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File: 250 KB, 2083x2083, 6866-MP_UK_Average-Salary-UK-resized.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28301301 No.28301301 [Reply] [Original]

Why are britfags so poor?
Aren't they the most capitalist country in europe?
Whats their excuse?

>> No.28301402

convert it to USD

>> No.28301458


>> No.28301478

This is an average. It doesn’t reflect the high number of both rich and scroungers.

>> No.28301514

then convert it to London cost of living

>> No.28301524

I personally get autismbux on top of my salary!

>> No.28301646
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Cities vary massively. Where I live in scotland the average salary is £59000.

>> No.28301737


>> No.28301828


>> No.28301842


>> No.28301897

So what happened to all of the blue collar work? Everything on the job market seems to be work for free or for very little.

>> No.28301955

The equivalent of spending your whole life in rural america and then trying to get an apartment in NYC. Some people are just priced out.

>> No.28301999

apart from london wages are nowhere near as much as shown on the map

>> No.28302183

We are capitalist lite. When ever immigrant fags come over here they always say to me, if this is your conservative gov, your left wing one must be unreal. Its nowhere near as capitalist as people think

>> No.28302193
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We dont have an excuse.

Highest economic freedom in Europe, easy as fuck to do business, yet our GDP per capita is lower than fucking France

Absolute inbred shithole of an island

>> No.28302199

That got outsourced in the name of a tolerant, progressive economy.

>> No.28302271

>Blames Thatcher

>> No.28302276

It's almost like the people who rule us actually hate us and don't want us to succeed so they can import 'skilled labour'.

>> No.28302318

Anybody here who chooses to live in London is a moron, you can live an hour away by train and half your rent or buy the same house 4x cheaper

>> No.28302321

Really? Because the median income for white people in the US is right around $50k, so you guys should be around 40k pounds.

>> No.28302538

>ngmi id
>also green
What did Kek mean by this

>> No.28302614

UK is poorer than the US. We are Mississipi tier

>> No.28302760

>commuting on a british train
Enjoy paying 10% of your salary on a season ticket and being 2 hours late every day

>> No.28302990

highly classcucked society, economy based on finances ect. You have the upper crust and then the plebs. I mean every country is like this, but it's very noticeable in bongland

>> No.28303025


Basically England

>> No.28303172

> britfags so poor

$35k in crypto
$45k in cash
$300k 4-bedroom house

I'm 31 and feel like I'm doing just fine.

>> No.28303173

dude thats like roughly 50 thousand dollars average, that isn't poor

>> No.28303189

London is the globohomo capital of the world
the 'you'll own nothing and be happy' is being rolled out 5-10 years ahead of everywhere else in the world

>> No.28303221


yea but they have some of the best education and free healthcare!!!! and culture!!!

>> No.28303236

yeah I thought it was in dollars
I know I know

>> No.28303266
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Europe has lower wages than usa. Especially for specialists.

>> No.28303289

:( I'm sorry to hear that. I unironically recommend cutting taxes and welfare. Exempt companies under 50 or 100 employees from as many laws and regulations as possible. Maybe even look into privatizing the NHS.

Now that you're free of the EU you have a good chance to steal as much entrepreneurial talent and human capital as possible.

>> No.28303293

are ameriburgers really this stupid?

>> No.28303359

an oil town more likely

>> No.28303369

Convert to USD and then add the amount you pay for healthcare each year :)

>> No.28303371

>my personal situation disproves averages
Dunces like you should be beaten to death with a cricket bat

>> No.28303406

true :)

>> No.28303421
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the cost of living here has increased while the jew has done nothing to increase wages
>£30 train tickets every day for the liberty of working
the neat thing about certain parts of europe is that it's actually relatively cheap and visually is quite nice, the UK is just a depressive fucking hell hole with shit weather, shit houses, shit architecture, no culture

and thanks to the niggerfaggots that voted for brexit, it's even harder to escape without the freedom of movement

>> No.28303491

fucking burgers, kek

>> No.28303513

Remainer faggot. Are you a nigger or a Jew? Must be one of them if you want to be in the eu

>> No.28303610

>shit weather, shit houses, shit architecture, no culture
shit food.

>> No.28303636


if i wasn't from new york fucking city i'd want to be british. but y'know, i'm from the literal dream destination for everyone on earth.

it sucks im moving to glasgow

>> No.28303706

>it sucks im moving to glasgow

oh no no no no!

