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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 94 KB, 770x513, insidertrading_770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2829601 No.2829601 [Reply] [Original]

Post any crypto-related insider info you might have that can be anonymously shared with us. I know some of you devs lurk on /biz/ so if you have something useful that could potentially make us a ton of money we'd love to hear it.

Please refrain from posting anything related to the stock market, as that is a violation of SEC regs. This post is strictly in regards to cryptocurrency where insider trading is encouraged and 100% legal.

>> No.2829613

once FUCKtoken gets to reddit and the rest of other 'normies', expect a least a $100 million marketcap. Don't let fudders let you down, memes are very valuable in cryptos.

>> No.2829615

Bitcoin millionaire here. Out of all the upcoming ICOs there is one that is a guaranteed jupiter trip. I will only say it ends with an A.

>> No.2829629
File: 15 KB, 600x300, b6688d19162911182742.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Notice how this coin completely resists every weekend or other dip? Many whales use it as a safe haven because it falls less than BTC during dips, look at the order book.

>> No.2829638
File: 649 KB, 600x800, magacoin mexican.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

magacoin is going to become the conservative, alt-right currency.

>> No.2829644

Is it Immla?

>> No.2829651

hes talking about a shitcoin called Iota

>> No.2829652

It's more than likely Qvolta and I would have never known about it had I not made this thread.

>> No.2829671

Damn if Qvolta actually delivers what they say they will definitely hit at least top 10 on market cap

>> No.2829711

Could be either that or Vega.fund

>> No.2829719

I don't think it's Vega, seems like a worse iconomi to me

>> No.2829729
File: 62 KB, 705x710, Capture.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

all wrong, not even close, desu if it wasn't because a whale friend of mine told me about it I probably would have never known it existed, probably one of the few diamonds in the rough

>> No.2829735

>shill your most heavy bags


>> No.2829741
File: 21 KB, 128x85, 260914905048285185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Give us a better hint

>> No.2829742

Why do you think that? DEX'es are a dime a dozen right now - and they are barely used.

>> No.2829747

I think I found it. Dharma right?

>> No.2829751
File: 618 KB, 800x1139, f7f0db75228ac5b1bb034a70a99a9937.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Big news incoming with Mooncoin. Buying and selling has remained competitive during the BTC/ETH dip, despite issues with theft.
Buy now while it's still 3 sats or regret it, anons.

>whats the insider info?
All I can say is "blockchain for teens".

Enjoay ur ETH crash.

>> No.2829760

Looks like DEX suffered from a huge lack of marketing, never heard of this coin, website is dead, and 0 social media outlets

I think Qvolta will have much better marketing, and a higher chance of adoption now that people want the flippening to actually happen

>> No.2829761

dgb won't go up, ever

>> No.2829766

spread some financial gains with fellow faggots

>> No.2829769

I've always wondered if the world suddenly switched to crypto and every country had its own digital coin- Would Mexico use bitbean? Canada eCoin? Jappon would be FujiCoin? Finland would use Trollcoin?
Should we be shilling this idea to /pol/???

>> No.2829774

DEX is short for Decentralized Exchange anon. My point was just that there are a lot of decentralized exchanges bot h in the works, and actually finished and running. And they are barely used.

>> No.2829780
File: 243 KB, 622x494, 1499306406876.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i actually dont want you guys to find out, after all this is a zero sum game and sometimes a hint can make you a lot of shekels.

Alright i'll give back since you guys have helped me in the past:

"One of the last letters is near there. "

Please dont spell it out here if you guess it and keep it to yourself, just tell us if you did.

It's probably a good idea to research it and buy their ICO if you think its worth it which I do.

>> No.2829787
File: 3 KB, 172x112, 1460199717052.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When's the Radix ICO going to happen? Should've been last month

>> No.2829790

Thanks for the tip. You definitely helped narrow it down a lot based whaleAnon. Going to do some more research on the ones I've picked out.

>> No.2829796

> "I'm done with hints"
> "ok here's a hint"

Go suck a dick, you don't know shit.

>> No.2829812

Buy the dip.

>> No.2829814

did you just figure this out? Nobody ITT knows anything. Most people on this board don't. You'd have to be clinically retarded to even remotely believe anything posted ITT

>> No.2829816
File: 46 KB, 582x586, rich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

good work, yeah i think i made it too easy but whatevs, as long as its not shilled hard i think we'll be fine.

I wasnt gonna give the 2nd hint but i changed my mind, i post here all the time and got that tip by a weird coincidence so might as well pass it around to a lucky few.

If you dont believe me then fine. Looking forward to other anons telling how being in the right place at the right time made them rich in around 6 months to a year.

>> No.2829817

Oh right, honestly they just seem all very underdeveloped/have very low marketing

Like the WAVES DEX, I can't do any TA on it and it only goes by 30 minutes
Localbitcoins? 0 graphs, and the site is very ugly
Bisq? Same problem

And the list just goes on, you get the idea

>> No.2829823

godamn it , i m too retarded to find out which ICO it could be... and I m hoping to be at the right place at the right when some faggot spills some inside info and gets us poor faggots some money

>> No.2829840

Vega? Qvolta? Starta?

>> No.2829850


check it out they're all there. You're already on the right place at the right time.

>> No.2829884

just searched the fuck out of it... I came up with those in the post above .. and its like I m waiting for anon confirmation... feck

>> No.2829890

Is it vega?

>> No.2829891

>"One of the last letters is near there. "
I'm a brainlet pls give me another hint.

>> No.2829903 [DELETED] 

Without giving it away, it is definitely the one founded by a former coinbase and Google employee, right? It literally cannot be any of them besides this one. You are a hero for bringing this to my attention.

>> No.2829911

Fftf giving the nod to xrp on friday

>> No.2829912

hint 3: It hasn't been mentioned ITT.
Goddammit there aren't even that many ico's that end with an A so its easy af.

