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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 648 KB, 778x913, PNDd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28257321 No.28257321 [Reply] [Original]

Ok, biz first of all I want to say that I’m not here to shill not FUD. This is not FUD these are facts. I know a lot of you newbies on this board are new to investing and want to make money and so do I. You all must have heard of Pumps and Dumps and I’m sure you have. For a PnD to work properly u need 3 things one is whales two is Massive FUD during accumulation and three is massive shilling during Pumps. This happens everywhere at a big and small scale it happens in the stock market. Mark cubans doing it. Hedge funds are doing. In the case of GRT if u guys browsed biz in early January you probably noticed the massive FUD campaign against GRT. Everyday there were at least 5 to 6 posts fudding GRT. Now that grt has pumped you will notice that there are massive shilling posts on 4chan with 100+ comments . These are not random anons, these are the same people in the PnD group commenting their own thread. The most obvious cue was when someone posted a Forbes post shilling grt from a black reporter. A black reporter really? Do not lose money please. If u want to make money out it in a small cap with potential not a pumped coin. You can even put it on REN at least REN moon is organic . U guys will become the new GRT December bag holders

>> No.28257471

Thanks just bought 100k

>> No.28257486
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How does an infinity harem of big titty emo girls dabbing on your benis while big milky mommy gf’s clean your room and cook for you and feed you milk straight from their udders to wash down the apple slice and peanut butter they made before your padthai uber eats shows up to your sandstone villa while you level up your slayer in old school RuneScape sound?

>> No.28257523
File: 70 KB, 947x768, 2totk5fxcsd61.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Historically, your mom is a pump and dump. Hate to break it to you folks, but she is. These are the facts. People saying she isn't, you're on the wrong side of the data. All her holes are being run by niggers. Her large milkers have been already allocated to chads, way before she even hit the streets, because of how slutty she is (before you were born).

I estimate your mom to be valued at 0.30-0.35 per BJ maximum until larger dicks want to use her, which currently they don't, because she is too skanky too. Quality hoes are expensive, in general, to use anyway.

With that being said, your mom is a utility whore which means her price has to remain low for niggers to even want to use her. It is just the way it is right now.

>> No.28257550
File: 47 KB, 680x383, 563465437.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>weak fud

>> No.28257806
File: 3 KB, 94x125, pootoken.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seriously, listen to OP.

Fuck this shitcoin. The one time it 'mooned' from .50 to $1 I lost half in a swing, but I can't even be salty about it since in the time GRTrannies were bagholding this shit for their jew savior based on web3 and muh fundamentals, RBC made a x70.
Once it hits $1 again, I'm out. By the time (if) this is worth buying in future I'll be able to purchase x5 minimum what I have now from gains elsewhere.

Maybe if the delegation process wasn't such a piece of shit I would be delegating.
28 day freeze, plus gas fees. Your reward? Not only can you be cucked by the indexer at ANY time, but you can also be cucked by whales delegating to the indexer and eating up most of your APY. Delegation is literally anti-poorfolio. Unless you're practically a venture capitalist already with 100k to stake in a long term project, don't even bother trying it. This realization unironically has me selling.

Even if you bought at .50, you've actually been priced out and just didn't realize it yet. Just consider yourself lucky you made x2. This project will die a stablecoin purely because the price movement we care about is driven by speculation, but the whales who are going to accoomulate all of the supply don't actually care if it's $1 or $2 or 50c. They have 1M GRT in their wallet already and they're collecting obscene APY they can live off regardless. They don't need some crazy x10 pump to make it, because they already had one, and now they're content to coast on their 10-15% APY. While the already-rich are locked in and making their gains with the tried and true classic Jewish method of 'coast into riches on interest', small-timers with 5 digit bags or less are probably going to be stuck bagholding this shit for 5 years before they even see $2.50. Why do you think Forbes is sucking its dick now? It's such an economically conventional project, its obvious purpose is to further enrich the already wealthy Jewish investor class.

Even the logo is a fucking merchant.

>> No.28258156

So I'm gonna go ahead and assume this is the FUD phase OP was talking about.

>> No.28258483

>he thinks the accumulation phase is over

>> No.28258492
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>> No.28258868

Sounds like Americans to me

>> No.28258874


You seem to have done your research.
Do you recommend any rubic or katalyo like coins for an anon like me to escape slavery . I hate this clown word and I don’t want to live in it. I just want to make enough gains to go to the mountains and be happy.

>> No.28259523

I guess if you fraternize with Kansas City faggots, cityboy

>> No.28259528
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>buying rubic
How does RBC do BTC to ETH trades?

>> No.28260015

GRT is the ask jeeves of indexers lmao

>> No.28260724

So.... this is a fud thread..so its going up now..cool thanks op

>> No.28260867

West coast diner time: pythons off

>> No.28260960

Look guys, I used to like grt too but seriously we can’t let grt have its hands on the nuclear codes

>> No.28261118
File: 721 KB, 1920x1080, 1612398383022.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

kek you greasy motherfuckers are ridiculous
let them in, you pieces of shit

>> No.28261236

Suck a fart out my assholw bitch

>> No.28261420

Op is a fag

Didnt read the whitepaper


>> No.28261619
File: 401 KB, 945x745, 2B9B9639-E38A-43C5-950B-3C787BE0C4F6.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.28261852

not even this will make leveling slayer past 90 more bearable

>> No.28262145

You had months!!!