Can I ask why? Can't you commute from somewhere nicer?

>> No.28303720

I think my sister pays 90 bucks a month for healthcare in the US
I don't know cause I'm still on my parents plan

>> No.28303776

Fucking retard.

>> No.28303815

Americans think we are socialist like Europe, the reality is aside from the NHS, our taxes are relatively low and our welfare is much lower than comparable European countries.
The NHS is already part privatised and doing so is deeply unpopular politically so that is not going to happen any time soon. NHS is highly flawed but actually very cost efficient compared again to other Euro health systems

>> No.28303831


i want to fuck gingers and pakis with glaswegian accents and it reminds me very much of the good parts of nyc and im obsessed with limmy and armando iannucci

>> No.28303906

Fuck off to Belgium and never come back, remoaner

>> No.28303909


i know Scottish NHS is completely free and probably bleeds money endlessly but it sure sounds nice if i had kids

>> No.28304030

Scotland also gets free university education funded by the English taxpayer kek

>> No.28304090

>calling out jews
>calling others niggerfaggots
"you must be a nigger or a jew!"
average leaver education everyone
yeah it's shit, and then anything decent is expensive as fuck, i used to travel a bit and places in europe had great outdoor cafe culture with little side dishes for a couple of euros, whereas in the UK that'd be £10 + tip per side
>Fuck off to Belgium and never come back
i would've gladly if you braindead niggers that actually enjoy living in this cancerous hellhole of a country hadn't voted to remove my ability to easily get the fuck out of here

you don't even enjoy this shithole, you're just a seething northern poorfag that can't admit the jew government tricked you and needs someone else to blame

>> No.28304147

I blame thatcher for everything.

>> No.28304196
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it may rain 88.8% of the year up there but they sure do bleed the lowlands dry

pic related, me drinking irn bru

>> No.28304255

> shit weather, shit houses, shit architecture, no culture

Let me guess, you're a London street-shitter?

>> No.28304292

seethe cunt, if romanians can still make it over here you could fuck off to europe if you werent such a larping queer pussy

>> No.28304385

I like irn bru, though I find it to be a bit strong

>> No.28304536

Most of us leech. Get back to work for me wagie. If you are brown then clean my toilet.

>> No.28304547

It’s probably not that different when you take into account the exchange rate and the fact that UK citizens don’t pay as much per head for things like health insurance or income and property taxes.

>> No.28304591
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>> No.28304625

21 year old on £47k checking in. Most people here are fucking retarded and don't deserve to earn anything.

>> No.28304630

I hate you furlough cunts with a passion

>> No.28304739

>t. retail wagie

>> No.28304747


>> No.28304778

>£47k nw acting like a big boy
State of you. I bet your name is Brandon or Taylor or some other chav shit

>> No.28304807

>our taxes are relatively low
I'm paying 51% on anything above £50k (including my student loan). It is a ridiculously high level of tax.
The people who work part time and very low income win because of the personal allowance. The low earners and middle earners in the UK are basically pushed together in this country - you can earn £20k and take home like £1500 or you can earn £40k and take home £2200, the difference in quality of life between these two people is negligible.

>> No.28304871

No my name is Pajeet

>> No.28304896

wtf I only mak £25000 working 9-5, 5 days a week

>> No.28304959

Repaying a student loan isnt tax retard

>> No.28305032
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How does it feel knowing that our masters brought you in only as cheap chattel labor?

>> No.28305096

Couldn’t pay me to live in that dreich shitehole Aberdeen.

t. based innawoods cairngormer

>> No.28305159

But it keeps anyone not earning >50k down into the same quality of life as the other two I mentioned.
I'm on 90 now and student loan paid off, so I'm finally starting to 'escape'.

>> No.28305373

The absolute state of burgers

>> No.28305502
File: 263 KB, 413x541, whiter than you.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kill yourself nigger

>> No.28305596

Average by age group and location is more indicative of your relative success. 28k isn't much by national average but for a working class lad from the ex mining part of the West Midlands who didn't go to uni, had a single mom, heroin addict family etc under 30 years old it's doing pretty okay

>> No.28306281

Those figures look really high to me. I thought mean average outside London was around £30k and median is around £23k. That's going by latest ONS figures.

>> No.28306670

That's nice Pawel, now when does your deportation flight back to Warsaw leave?