>> No.2829925
File: 5 KB, 200x200, AAEAAQAAAAAAAA1nAAAAJDVkZTNkZThiLTRmY2ItNGMxZC1hYTUwLTFjMjJmZjkyN2Y1Zg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hmm.... I've heard of it but assumed they were just paying to have their shit shilled by the media like Bancor did.

>> No.2829936

remember anon, we are retarded here.. and hoping someone will drop a gem for poor anon to invest some shekels...
Soma? Jelurida? Monetha?

>> No.2829938

If that's it, OP is a tricksy kike.
Don't waste your money folks.

>> No.2829940

Funny, that was the one I was looking at as well. We've seen how the TenX and adEX ICOs went, bookmarking just in case

>> No.2829946

I knew it. If fud pops up immediately you're onto something. Thanks a bunch whaleAnon, didn't expect these fags to reverse image search that quickly and have the fud prepared.

>> No.2829954

Screencapped for a good chuckle in six month's time.
Enjoy your """secret""" ICO shilled by every major cryptocurrency media outlet.

>> No.2829955

Bitquence is about to get shilled to fucking hell by Michael Suppo who has like 22k subs. That will drive up the price easily

>> No.2829958

Also that was a pretty clever riddle but I'll admit I realized it after the fact

>> No.2829960

which ICO is that pic from? not sure we're on the same page

did you even read all the hints? you're not even close and i reiterate luckily it hasnt been mentioned ITT.

dont know that one.

>> No.2829963

Full damage control.
Nice try monetha shill.

>> No.2829971

Monetha, Are we on a different page still?

>> No.2829972

not my first language so doesnt help much, went like faggot anon 1 by 1.. but we ll see, probably shouldnt be taking financial advice from faggots

>> No.2829983

that icon is monetha? lol, had no idea and that's not it. It had already been mentioned before this >>2829960 where i said its not mentioned yet lol.

that's not it, sorry but the 2nd clue is the one that gives makes the riddle easy. I hate being devious but it's worth it, there's a sea of shit icos on icoalert and i swear i would never found out about my pick if it wasnt for that whale guy.

come on just narrow them down based on the hints and it should be easy as hell. I'll give the last hint ever and if you dont get it you're retarded.

T w 0

dont take that literal.

Oh and again, if you find out, don't spell it out here. Sit on that shit.

>> No.2829996


that's what's left right?

>> No.2829997 [DELETED] 

I know it. You're seriously a hero dude, that was absolutely worth it and even if I was wrong I'd tell you that you were fucking with me.

>> No.2830000

ITT larpers making people believe they found the next big thing.

>> No.2830012


even quads agree..

>> No.2830027

hope you got it, i gave more hints than i planned.

It's a ticket to another galaxy, I'm going balls deep on it, and make SURE you get in the ICO cause it's gonna get hyped hard as it gets closer to it, but hopefully ppl that know about it keep it quiet.

>> No.2830045

still retarded , probably dont deserve the chance to get some money... this aint my ticket I guess

>> No.2830057

wtf, if youre having trouble just write down all the icos that have the hints, write the hints next to the list and you'll see it quickly.

>> No.2830058

I literally stayed up til five am to find this, holy shit was it worth it.. I will also be going all in and I'm so glad you weren't baiting me.

>> No.2830068

Guy says he is bitcoin millionaire, everyone blindy believes him.


>> No.2830070


>> No.2830072

such is /biz/. People on here are seriously retarded and easier to shill than a middle aged housewife. At least I find satisfaction in the "don't listen to /biz/, I lost all my money" threads

>> No.2830080
File: 25 KB, 669x514, 1500326903101.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

glad to be of help, if at least 1 bizraeli gets mad shekels with my help Im happy, just keep it quiet, the FOMO will be hard if word gets out.

yeah because i totally care about trolling anonymous people at 4 am and take the time to post in 2 different IPs or however you samefag.

the whale who told me about it put 50 btc in piece of shit CFI (where i also own like 50k units), that should tell you how much money he has to burn.

>> No.2830085

is it?

>> No.2830093

Lmao so you’re telling me it’s just a coincidence that the only person who “figured it out” was OP, who created this thread?

>> No.2830096


I don't see anything your shit hints suggest.

>> No.2830099

or JELURIDA (ignis)

>> No.2830101

funny now that u mention it i just noticed that the op is the one who found out, but it makes sense since he was the most interested in finding a golden nugget in this sea of shit and he did. I dont give a shit what you think but if you're here to make money you should really read the thread and notice what i said is real.

>> No.2830105

Autoria seems like the closest..

>> No.2830108

These are the final three possibilities. It’s one of these right?

>> No.2830121

What is it anon

>> No.2830122

Nope, none of those is it. Youre not even trying, hints are crystal clear of you have half a brain and consider them all

>> No.2830127

wait, whut?
i am so blind?

>> No.2830132


there are no other upcoming ICO's on icoalert.com ending in an A you LARPing idiot.

>> No.2830134

I have inside information that ETH will moon to 10k by next year,so I'll advise you guys to buy

>> No.2830135


>> No.2830137


>> No.2830139

Check the whole list, i never talked about dates so not sure what you mean by "upcoming" but i can assure you its there

>> No.2830142

I second this, we are retarded but not this retarded.. :(

>> No.2830148

>Out of all the upcoming ICOs
>not sure what you mean by "upcoming"

>> No.2830150


>> No.2830156

so you are saying it could be an ongoing ico?

>> No.2830164

I repeat,I have insider info that ETH will moon to 10k
Please buy,its not FOMO

>> No.2830165 [DELETED] 

This is the only coin ending with “a” he neither confirmed or denied.

This is it.

>> No.2830171


he denied it in >>2830122

>> No.2830173

Let me clarify: at this moment theres no set date for it. Thats the last clue. Dont say the name here i will not confirm it but if you follow the hints you'll get it.

Going to sleep its 4 20 here happy hunting, dont miss out on this moon ticket.

Read better, they mentioned that already and i said none of those were it.

>> No.2830176

yes he did


>> No.2830178

Literally all ico's ongoing and upcoming ending with the letter A have been denied.

