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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28312879 No.28312879 [Reply] [Original]

so realistically what are the chances that chainlink moves over to a different network like AVAX or Cardano?

>> No.28313262

chainlink will be on all blockchains

>> No.28313354

This, I believe all of ETHs top Dapps are willing to Multichain

>> No.28313384

why couldnt they just be on their own instead of being an eth token?

>> No.28313448

There's no reason any serious project won't try to be on every important chain

>> No.28313620

Stop. The front page has mostly avax threads already

>> No.28313736

Who cares about chainlink? We missed it.

>> No.28313851
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>we missed it
fuck this board sucks now with all the redditor influx

>> No.28313893

this. How is dlt agnostisism so hard to get. Just don't be a maxi, except a link maxi