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File: 59 KB, 640x640, cucktastic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
2823610 No.2823610 [Reply] [Original]

In a few hours ETH will go down to $150 and then hover between $160 - $180 till Friday.

If you bought over $200 sell now or forever hold your peace. Because you will be missing out on easy money.

I am tried of seeing by biz bros getting bent over and fucked deep every time, sell now and buy the dip.

>> No.2823622

Also pic not related.

>> No.2823624
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>> No.2823641

Buying right now would be dumb, going to get aboout $70 cheaper in a few hours. If you are not going to sell, keep the cash ready for the dip.

>> No.2823643

Lol, the entire market is going down famalamadingdong. BIP91 will not reach the lock-in point this period. Screencap this.

>> No.2823648

nice, just bought 3.50

>> No.2823670

70 bucks sounds about right, I would pick them up for 40 all day

>> No.2823687

thanks for the buy signal

>> No.2823714


It will drop to $150 on the weekend, not later today. But you're basically right

>> No.2823733
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Ffs they even have a token muslim girl.

>> No.2823738

what's the thing with vitalik's skull structure?

>> No.2823743

Why such bold predictions?

>> No.2823767

Trust me on this one, every one is bullish right now they think BTC heading to the moon, they are in for a big surprise.

>> No.2823824

Ok, but why? I can't "trust you on this one", because I don't even know who the hell you are

>> No.2823845
File: 84 KB, 379x403, stupid question time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Could someone please point me in the right direction to buy some ethereum? Do I need a wallet as well as an account with a trader or what?

>> No.2823893


Very bad time to buy at the moment, my friend

>> No.2823895

>implying burgers destroyed Iraq for Mohammed and not Moshe
>implying Israël isn't happy with ISIS

>> No.2823898

you don't need to know me faggot, I am giving you advice on anonymous cow tipping board, take it or leave it,

>> No.2823921

if you got some bitcoin send them to me and I will buy eth for you. I will charge you a 20 bucks comission. Until you set up your account and get verified it will take you weeks.

>> No.2823951

I was looking at it the other day when it was around £114, but didn't know where to start. Now I've seen it go up, I figured I'd ask you guys what platform you use to trade cryptocurrencies so I know for future. Thanks.

>> No.2823977


Just lurk for more than five minutes or use the website google.co.uk and you'll find out

>> No.2824037

head to leddit.com/ethtrader

you will get all the information that you need

>> No.2824069

>I am giving you advice
you're not. advice would be either:
>1) the meme triangles are converging and here's the chart
>or 2) my pump group is about to dump

you are just shitposting, not giving advice

>> No.2824109

I would have to right over a 1000 words to explain my anaylsis and the reasoning. I am not in the mood to do that right now, I am going straight to the point which is sell now and buy the dip.

>> No.2824123

its still like 30h away mretard

>op missed the dip

>> No.2824150

wow you must be a professional trader. you're clearly too smart to be making shitty threads on /biz/. I wish I was you, but I will probably never reach your level.

>> No.2824160

here i am an expert on shortening analytics let me explain to the plebs your TA,
>OP opened a short position because he thought the little dip will turn into downtrade driving the price back to 150
>Its going sideways and he is scared shitless that he will get liquidated, so he is trying to FUD a multi billion dollar market on a congonese ethno dancing forum
sounds about right ?

>> No.2824206
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on a serious note though, he might be fine because it looks like eth is correcting to 200

>> No.2824213

>I am tried of seeing by biz bros getting bent over and fucked deep every time, sell now and buy the dip.

I guess you missed that line, you guys need all the help and advice you can get.

>> No.2824237

yeah, but instead of actually saying why it's going to happen you just make a FUD thread instead. yeah, we should trust you.

>> No.2824243

>I would have to right over a 1000 words
>have to right over a 1000 words
>right over a 1000 words
>right over a 1000
clearly we're dealing with a genius

>> No.2824263

>I would have to right over a 1000 words to explain my anaylsis and the reasoning.

