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File: 21 KB, 653x408, 109386756_FILM_TITLE_The_Girl_On_The_Train_2016_HANDOUT_.-large_trans_NvBQzQNjv4Bq4fPWKW3cbWDgfml09bbFAMOkIj_iQZ_wa_8GkxKIimw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2829095 No.2829095 [Reply] [Original]

Why are women so unlikeable in the work place and as bosses?

>> No.2829110

1. biologically designed to avoid risk
2. biologically designed to avoid work
3. lack logic, driven by emotions
4. don't do what's best for the company, do what's best for their own image
5. literally 0 opinions of their own, think with hivemind

>> No.2829122

because they are whores

>> No.2829125

Because being a woman sucks.
>Constantly objectified by men (if you're hot, ugly guys constantly bothering you, if you're fat - people constantly making fun of you)
>Constantly made guilty for not being a feminist slut, but also for not being a perfect stepford wife
>in work situations, often faced with "male culture" which is alien to them. Can't understand that the name calling, the competition is superficial and harmless.
>Unlike female bullying which is never superficial and is all underhanded and catty and very harmful

Dude, if I had all that shit happening with me I'd be miserable all the time... but also, you have to look in the mirror and see if maybe you're just a jerk

>> No.2829127

you gave a nicely thought out list

i would just say because they don't belong there.

>> No.2829138

agree, but you forgot to list the benefits

>> No.2829151

>Why are women so unlikeable
You didn't need to go any farther.
They are great for sex and taking care of kids, but don't pretend women are actually people.

>> No.2829156

doesn't everyone traditionally dislike (most of) their coworkers and bosses? only hipster tech companies have the illusion of "culture"

these people are literally your competition and authority. if you're too friendly with them i guarantee you are working in a pointless field.

women shouldn't take work seriously unless they are exceptional at the job. women should be raising kids. outside of that, i can't tell the difference between regular women and regular men today. if there was someone better to fill the role they'd be replaced (inb4 muh laws, companies just hire the diversity quota in miscellaneous supporting positions, not the actual core teams)

>> No.2829170
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>> No.2829173

Guided by emotion, 9 out of 10 don't mature past high school/college, only want to improve their image, don't know how to work as a team, there's a host of other aspects I could list. And they expect to be treated specially because they're women, even if they say otherwise.

>> No.2829190
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>working in a field with a lot of women
as someone already said, don't work in low-iq jobs

>> No.2829215

>tfw you got shorted on the genetic lottery and aren't a STEM autist
The only things I'm good at are fucking infested with women.

>> No.2829229

This, with the caveat that the 5. is wrong because they turn on each other and are incredibly vicious.

Seriously, its all about appearances with them. For guys, we're fine with a shirt and tie and then going for beers afterwards at happy hour.

>> No.2829231

>Computer & Information Science
>15% female
In 2005 maybe, if IBM laid me off I can sue for sexism and racism since I'm the only white guy left.

>> No.2829243
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reminds me of this

>> No.2829257

Is.. is this Wojak

>> No.2829259
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There's a warm comfort in knowing I'm not alone. Thanks to you, and thanks to Sad Chad™.

>> No.2829266

>white guy


>> No.2829287


I'd have more sympathy for women if they weren't such complete fucking cunts who think their problems are gold-plated and significant in comparison to everyone else's

This society was built for the sole purpose of women's comfort and fulfillment, never forget that.

They sense that the sentiment is fading, and they're right. They're panicking because they have no coping skills but to flail and bitch and whine.

>> No.2829313


>IQs calculated from SAT scores

wow good thing it has a source or i might have taken it seriously

>> No.2829339

Because they chose to be "strong, independent wymyn" and have careers instead of raising a family. Naturally, these kinds of women are terrible to be around and they are even more bitter about not having a family, so they pass it on to their coworkers.

>> No.2829376

Pajeets are still guys fool

>> No.2829386
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>> No.2829389
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>if you're too friendly with them i guarantee you are working in a pointless field.
as opposed to?

>> No.2829394

I can't stand the constant babbling and nagging about every single thing reeeeee

And small talk with women double your age kills me inside I fucking hate it

>> No.2829401

I just read that piece sited there, your conclusion that it was because women are inherently inferior was not quite what the study concluded.
>The quota led to younger and less experienced boards, increases in leverage and acquisitions, and deterioration in operating performance, consistent with less capable boards.
the problem was that it constrained the companies in choosing who they wanted

>> No.2829433
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>> No.2829448


>> No.2829452

At least they have a job..

