfags that swing to €50 back and forth.
It like your bag should swing a million before you kys. thats the equivalent of OP brother's 5k.

>> No.28317856
File: 240 KB, 1080x1223, FFB59ED5-0605-465A-AD04-AB9E9297763B.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I usually call you a faggot zoomer because you use the word cringe but this one time you’re actually right. OPs brother sounds like a fucking pussy. OP give your brother some acid and make him face his inner demons like a fucking man. 5k is a decent chunk of change but it’s nothing to kill yourself over. He has more serious issues in his head he’s not telling you about.

>> No.28317874
File: 71 KB, 640x640, 1612591452315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably social allienation within a culture that openly hates him. potentially even a lack of pussy. possibly evn getting pussy but missing one pussy specifically.

also suicide is a taught behavior. he must be enveloping himself in some sort of dark culture.

>> No.28317945


Did the little faggot consider his parents when he decided to hero? The truck driver?

What a fucking subhuman

>> No.28317969

>He said he wants to kill himself if he can't become rich
....and your conclusion is...
>Retail trading is a mental illness

I hate to break it to you, but this isn't logic.

>> No.28317976

I'm not american, but I will never understand why americans seem to think that USD is backed by the fed when it is actually backed by US mil and nuclear stockpiles.

>> No.28317987

well he just flat out shouldnt use anything leveraged. leveraged stocks have way more risk than say. flat out buying crypto. also 5k he will easily make back.

>> No.28318000

Assuming this isn't a LARP, I completely understand where your brother is coming from. A lot of people are going to bash your brother and say, "Killing yourself over $5k. What a faggot. He should go ahead and do it." Wageslaving sucks, and nobody wants to do it. However, he's going to college for finance so he'd be making a lot of money eventually, and that $5k would be nothing. Regardless, you need to help your brother get some help.

>> No.28318011

>thinking in absolute quantities instead of percentages

I get it, you think you have balls and you're brave. In reality you're retarded and fail to see from another person's perspective.

>> No.28318041

>I gained and lost
I don't think losing that which you gained is much of a problem. You'd have nothing lost at the end of the day. But ending up WORSE than when you started, that's another story. This is where "only invest what you are willing to risk to lose" comes into play.

>> No.28318061

Jesus! Your brother can't do anything right!

>> No.28318087

>What problems could he possibly have?
that is difficult to bet since we dont know him.
are you really close to him, i mean, daily basis?
I can bet that he feels fucking alone and has a serious issue with being (((successful)))
This was his first major loss?
IF true, he INDEED has underlying problems.
One that studies this shit everyday and is not prepared for it, i mean, its basic training.

>> No.28318105

>My 21 year old brother lost 5K which was half his money and attempted suicide by jumping in front of a truck. It served out of the way and then he got arrested
what a faggot

>> No.28318143

Okay I'll bite. What did he lose his money from. If it's meme GameStop stocks or any of the pajeet shillers here, then maybe he actually doesn't have a future. Unless, he can learn from his lesson, otherwise, pull the plug.

>> No.28318169

He said he thought his parents would be happy he was gone if he lost that much money.

>> No.28318179

Its such a small amount and hes suicidal over it, balls =bravery

>> No.28318197

>Retail trading is a mental illness.
no, killing yourself over a 5k loss (which is only half his worth) is a mental illness.

>> No.28318216

I'm not the one who tried to off themselves for losing what amounts to a months salary for the average American.

>> No.28318238

>Oh no! I lost a month's wages. Oh well... looks like it is finally time to kill myself.

>> No.28318251

His point is that after the Great Reset you will be poor if you didn't invest heavily now. Thats why he took the risk

>> No.28318280

your brother is a giant fucking pussy and hes too emotional.
and he actually has no idea how the judge the actual value of money.
what a fucking faggot ass pussy of a brother. i'd go beat the shit out of him if i was you

>> No.28318306

He tried to kill himself over $5k and he's a finance student? You're full of shit.

>> No.28318342

His only other problem was that he was an incel, he was big into incel forums and all that and was obsessed with the blackpill and stuff.

