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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28269863 No.28269863 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone on here do CC fraud? Is it dead?

>> No.28270011

Kys glownigger

>> No.28270058

No I considered it but the logistics of going to pick up the mail scared me

>> No.28270178

Ive heard that shipping actual items is dead and that payment processors is the new way

>> No.28270289

Credit card fraud now solely belongs to black teenagers, you'll hit your quota faster hanging around instagram and the world star hip hop comment section, officer

>> No.28270351

this is the comment you were looking for glowie

>> No.28270445

who do you think took that picture for him?

>> No.28270460

No, that would be illegal.

>> No.28270593
File: 47 KB, 1033x670, bitcoinstock.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sorry OP but this is a nigger-free zone.

>> No.28270665
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>> No.28270685
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>> No.28270726


>> No.28270750

>Does anyone on here do CC fraud? Is it dead?
no most of us are white and try and take other white peoples money because the Pajeet's do.

>> No.28270764

crunch the numbers it isnt worth the amount of work
also you WILL get caught and go to very prison

>> No.28270819


>> No.28271035

Whats a glowie? I havent caught up with the lingo on this subreddit yet

>> No.28271255

Wrong place, we only deal with legal ways to make money here. Go to insta or world star hip hop, they have the demographic groups you're looking for.

>> No.28271263

KYS yourself

>> No.28271276
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you need to stop, alphabet boi

>> No.28271315


>> No.28271473

What kind of man enjoys ripping off their fellow man?(yes i realize they get it back but not for a week min)

>> No.28271658

baka my head

>> No.28271675

Yeah, all the time! My name is Steven Sondheim and I live at 2034 Tallahassee Ave, Dallas, TX.

>> No.28271738


10 years ago, and even a little bit about 6 years ago CC cloning was all over /g/, but then silk road got BTFO and people started to catch on that BTC was easily traceable. It died down... And now, judging from the replies, /biz/ has become a sort of reddit+

CC fraud is different to the "nigger" posts being alluded to here, but clearly /bkz/ can't help you. Look into cybersec, netsec, "hacking" scenes and you'll find it. Its good money, but not worth the risk IMO.

>> No.28271870
File: 557 KB, 1536x2048, martinpicture2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28272055

you're about a decade too late pig, as usual.

>> No.28272336

How long would you say it takes to become profitable? Months? Years?