Guess you missed this line as well, not a FUD thread it will go down and be back up by the weekend.

>> No.2824305

hey, shitting on the streets aint easy

>> No.2824356


>muh spelling mistake invalidates everything you said

Shut the fuck up kiddos, couple more hours and eht will be below 200

>> No.2824374

But why? Give me a few fundamental reasons. I believe you but I'd like to hear your exact reasoning

>> No.2824414

He's either shorting or he wants some cheap coins.

Or he's smart and realizes that a /biz/ rumor won't impact a coin that big in any way so he's just fucking with people for the memes.

>> No.2824488

your reading too much in to it, my anaylsis tells me that this will happen, I have gotten some good advice from this shithole, just giving folks a heads up here.

>> No.2824542

Can you show us some of your analysis? You say you don't have the time but you're still replying to this thread.

>> No.2824560

>be me
>Discover ETH
>Realize it's given me a new will to continue living
>Start getting out of bed
>Brush teeth twice a day
>ETH crashes
>Attempt suicide by ingestion of toothpaste
>Eth rises
>Brush more teeth
>Read this

To be continued...?

>> No.2824614

prepare the noose buddy, you are going to need it

>> No.2824623

So how long will it still take OP?

>> No.2824635

Thanks, just went 100x long on toothpaste.

>> No.2824647

but w h y

>> No.2824665

I would estimate within an hour it will get to about $185, be patient don't be tempted to buy once it hits $200 it will definitly go much lower than that.

>> No.2824687

Alright, let's entertain the idea you're legit. What will happen after friday?

>> No.2824691

he's a faggot

>> No.2824760

first off it is understandable your default reaction is to think I am FUDing and memeing, but after alot of trial and error the alogrithms that I am using and my general anaylsis has started becoming very accurate.

By Friday expect the price to be back to between $230 - $260 then by Monday we should cross $300.

Only reason I am posting this here is to help the poorfags make some money.

>> No.2824781

>retards actually eat that all up

>> No.2824799

>alot of trial and error the alogrithms that I am using and my general anaylsis
fuuuggg xddxdxd

>> No.2824807

Don't listen to that faggot and buy at 200.

>> No.2824810

let me guess when the price hits $150 in a few hours, it will be the standard response of even a broken clock is right twice a day right?

>> No.2824819

>he's selling now because he fears he's going to lose money

>> No.2824832

I'll be the happiest man if that actually happens because im in a short rn.

>> No.2824932

good man, you will make alot of $$$.

>> No.2824983


Are you involved?

>> No.2825011

Just closed it :^)

>> No.2825019

I've learned to take biz threads with a grain of salt. I always ask myself what someone's motives are for posting... if they're promoting/shilling a coin, 99% of the time it's because they hold it and want it to moon or want to dump bags. If people are FUDing, it's because they shorted it... or need the coin to go down to buy in. Just keep that in mind... my experience from trial and error

>> No.2825031

finally someone on this page has some fucking sense

>> No.2825034

50usd is quite a big drop for a few hours even if it is dropping

>> No.2825035
File: 66 KB, 1302x719, y.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Too early


Wait until the thief sells his 150k ETH

>> No.2825070
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>Too early
Gonna open long now, stay poor mfuder.

>> No.2825080


you guys don't have the information that I have so I know your going to be skeptical, don't cry about and regret you didnt listen to me.

Don't buy right now it is going to go much lower.

>> No.2825098

right, this about the hacked eth wallets?

>> No.2825099

Its going down correct. But it wont be going up again after that hack.

>> No.2825105

ETH is dunzo

you cannot invest in this trash

>> No.2825110


Nothing personal. There's always exceptions... but 99% of the time my statements are true... and 1% of the time someone has good information to share/wants to help others make money. I needed this drop... I took a "hot tip" yesterday and sold at $201 to sell low/buy lower... to bring my average ETH cost down... and it mooned 35%. My statements are based on experience

>> No.2825121
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I listened to OP!