But he didn't seem depressed about it.

>> No.28318359
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Whenever I take on risky trades and see my portfolio oscillate violently I feel excitement, not fear.

>> No.28318395

he is delusional, completely out of touch.
the name of it is psychosis.
if not treated can be A LOT WORSE

>> No.28318420
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>Retail trading is a mental illness.

>> No.28318450

happy people don't obsess over that shit

>> No.28318566
File: 99 KB, 774x710, 1611858282871.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mentally distressed young man tries to end his life
>is arrested
What kind of hellhole are you living on?

>> No.28318627

This bull run is doing a lot of damage out there. I'm finally over not selling link to btc last fall. Please don't hero boys.

>> No.28318645

I sent 4eth to a scam wallet yesterday and I just laughed it off lol it's lawless right now and that's the risk you take getting into this shit, the big risk is accommodated with big reward. Tell your bro to go fuck himself and trade stocks like a good little goy he is. Slave to the money pussy bitch

>> No.28318689

That's what I'm saying. You keep seeing it from your perspective. I am not defending the fact that he tried to kill himself, I am just saying that you are so narrow sighted you're probably just extremely selfish or plain retarded.

>> No.28318820

He lost it from long term options in Apple and Amazon and Netflix.

>> No.28318821
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He's clearly distressed. Not to be an armchair psychologist, but it could even be some sort of psychosis. Obviously the scamdemic has affected him.

He needs psychiatric help right now. It's not about the money, that was the way he tried to cope with it.

>> No.28318845

>His point is that after the Great Reset you will be poor if you didn't invest heavily now
And Jim Jones' point was that after the "Great Reset", I mean the US military invading the camp, you would be butchered alive if you didn't drink the cyanide now.
But I guess that didn't happen.

>> No.28318858


get your bro into a church STAT and tell him to stop fucking around with stocks.

>> No.28318920
File: 25 KB, 307x386, haah waaw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost a used Toyota Corolla's worth of money
>tries to an hero
Thanks OP, had a chuckle

>> No.28318922
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Russia probably. 5K is a lot there. I personally lost 3,7k playing stocks in March-Summer (Kek, I know...). But now i'm up like 10k. Not much for you, but a fortune for me

>> No.28318954

He wasn't depressed, he would always laugh and joke around.

In fact in social situations he would always smile and tell jokes he seemed like he was always really happy.

You can be arrested and forcibly detained in any country if you try to suicide.

>> No.28318958

Post proof. Maybe a picture of the hospital bed or something.

>> No.28319133

>You can be arrested and forcibly detained in any country if you try to suicide.
Oh yeah, how dare someone die without the State's permission?

>> No.28319234

>dumps all his money into one stock

babies first lesson in trading.

>> No.28319254

>His only other problem was that he was an incel, he was big into incel forums and all that and was obsessed with the blackpill and stuff.
Do you guys have the same father and is he still alive?
IF YES, beat the living shit out of him for letting his son turn into an incel. Probably watched him all his teenage years sitting in front of screens and did nothing.
I mean it beat the living shit out of it, he put him in this world and he is responsible that his son turns out into a man that can LIVE Out his insticts and not live an existence of an EUNUCH. he should be castrated desu, and he would be 100% responsible if he actually died in front of that truck

you are in fault this too, you should have stepped in for your retarded dad. made sure he got laid at age 16 THE LATEST

>> No.28319258


>> No.28319422

Let's not be ridiculous.
But I think we can all agree on $20.

>> No.28319427

yeah how dare the govt stop me from killing myself for dumb shit

>> No.28319482

It's literally every country

It was over 3 different stocks

Our dad never saw us, he was an investment banker and worked super long hours all the time. He was really young too so he had to do it.

>> No.28319483

Your brother sounds like the retarded one desu

>> No.28319570

small penis problem

>> No.28319638

I'm sorry to hear he didn't succeed...
at killing himself.
Fuck you and your pussy ass brother.