>> No.28306821

reminder that average is pumped by high earners in the city. its lower than that

>> No.28307008

seethe more you northern peasant, this place is cancer and should be wiped from the face of the earth
yeah there's no way small towns with like 5 shitty retail shops on the brink of bankruptcy are paying 35k salaries

>> No.28307272

They do seem high. I earn about 50k in the West Mids and everybody i know earns 25-35k max.

>> No.28307444

I'm a neet desu I don't know how much people earn in the US. I just don't like britfags. Do the needful an ky britlosers.

>> No.28307446

its shite now that the recipie has less sugar

>> No.28307478
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>> No.28307554

Just to add to this I looked up some figures where I live in South West.
Our biggest 'cities' -
Bristol: 31k average
Exeter: 26k average
Plymouth: 25k average

>> No.28307606
File: 278 KB, 1102x1171, 1612487672623.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm paler than you toilet cleaner and nice google reverse image search HAHAHAHAHA.

>> No.28307623

You seem angry, have you considered taking your meds mate?

>> No.28307689

post hand

>> No.28307703

>where are taxes going
Ask the millions getting thousands in furlough money each month to sit on their arses watching netflix

>> No.28307827

>bragging about paying off a 17k plan 1 loan
Or for plan 2
>complaining about tax on a 90k salary you have after <5 years out of uni
Not sure which is the bigger yikes

>> No.28307834

May also have something to do with that tanking economy of yours.

Honestly I’m sad. I was an anglocuck for years. I really hope things turn around for you guys but I’m not sure how that’s possible.

>> No.28308193

What do you do m8

>> No.28308241
File: 358 KB, 583x493, nfNujdpCwELAQuBkI2CRo5ONsHX8k4aARY5OGrTWgS0ELAQsBP6qETgucsSXkdUsBCwELAQsBCwELAQsBD5KCMwsDxzX5R4XOTquI1udLQQsBCwELAQsBCwELAQ+gghY5OgjOGnWJVsIWAhYCFgIWAhYCJw8BCxydPKwtY5sIWAhYCFgIWAhYCHwEUTAIkcfwUmzLtlCwELAQsBCwELAQuDkIWCRo5OHrXVkCwELAQsBCwELAQuBjyACFj.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28308245
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>> No.28308583

Healthcare and pensions

Because we have a very old, fat and unproductive population that needs supporting.

Because they're getting older, fatter, unhealthier and we've shut down the economy for a year because of covid.

Because our country is a ponzi scheme set up for the boomers.

>> No.28308848

Just do what I did anon.

>get masters degree for free in commie eu country
>move to the UK and get a job in clown(fin)tech as an engineer where no one cares about degrees because there's a lot of VC money to throw around

One of my colleagues was absolutely seething that he has to pay £300 every month and yet we're both on the same salary.

>> No.28308982

Is Inverness a nice place to stay and visit the area?

>> No.28309237

Pretty based. Keep em seething eurobro.

>> No.28309443

>earn 9.50 an hour on a zero hour contract
How can I rise above being working class

>> No.28309666

Oh say can you see

>> No.28309690

how does denmark have lower tax burden than the us? BS, their CGT is 42% and top marginal tax rate like 60%

>> No.28309832

I'd let her suck my cock.

>> No.28309842

High number = low burden

You can see HK and Singapore top the charts and they have 0% CGT and low income taxes.

>> No.28311274


>> No.28311321

>Aren't they the most capitalist country in europe?
???????????????????????????? You are definitely american

>> No.28311515

It's plan 1, it was 22k, and I'm not bragging. I just don't think UK taxes are "low" and I don't like that no matter how much you earn in the UK, you're basically living the same lifestyle as someone on the national average wage.

A fairly niche IT job for a US fintech

>> No.28311618

>life between these two people is negligible.
this desu, my manager is on 90k, im on 36k. We both go to the same pub and order the same shitty pint and live in the same shitty area of Glasgow.

>> No.28311624

What do you do? That's a good salary.

>> No.28311838

Any advice for a jobless NEET trying to decide what area of tech to focus on learning?

>> No.28311911

Burger education right here folks.

>> No.28311946

not necessarily. when i was working in the UK i sacrificed something like 40% of my salary to go below the upper tax bracket

>> No.28312046

>So what happened to all of the blue collar work?
what are the majority of apprentices?

>> No.28312248

After tax his monthly take home is going to be 2k or so more than yours.

>> No.28312307

>$300 three bedroom house?

Is it a Barratt home on some identikit estate?

