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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28298114 No.28298114 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.28298156

2 cryptos at the same time man

>> No.28298188

i might buy a bitcoin

>> No.28298203

but $1m back then is like $10m now so will need before i can truly do nothing

>> No.28298237


>> No.28298243

maybe eat a happy meal?

>> No.28298292

Put it in dividend stocks and live off the interest

>> No.28298300


>> No.28298319


>> No.28298363

buy a house and >>28298237

>> No.28298407

$10mil today will be tomorrow’s $100mil. Hell depending on whether you’re under 35, you probably need a cool billion to keep up.

>> No.28298544

I already own my house and property so the mil would be straight profit, just live off the interest/dividends.

>> No.28298636

3/4 in dividend stocks, 1/4 on buying land and building my dream home (just a nice house with a small hanger-like garage so I can work on a couple cars in my spare time).

>> No.28298690

Put 200k into bitcoin, 100k into other cryptos, 500k into boomer stocks and keep 200k for hookers (2 at the same time) and cocaine.

>> No.28298702
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that's cool?

Absolutely nothing. I would just sit at home, doing absolutely nothing.

>> No.28298745

All in on that mcdonalds coin ive been seeing

>> No.28298753

quittt myyy jobbbb

>> No.28298786

Pay off debts for my mom, brother, and myself. Pay off my moms house for her. Max out a Roth IRA and invest that in mommy cathie’s ark funds. Buy a whole fuck ton of BTC ETH ADA and GRT and retire in a cool house on the beach with a blue, wood paneled Toyota Land Cruiser when i get a $17m portfolio

>> No.28298859

Buy a house in the forest of oregon, buy a bullmastiff and never look at the price of crypto ever again.

>> No.28298863

Quick this bullshit support role, take time on a real career now that I have money to work for myself and live comfy.

>> No.28298879 [DELETED] 
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The secret /biz/ server is:
It has to stay secret or (((discord))) will shut it down.
As far as (((discord))) knows it's the official server for BUNKERCHAN LEFTYPOL/[[/[/

>> No.28298903

buy land
make a wind turbine and a vegetable farm

>> No.28298914

Start the ethnostate

>> No.28298966

I'm already there and my life is exactly the same as before. Except now I don't have to worry about paying bills, and if I want/need something I just go get it.

Never let the money get to your head. Some of my friends also made it in crypto and they ended up becoming massive narcissistic pieces of shit who looked down on people with less money than them, despite being a poorfag themselves only a few years ago.

>> No.28298984

>inb4 the get into more debt and leech off of you to be their pay pig

>> No.28298990

$1m was $1,570,120.05 back in 1999 when Office Space came out, at least according to this calculator.

>> No.28299026


>> No.28299070

Buy real estate and make more money

>> No.28299084


>> No.28299107

Quit my job and claim unemployment benefits.

>> No.28299139

Do the money dance

>> No.28299147

Quit my job and hike the Pacific Crest Trail

>> No.28299247

Where’s dad?

>> No.28299253


>> No.28299262

Take some loans to buy some real estate to rent, put the rest in some stock for dividends, never work again and live a cheap, quiet life

>> No.28299268

Nah they’re pretty great tbqh senpai, my brother just has student loans and my mom has been financially independent after her divorce and working hard to slowly chip away at the mortgage she was left with over the past few years. They would do anything for me and I’d be happy to help them desu

>> No.28299298

That's what I did works great.

>> No.28299300

exchange useless toilet paper money for gold, ammo, and crypto

>> No.28299400

you do realize if it ever does come to the food supply chain being disrupted, your patch of land is getting robbed by gangs and your windmill is getting trashed by a mob, right?

>> No.28299416

Rent a apartment.
Hire a hooker for 2 days to enlarge my asshole so that I can get properly fisted.
Buy a dildo shaped like a gardengnome but made out of cocaine.
Rent a new hooker to sniff the gnome and put it in my ass.
The remaining 20k usd I would invest in GME.

>> No.28299489

you've got a nice family anon, I hope you make it for yourself and them.

>> No.28299499

how much you getting a month? Also is capital gains tax applicable?

>> No.28299547

tell them that its only a one time thing. If they get into a debt again you wont pay it
You mean practice shooting targets?

>> No.28299639

if you want a comfy house though i'm not sure that calculator would take into account inflation on houses which is just ignored in every single CPI calculation. a nice house in 1999 would have appreciated more than 50%

>> No.28299646

> if my net worth was $1m
Literally nothing, you can't retire on that in a first world country.
> if I gained $1m more than what I currently have
Probably change jobs to something less stressful.

>> No.28299657

yeah have fun shooting like 5 before the mob gets to you, wrenches the gun from you and impales you on a stick
watch videos of Gadaffi's death to see what it's like.