>> No.28319731

Hi, New York Times journalist here. Would you mind a quick interview? We have an article coming soon talking about internet people being scammed by malicious crypto forum users!

Leave your info here!
Have a great shabbat,
Peter Cohen ©

>> No.28319769

your brother is an idiot and wouldn't last 2 days in finance

>> No.28319800

>(((finance student at a great school))) nearly traumatizes random driver for the rest of their life because he lost 5k
tell him the only way to atone is to mist himself in your living room

>> No.28319816

What a little pussy

>> No.28319829


Tell your bro to stop browsing /pol/ too much. That place can put someone in a dark headspace that schizo ramblings will start making sense.

>> No.28319871


People need to stop investing what they dont have. We all know the risks, from the $1 swing traders to the 100k buy and hold guys. Glad he didnt die, but hopefully this will shed light and lead him to a diff hobby/profession.

>> No.28319982


>> No.28320068

what a fucking bitch, my portfolio has done swings in 125k down and up and im 22.

>> No.28320083

do they arrest you at the airport if you (((owe))) IRS few mil? asking for a friend haha

>> No.28320106

>Our dad never saw us, he was an investment banker and worked super long hours all the time. He was really young too so he had to do it.

blah blah excuses nothing else. ANYONE can take out one weekend of his time to spend on his son, watching him on his personal development and TAKING ACTION if he lacks something.
you and your dad are POS of not stepping up

I have 3 distant relatives (boys from age 7-13 their dad is barely in their life) I drive 2 hours to visit them every 3 months to check on their development. I ask about school and how they spent their time etc. the oldest one has a gf already) I will take immideate action if there is something to correct.

>> No.28320190

so he’s a /biz/ard is what you’re saying

nobody makes it out of here alive if they drink the kool-aid. teach him that 4chan’s a look, don’t touch environment. he probably doesn’t realize that most people here are larping, and that most opinions are memes.

basically op this is your fault. you’re a terrible big brother and your dad blames you for this

>> No.28320229

be the brother he needs you to
money will come back in the end, we're all gonna make it
this shit takes balls but it'll be worth it

>> No.28320294

He didn't browse pol, my dad is an investment banker and believes in the Great Reset

He mainly browsed incels.co

He said a life not in finance isn't worth living.

>> No.28320367

based detective anon

>> No.28320475

he has severe abandonment issues and that’s why he’s following in his father’s footsteps. incel forums are a crab bucket. your brother needs therapy.

>> No.28320519

Investment bankers have to work weekends dumbass.

>> No.28320607


>> No.28320637

Damn over $5k? Sometimes I take for granted my six fig hell.
I'm down literally -$48k today.

>> No.28320824

your brother would have tried to kill himself anyway. he's in the wrong field. most people here watch 5k come and go on the hour.

get your brother the mental health he needs or he's gone.

>> No.28320853

>he lost what would take him one month to remake at a job
what a fucking retard to care about such a small percentage of his earning power

>> No.28321183

Tell him to do some basic research on leveraged ETFs. What an idiot.

>> No.28321235

>loses 5k
>decides to kill himself traumatizing his family and ruining the life of some random trucker in the process

your brother is a selfish piece of shit and he deserved to lose money.

>> No.28321672

I feel for your brother but wanting to end it on 5k is silly. There is something more underneath and I would recommend your younger brother find therapy to work it out. Try to get him into meditation. I lost my 2.5k link stack 6 months ago and even I don't want to kill myself. You just try again. Crypto moves fast enough he could make that back within a month. Now I hold grt and xsn and couldn't be happier. Even bought 400 link with some gains. Remember most of us artists here started with like 500 dollars.

>> No.28321738

He said levered ETFs were a scam that resets daily and therefore it decays your return.

He thought his family was going to be happy he died because he failed so bad with money.

>> No.28321761

No, what everyone here is saying (correctly) is that your brother is a pussy bitch who can't be trusted with money. Buy the dip, faggot.