GTFO larper

>> No.2830179 [DELETED] 

Nvm I’m retarded

>> No.2830182


>> No.2830186
File: 32 KB, 600x400, 2017_TTCK_6_174103.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not rly inside info but indorse.io. ICO August 8. Heard about it from a public meeting- its a LinkedIN killer. I like coins that actually have clear, real world marketable purposes. Any Anons have good recommendations on specific-market purpose coins, like Patientory or Bitland? We gotta have solid ideas to drive the bear away.

Blockchain ahoy, anons!

>> No.2830188


>> No.2830192

Not this one champ BUY BUY BUY!

>> No.2830193

Hey,can I interest you in eth,its gonna moon to 10k

>> No.2830197

cant find it, i m blind and retarded..
only ICO i found to be interesting its the KIK send me dick pics ICO..

>> No.2830198

Alright, give me an elevator speech me anon. 30 seconds. Then I'll tell you about indorse.

>> No.2830207


Doesn't end with an A technically.

>> No.2830213 [DELETED] 

This is the last possibility. If he denies this, he’s 100% larping

>> No.2830214

Thanks, actually sounds cool. So please DELET THIS!!!!

>> No.2830232

Over 65,000 more ETH wallets will be hacked within the next 48 hours.

>> No.2830238

ohhh snap...

>> No.2830349

He doesn't say whether the name of the actual ICO ends in 'A' or it's abbreviation or something like that.

>> No.2830370

nice. but too easy. thanks anon.

>> No.2830408

Eth is going sub 100 soon.

Vitalik is creating more tokens to replace those that got stolen in the hack.

ChanCoin (4CHN) going to be pumped and dumped, to about $3 a coin, pump group is doing it while dev (australian) sleeps. They dump it but it will stay at least 50c.

Bancour will drop to 0.003 eth when the sell at ICO floor is gone. No knowing how much lower it will go.

>> No.2830415

Saged. Stop bumping this thread.

>> No.2830444

do you want a hint?

>> No.2830452

I need a roadside billboard size hint

>> No.2830458

I don’t need one. Don’t fuck this up anon.

>> No.2830466

jesus f christ I feel uber autistic reading this shit...

>> No.2830573

Anybody can give more clues?

>> No.2830643


>> No.2830660

I probably won't buy it anyway but it's kind of bugging me now. What is the fucking coin!?

>> No.2830684
File: 151 KB, 500x500, 1500202754626.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have some inside information on Chancoin. Come, ask anything you want about Chancoin project. >>2830513

>> No.2830685

I didn't get it... I checked all the upcoming icos without a fixed date and ending in A. But the other hints don't fit

>> No.2830693

It's internet of agreements (IOA)

>> No.2830702

Why the fuck would you reveal it here faggot

>> No.2830711

I was just guessing thanks though

>> No.2830713

stop. bumping. the. thread.

>> No.2830718

Are you Larping or is this actually it?

>> No.2830721

This is all market manipulation just like other real fake stocks. Dont get greedy and ride the waves. The coin will drop hard thats when you buy. This current spike is just proof it has stock as a currency. Its still volatile though which is where the money is at and will stay that way as long as drug lords and bankers can bank dosh and pay tax.

>> No.2830732

stfu dude bitcoin being international is what gives it its value.

>> No.2830733

he could be pretending

How do clues fit with >>2830693?

>> No.2830738
File: 110 KB, 612x665, IMG_0295.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Filecoin is better than Sia and coming out in a couple of weeks.

Accredited investors only :-))

Sucks all you poor kids won't be able to get in

>> No.2830748


is it IOTA? Too much fud goes around on biz about it.. but i'm not interested yet.

>> No.2830752

No idea I just figured it's either that dharma or enigma

>> No.2830766

why not, no one gets it anyway.
even though anons hints were more than enough
to anyone that gets it, just don't name it.

>> No.2830781

LTC to $120 by end of august.

>> No.2830800

all you faggots are literally retarded.

just stop trying. you will all be poor for the rest of your lives

>> No.2830819

None of you guys have it. Lol

>> No.2830820

i ll be fucking poor either way, born into this stupid ass world-country, and these random shits of luck if someone is honest could be a ticket for something better...

>> No.2830842

the rich keep getting richer because they make sure the poor keep getting poorer

it's really a zero sum game.

>> No.2830859

Why would he care if he gave us a hint or not? He should have already bought the coin if he thinks it has a future why wouldnt he want to tell people about it. It should increase the value of the coin further the more people who know about it. Constantly "leaking" info gets people interested in the coin.

>> No.2830861

fair point.. sometimes luck shits on faggot anon

>> No.2830875
File: 135 KB, 1000x775, 1492441483483.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting for love for my niggas.
NMR will soar 7/27 and ANT will burn 7/29

Person who also hinted knows the connection between all three.

may Jupiter be pleasant

>> No.2830934
File: 783 KB, 1130x1217, 1500472366847.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dude you can't make empty assumptions like this, do you honestly expect people to believe any of these random claims?
>Name fagging
>Pseudo intellectual picture


>> No.2830951


>> No.2830953


>> No.2830975
File: 4 KB, 149x144, download (14).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another Russian scam

>> No.2831012

lol no
Filecoin just released their whitepaper and their website says that they'll have a product to say in 6-12 months.
ICO investment us coming out in a few weeks, nothing more. They have nothing and are three years behind sia.

>> No.2831161

Ok so 6-12? so what. Do you understand the fundamental differences between the two or are you arguing for the sake of arguing?
HDD mining is a lot better than what Sia provides.

>> No.2831234

You're looking at a four year trail behind sia. And I doubt that Filecoin will work because it's just an ICO copying sia.
Within two years, sia will be able to fight Amaon S3 and Dropbox. Filecoin will need another 2-3 years to catch up. Meaning it's a loss game for Filecoin.

>> No.2831273
File: 1.98 MB, 1051x9709, ItHasntEvenBegunYet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wall St shark here hodling a couple millions worth of BTC. Have you heard of this thing?