>> No.28299693

Yeah, in certain areas houses have more than tripled since then

>> No.28299717

Pay off debt, buy a small reasonable home, put the remaining I some boring vanguard or blue chips that pay high dividends, yolo 30 grand on meme stocks until I make 100k, then back into vanguard or blue chips.

Live a comfortable happy life with my fiance.

>> No.28299724

Put them in an boomer index fund, quit cagie and live off profits instead

>> No.28299763

Good man, i hope you make it

>> No.28299850

i literally do that every day and i'm a broke neet

>> No.28299874

>buy factory
>buy house walking distance from factory
>buy machine tools
>open my own machine shop
I'm a simple man of simple needs.

>> No.28299942

Exactly. My dad currently owns 2.5 million in random ass penny stocks that 'made it' but he refuses to sell them so he can have 'even more'. I can't get him to sell. He could put them in safe ETFs and live off of a clean 200k profit a year. Why the fuck doesn't he? I'm going to watch his life flush down the fucking toilet and it's going to be so fucking sad

>> No.28299970

Pittsburgh but he’s a cunt

Thanks frens, wagmi

Yeah i would draw a line if I even told them how much I had

>> No.28299979

Well you don't need $1,000,000 to do that man, Just take a look at my cousin. He's broke don't do shit

>> No.28300005
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Double up on my $CLF calls

>> No.28300070

1M isn’t shit really

>t a guy with 0.95M

>> No.28300081

keep gambling on shitcoins until soros money or homelessness

>> No.28300082

>wait for a crash
>put $800k in whatever, anything will make money
>cash out 5x

>> No.28300132

my dream basically

fuck a family
fuck bringing kids into this awful world
fuck obligations

passive income + complete freedom = true happiness

>> No.28300140

That’s what the pallet of ammo and my 25 hillbilly buddies are for.

>> No.28300190

Invest it all in Reef.

>> No.28300269

You can make a pretty hardy defense with guns + barb wire, particularly if you have ~5 sons or neighbors who band together with you
Also, you can find out how to make explosives and weaponized drones from the internet

>> No.28300284
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>> No.28300306

You’re a fucking idiot. You have no idea what war is like.

>> No.28300391


>software dev

I do. It's nice, especially considering where I was 10 years ago, but mostly it's just there for comfort. I live within the means of my income. I have nice stuff (house/car/toys) but it's just the same stuff everyone else has - just the nicer version.

The biggest difference is just that I never really worry about the price of typical things. I go to the grocery store and I buy whatever. Never tried it? Just throw it in the cart. Want to order out? I don't worry about delivery fees. Stuff like that. I sleep way better than I did when I had less than a month's rent in the bank.

>> No.28300503

One of my favourite movies of all time. Actually pretty redpilled and an actual portrait of working at a corporate. Yet every normie I know dont know this movie.

>> No.28300542

This is the type of question a poorfag would ask.
Not just any poorfag, but the kind that has no real aspirations.
Just sitting around, dreaming big, but never accomplishing anything.
Wondering what it's like to be successful as he cracks open another beer.
You know what I would do if I had $1,000,000?
Guess we'll find out in about 3 years when I leave 6-digit hell.

>> No.28300698

One of the better strategies in this thread

>> No.28300703

>he fell for the living to work meme
buddy, you're the NPC here. Have fun slaving away even though you made it

>> No.28300713

>Yet every normie I know dont know this movie.
that's because you're 19 years old

>> No.28300800

Actually, I ask because I made it as of today
(Praise be upon AVAX and LINK)

>> No.28300934

buy a small house for myself and keep investing. cash out to pay taxes but never surround myself in luxury. Only buy things that I really need. That's it.

>> No.28300955

expand my Electric Vehicle and China A ETF portfolio, get 100k worth of ADA and stop worrying about crypto

>> No.28300964

I'm a NEET, but nice try. I got rich off of crypto with inheritance money.
Sucks that you're poor AND unemployed though.

>> No.28301010

yeah, inflation calculators are bullshit... you need to compare purchasing power.

>> No.28301166

Grats man.
Maybe you should take a small break and reevaluate life after being a 6 figure big boi?
Id recommend still keeping your money active and not dead.
Trailer park life is cheap as fuck if u just wanna zone out for a while.

>> No.28301172

Exactly what I do now:

500k in DeFi farming mix of stable and yields.
400k in Blue chips.
50k Degen.
50k Moon shots.

Got me this far.

>> No.28301208

Thats odd, the only people I know who like Office Space are normies

>> No.28301217

immediately start pissing and crapping myself

>> No.28301459

take a deep breath, drink a cup of tea, 95% into saving and investing, spend a nice lil 50k to see the world for a year

>> No.28301544

Thanks man, I think I'm gonna buy a sailboat and do exactly that for about a year or so

>> No.28301605
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I would reinvest in some solid stable dividend stocks with a 7-8% annual yield
perhaps 3 of them

then I would sleep for a month straight

>> No.28301623
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Give it all to my crush if she lets me lick her pussy for one minute, unironically.