>> No.28321892

Its not about the money anon. Your brother suffers from depression. The 5k was just a justification for something he wanted to do for a while. We've all been there but most of don't kill ourselves. Just remind him most normies still don't invest and rely on hourly wage to live. He is still young and in the game early enough to make a killing.

>> No.28321925

>He thought his family was going to be happy he died because he failed so bad with money.
He failed at dying as well so now he is a burden on the family. I dont think he will make it.

>> No.28322008
File: 261 KB, 640x480, bigbadbobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>go all in on high leverage
>rope the moment you go down 50%

>> No.28322044

Go on a fucking sugar daddy site and buy him some pussy holy fuck it is CRITICAL

>> No.28322136

No, unless you are already in a criminal database for said debt.
Bankruptcy isnt that bad. Put your money into monero and file for bankruptcy. Problems solved.

>> No.28322172

I lost that in like two hrs this morning and jerked off in my bathroom lol I'm eating hotpockets rn

>> No.28322301
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>die so you can't support your family emotionally or financially
>this would somehow make them happy
Can someone who's actually had depression explain to me how you could come to this incredibly smoothbrained line of thinking?

>> No.28322835

you just tried this thread on /pol/. GTFO. At this point I hope he really did try to do it. you should too.

>> No.28323668

5k is not a lot of money. You can save that being a wage slave over a few months.

>> No.28324332

This. I'm so happy there will be so many suicides and wannabe fags dying at the next crash.

I want all the stupid normie laggards to fucking burn in hell for being latecomer dumb faggot sheep.

Less competition for me also, will fuck their girls guaranteed.

Way past 6 figure hell, the nice life can begin

>> No.28324349

I've tried to kill myself when i was 15.

I saw myself as such a failure that i thought my parents may be initially sad that i died but deep down would be relieved they don't have to talk about me or anymore or mention someone like me is their kid.

>> No.28324446

You're a dumb sheep if you bought into these coins early. You're a literal moron

Real wealth, like actual respected money, has come from generations ago before crypto was even a thing.

Even if you make it to 7 figures you'll never be respected by people with real wealth, they'll always consider you white trash.

>> No.28324681

again excuses and excuses. he could have quit his job become part time consultant/ investment advisor. the list is literally endless. its pointless to argue with you.
crab in the bucket mentality. all of this screeches disfunctional family (there a lot of them out there its just important to escape the negative feedback loop), when he literally tough he had to kill himself because he would not be liked anymore because he lost 5k.

>> No.28325179

Your brothers a faggot for thinking money is all there is to live for. Godless degenerate

>> No.28325183

Doesn't mean anything

At 15 i almost killed myself because i didn't have many friends and got bad grades and thought people would be happier if i died.

It's easy to get into that mindset.

>> No.28325342

What else is there to live for except money?

>> No.28325414

I can see that when you're a hormone-entranced monkey at 15, but at 21 years old you should be at least somewhat emotionally developed enough to see that offing yoursef over 5k is fucking retarded

>> No.28326050

loving God is the only thing that will fulfil you, no amount of money will ever fill the hole inside is that is reserved for God. have you ever heard an anon say they are in “7-figure hell”? lmao

>> No.28326360

This smells like poorfag cope.

>> No.28326374

Are you serious?
None of us will ever be as rich as Bill Gates, but that doesn't leave us monumentally depressed or anything. There will always be people with more than you, just like there will always be people with less.

>> No.28326679

what is he trading? crypto?

because my alt beginner stack is 5kish and I've seen losses that would make stock market boomers weep without feeling much

>> No.28326702

retail trading is not a mental illness.
people dont know how to use it properly and dont fully understand the risks, they just think "oooo free money huehue" and get burnt because they put in more than they were willing to lose and an hero because theyre retarded. also nice blog post and fuck you and your brother, teach him about life and money like a good older brother should have done. make him realize money isnt important, its just a means to an end.

>> No.28326793
File: 321 KB, 1080x2400, Screenshot_20210210-150628_Robinhood.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I hope you listened to me 2 hours ago when I said buy $CLF

>> No.28326958

>Finance student
>loses 5k
>fails to suicide
Jesus Fuck OP
I lost about 40% around October due to to greed and not selling options ITM
Yeah I felt bad but that doesn't mean ill fucking kill my self. I had to analyze wtf went wrong and fix my stupid ass. Im still down but only by 5% and will craw my way to the top.