It's being implemented starting this year. Basically, all banks will automatically send account information to their holders' respective tax authorities every year. The agreement has been signed by Switzerland, Seychelles, Belize etc. Offshores are over. Now imagine how high the marketcap of BTC will go once everyone with money realizes it's the only way to save your ass.

>> No.2831334

Have you read any of the whitepaper? From what I gather / to me doesn't matter when Filecoin's product is ready - the technology simply trumps Sia's?

>> No.2831351


>> No.2831434
File: 100 KB, 648x880, sponge magic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this man is rael deals.
501(d)'s 4 lyfe.

>> No.2831509
File: 393 KB, 720x540, 1498407010128.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i know your type.
always soo jewy. but the worst type of jewy fag boi: a POOR... STUPID... UNedumacaited worthless hodl_r that "buys" and "talks" money when really you have no 401k, no real job, no "real" investments. ha. I bet you didnt even buy silver last year.

I cant stand your type, i was giving info on a subject i happen to be intimately knowledgeable about, in hopes my brethren could reap. Soo be happy when daddy gives you tips, you ungreatful babyman.

knows the connection between IOTA, NMR and ANT

>> No.2831537
File: 75 KB, 361x352, poolhalljoe - chancoin second collection (3).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chancoin is not a scam.
It will hit 20c in under a month and 50c in under 3 guaranteed. Likely more but I can't promise you anything more than those numbers.
Go ahead and screen cap this and thank me when you've made a profit.

>> No.2831549

Do I need to screenshot your garbage posts to prove you wrong on the 29th? You're making a random guess pretending to be something you're not.

>> No.2831575

Pls do. on the 29th i will be here waiting
NMR: $32.13
ANR: $1.89

See you in 10 days.

>> No.2831611

>be a dev
>have insider info
>can act on it without anyone noticing and make a ton of money
>give all the info to /biz/ so lonely anonymous trolls can act on it, putting all eyes on your shitty coin and getting you in trouble with your regular investors

makes sense, carry on

>> No.2831666

We're all playing 20d pneumonoultramicroscopicsilicovolcanoconiosis chess my friend// and my lungs are itching

>> No.2831679

How the hell do you invest in an ICO anyway?

>> No.2831741

money, rub elbowas with money, Dev's w/big t.ideas. ICO's will find you and vise versa.

>> No.2831785


>> No.2832161

Check out Metal (MTL) its the best coin I've come across after months of researching. They already have 140 weed dispensaries signed up and ready to use their systems and their rewards/affiliate program is insane. Its a real need being filled with a coin that will actually be used. Shocking...

>> No.2832487

I ignore each post with this word

>> No.2832605

My Dad made bitcoin and he says it's a virus so sell right now or you'll get the bitvirus

>> No.2832638

sold 100k thanks

>> No.2832684

Buy Nortoncoin

>> No.2832715

i dont like horses

>> No.2833068

OK, I found it, but where can I buy it?

>> No.2833111


If only you guys knew how big a whale I was lol. It all happened so quick the past 4 years and I'm at the center of it all but I still have love for my fagbros. Unfortunately the dirt I have is so specific that if I leaked it, everyone in the center would know it was me so my hands are tied. I'd be happy to give you my opinion on anything or everything crypto related though. (I don't care if you believe me or not, that's up to you)

>> No.2833216

Trips don't lie

>> No.2833277

Assuming BIP 91 is activated, what do you think will happen next (in context of scaling)?

>> No.2833282

Tradecoin , bogcoin... check em

>> No.2833297

ark and rise?

>> No.2833304

and spread some of that whale blubber to fellow small fish anon :(


>> No.2833309

What's going on with Bitcoin right now? Chink pump and dump or organic hype for BIP91?
What's your floor and ceiling for Bitcoin post-BIP91?
Will BIP91 help or hurt Litecoin and Eth?

>> No.2833311

Post any semblance of proof or else you're a roleplayer in my eyes.

>> No.2834005

BIP will help btc. if btc goes up, so will ltc. im waiting for a dip this weened and im going IN TO THE MOON

>> No.2834115

What do you choose between PIVX, Verge, Monero, and ZCash?

>> No.2834139


PIVX purely on room for growth.

>> No.2834393
File: 5 KB, 225x225, 1497927220358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.2834410
File: 101 KB, 728x636, 1a156913b83fe62f145db90c10f4b9a2b3452d20aaae659529eb66c36cc550df.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

By bumping the thread you make it worse RETARD.

>> No.2834464
File: 320 KB, 511x500, 1499700942608.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw 5d chess

>> No.2834877


>> No.2834912

In the SYNX "hodl" slack, they plan to slow pump with 5 SYNX orders in order to attract FOMOs, just buy now and dump on their ass when it inevitably rises to around 14k

>> No.2834926

keep PIVX off of /biz. don't need any FUD or shilling to ruin this project

>> No.2835241

Bumping cause fuck you

>> No.2835368


>> No.2835936


is it enigma?

>> No.2836757


>> No.2836762
File: 195 KB, 1600x1600, Insidertrading.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I am screencapping the shit out of this thread. Honestly wasn't expecting it to be such a success. Lots of very good insider info here, DYOR and use it to your advantage.

>> No.2836784 [DELETED] 
File: 197 KB, 371x375, 1488862532314.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's SOMA
screencap this

>> No.2836868

Hello everyone. I am a very recognized dude on here and im here to answer a couple of questions. There has been alot of fear regarding the future of ETH. I am here to tell you that big news is coming up!

>> No.2836918

It's already been said fuccboii

>> No.2837374

Vitalik lurks biz? Who would have though
Capped. Appears you've deleted your post now so I'll post the screenshot if you made the right call.

>> No.2838262

What is it

>> No.2838272

My uncle works at bitcoin and he says that if you sell low and buy high enough times, you will receive a secret gift from Satoshi Nakamoto, programmed into bitcoin itself. You need a special wallet, though.

>> No.2838380

Did anyone ever figure out what it was? I have all the clues and a list of all the ICOs ending in A and I still can't figure it out...