>> No.28301730
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>> No.28302240

I doubt you own land, guns, or a million dollars.

>> No.28302897

Look into the expenses first man. Laying in a harbor aint cheap.

Maybe get a caravan or auto camper instead? Idk man.
Gl <3

>> No.28302945

Put 900k into bitcoin then use the last 100k to travel around the states for a year without telling anyone. Come back after a year of wandering and buy my mom and sisters a house. Spend the rest of my days living off btc gains amd working wagey jobs so I can curse out customers and managers without caring about being fired

>> No.28302948


>> No.28303061

>be neet
>tells others they have no ambition
Nigga sit your dumb ass down

>> No.28303155

dangerously based.

>> No.28303213

My piece of shit roomate did the same thing. Fuck you and everyone like you

>> No.28303230

Move to Siberia as cheaply as possible and purchase Russian citizenship

>> No.28303264

I'd pay 2$ for your mom OP

>> No.28303290

back to your little stock trading forum on reddit newfag

>> No.28303364

Retire to my property in the countryside and never worry about wagecucking ever again

>> No.28303487

if i had a million bucks id put it to work on making myself a competent politician so i can help get all these fossils that can bearily open facebook out of congress and fix up the shithole that the U.S is on the road to become

>> No.28303507

keep investing it until I have enough to build and operate a trappist monastery in New England and then hang out with monks all day and forget about all the bullshit going on with normal retards

>> No.28303647

This anon has a point, boats/ships are just money pits, not saying don’t do it just be aware of the costs.

>> No.28303964

>the mortgage she was left with
you mean the house she stole from your dad?

>> No.28304013

fuck two chicks at once

>> No.28304055

Invest in the quality of my property and make sure my mom has never have to work again

>> No.28304154

> 1 mil
It is "made it" money where I live. 3-4 good flats to rent, one for myself, a good car. Passive income and I do what I want.

>> No.28304485

Yeah definitely, I'm hoping to live on it for a bit , travel and buy a house to rent out. Hopefully the income from that and divvies should cover me

>> No.28304660

>mortgage she was left with

are you a fucking retard lmao? she was GIVEN the house your dad worked his entire life for, with a little bit left on the mortgage for her to pay.

literally, you need to kys.

>> No.28304748

yeah cause biz shillcoin central is so much better?
I just look at you retards and learn from your shitty arguments and DD

>> No.28304825

nonsense lol. 1 million in a few dividend stocks is going to be grossing you 50k+/year and you can easily retire on a piece of land in bumfuck no-niggerville on that.

>> No.28305073
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Throw some in my savings
Buy my dad a new car
Send money to my grandparents
Invest into some crypto I feel might grow
Buy 5 Bitcoins
Buy a house to rent out
Uhhhhh ..I dunno what else desu

>> No.28305161

I'd still be lonely and miss my ex so probably nothing. Just buy some coins for 200k, put the rest into an etf and use the fond shares as security to get a loan and buy a small house

>> No.28305188

Honestly, If i were you. Id do this:

Restart life:
Get out of debt and monthly payments as much as possible. Downgrade EVERYTHING. I dont know how shit the internet is via phone in where you live, but get a good phone plan and use that for internet if it doesnt fuck you over.
Then look at everything else. Got shit you dont need? Get rid of it.
Boil it down to the core minimum.
Then make a excel spreadsheet over your monthly cost of living, rent, phone plan, insurance etc etc.
Get to know, what you spend money on and then, after a minimum of 2 weeks, you can add to it.
But use the spreadsheet to calculate how long you can live off of ur 1mln usd.

>> No.28305272

I hit a million one month ago. Didn't do a thing.
Now I have two million.

>> No.28305278

Buy a fuckton of SPHD.

>> No.28305349
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answer to this thread, while waiting to slide back into 6 figures hell by looking at a bitcointicker.co tab

>> No.28305421

absolutely wholesome
>working wagey jobs so I can curse out customers and managers without caring about being fired
one of the perks of fuck you money is being able to say fuck you, and that's a highly amusing way to exercise that ability

>> No.28305767
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overdose ironically

>> No.28305876

so can other people
I'm not talking about war, faggot
read a history book to see what happens when society itself collapses.
Augutus hostile takeover of Rome
plague in athens
green blue riots in Byzantium
read about any of those, faggot, or watch the gadaffi clip I talked about if you don't know how to read

I own 1 of the three. Soon 2, hoping for all 3 but guns are a bitch to obtain in my country

>> No.28306129

What’s a realistic % of return on dividend paying stocks?

>> No.28306286

Buy a house in Norway and retire, no cap

>> No.28306405

i'd know i wasn't done accumulating yet. i might take a cut of it out, like 40-50k to live on for the year, then i'd reinvest a few hundred K and try to grow it to 2-4 million. at that point i'd consult a wealth manager or something and figure out how best to wield these assets so that i could make 60-80k/yr off passive income