Im also a finance student and if he’s going to kill himself over 5k he wont make it in the industry of investments. Live and learn and get better faggots.

>> No.28326970

lmao 5k what a faggot. in 2018 i went from 500k to 30k and spent months sleeping with a loaded gun in my hand so i could kill myself at a moment's notice but i never did it because I knew i was smart enough to recover. didnt fucking tell people about it or make faggot suicidal gestures on the street

>> No.28327132

He's a finance student and 5k was enough to make him consider suicide? I lost 4k on AMC, and I've already made most of it up.

Something doesn't add up.

>> No.28327133

Your bro is just fucking depressed and rightly so cuz it's a doggy dog world out there. Hope he gets some proper treatment now that he's in a hospital anyway.

>> No.28327224

>He's an finance student at a great school and has an internship lined up, but was so distressed by the loss he tried to kill himself.
>lost 5K which was half his money and attempted suicide
Retarded larp. 5k is nothing if you are a finance student at a good school and has internships lined up. Did he look at the money he can make even as an intern?
This is a larp or he is lying about the amount.

>> No.28327247

>spent months sleeping with a loaded gun in my hand so i could kill myself at a moment's notice
well guess what we have another pussy ass bitch here
it's only 470k and that in paper gains, who cares faggot

>> No.28327285

lmao nice larp

>> No.28327371

>He said he wants to kill himself if he can't become rich
he won't become rich with that mentality and should stop trading before he loses the rest and actually does kill himself. Actually he sounds too retarded to succeed at suicide, jumping in front of a truck is just attention seeking behavior, it really is not hard to kill yourself. Jump off a high enough bridge or shoot a couple grams of heroin.

>> No.28327373

Retail trading ain't the issue here

>> No.28327463

He was already depressed if that kind of sum triggers it.

>> No.28327484

Interns get paid mininum wage you dolt

>> No.28327562

Is your brother retarded? I don't care if he only had $10K, $5K is still nothing.

>> No.28327563

It's been almost a week, it's called not falling for the sunken cost fallacy.

Learn it, or you're unironically NGMI

>> No.28327633

no they dont retard

>> No.28327655

Everybody feels like that after struggling with a gambling addiction. It takes time for that wound to heal. I wish the best for you and your brother. Talking about it helps the most. Just be there for him. If this happens to be a LARP then find something better to do with your time.

>> No.28327772

You're so fucking retarded

>> No.28327833

Yeah if you have a useless degree and just deliver coffee around as an intern.

>> No.28327941

Imagine being so poor you think 5k is life changing amounts of money. I lost 300k in the last bear market. Tell him to stop being a faggot

>> No.28327960

He better fucking go through with it then, he clearly aint cut out for this crypto rat race!

fucking autism level emotional 20's virgins be like that these days, fucking kill em all i say.

>> No.28328133

>trying to kill yourself over money
>only $5k
>jumped in front of truck
How is this guy smart enough to be a "finance student at a great school" when he gets suicidal over such a small amount of money and isn't even smart enough to be successful in taking his own life. Retail trading requires guts, but your brother doesn't even have a brain.

>> No.28328263

>suiciding over 1 month of salary
zoomers actually
i have 20k liquid and threw 5k at GME without breaking a sweat. money is fucking useless and there is always more money coming in. tell that little retard to read a fucking book and gain perspective. 5k is nothing. 20k is nothing. even 100k isn't very much in the grand scheme of things. 100k is the difference between buying regular coffee or a latte over your lifetime for the average wageslave (if you buy any coffee out you're retarded though.) there's money laying around all over the place if you need more money. you can make 5k untaxed in 2 months just by sucking penis if you really wanted to.

>> No.28328472

Your brother owes an apology to the driver. Tell him this: Next time do it in the privacy of his own home, will you.

