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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28283620 No.28283620 [Reply] [Original]

Polkastarter IDO sold out in 9min… anyone get a stack?

> umbrella network is a community owned layer 2 oracle


>> No.28284187

yo this shit is fucking done lol

>> No.28284751

this took a bigger shit than my dog this morning

>> No.28285263

What is the official marketcap at the moment?

>> No.28285698

12m roughly

>> No.28286070

the gas prices were fucking astromomical yesterday.. where else besides UniSwap can I buy?

>> No.28286245

what? i was just about to buy please explain wdym

>> No.28286694

they're talking about the pump after listing followed by a retrace...something that happens with almost every fucking IDO.

DYOR and look at the chart - I bought some.

>> No.28286808

ah newfags that bought the bot pump. yeah bought in too chart looking really bullish right now.

>> No.28287184

should be able to get on hotbit and gateio

>> No.28287240

I bought this trash without thinking. Now I'll have to wait months to even hope for a fucking 2x. Should have just bought YLD instead. I'm a fucking idiot.

>> No.28287302


>> No.28287352

you sound like an emotional liability. it JUST fucking listed. give it a second... or cut your losses and stfu

>> No.28287746

was the whitelist allocation guaranteed? or was it an auction?

>> No.28287778

Shut the fuck up pussy. I'm indecisive and I'm tired of having to pay $200 in gas fees any time I fucking bat an eye

>> No.28287972

Too late to be whitelisted bud

>> No.28288026

stop being poor then, 200usd in nowdays is nothing

>> No.28288187

When you own 10+ shitcoins and are constantly shuffling it adds up retard.

>> No.28288440

some advice: stop shuffling your shitcoins. why are you even doing that? buy solid projects with good fundamentals and HODL the fuck out of them. never let your emotions dictate your trades on a day to day basis(this is my strategy anyway) and it fucking works. also you feel pretty badass when a coin you own drops 70% and you don't do shit... then the next month you're up 900%

>> No.28288985

alright im getting some fomo

>> No.28289294

What does this shitcoin do?

>> No.28289806

All green but DOGE today on da charts

>> No.28290443

it’s a community governance token… the oracle uses Merkle tree tech (layer 2 ) which makes it waaaaaay more efficient than other projects

>> No.28290616

The way it should be

>> No.28290918

compared to LINK this is so undervalued right now

>> No.28291574

the fucking launch peaked and now it’s dead anon s

>> No.28292059

kek that's why you shouldn't compare it to link yet

>> No.28292589

check the chart - nice symmetrical triangle ready for a breakout. Just a normal correction you fucking monkey

>> No.28293138


>> No.28293325

Just a heads up for the newfags, and I've had to remind myself of this a few times over the last few days, don't FOMO all of your money into random coins right now.

>> No.28293424

this. I'm a nice split between RBC and UMB.

>> No.28293819

crypto is a fucking casino right now

>> No.28293852

get dumped on lol
> sold for 0.05$

>> No.28294357

My portfolio got wrecked in early 2018 waiting for wall st to buy our bleeding coins with their bonuses... Do i smell a crypto wide crash soon?

>> No.28294756
File: 108 KB, 1181x897, SDKFJURNVKME.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awwww you couldn't afford to hold past $.05?

>> No.28294802

the problem is, only whitelisted people got it and it was 150eth total, with max 0.3eth worth of coins per person

>> No.28295396

You should FOMO into ADA and that’s it

>> No.28295846

feels good to be an ETH and ADA hodler right about now

>> No.28296427

only whitelisted people got what?

>> No.28297263

go cry somewhere else butthurt fag

>> No.28298078

$28 new ATH for LINK

>> No.28298575

HODLing the shit out of $UMB
seems promising as an oracle ngl, this shit gonna skyrocket

>> No.28298989
File: 199 KB, 554x289, fjkhs67Sjh763.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I’m gonna name my first born ADA

>> No.28299091 [DELETED] 
File: 147 KB, 1080x1080, 1603941547193.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The secret /biz/ server is:
It has to stay secret or (((discord))) will shut it down.
As far as (((discord))) knows it's the official server for BUNKERCHAN LEFTYPOL[////

>> No.28299175
File: 138 KB, 565x452, Duchamps.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck that im FOMOing the shit out of this

>> No.28299285

UMB listing on CEX?

>> No.28299570

buy UMB, it has momentum rn (#1 trending on dextools and volume is high af)

>> No.28299689

i'm retarded :)

>> No.28299901

where is the roadmap

>> No.28300308

join the telegram group... In the website, in litepaper appears the roadmap

>> No.28300363
File: 133 KB, 1280x680, Et1jCcAXEAMpXYw.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why not

>> No.28300604

$UMB is gonna trump chainlink in no time
don't even sweat about it

>> No.28300638

Yo I can’t pull up the ticker on coingecko, anyone got a link?

>> No.28300986


>> No.28300996

Low IQ shill post

>> No.28301353

Seems promising and I'm going for it. Y'all better grab some snacks. We'll have a lot of fun when this skyrockets and those whiners realize the lost opportunity lmao