>> No.2829455

>the government forces companies to hire unproductive or inferior labor because vagina

w-what happened to my free market

>> No.2829466
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they are totally fit for these jobs and absolutely did not get 100 helping hands pull them up to get that job

>> No.2829476
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kek.. enjoy libtard politics

imagine what would've happened only 30-40 years ago if these SJW feminsit and antifa cucks went out on the streets to chimpout like they do today

they'd be shot up or locked up on terrorism / sabotage because they're fucking gommunists undermining muh freedoms with their subversiveness

>> No.2829481

as opposed to productive ones.

>> No.2829650

>implying gommunism isn't the end goal for all guberments

>> No.2829664 [DELETED] 
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>> No.2829672

every field is productive in some way

>> No.2829697

Is this the /r9k/ thread?

lmao at all you beta turbo virgins

>> No.2829704

This can't be fucking real. Jews thrive on money. A classless, borderless, post-scarcity world would rob them of the ability to make money.
Also, communism doesn't work, in case I sound like a redditor.

>> No.2829772

Capitalism = goy has money and power. Bad goy. Gommunism = goy has no money or power. Good goy. The endgame is to make the bad goy submit to the chosen people, through any means necessary. There's something about their endgame being a redemption of humanity through Judaism, but that's probably bullshit.

>> No.2829776


we can go on about the "value" of certain types of careers in entertainment, the arts, middlemen in sales, etc. but there are clearly entire career paths in government and academia that produce nothing of value. let's talk about where women are notoriously even counter-productive: HR. when i look for a job and have to deal with HR, none of them know anything about any job in their company beyond the words on a checklist. and they often lead some kind of expensive events along with HSE that everyone hates and it takes time out of the day.

i was thinking more of something like yuppie startups or political/environmental non-profits though. it makes sense that they could do something productive, but there's nothing there most of the time. at least most scientific research *attempts* to answer a question, even if it will never lead to anything that people will use.

>> No.2829783

>Some men see that there are biological differences in the sexes as have many married men since the beginning of time up until now.
>lmao virgin

How about you fucking kill yourself.

>> No.2829794

No. I'm pretty sure you're wrong. Jews already dominate the high positions of industry in America, why would they surrender their control to the proletariat? It makes no sense. Jews are greedy, I should know. I worked for them, for fuck's sake. They wouldn't surrender their power for a reserved spot next to God at the pearly gates.

>> No.2829795

it is an /r9k/ thread though. these guys are bitter about the differences and effectively homosexual in their distaste for women.

>> No.2829804

That's what they want you to think, goy. What do you think money represents to them?

>> No.2829810

>disliking my job means i hate money
you are a bright one indeed

>> No.2829822

Some is distaste sure some is just basic science men and women are not equal and each has their own strengths and weaknesses.
It's a statistical fact what impact women in leadership tend to hand. Not virgin bullshit. As a married man that gets,my dick throated daily fucking kill yourself roastie.

>> No.2829831

what about stopping making retarded /pol/tier generalizations about jews? A lot of communist leaders were jews, and also a lot them were bankers and hardcore capitalists, and a lot of them are inbetween.

>> No.2829838


>> No.2829839

>but it's muh culture

>> No.2829841

>hand rubbing intensifies
You really don't know them, do you?

>> No.2829845
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That's what I want them to think.

>> No.2829852

because you're a sexually frustrated virgin?

>> No.2829864

Communist Jews are the laughingstock of the Jewish community. Like the article the other anon linked, the "real" Jews are the right-wing (sometimes) Zionists. They're a powerhouse race and religion, and I respect their survival instincts. Being shit on since the dawn of their religion usually kills a group of people. Not Jews. They're good at doing whatever it takes to come out on top, which is arguably a trait all people should have.
>le /pol/
I'd appreciate it if you didn't equate me to those stormfag knuckle-draggers. /pol/ is AIDS incarnate.

>> No.2829872

>Holocaust denial
Epic. You should be more worried about the real menace to the world, the Northern European. Time and again he has proven himself unworthy to hold any sort of power without starting a war or massive catastrophe.

>> No.2829875

No one implied shit about culture you emotional imbecile.
These are facts.


>> No.2829877

The real menace of the world is you anon.