>> No.28328540

i wish i'd had $5k to lose at 21

>> No.28328622

>He said he wants to kill himself if he can't become rich
money is stupid. you can't buy anything worth having. what does he want to be rich for, to go get stabbed in london while out clubbing? to buy an ugly watch?

it's 2021. the only things you need in life are a $1000 laptop, a rented room in some shithole on the train line, and $20 a week in groceries. everything else is a waste of time. let go of your material desires and stop being a shiny-rock-coveting monkey.

>> No.28328686

>life is pointless if he can't earn money.
Okay so I won't argue that drugs are degenerate but I took LCD a lot a while back and it has totally destroyed this sentiment in me. Somehow it really helped me to make money, to step back and realize we are all just meat blobs meat blobbing together all at once. Vibrating like molecules, just kinda doing our thing, and no one's wealth or power really matter, even the most immense expression of willpower falls like a raindrop into the vast ocean of human buzzing, and eventually dies. The only thing anyone ever had to give a shit about all along was God, and if some people hate to hear that now, just imagine the fear and disappointment that will hold them in their last meat moments.

>> No.28328730

its totally self-imposed, too. the pandemic is the only thing they've had to deal with and if not going to classes and losing a couple grand is all it takes to convince oneself that life has nothing left to offer than zoomers are even more pathetically weak-willed than i thought.
i say this as a 90s child

>> No.28328803

Jesus Christ, 5k?, I (momentarily) lost 30k once. As my dad said to me when this happened to me, "Grow some fucking balls".

>> No.28329024

I think my mom is actually kind of unnerved by how little the swings affect me

>> No.28329036

>finance student at a great school and has an internship lined up
>lost .. half his money and attempted suicide
your brother is a typical absolute incompetent degenerate and knows shit about finance. he is literally wasting space in financial school and it's teachers time. the place of your brother is right at mcdonalds.

>> No.28329192

ego death is a very powerful thing. it simplifies life and shows you that some people truly do not know how to cope

>> No.28329196

lmao I had 17k and lost it all.
Back to 5k (Off of 800$ initial investment) in a month. Your bro is little pussy an i'm not saying he should've died but he definitely shouldn't procreate.

>> No.28329295

Being rich and then poor is worse then just being poor.

>> No.28329366

He was buying options in FANG with half his money ?
Dude, next time you see a truck passing by push him in yourself

>> No.28329376

tell him he'll save that amount under a month once he's graduated

>> No.28329408

Yeah being a crypto investor has turned my blood ice cold. I feel nothing other than vindication when my shit eventually pumps.

>> No.28330040

I couldn't give a shit about losing money on investment because it will be based on my bad judgement. But if a motherfucker takes a single dollar from me I will be pissed.

>> No.28331280

Why is that a bad decision?

>> No.28331411

You know nothing about finance bro

>> No.28331511

He wants to buy hookers for life since he’s incel

>> No.28331771

As a financial student he should have known there was a chance he would lose 100% of his investment, plus the obvious FAGMAN stock that he mostlikely bought on a whim shows that he didn't give a fuck what he was buying
Basically bought something retarded with a chance to lose everything and was surprised by that

>> No.28331950

Maybe your brother is just a weak faggot? I lost 180k in 2018, I wasn't prancing around in traffic like a fairy.

>> No.28331993

He said he understood that but risked it to escape being an incel, he hated life as an incel and wanted to bring rich so he could escape it

>> No.28332081

Yeah sounds like his problem isn't retail trading.
At all.

>> No.28332085

> You're a dumb sheep if you bought into these coins early. You're a literal moron

Cope, I bought BTC 2012. Seethe, COPE LAGGIE SHEEP TARD LMAO

bet you haven't even reached six figure hell

Lambo money baby



Let THAT sink in!

>> No.28332162

Sounds like your brother doesn't either kek

>> No.28332196

You too?
My god what an ass kicking that was.