>> No.2838404

If youre too dumb to figure it out you dont deserve to get rich

>> No.2838424

got it. thanks whaleanon

just bought 100k

>> No.2838453

I don't get it... I'm losing sleep here

>> No.2838513

Thank just bought .001k

>> No.2838657

I feel bretty bad but I cant just give it away and I doubt anyone else here really will after seeing what it is. Dig a bit further but keep digging because you're running out of time. You have more than enough hints.

>> No.2838666
File: 8 KB, 215x250, 1481114520745s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's not soma dipshit. he literally said it wasnt SOMA. It's something else....

>> No.2838678

ty satan

>> No.2838762 [DELETED] 


ends in letter A
no set date
can be purchased right now
is on icoalert.com

>> No.2838765

its Internet of agreement.

cross boarder between legal world + smart contracts.

ceo from ethereum project.

ceo has wide connection with European governments.

>> No.2838766

canNOT be purchased right now. are you retarded? did u even read the thread??? it's an ICO with an upcoming date. It's either e, d, or I.

>> No.2838774
File: 136 KB, 456x337, 1341185157551.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>No set date for ICO
>Can be purchased right now, before ICO

>> No.2838782

top kek

>> No.2838792

Holy shit look at all those future scam icos on icoalert

Invest in Americans only

>> No.2838812

What was it?

>> No.2838837

Seemed like a scam from the pictures, are you sure? What does that have to do with T w O? Or the "word is near it" hint?

I've looked thru a few but I'm too nervous to put money in to anything in case it's the wrong one, fml all I do on here is lose money

>> No.2838844

Seemed like a scam from the site I mean

>> No.2838855

Onegaishitmasu nigga

>> No.2838866
File: 49 KB, 400x400, 1962israel100shekelrev400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cybershekel will launch soon and become the dominant crypto.

>> No.2838970


to the moon

>> No.2839001

This isn't what i had in mind but it looks really good too.

>> No.2839108 [DELETED] 

Read the last guesses, then read the whitepaper and then you understand the hint

>> No.2839266

This is pretty crazy. Everyone thinks they've got it but the only person who was actually right all along didn't even get acknowledged whatsoever.

>> No.2839297

If it came before this post it's probably wrong, unless he missed it. Fuck me I have no idea how to narrow it down, social media one seems doubtful, all of them seem doubtful, why must I be forever loser in crypto

>> No.2839390
File: 36 KB, 450x364, 63892038.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

He did miss it. This one is so god damn obvious and I can't give it away completely but you will know for a fact when you've found it because even if someone told me I was wrong I wouldn't believe them because I'm 100% right on the money

>> No.2839469
File: 1.50 MB, 1920x1053, 1498997724832.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hi guys, im the guy who gave the hints almost 24 hours ago, this was fun, some ppl are going to jupiter soon, make sure to make a thread when it happens and give a shout out, ill probably be around

>> No.2839487

This thread should be called future wojack poster general.

>> No.2839506

Yeah you still have the same idea.
They do have a solid team but i can't see when I'll be able to invest or any hints towards that. Guess I'll keep my eyes open, thanks.

>> No.2839515

Same ID not idea

>> No.2839531
File: 529 KB, 591x419, it.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Super excited to see what happens in the next 24 hours if I was right with my guess. If so, you will forever be known as the Hero of /biz/ our Lord and savior Lambo merchant.

>> No.2839541
File: 47 KB, 700x368, PinealGland.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hope Im picking the right one, but it sounds like its going to be pretty damn awesome... t-thanks, whalefriend

>> No.2839548

they will annonce it in their blog, they wrote

>> No.2839557

godamn it anon, still heavily autistic and new to this faggot crypto world.. help out?

send a message


>> No.2839577


>> No.2839593 [DELETED] 

What about this? Consensys seems legiter and will take over


>> No.2839606

Hey you're back.

So some anons thinks its IOA.

Yeah why such confidences from your whale friend on it?

Also you got a blockfolio to share?

>> No.2839628

If you saw their website you would see why.

I dont use that shithole data mining app, sorry. My whale friend is an old school stock trader so crypto is like playing a game on easy for him.

>> No.2839632
File: 406 KB, 1596x2423, fantastici-quattro-alex-ross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OmiseGO is going to be used as a payment channel all across Asia (starting with Thailand). Coin has a low market cap currently, so when this is official it will sky rocket.


>> No.2839634

It's obviously enigma catalyst , don't get fooled by the shills

>> No.2839635

Testnet launches tomorrow according to the dev. Even if you say I have the wrong one I won't believe you :) this is definitely it.

>> No.2839639

Buy eth RIGHT NOW and sell it tonight for easy gains.

>> No.2839665

god fucking damnit.. cant google find any hints you re dropping :((

>> No.2839684

Ahh okay, so why did you get into crypto and were you millionare before it?

Also do you day trade in crypto or in it for the long haul? I would invest for the long term but I can't generate enough captial from 3k to maybe 30k if I stretch it without cutting into my life. Any advice other than do my own due diligence?

Thx for the reply before.

Could be but, new cryto trading platform vs new infrastructure for contracts. Leaning towards IOA to learn more.

>> No.2839690

This one isn't even going to have a public crowdsale/ico apparently and is going to be slowly rolled out in phases. Glad I got on the boat this early but you better fucking hurry and keep digging because I'm not sure how else you're supposed to get in and it'll be too late. Seriously can't believe how there is zero hype about this right now and I have no fucking idea how whaleanon could have ever expected anyone to find it without insider info, literally zero mentions anywhere on the internet or even twitter. This one is going to pop out of nowhere like metal did except it will have a much bigger and lasting impact. I could literally fap to this white paper, it's like intellectual porn.

>> No.2839700

I ll fucking pay you half of my profit..

I m either looking on wrong ICO startup page.. so are we looking for an existing coin? ENIGMA? wtf is going on lol... thanking myself for being autistic

>> No.2839712

I dont get it, is testnet the ico name?

