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2825810 No.2825810 [Reply] [Original]

>bitcoin getting destroyed by chinese miners
>ether getting destroyed by hacks
IOTA is the future of scalable, decentralized crypto.

>> No.2825829

IOTA is centralized and manipulated. Fuck off bagholder

>> No.2825835

If you like double-spending, sure

>> No.2825853

stop trying to sell it as the bitcoin killer. you're a retard. you would do better to say it's gonna be valuable alongside bitcoin as some kind of "internet of things" token for washing machines to trade with each other or whatever.

>> No.2825858

Cite sources, byteball samefag. It's more decentralized than even bitcoin because it doesn't rely on miners. Every node is a verifying node.

>> No.2825890

Except BTC really is dying. The chinaman miners are never going to allow the lightning newtwork to operate because it would jeopardize their fees.

>> No.2825897

Just invest in ANS

>> No.2825909

don't get tangled up with this shitcoin anons

>> No.2825947

don't touch this overpumped shit

>> No.2825958

Why, so we can buy your DGB bags? IOTA is basically crypto's last chance for replacing fiat now that BTC can never get instant transactions.

>> No.2826045
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Obvious samefag posting from mutliple devices. Reminder that last thread people openly admitted to trying to crash the price so that they could buy more.

>> No.2826053

lmao. sure, iota fag. sure.

>> No.2826073

i like the idea of tangle, the more use it gets, the faster the chain also becomes because of the way its built

it also has an alliance like eth does, with cisco and foxxcon in it

currently got 10k iota

should i buy more?

>> No.2826104

Looks at the posting style. The first two both leave off the trailing period, and the second two don't use any capitalization. Both were posted in rapid succession.

>> No.2826129


Holy fucking shit. This FUD.... I'm stocking up on IOTA lads. Already got 1k soon to be more.
This is probably gonna be the next ETH level gains.

>> No.2826174

I also see IOTA is going to be huge
just wait 10 years for IOT to settle in daily lifes

>> No.2826179

IOTA seems to able to solve every scaling issue with the current blockchain model, the more users , the faster it gets because of the way the PoW is implemented

and there's no fees at all, because everytime you send something, you perform a little bit of pow, like 2-3 transactions