>> No.2829879

>For guys, we're fine with a shirt and tie and then going for beers afterwards at happy hour.

that's because we don't seek the attention of women the same way women seek ours
they are constantly struggling with other women because they want the men to notice only them and not the other women

>> No.2829888
File: 189 KB, 1000x1425, man vs woman's view.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>that's because we don't seek the attention of women the same way women seek Chad's


>> No.2829895

I was truncating your argument, if you had an IQ you'd be able to recognize it and reply with a <10 word post. Argue a muslim, eventually they defend their shit with "It's muh culture", same with certain /pol/ groups.
Also happens with femininity/masculinity, people wear the gender mask too much and then when you ask them to cut the shit they pull the gender card instead of working to become a more complete person.

>> No.2829898
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Embrace yourselves!!!

>> No.2829899

Deny the truth all you want, it'll still be here tomorrow.

>> No.2829907

I didn't deny the truth, the majority is shitlords, everybody knows that.

>> No.2829915
File: 66 KB, 571x372, 1498245402644.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

So? You're still a fucking faggot and should hang yourself for thinking people who don't see the sexes are equal are virgin men. That's some normie/roastie logic. I bet you're one ugly bastard.

>> No.2829917

>why would they surrender their control to the proletariat?
kek is that what you think happens when the Communists get in power?
top lel

>> No.2829921
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>> No.2829923

Women have shrill voices. You simply don't want to listen to most of them. A good female voice is something you have to be born with. It's not something you can get during four years at a indoctrination Center. Cute voice worth its weight in gold. So how can you like or respect somebody if all you want for them to stop talking.

How many females Excel in talk radio. No matter what a man is always going to have a better chance of having a good voice. call chris no matter what hey man going to have a better chance voice.

>> No.2829927

>Constantly made guilty for not being a feminist slut, but also for not being a perfect stepford wife
I never got this complaint, aren't those just 2 different cultures? And who cares what other people think about your private life?

>> No.2829929

No, you fucking dunce, everyone knows that communism doesn't work. Do you really think they'd take the chance of attempting to brainwash an entire country and keep them in perpetual poverty just to enjoy maybe ten years of carte-blanche rule? Because they are in effect putting their power in the hands of the workers. Without their support and blindness, a communist country cannot and will not ever thrive. Why go to all that trouble when you can"rule" forever under capitalism?

>> No.2829934

i'm married too lol you seem upset.

>basic science
most of these kids are repeating the same sort of science that also claims men are violent rapists and can't multitask. get a grip on reality, some women can do fine in the workplace, and if any of these people actually had a job they would be talking about specific experiences rather than how 4 billion people shouldn't be working.

being gay means you're gay. we aren't talking about your job lmao.

>> No.2829966

nice victim complex

>> No.2829984

Except men do have a tendancy to be more aggressive and territorial wtf? Note. This doesnt mean ALL men you pea brain. Do you just accept what ever agrees eith your feelings... So what faggot Jesus Christ you're in the x generation aren't you, you fuck.
These are numbers having to do with women in leadership roles and success not biological processes that's a whole other ballgame.

>> No.2829990

>word salad
are you a virgin? >>>/r9k/

>> No.2830230

>Because being a woman sucks
life sucks for everyone, being a woman certainly does not make it particularly harder. Nice b8 though

>> No.2830346

i fucking hate women in the workplace
theyre not ALL bad
I work with some wimmens who do a pretty good job

but if theres a fuckup or someone acting like a complete cunt... 9/10 cases its a woman

funny thing is these dumb bitches had a sweet deal. didnt have to go to work, just take care of the house. then they all chimped out about "muh equality": and now theyre all bitching about their jobs and that they have to go to work. I always troll women and tell them "you know back in the day you could just stay at home and run the household"

>> No.2830383

Impressive reply anon, colour me impressed. I fucking hate women in the workplace too, they all feel so fake to me (at work).

>> No.2830401

Need more guys in medicine. For the betterment of mankind and to stop me turning into Patrick Bateman. I want to murder all of my female 'supervising' doctors one by one, the useless cunts.

>> No.2830417

>This society was built for the sole purpose of women's comfort and fulfillment, never forget that.
I think you're confusing the fact that most of society was constructed out of a desire to get laid with it directly being designed for the purpose of pleasing women.

How is it a victim complex when I'm not the victim? More like a
>praise kek, I have a dick complex

It does make it harder for a woman in the workplace in the same way that being a stay at home dad would suck more than being a stay at home mom... think about it.

>> No.2830421

Being a male ally is not going to get you laid. It's gonna fail like all your previous attempts

>> No.2830422

It's not women, it's mixed genders. If there's a woman around, you need to watch what you say. Even before lawsuits, you wouldn't have wanted to share anything that you didn't want every woman she knows to know also. So you won't be your authentic self, won't get to know your co workers, won't be able to trust them to the same degree.
All-female workplaces have the same problem if straight men start working there.