Im an early adopter of groundbreaking tech, so crypto
Mostly longtime hodler, dunno much about daytrading
Advise is buy icos, dump on exchange day 1

>> No.2839724

ahh fuck it, too retarded to go into this.. dont wanna lost this shitty pocket change i got but hey anon thanks for sharing.. if true big. enjoy your lambos.. need to go warm up my fuckign noodles

>> No.2839729

Youre not retarded, just read the ico pages that seem promising, invest in good teams and tech you would actually use or things that would be used by ppl, thats about it

>> No.2839733

dump ico on day1?

Is it because the instability and speculative pumped price before it normalize.

Do you personally re-enter back into the ico if you believe in the them or do you just want to make money and move it back into more stable coins like btc and eth?

Because that's how I think I would approach it earning in the short-term via icos.

Anyways thanks for time, one I'll make enough to fund my chinese cartoons.

>> No.2839736

the time, one day*

>> No.2839749

Dude, I lost like 66% of my overall capital trading crypto and even I know to dump something once it hits a major exchange. This larper doesn't even know what a testnet is.

>> No.2839756

i m way too new in this subject, all ICOs have their marketing team write all sort of BS on their pages.. so they are all GREAT AND NEW etc etc.. since its an ICO and I dont own any ETH i cannot get it.. but again thanks anon.. hope you make it big

>> No.2839759

Testnet as in private roll out for testing without actually using actual funds yet. I'm pretty glad you narrowed things down for me to do some deep research and find this sleeper hit. Funniest part yet is that it's actually been mentioned in this thread exactly once.

>> No.2839761

Analyze past history of icos on day 1 in exchanges and get rich.
Yes always reenter lower if you believe the coin has future, good old buy low sell high. 85% of shitcoins will be at least 2x a year after launch unless you pick a jew scam like bancor, and even that could get there cause ppl are stupid

>> No.2839766

So if you know that why have you lost 66%?

>> No.2839778



Also I'm a curious cat, how much did you lose m8?

>> No.2839787

how is bancor a scam? are you saying bernard lietaer is a scammer?

This guy is a total retard. He probably trolled the whole lot of you

>> No.2839789

meant for you

>> No.2839803

from the clues left by anon you would know 100% when you found it.
going through the website confirms it with zero doubt.
all clues fit when you see it.

>> No.2839812

i lost nothing mate if you re asking me, firstly I dont belive in ICOs I dont believe in ETH.. but people are amking money on it.. I need some angel money for a shitty life situation, guess I ll go to the bank.

>> No.2839823

Lost under 900 USD doing noob stuff while being super ADHD. This guy is having too much fun with the larp, but at least it's getting people to do their own research and better than the people shilling their bags or pnds.

>> No.2839824

CPC? Is it a sleeping giant?

>> No.2839829

Given the way it seems this will work, I don't think we're "going to jupiter," it's gonna be more like a slow plane ride. The way the "ICO" is going to work seems like there won't be much risk or profit.

>> No.2839831

DYOR was the real ICO all along. Pack it up, guys.

>> No.2839836
File: 75 KB, 675x1200, IMG_20170720_174055.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You realize metal had a private ico and people bought it for 15 cents right? Pic related

>> No.2839841 [DELETED] 

Are we talking about the same project?(((loans)))

>> No.2839844

This could be either Sia or IOTA. Both have great promise.

>> No.2839848

Hey lehna

You're a derp

>> No.2839851

you're a fucking idiot

>> No.2839853

goddamn it you re killing me... cant find shit, does the ICO only take ETH?

>> No.2839857

Total newbie just looking at crypto for the first time. I could splurge and try something new, but man this whole market as a whole seems like a shit-show. Is it even worth getting into at this stage of the game?

>> No.2839858 [DELETED] 

Are we talking about the same project? The one where we will become the jews?

>> No.2839860

I'm glad someone else found it. The biggest tip I can probably give anyone else trying to find this is to just look at the devs and you will know when you've got it right. It's so obvious, there will be one that stands out from the rest with their qualifications.

>> No.2839863

Stay poor my friends. Don't forget to post red wojaks after five years when both currencies hit the moon.

>> No.2839865

Yes we are Anon. I'm happy to see someone else finally got it.

>> No.2839868

btc and eth

>> No.2839872

I'm more interested in the ICO that is being discussed, I could drop a fat wad on that when i figure out what it is. i'm currently still researching.

>> No.2839883
File: 38 KB, 1271x184, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

From the developer on slack. That's why i don't think we're going to jupiter. Decent gains to be had, but not that much. Also I still don't get "T w 0"

>> No.2839887

I'll message you on slack, are you rayray or jdub?

>> No.2839889


>> No.2839912

I work closely with the Qatari royal family. There are rumors that after 1 August the Royal family will buy several hundred millions worth of Bitcoins,This means the price will skyrocket starting 08.01

>> No.2839935

Where is that?

>> No.2839952

I believe it. If this board had flags I wouldn't doubt you one bit.

>> No.2839976

OK, I found it, too.

>> No.2839984

wtf, I just bought MTL today. How did people get into a private ICO?

>> No.2840007

So whats so good about dharma to be hush hush.

>> No.2840008

stratis insiders

also ive had my eye on the whales pick, the team is full of millionaires

>> No.2840028

Which whales? You mean following them on social media/Telegram/slack?

>> No.2840079

I think I know which one it is, I've got two which look big but I can't be sure.

>> No.2840094

thanks clue anon.

just going through the Slack channel, someone posted an impressive article on Bloomberg and that Futurism article got me hard.
These people are not fucking around.
Tempted to go balls deep on the token launch

>> No.2840109

i think im on the wrong page, just confirm, is it on icoalert?

>> No.2840121

it is

>> No.2840133

just to confirm it is not listed as date, meaning either tbd or ?? yes.

>> No.2840163

"One of the last letters is near there. "
I still don't get what's that supposed to mean.
Could any of you guys paraphrase it?

>> No.2840177

I think i found it and I feel retarded for not finding it sooner.

Pro-tip: Don't think about it too hard.