>> No.2825125

/biz/ has no measurable influence on large cap coins like ETH
Maybe intensive shilling can boost a shitcoin by a few % but NEET pocket money isn't going to affect BTC or ETH.

>> No.2825148


>> No.2825152

annnnnnnnnnnnd it's gone

>> No.2825156

This is my first time shorting eth lmao

>> No.2825171

OP knew ,now when do we buy ?

>> No.2825172


>> No.2825174

jokes on you fags, polo is shitting on me and i cant place the fucking order kek

>> No.2825177

I find it very amusing when people think this board has any influence whatsoever, I am neither shilling or FUD, just in a good mood and sharing the information with the good folks on this board to make some pocket money.

>> No.2825178
File: 62 KB, 1299x709, z.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The crash is getting hektik

>> No.2825183
File: 12 KB, 705x29, thanks op.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks for the hot tip

>> No.2825184

how do you have information that everyone else doesn't?

>> No.2825191



>> No.2825227
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>> No.2825245
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>tfw thought I was buying the dip

>> No.2825253

Anywhere between $147 & $160 will be a good buy and close to the bottom.

Put everything you have in to it, highly unlikely we are going to see these prices again.

>> No.2825260

It'll follow BTC on this next bounce if you want out. We're not at full panic sell just yet.

>> No.2825298
File: 803 KB, 1100x700, 1451474005928.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw bought the dip on sunday, sold yesterdays high, now closing the short and buying the dip again

>> No.2825299

The fuck is wrond with kraken? "LAST" keeps jumping between 196 and 170 euro

>> No.2825307

blame the people filling sell orders, you've got normal order book and panicky fuckers who think they won't get their sell order in before it drops past it, so they bid way low.

>> No.2825333

Doing it all wrong. Buy HIGH and sell LOW!!!

>> No.2825352
File: 662 KB, 474x506, Picture1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyway, how did you know?

>> No.2825354

What is eht? New coin?! Where was the ico?!?! Fuuuuucccckkk



>> No.2825454

You the haxor who stole the ETH?

>> No.2825455

>have to go to sleep because work tomorrow
>price will rise again before I wake up

>> No.2825466



>> No.2825475
File: 10 KB, 230x219, PARITY YOU FUCKERS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what did he mean by this

>> No.2825477

Uhh....are you that hacker dude?

>> No.2825490

just set a buy order with a stop limit if it continues crashing?

>> No.2825495

going to make a new thread with all the details, remember buy between $147 - $160.

>> No.2825502

Seems to be stabilising above $190

>> No.2825503

shorting 20 eth 5x leverage lol...


>> No.2825505


>> No.2825506

now you know who the hell I am.

>> No.2825512
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Dump it now before the mad rush

Buy bitcoin


>> No.2825523
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>everyone itt making fun of OP
>OP was right

>> No.2825525

Be a Robin Hood and distribute in BTC

>> No.2825527

thanks anon

>> No.2825534

Stop talking out of your ass kiddo, be patient give it one more hour, it will go much lower than 190.

>> No.2825545


75 Million being stolen right now with seperate address over multiple tokens



>> No.2825551
File: 162 KB, 1920x1080, mmmmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>fud threads every hour
>one of them syncs with an actual dip
>now OP roleplaying as a wallet hacker

>> No.2825557

If you really did steal that many ETH could you drop me some?

pathetic I know


>> No.2825558

ITT: attention seeking child giving false predictions to larp as hacker and get (you)s

>> No.2825563

I would jokingly post my ETH address saying that I will look after it for you until it's blown over so its hidden but you'd probably hack me too.

>> No.2825578
File: 128 KB, 1021x1027, 1492697655316.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pfft yeah right OP, there's way that wou

>> No.2825585

So out of sheer curiosity, how would you liquidate this shit?