>> No.2830425


>it does make it harder for a woman in the workplace in the same way that being a stay at home dad would suck more than being a stay at home mom... think about it.

its almost like we evolved to fulfill different roles in society, before (((feminism))) appeared on the scene, fucked up the natural order and made everyone miserable

>> No.2830447

oh dear, did someone bomb the SATs?

>> No.2830460

>I never got this complaint, aren't those just 2 different cultures? And who cares what other people think about your private life?
Great question.
Because values and a sense of who you should be are usually unconsciously picked up, very few people have the faculties to actually reflect on why they believe what they do, what is their identity and position in society or should be.

If you happen to live at some kid of nexus, strongly compelled towards both then you're gonna have some major cognitive dissonance to deal with.

More to the point, even if you have a identity conflict inside of yourself, how the fuck do you know which one to choose?

Let's say I'm a Mac Fag and a campaigner against workplace suicide, as in I'm one of those losers who's apple products are integral to my identity... how do I reconcile that?

I don't... and I bring my bad attitude to my workplace.

Well you know that's an antiquated notion because now we should realize that gender is just as learned as the language you speak or the manners and gestures you-PFFFFFFFFFFFTTTT BAHAHAHA

Bruce Jenner is a man. Full stop. But you can't use the evolution argument because then we should ban all modern technology, give up our economies, dissolve all political entities and formal hierarchies, abandon written language because it's not the "natural order" of when homo saipens saipens first emerged.

>> No.2830465

must be worse than hell to work there. Imagine the guy hearing conversations about make-up and fashion and kikebook and all sorts of stupid shit for 8 hours straight.
I'd quit to be honest, no amount of pay will justify that agony.

>> No.2830492

>muh 6 gazillion
Before you start with the le /pol/ maymay try reading up on the subject.

>> No.2830496

Because they're shit testing you, and you failed.

>> No.2830522

Seriously get out of here right now. Take your Reddit friends with you

>> No.2830627

Why is this such a hard redpill to swallow?

I know it's true but I really don't want it to be.

>> No.2830634
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i want someone to try to debate this

>> No.2830728

What a cuck.

>> No.2830743

I was studying dentistry. I got out of that shuttle long time ago. They can go to the moon with 90% female dentists. I'm not gonna spend my life in that 2-faced environment. I feel a lot happier even knowing that I'm not gonna make that much money later... I just can't imagine working with so many women man...

>> No.2830771

>in the work place and as bosses
no need to add this clause

>> No.2830984

>redditor attempts mental gymnastics to imply that Communism is not collectivist but in fact individualist
>seems to imply that Communists in an Communist country ever were more socially liberal than traditional American society, which was viewed around the world as THE most liberal place ever
>tries to imply that problems that exist today are somehow worse than the problems that existed yesterday as if everyone ISN'T better off than they were a century ago

typical american cuckservative

>> No.2831026

The harder pill to swallow is knowing that majority of people (be it men/women/xir) don't give a fuck about you and will sell you to the highest bidder without second thought. People are fucked up regardless of gender that is why you need to remain vigilant. The trick is knowing who to trust and it is not an easy thing to do.

>> No.2831145

That's because humans are all individuals. There's no real reason to care about other people. We only truly have solidarity with each other when there's some outside threat like aliens/zombies/ussr nuclear bomb or something.

>> No.2831191

But during calamities this solidarity only extends as far as someone's individual benefit. Anyway I guess such discussion doesn't belong here, it belongs to a philosophy board or something.

>> No.2831206

You missed the most important one:
6. Are a meme.

>> No.2831259

>implying there's any better way of determining someone's critical thinking ability

Congrats, you're low iq, "bad test taker".

>> No.2831262

>But you can't use the evolution argument because then we should ban all modern technology, give up our economies, dissolve all political entities and formal hierarchies, abandon written language because it's not the "natural order" of when homo saipens saipens first emerged.

You are an idiot.
Scientific progress is not social progress.
Scientific progress is real while social progress is not.
This is about human nature which never changed and will never change. It has nothing to do with technology.
The solution is to accept human nature instead of trying to fight it which is impossible.
It's in human nature for women to be different from men and have a different role in society, because they have different abilities and a different way of thinking.
No amount of "social progress" bullshit can change that. What we are doing is simply denying our own nature and therefore we fall into contradictions, because we fight the very things that make us human.
It has nothing to do with scientific advancement.