>> No.2840180

you won't need confirmation, it will be that obvious
it's pretty clever.
you will kick yourself when you get it

>> No.2840186

Good for you, hope ppl keep it quiet, its gonna be hard to get in the ico

>> No.2840188

Me too.... Wow I actually managed to find amazing icos by doing my own research. Are you talking about (((Africa))) now? Can't we're believe we're stooping to this level on biz

>> No.2840195

When do you expect the ico to happen?

>> No.2840213

well if it is or isn't IOA or dharma

I still dont understand the tips.

You made it too much into a riddle, i hate riddles. Math is easier.

T w 0 still makes no sense, unless you mean O from " T w O" is part of the IOA confirming the "near there" riddle which is a stretch.

>> No.2840219

If you look where u should you'll find the answer

>> No.2840231

T w 0 just confirms the answer

>> No.2840236

probably not. from their FAQ:
>Is Dharma.io going to issue a protocol token?
We currently are not planning on issuing a protocol token or pursuing any sort of token-based crowd-fund.

>> No.2840251

Nope, dont understand. Making my head hurt.
T w and a fucking zero. Ahhhh autistic.

Fuck this riddle.

>> No.2840262

either i'm on the one or im far off it.

>> No.2840269

He said don't take it literally

>> No.2840284

Someone just tell me what it is. Fuck all this bullshit , there's not enough strength behind 4chan regardless.

>> No.2840287
File: 96 KB, 854x972, atlas of feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

alright, so I've been trying to interpret these riddles since yesterday, and I think I've overcomplicated it.

ends in A, should be easy unless the coin ticker is what he means.

"One of the last letters is near there. "

Near... jupiter? So mars or saturn. One of the last letters is m, or s.

Near... the space bar? That's a lot of letters.

T w 0. Two letter o's in the name?

However, the real treasure in searching is looking and finding potential in all the ICOs.

Regardless of the answer, I'm going to be watching monetha.

>> No.2840288

Eh I give up, plus if I was taking it literally I would of consider the numeric value of 2. Instead of the string value of three which is same string length as IOA.

>> No.2840304

It's probably Starta apparently Pajeets are selling it for fucking cents on waves exchange and the ico is capped at like 1 million or something. Also
Only two he didn't comment on in this entire thread that end with A

>> No.2840317

how is it Starta if that ico already ended?
He's hinted that the ico is in the upcoming list on icoalert

>> No.2840318

oh fuck I found it.
>you'll know it when you find it
Yeah no shit lol

>> No.2840325

think logically, what would people use?

I doubt it's Enigma, or IOA, they're both targeted audiences, me thinks a wider audience of crypto, T w 0< One of the last letters near there, A.

>> No.2840339

Jesus Christ has anyone considering this anon is maybe just maybe making all of this up for a laugh

>> No.2840341

If we interpret "one of the last letteres is near there" literally, etherex is the perfect match but it doesn't end in A and the site seems down.
e+there+x(x is one of the last letters of alphabet)

>> No.2840343

The ICO hasn't been launched yet.
and just look at the only guy at Dharma.
I would not risk even small money there

>> No.2840344

What if he isnt?

>> No.2840353

not after reading what ((ICOnamajeffa)) has to offer, not really.

>> No.2840361

Yes, but I'm willing to look because I need to check out the new ICOs anyway

>> No.2840365

I'm also considering that he might not be because just what if he isn't?

>> No.2840368

not many anons have blurted out the answer after finding it

>> No.2840370

It's gotta be fucking starta dudes this one ended a while ago but so many Pajeets are selling beneath ico price on waves exchange. I'll watch the order book and look for whales or bots

>> No.2840371

to confirm we are on same page can someone slack me

>> No.2840376


>'friend' of mine is in the neo-team
>will be the main Asian crypto due to contracts with some big names

>can't say which but you'll be cheering all week

>already signed the contracts

>here's what you asked for so make up your mind and have fun.

>> No.2840380

don't worry bro you'll get it soon enough ; )
it took me a while too

just remember the riddles, there's time to figure it out

>> No.2840389

he said it wasn't starta already.

I'm quite confident with my belief of the ico.

>> No.2840391

If it is starta then I'm disapointed. I looked at it an month ago and was not really impressed.

If you check out the "startups" they are currently funding, they are almost all total shit and basically bound to fail.

>> No.2840395

I haven't even seen it mentioned here yet.

>> No.2840400

Everyone that says they have figured it out and the go onto saying how "it's so simple if you don't overthink it" are just larping

>> No.2840407

so you found it? it's in the upcoming list? TBD?

>> No.2840417


>> No.2840432

Even though this might be true, not everybody on 4chan are larpers. Although the "real deals" are getting increasingly rarer, because whenever you actually want to share information here you're usually called a liar and a faggot. Which wasn't the case 5 years ago, when information like that was actually encouraged.

I know this from a first hand experience. I'm a television/film industry insider and there's been a couple of times when I've wanted to share something on /tv/, all of which have pretty much ended with "fuck off you larping faggot". Never again. People here don't deserve it anymore.

>> No.2840447

fuckin hell mate give me the results for any major show and i'll double it down on sportsbet.

>> No.2840452

I thought it was Dharma. Guess not? So it's in the TBD list?
And it's not Akasha, Dharma, Autoria, or Vega? That's all of them under TBD.

>> No.2840455

Hahaha I've actually made a killing with GoT on these fucking betting sites.

>> No.2840461


>> No.2840471

when everyone is raging ETH, BTC, LTC, ANS and NEO, I'm just here with my LBRY.

>> No.2840476
File: 116 KB, 2094x2094, 1500182883464.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I trust you, tell us something

>> No.2840478

im going to sleep have fun anons, hopefully this thread isn't kill when I wake up.

>> No.2840499

>I don't get it so every one that has is larping.
regardless once you find it and read how successful the team's past projects have been you will see what a no brainer this one is. most of those ICO are shit tier scams.
this will bring ALOT of the big investors into crypto.