>> No.2825600

Anonymous Bitfinex account (they support Tor and don't require verification)
Sell ETH to BTC to ZEC and XMR
Anonymous ZEC and XMR transactions
Split into small pots
Lay low for a while

>> No.2825603

Good point, but for it to sync with such precision?
I guarantee the price will hit $150 in two hours.
Then we will see how unimpressed you are.

>> No.2825616


You can't, its like a deal with the devil and your signature binds you to the contract. As the price approaches zero you will start to feel the fires of hell licking at your feet.

>> No.2825628

More like pretty stupid

If he wanted to give some eth to random people, he wouldn't have stole it in the first place would he ?

>> No.2825631

so, buy at $150 is what you are saying? I need orders to follow... going to buy 2 eth

>> No.2825632

Better do or I'll knock you out

>> No.2825633

it's climbing rn though

top kek, LARPer getting BTFO

>> No.2825648

someone needs to put all the retards in 1 post and make a thread later, after it recovers

>> No.2825654


the moment the hacker exchanges for BTC, ETH is BTFO more than any other BTFO.

105m in one go

>> No.2825660


new one

>> No.2825667


please liquidate. placed some tasty flash crash orders

>> No.2825690

The market would be accounting for that already if that were the case

>> No.2825708

lol im on you're side here i was referring to you having sense

>> No.2825777

Don't panic, I know what it looks like, you newbies and summerfags are going to get sucked in, it peeked its head back again over 200 but it is going down.

Don't be a pussy, wait.

>> No.2825789

digging yourself into a hole there, larpkiddie

>> No.2825805

This is a whitehat address. Its saving peoples skins right now.

>> No.2825820

Childhood is being a HOLDER

Adulthood is realizing the FUDERS were right all along

>> No.2825840

fucking based

>> No.2825848
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>> No.2825883

It wasn't a problem with ETH. Close the position ASAP.

>> No.2825885

DAO hackers called themselves whitehat too, they dumped ETH.

It's a distraction tactic as they dump.

>> No.2825911

if it's that easy to hack shit.. ethereum has no future

If this happened to a bank or financial institution in the USA.. there would be so many lawsuits.

Crypto isn't safe.
Ethereum isn't safe.
Investing in ICO's isn't safe.

>> No.2825920

kek i longed around the same price

>> No.2825930

SEC seriously needs to shut every last one of these bullshit ICO's down complete scams just bypassing checks and balances of money raising process

>> No.2825936

using a pajeet software is not safe

>> No.2826018

stay poor my friend

you dont understand the crypto world my friend

>> No.2826048

>implying the "white hat" will walk away from millions of dollars
>implying you would do it if it was you
yeah anon. it's a "white hat"

>> No.2826127

Just passing on the info

>> No.2826156


damage control or fake news as we call it nowadays.

>> No.2826247

To be honest I dont know what the fuck a white hat is.
May be related to those ISIS guys in Syria

>> No.2826252


>> No.2826408

If this turns out true, thanks bro.

>> No.2826517

I don't think there's a single heterosexual man of Western European descent in that room.

>> No.2826575
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how are you guys doing? gave in to temptation and bought or still having faith?

>> No.2826613

Waiting still.

>> No.2826617

I would love to invest in ETH, but sadly that Vitalik is such a total faggot that I can't bring myself to.

>> No.2826618
File: 40 KB, 640x427, 200kstarting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bought, sold, bought again

>> No.2826650

the first time I replied to your post I knew you were going to be weak and buy high.

>> No.2826657

I sold at $231 yesterday - I was going to buy at $200 but I'm waiting and hoping the hack news pushes the price below $170 to buy back in

>> No.2826673

If you are right, I have you to thank for the extra eth I made of the process since I would have bought 2 hours ago had I not seen your post.

>> No.2826733

Just have to play the waiting game now and be patient. Once resistance breaks at $190, which it will, we should head to below $170 pretty fast.