I bet you drive an Audi or a VW.

>> No.28312447
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>Why are britfags so poor?
>Aren't they the most capitalist country in europe?
>Whats their excuse?

Centuries under Jewish rule + a highly inbred population of island monkeys = the ultimate good-goy cattle.

>> No.28312485
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That all goes into car payments, mortgage, child support (ex wife), step children, holidays/crap for new wife. Meanwhile I stack up my 1k and throw it into stocks/crypto.

>> No.28312498


>> No.28312562

better known as lifestyle inflation*

God my brain is trash now, I hate lockdown

>> No.28312566

My advice: get the fuck out of the UK as soon as you can. At first I was sad I had to leave but the more I lived abroad the more I realised that the UK is just a depressing marketplace and not a country anymore.

The taxes take the piss, the government take the piss, the police take the piss. Come to Switzerland and see what a real country is like.

>> No.28312659

By having autism.

>> No.28312943

Look at job specs at highly competitive industries, HFT/hedge funds/IB/payments companies/big tech/promising startups. Use this as your guide.

Focus less about which area of tech, worry more about interview skills and being personable. If you can go to assessment centres, speak with a nice accent, and make people like you, you've already won. Once you're in, focus on specialised knowledge/tools that are used across the industry. Then move find a new job after 18 months leveraging this specialised knowledge.

Interview skills are the most important thing you need.

>> No.28313502

I get paid £16k as a chef, when people ask me what I want to do as a career I just say anything that makes me happy. Wagie jobs are only good as way to fill time, all the money I will make is from crypto but of course I will never tell my coworkers that.

>> No.28313547

kys irl

>> No.28313562

Alot of people in this thread have no idea what other countries are like to actually love in, especially in Europe. The UK is shit, that's not disputed. But many countries in Europe are also shit but in different ways. Until you've lived somewhere else for a year + you can't concieve of this though. The point is, there's no clear country in the works that is objectively best or better, that's the problem. There's no where to run to

>> No.28313830

> tfw doctor and earn less than every average there

>> No.28313910

Run by morons, inhabited by morons

>> No.28313917

yeh, then double the cost of everything and add 20%

>> No.28314301

good work anon. buy ((silver)) and gold next.

>> No.28314319

You have permanent job security, (eventually) a high wage, and a passport to anywhere in the world that you want to live.

>> No.28314498

we won the battle (of Waterloo) but it cost us literally everything we had, have and will ever have.

>> No.28314561

Job security is about the only real plus. The wage never gets to anything that wouldn't just be worth doing two subway shifts back to back a day hours wise, and no-one accuses you of a moral evil if you get a sandwich wrong. You can move some places, but lots you really can't. The US for example is near impossible to move to.

>> No.28314885

Fair enough, I thought a USA move was easy for doctors trained here.

>> No.28314890

Open a LTD and contract for UK or US companies remotily (easily £100-£130k in certain fields) and live in SouthAmerica like I do.

Best decision I ever made, still pay corporation and income taxes to the queen because I love ma homecountry

>> No.28315122

It's actually driving me up the wall

This lockdown has to end this year I can't handle it anymore

>> No.28315150

Believe me, I've lived all over Europe and South America and the UK is fucking shit. Mainly because to make your life nice the price premium is obscene. Good schools, nice house, nice area all come at a massive cost in an economy that has had wage stagnation for decades.

Is it as bad as France or Germany? No, but when I think of places like Switzerland, Slovenia, Croatia, Uruguay, Panama and even Poland then it's a disaster zone in comparison. All those places you can live a happy healthy lifestyle without paying a ridiculous premium for it just so some Paki doesn't rape your daughter or some gypo break into your house.

>> No.28315293

Kys gommie

>> No.28315374

>Slovenia, Croatia, Uruguay
You are saying these countries have better purchasing power than the UK? Maybe for an expat millionaire but not for an ordinary citizen

>> No.28315466

class has nothing to do with wealth
except in that excellence should be rewarded

>> No.28315624

No you really have to get in as soon as you qualify - taking the exams alongside your normal course, with contacts to plan internships there before graduating. Extremely hard at that as every job preferentially goes to a US medic first.

Anyway im whining but my crypto having done well this last couple of years has made me resentful for how viciously you're worked for every pound as a doctor.

>> No.28315711

>dems r real racists
>muzlims r real cucks
Copers are ngmi

>> No.28315807

What is the reputation of East Anglia bros? They don't appear to be the biggest poorfags but do they lack sovl?