>> No.2840532

Well... since I said it, and since I mentioned GoT, I might as well at least say something - just to let you know I'm not a "larping faggot".

It's not much, but next episode ends with a ship battle with multiple minor characters dying. No need to go into specifics since you can't bet on the new season anymore anyway.

>> No.2840539

fucking spoiler tags

>> No.2840543

Yes but see this
It's Vega guys. DYOR don't just listen to me.

>> No.2840557

how did you figure that out?

>> No.2840601


>> No.2840680

vega looks a bit shit desu, no reason for it to have a ICO.

>> No.2840785

I'm salty as fuck he won't just give the answer.

>> No.2840802

Use. Your. Eyes.

>> No.2840809

Also don't think like a Chad.

>> No.2840816

i m blind, using windows for the blind

>> No.2840825


It's Omega One bro

end with a
T w <-- sign for omega 0 <-- one

>> No.2840832

thanks broanon

>> No.2840865

I've been looking for several hours. I'm just demonstrably retarded with riddles.

How does T w relate to the sign for Omega?

>> No.2840901
File: 5 KB, 425x99, derp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"T"o be determined

>> No.2840904

>How does T w relate to the sign for Omega?
in the way described, it honestly doesn't.

>> No.2840909


>> No.2840937

Holy shit I think you're right. I wasn't even considering the lowercase version of omega.

>> No.2840941

Makes perfect sense

>> No.2840947 [DELETED] 

i could tell you, but spoon feeding is for the retards.
it is much more simple than your sherlock holmes shit.


>> No.2840958

Not this one, hint 2 not there, try harder

>> No.2840964 [DELETED] 

If you think you've got it and the omega one guy is wrong, riddle me this: "one of the last letters is near there. "

was the last character before the quote intentional? if so, I found it too.

>> No.2840987 [DELETED] 

"one of the last letters" also works.
don't go running your mouth

>> No.2841081

Oy Veyyy, shut it down!!!!!

>> No.2841161

he's denied every possible one.

>> No.2841188

Not really:)

>> No.2841202

ITT: dumb nigger pajeets falling for LARP since fucking yesterday

This guy is laughing his ass off, every single fucking upcoming ICO was mentioned and he denies every one lmao
>hi guys it's me the millionaire from yesterday with a different ID, guess you'll just have to trust me on this one ;)

>> No.2841206

lets all be real Omega One has the most potential and is the whale.

>> No.2841227

fuck off
>omega symbol

fuck i want to eat my sock

>> No.2841228 [DELETED] 

it could be omega one or one other ico based on the extremely reputable team

>> No.2841258

I just denied the wrong answers and i never said i would acknowledge the answer, but if u play the game you will seee the answer is easy.

>> No.2841267
File: 10 KB, 598x404, 1467724610059.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Another hint please, I feel disoriented and thought it was one with only one guy listed. Surely it's not the "place" one, even if they did have successful past non-crpyto projects, right? All I do is lose money on initial investments but have never tried an ICO...

>> No.2841279

If my dumb ass can figure it out you've said more than enough already. This thread was also an exercise in researching upcoming ICOs and I found a couple good ones.

>> No.2841307

Yeah i gave way too many hints and the ppl who got it are keeping it quiet. Good for you, i also learned of a few icos that i will be researching

>> No.2841340


are you on their slack?

>> No.2841341

Why don't you just give it?
It's not like they are whales with lots of cash in hand

>> No.2841342

regardless, if he helped point in the direction of an upcoming ICO that actually looks really fucking good, then what difference would it make?

>> No.2841378


Did you read the Bloomberg article posted in their slack about John Mack?

>> No.2841396

I'm just saying he's just fucking with everybody, I didn't even try to look for the one he's shilling about but I've read the posts.
How can he guarantee that an ICO with supposed great potential will "go to jupiter"?
Who's going to pump it after the ICO? We've seen the ICOs lately, all coins get dumped the moment they hit the exchanges.
What's a "bitcoin millionare" doing on 4chan for 2 days straight in the same thread, 30 posts today alone just posting "that's not the one ;)" after every post?


>> No.2841398
File: 197 KB, 316x261, 1488911270892.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You got to do this another time but with a different coin, its been too fun and infuriating. But all this did get me to start taking the researching abit more seriously.

Though I pose this, what multiplier "x?" are you expecting from your 50k units position of " ".

Also what have multiplier of returns have you experienced in the past ?

>> No.2841416


if you could read that article then you would have an answer.
I don't fuck with ICO's anymore because of the same reasons you have stated

>> No.2841434

I'm a self made millionaire (outside of crypto) and I've been on 4chan for over a decade. Not saying you're wrong that he's larping but also not saying you're right. Either way I found a couple really good looking coins I'll be following.

>> No.2841470

Just read the article and it mentions omega one. But he has already said that omega one isn't the ico he is going on about. Unless he's just denying it's the one on purpose.

>> No.2841489

there's one other ITT that he hasn't denied, that's also flaunting game changing tech (he said he's an early adopter of tech).

I'm def buying into Omega One as well though.

>> No.2841571

kek the hints were perfect for omega one, i'm disappointed

>> No.2841788

Yeh omega one looks interesting apart from the fact it's more than likely going to be uncapped seeing as they said they can do more with $1B than $100M...

So looks like it was enigma then

>> No.2841912

>says Reddit and rest of normies
>Fucktoken was literally made on Reddit to tip NSFW girls
you're a fucking retard

>> No.2842009

omega one, dharma, enigma

>> No.2842096

I fail to see how the hints are relevant to enigma. Except the E of enigma who's a w rotated

>> No.2842146

I think I figured it out. The hints/riddles suck, but if you carefully peruse the thread, you can find it simply through the process of elimination and some common sense.

Write down every single one that has been mentioned and cross them off one by one. Take it slow and you'll find it.

>> No.2842185

Yeah, but I don't care about the coin (as I don't do ICO) I want to know the answer of the riddle.

>> No.2842194

Same. I got Dharma, which was denied, enigma, which might be denied not sure, and IOA. Still don't understand the T w 0.