>> No.28332264

This is all a larp right ?
No way you both browse 4chinz (atleast use incel and other niggerfaggot 4channel lingo) and i doubt someone with prospects would sudoku over such an insignificant (in the long rung) amount of money
And if its true then i bet it was a female-tier suicide attempt where he only had like one foot on the incoming traffic lane and the whole things is overdramatized ; normal niggas jump from the roof/balcony

>> No.28332304

We need losers like your faggot brother so we have someone to sell bags to and then buy lambo and fuck their girl lmao

KYS laggie normgroid

>> No.28332337

Why do you say that?

He believed if he became rich it would solve his issue as a incel

>> No.28332345


>> No.28332445

LOL you don’t, he’s a genius in high Ivey

>> No.28332588

>i lost 4 figures before i was 25 life is not worth living and i am incapable of making money ever again
do zoomers really

>> No.28332623

at 21 I ran small amounts of money (a paycheck, all that I had) up to $10k then lost it all multiple times over
never felt like killing myself over it
it feels bad but taking losses like that is how you get experience and develop skills and mental resiliency

>> No.28332657

I did use the word incel dumbass what are you even saying bro?

>> No.28332765

LOL he comes from an investment banker family

Where do you come from loser

>> No.28332769

Is that the only way to become rich? No?

Then your brother's problem wasn't with retail trading, it was thinking that being rich would solve his problems.
If he went broke playing bingo, would you say bingo was a disease? Or would you say this was the responsibility of the person who went broke?

>> No.28332901

So he sucks at investing and at life.

>> No.28332941

Not enough of a genius to not lose $5000 and then fail to jump in front of a truck. A retard could've done both of those things.

>> No.28333109

Come here to blame others for your crap senpai.
come here to complain, not hold brotha hand.

I call liar on you

>> No.28333304

>losing 5k
>thinks life is over
Lmao, youth is truly wasted on the young. Dumb fucking cunts.

>> No.28333380
File: 619 KB, 1106x1012, 1612946880592.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

are you fucking serious

>> No.28333535

Investing is the only real way to become rich, salary doesn't cut it

Says the one that really sucks at investing, he comes from a millionaire family

Name something to live for if not money.

>> No.28333543
File: 231 KB, 643x537, 1612288179184.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did he buy GME?

>> No.28333544

>Your brother decides to erase his debt by piling up more of it via hospital bills.
>Decide yourself that /biz/ is your go to place for advice

>> No.28333590

>come from
lmao 0 achievement

coming from a wealthy family and still losing money gambling what a fag retard

I got into 7 digits myself

keep seething loser

>> No.28333635

ahow him this clip and ask which one he thinks he is

>> No.28333699

>good school
>suicide attempt over 5k

Thats nothing compared to the swings in my portfolio. Wtf my portfolio isn't even that decent. 30k lol

>> No.28333715

>Investing is the only real way to become rich
So "you" believe it, too.

Sounds like you ARE your brother, and are here casting about for reasons NOT to jump in front of a truck.

>> No.28333787

Enjoy staying poor drug addict. I hope they arrest people like you so I can make money in private prison stock.

>> No.28333922

This fucking thread again? What happened to the IV league finance degree? /biz/ slipping.

>> No.28334160

Imagine your younger brother attempts to khs snd first thing you do is post it on /biz/ lol confirmed larp or psycopath

>> No.28334282

Its a tiny sum of money - for a student who has his whole life ahead of him to make money. This is a serious issue to try and kill yourself for such a small figure.

>> No.28334502

Why did he sell?

>> No.28334555

>t. 5'7 limp wristed silver spoon fed faggot

>> No.28334921

The money is just an excuse, he has deeper problems and suicidal tendencies. Buy the lad a Pepsi.

>> No.28334989

I lost 40k in ETH, and I'm 18, that's 90% of my money, I want to kill myself as well, it only took me a month to make that money on Uniswap and now I only have 10% of that, I started with 800, it's the memories and the missed opportunities that make me want to end it, the money can be easily remade though

>> No.28335036

Your brother sounds like he would've tried killing himself over spilt milk.

>> No.28335084

ha ha

>> No.28335158

Chchchchecked and true.