>> No.2831269


>all these cringey beta answers

In my experience, women in executive or managerial positions tend to be very high strung and/or take their job very seriously which for the most part is a good thing. They watch their employees like a hawk, are genuinely concerned with satisfying their superiors, are good at multi-tasking, and have great attention to detail.

I think the challenge for most women is going to be trying to balance this natural edge with a healthy amount of reality. There is only a finite amount of things that can be done given a particular circumstance (employees present, resources available, deadlines, etc...).

I think it's important for executives/managers to be realistic when assessing these variables. Otherwise, you'll drive yourself and your employees crazy.

tl;dr get a healthy balance of chill and seriousness. women tend to be more serious in my experience whereas men tend to be more chill. a little bit of both is what you need

>> No.2831285

>it constrained the companies in choosing who they wanted
It constrained it to women.
They would not have had trouble finding the right male candidates.
"Male quotas" would not have hurt their performance

>> No.2831290

It's post-irony, grandpa

>> No.2831383

The thing that's always gotten me about workplace fuckups perpetrated by women is that they have a hard time owning it. Like, it's obvious it's their fuckup, and yet they try to excuse it or rationalize it in some way, as if everyone would just let it slide if there's an excuse attached.

Men do this too, but I see it a lot more often in women, and I think it comes from the inherent lack of self confidence that goes along with judging your self worth by external measures like beauty and popularity, which is all too common in female culture.

>> No.2831432

>all female workplaces

That shit is unicorn-level rare, and only works if there's a boss bitch head woman who acts like a man in order to lightning-rod all the gossip and petty bullshit at her so all the catty bitches actually get shit done out of fear of consequences.

I know that's what drives all the women I know well; of all the women I've grown up with and befriended, not one woman is drawn by the allure of success. They're all driven by the fear of failure. Fear is a very powerful motivator, but it also creates irrational thinking, and allows for no error. Mistakes are killers in the fear game, where they're just one more step on the ladder to success when you stop fearing mistakes and figure out how to learn from them.

>> No.2831470

ITT: Jaded virgins who would never in a million years actually say any of this to a woman.

>> No.2831507

I have

>> No.2831528

well that was a quick thread

I probably would now. I'm at the point where I hate myself enough to not care.

>> No.2831539

every young woman is looking for dick and every woman who is a bit older is thinking about squeezing out a kid and knows they are gonna be off on maternity and likely never come back

>> No.2831588


ACT is better

t. 34 on the ACT and 2100 on the SAT


>> No.2831708

no one wants to lose their job, way to take the low hanging fruit there, genius

>> No.2831751

>t. 20 years old

>> No.2831800


women are unable to accept responsibility for their actions
they literally believe its someone elses fault when they fuck up
watch for this kind of behaviour and you will notice it everywhere

thats why women should be locked up in cages
its for their own good

>> No.2831803


> This whole thread

Have fun justifying feminism, diversity drives, affirmative action, etc.

>> No.2831972

No shit. There is absolutely nothing to gain from that and everything to lose.

>> No.2832632

Because you spent a significant portion of your youth browsing /r9k

>> No.2832908

Oh yes, I love it when people try to define human nature for their own philosophy. Run to big brother

>> No.2832916

>Great question...
Well, thanks for trying to answer it I guess.

>> No.2832934
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>tfw to smart too live
Can I be a philosopher king? I'll be benevolent, I promise.

>> No.2833329


O shit man, You just solved the nature vs nature debate in one post!

>> No.2833355

this would be considered hate speech in modern american universities and you would be fired if you were a professor saying this

>> No.2833367
File: 25 KB, 541x569, 1500572818565.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women should never have power.

Hyperlyth's ICO will easilly beat out all of these shitty female led shitcoins.

>> No.2833975

So white women are still smarter than nigger males, right?

>> No.2835330

My last two serious girlfriends both had similar behavior when they got their first salaried job.
>so and so was mean to me... fuck it! I'm going in late today
>my boss is such a bitch, I'm calling in sick
>I don't even want to get up today
>I just want to quit
>I deserve so much better, nobody recognizes how great I am

Both have/had female bosses. Is it something to do with that, or are women just lazy as a general thing? These are both white girls raised in pretty traditional families, with fathers.

>> No.2835793

women and men aren't supposed to interact as much as they do today. men are supposed to be out hunting, working or getting killed most of the time. the lack of hard work and warfare also means weak faggy men are everywhere.

>> No.2835842

Is the correct answer.

We are essentially cavemen.

>> No.2835849

Smarter, but not necessarily better leaders.

>> No.2835861

Cause you're an asshole.

>> No.2836430

lol, speak for yourself