>> No.28315888

>believe me
No burger

>> No.28315948

Literally no-one knows what happens there and we all think it's best not to ask either.

>> No.28315954

Sorry to hear that. Australia? A few years there with a higher wage and some sun might cheer you up. At the very least, you have high social status as a doctor.

>> No.28315975


>> No.28316078

If you're a UK expat in those countries then you'll usually be paid better than the average citizen. I'm not a millionaire by any stretch but I look at the life my schoolmates have and it's depressing. It's less about what the average citizen can afford and more how bad the UK is for its own citizens.

I do miss the UK, it was perfect before the war but now it's a shell of its former self. The fact that the middle class persists on eating shit shovelled by the 1% is something I cannot grasp

>> No.28316304

My plan 2 is 60k. Only paying £125 a month but it adds up and it is frustrating that not paying is the best option given that capital gains are exempt from the 9% (or so I hope). I have the money but just can't justify it right now and I'm definitely feeling no better off than those netting £1700 a month as you say.

>> No.28316305

>middle class persists on eating shit shovelled by the 1%
what mean

>> No.28316591

>jew government
Yeah the evil jew government that makes sure you have healthcare, pensions, cheap schooling. Seriously, please OD on heroin or something. Please.

>> No.28316791

Thinking that paying stupid prices to live in areas just so that Pakis leave them alone whilst voting Conservative and hoping Rishi Sunak becomes Prime Minister. Or, alternatively, voting for Keir Starmer because Corbyn was just too out there.

Then they go on complaining about the increase in the cost of living, how the area isn't quite what it was but you're priced out of moving anywhere else. No critical analysis of the situation at all. I know Poles who moved back to Poland because the UK was that bad

>> No.28317178

good luck, I do feel sorry for plan 2 bros. I would be very undecided about paying off early vs not if on a good wage.

>> No.28317203

I'm moving the ireland for a couple of years to try that out. I'm not adverse to moving even further but we'll see,

>> No.28317680

>being upset and becoming a schizo because you are not living in the peak era of your nation’s prosperity
Get fucking over it. At least you’re not a Amerimutt who is literally just walking dog food for feral niggers.

>> No.28317699

just work less then, the true redpill is comfy part timing for £50k a year

>> No.28318051

The real redpill is working quarter hours for £100k a year

>> No.28318125
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>capitalism makes the pleb rich
ok retard

>> No.28318268

>I get paid £16k as a chef
wtf, is that even minimum wage?

>> No.28318594

It's not about being born outside of the peak it's about recognising how badly fucked everything has become in spite of that. Parts of Europe lost multiple wars, were occupied by hostile forces and are still doing better than we are now.

Doesn't really matter to me in the long run. I'm in Switzerland now and love it (likely will move to Uruguay once I've made a bit more money). So you enjoy your expensive mini-USA hellscape.

>> No.28318699

Why Uruguay over Switzerland?

>> No.28318876

Well below

>> No.28319224
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Based retard

>> No.28319310

I just really liked it when I lived there before (only for a year though), purchasing power is about the same but property is cheaper than Switzerland. Also I just like the idea of being in South America long-term, it's more of a backwater compared to Europe so less susceptible to American cultural malevolence.

>> No.28319848

No way this isn't just some faggot britbonger larping

>> No.28320537

Holy shit how do I short GBP?

>> No.28320722

yeah those figures are BS

>MGMT Consultant in London 44K
>Everyone else i know is 20-28k (London)

Average in London is skewered by City of London.

Tbh country wide avg is like 25-28k, no idea where 30k+ is coming from

>> No.28320749

larp harder shitbrit

>> No.28320983

i think that 25k figure includes part time workers. But I agree the OP pic seems too high.

>> No.28321760

Why didnt you leave any time in the past 5 years then since you saw the referendum vote? I actually got a job in France around then and have been here ever fucking since for my sins...looking forward to getting back to Blighty one day but the kids/wife are settled for the moment.

>> No.28322613

Thanks, anon.

>> No.28322960

The state of this guy, just admit we got a bad deal already. We are being cucked by europoor as we speak

>> No.28323172

All my friends are 40k+ and I’m in healthcare

>> No.28323284

lol enjoy the land of the eternal cuck, sounds like you were made for each other

>> No.28324549

>buy ((silver)) and gold next
they are rocks... they dont produce value