>> No.28335317

>My 21 year old brother lost 5K which was half his money and attempted suicide
kek what a weak, unbalanced person

>Retail trading is a mental illness.
*Retail trading shouldn't be attempted with a mental illness
fixed that for ya

>> No.28335398


>> No.28335519

When I was his age I lost double that, about everything I had, "leverage trading", but given how much I knew back then about markets (BTC in particular) it was plain gambling.
It was a hard hit but I would have never killed myself over money.
Try to be present in his life, he has different issues he himself might not be consciously aware of.

>> No.28335589

what coin was it?

>> No.28335639

Private prison stocks have been going down for years, and are about to go under when they face bankruptcies in 2022

>> No.28336017

lying fudding retard

>> No.28336739

Trips checked
Post true

>> No.28337249

Lost my 950 Avax 50k.

>> No.28337389

your brother is a faaggot and so are you

>> No.28337617

>Yeah but you have more money then him, he had 10K, he lost HALF HIS MONEY
OP. This is weird. Why do you keep justifying his decision to kill himself?

>> No.28337742

Did you eventually get good at leverage?

>> No.28337911

Jump in front of a truck you roleplaying faggot

>> No.28338160

It ain't a loss until you sell, unless he's a retard and just started trading options with no knowledge like a redditard.

>> No.28338618

damn that fucking sucks man. What did you lose it on? crypto?

>> No.28338825

okay anon I'll be straight up with you, your brother is mentally ill, he's not wrong about the great reset and the plan to crash the dollar, but he's probably bi-polar and is an idiot for trying (and failing) to off him self over a measly 5K, especially when it seems like your family is incredibly well off; its literally nothing, and that kinda makes me think your story is a larp. On the chance that it is not you need to tell your little brother to seriously rethink his lifes priorities, he's not wrong, a salary is no way to get rich, but also tell him he was gambling with leveraged ETFs and deserves to lose whatever he put at risk. Fucking baby trust fund capitalist in name only pussies

>> No.28339762
File: 223 KB, 384x390, 1604744919840.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao this has to be a troll. 21 and losing 5k? Shit nigga, throw some money at weed or work at McDonald's for a few months. I lost around 20k on gme, went from 32k to 14k and now back at 21k. Literally pull yourself up by the boot straps, this is the best time to do so.

>> No.28339912
File: 258 KB, 1024x682, Marx-Engels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried to warn you...

>> No.28340209

He’s obviously retarded because the ability to make money isn’t the point of life (unlike what some incels here are inclined to believe). Speaking of incels, tell your brother to have sex.>>28316709

>> No.28340280
File: 99 KB, 746x512, hugfren.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry to hear about your brother.
Not everybody has the patience or temperament for trading, But you really do have to be mentally ill or self destructive to lose money in this market.

>> No.28340303
File: 9 KB, 222x216, cool pepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

80% of my net worth is in Rubic (5 figures)
People who stress out about loss are probably ngmi
Yes I am a retard but at least I am not a pussy

>> No.28340594

Btw in all seriousness this is tragic and he has some kind of underlying problem that is not about trading
Therapy needed, best of luck to you both

>> No.28340730

Lmao I've lost $7k in a day once and I didn't even get that upset even though I work minimum wage and that's a lot of money to me.
I just held and now I'm up like $15k from that point. Your brother is an emotional pussy.

>> No.28340983

Retail trading with more money than you can lose is mental illness. Lots of people are able to do it just fine.
I go to the casino with my wife sometimes, have a nice salmon dinner, and play slots with a bit of money while smoking and getting drinks. We have fun, chat with old friends, and enjoy listening to the cab driver bitch about current goings on about town. We never spend more than what we spend on the meal and it’s a nice evening out. Just because some idiots lose everything compulsively pulling the levers doesn’t mean I shouldn’t be able to have fun. PERSONAL RESPONSIBILITY.

>> No.28341014

At 21 this is merely a life lesson. Hell, even if he lost everything it would have been a good lesson to fucking USE YOU BRAIN.