>> No.28262167 [DELETED] 

Fuck, I actually agree with you. It's only worth it for the people who got in very early. Sitting here with a 2k stack seeing people who got in at sub 10c prices and 40-50k+ stacks... like, jesus, why even bother. It might have somewhat feasible for small-stack holders if it wasn't for the insane eth gas prices, but as it is now... meh. I'm struggling to even find the incentive to DCA up to the supposed minimum amount of 5k to make delegating supposedly 'worthwhile'.

I didn't realize before but you actually have MULTIPLE transaction fees to delegate. One fee just to "approve" the transaction and another fee which will be around USD$50-100 at current prices for the actual delegation. Then another fee to undelegate. Fuck it's ridiculous.

It goes to show you really have to get into a good project in the ICO phase if you want to 'make it', I guess... And who knows if there'll be another one of those again any time soon.

>> No.28262228
File: 8 KB, 225x225, 1584745530239.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thanks, bought the dip.

>> No.28262406

Wrong thread bro. I get it it's a FUD thread. But for once the FUD isn't about XSN

>> No.28262446

>why even bother
We were $0.3 like last week, maroon

>> No.28262517
File: 41 KB, 474x656, ed925d560e81016a21bf1120b9e7bf9a1fc04341092ec2f4ee118b5cec85e8e3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck yourself.

>> No.28262541

>Maybe if the delegation process wasn't such a piece of shit I would be delegating.
>28 day freeze, plus gas fees. Your reward? Not only can you be cucked by the indexer at ANY time, but you can also be cucked by whales delegating to the indexer and eating up most of your APY. Delegation is literally anti-poorfolio. Unless you're practically a venture capitalist already with 100k to stake in a long term project, don't even bother trying it. This realization unironically has me selling.

Fuck, I actually agree with you. It's only worth it for the people who got in very early and with a good amount of starting capital to work with. Sitting here with a 2k stack seeing people who got in at sub 10c prices and 40-50k+ stacks... like, jesus, why even bother. It might have somewhat feasible for small-stack holders if it wasn't for the insane eth gas prices, but as it is now... meh. I'm struggling to even find the incentive to DCA up to the supposed minimum amount of 5k to make delegating supposedly 'worthwhile'.

I didn't realize before but you actually have MULTIPLE transaction fees to delegate. One fee just to "approve" the transaction and another fee which will be around USD$50-100 at current prices for the actual delegation. Then another fee to undelegate. Fuck it's ridiculous.

It goes to show you really have to get into a good project in the ICO phase if you want to 'make it', I guess... And who knows if there'll be another one of those again any time soon.

>> No.28262745
File: 692 KB, 945x745, grt_never_selling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made a slight modification fren

>> No.28262947

The tokenomic discourage trading. This will increase scarcity and increase price organically. Coinbase saw what BNB did and came up with something better. There's still time to get in early before normies FOMO.

>> No.28263039
File: 377 KB, 431x569, 21491290740124-214124124.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I was wondering why is GRT on Coinbase Pro but not Coinbase? Do you think they are trying to hide it from normies?

>> No.28263091

Are you being retarded on purpose?
It's 100% on regular Coinbase.

>> No.28263251

even venture capital firms are balls deep in GRT


i should prolly delete this post

>> No.28263260
File: 1.13 MB, 689x1000, grt_anime.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Okay, well I don't have cuckbase, was just looking at Coingecko pairs and it only shows Coinbase Pro for some reason

>> No.28263494

Wait what big corpos are Invested in it?

>> No.28263532
File: 58 KB, 300x284, aaaaaaaaaaaaa.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Delet pls

>> No.28263642
File: 966 KB, 1000x704, 56bfe9f3a648af6b.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

join or be left behind, you've been warned

>> No.28263800

I am on reg coinbase and it is on there. It is over a dollar now. For those with small stacks remember that delegating becomes viable at lower levels if the price goes up. So lets say 5k stack a $1 is viable now, it would be viable with a 2.5k stack at $2.

>> No.28264038

Can you elaborate a little more, anon?

>> No.28264183

>Fuck this shitcoin because I lost more than I gained from being a swingcuck
>swingcuck regret: the post

>> No.28264394
File: 427 KB, 1663x888, GRTventure.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

inb4 noses find out we're nosing them

>> No.28264432

If $1000 of GRT becomes $5000 of GRT, then the same trandaction fee will be lower percentage-wise. Problem is that by the time your GRT goes up enough, ETH will also be even more congested.

>> No.28264573

>ETH will also be even more congested.
Yeah, for now
See >>28261118

Give it a month or two, fren.

>> No.28264713
File: 3.11 MB, 1333x1897, 1612066494846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine not being all in on grt