>> No.2826778

>has to correct 1000 english words before doing something
>only on ETH

>> No.2826800

What's wrong I have to right 400 word essay by next week for summer school and I'm freakin out hard

>> No.2826811

What are you fags talking about, also a 400 word essay is nothing.

>> No.2826831

ok, here we go faggots, 2nd crash is imminent

>> No.2826861

how low then faggot?

>> No.2826901

yeah that's nothing I have a 800 word essay due by august 1st

>> No.2826922

Rip in peace and pepperoni

>> No.2826931
File: 26 KB, 747x126, breath in, breath out.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

deep breaths lads, happening soon

>> No.2826937

No coiner here, why is coinbase such a shady looking exchange? Is kraken any better?

>> No.2826956

any guess how low?

>> No.2826968

A larper moving 10k eth to another address is not evidence of an imminent crash. That's just a high roller trying to make quick shorting bucks through making gullible idiots panic

>> No.2826988
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I unquestioningly believe you

>> No.2826990

wow SHE is hot!!!!

>> No.2826997

You must be new to this thread welcome, we are all waiting patiently for eth to get to below $170.

Enjoy your stay.

>> No.2827002

SHE sure is

>> No.2827006
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>> No.2827021

why are you here, I can tell by the words you used you are a nocoiner.

Also once we hit $150 we will see who will be giggling.

>> No.2827023

ETH pilot reporting. I'm not buying just yet, I may be risking getting todays BEST price, but simply I think the downside outweighs the upside right now

>> No.2827038
File: 68 KB, 699x485, 1496795844418.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i see your intuition is as bad as your eth price predictions. i have exactly 2 eth

>> No.2827043

doesnt seem to want to break the .085

>> No.2827053
File: 16 KB, 564x71, slow and steady wins the race.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

freefall time bois, we made it

>> No.2827062


>> No.2827063

>all these bitcoin kiddies calling for an eth fork meanwhile diverting attention away from their own inevitable fork.

>> No.2827066

>loses $2

Nope. Fucking kill yourself also

>> No.2827082

lol why are you so mad.
why didn't you short when op advise you to at $230.
Literally easiest short of my life
You can keep holding though. Op said it'll bounce back after weekend. I'll buy back later to help your eth price

>> No.2827085

91 support is falling, price was up on strong confidence in that but this is now being challenged, we could go 150

>> No.2827087
File: 1.92 MB, 400x400, SmHTXXY.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mETH not even once

>> No.2827095

>does not know the resistance points
>being this retarded

Honestly, this is the last time I hand hold you faggots and advise you on shit.

>> No.2827113

Because I have a lot of leveraged CFDs and memelord larpers are artificially affecting price levels through fake news. Currently on -$3560 thanks to idiots fucking with the price, and I'm a shelf stacker so that's almost 3 months entire pay. Fuck yourselves

>> No.2827126

no please. what's your telegram name or discord. I need you in my life. Give me some way to contact you.

>> No.2827130

>muh technical analysis

literally a meme

fuck off

>> No.2827156

Back above $190

get fucked larping child

>> No.2827159
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>> No.2827174
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>> No.2827194

I can see you are annoyed you didnt listen to me when I told what was going to happen 5 hours ago, now your spouting lies, on every exchange the price is still under $190, currently 186.

>> No.2827199


big difference

>> No.2827238

back above 190

get fucked

>> No.2827259

well Im disappointed mr hackerman

>> No.2827268

Screenshot above 180 last time this trash ever trades that high

>> No.2827293

on bittrex its 193-194

>> No.2827414

Like a white London neighborhood, it's over.

>> No.2827586

nothing is over, this is just the beginning.

It is a slow downward trend, dont jump to conculsions just yet,

>> No.2827655

>who is George Soros

>> No.2827680

What about 130s? 145? Or is 150-155 the floor.

>> No.2827881

$207 on bittrex - nice call!