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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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28256580 No.28256580 [Reply] [Original]

If $100k was transferred into your bank account how would you use it to start a business?

>> No.28256707

1k in Doge
99k in boipuccy

>> No.28256741

id become a fat jerry seinfeld.

>> No.28256743

start a business?

hell no.

im gonna turn that shit into a million with crypto and sit on my ass, fuck that business shit

>> No.28256748

He's giving me strong pedo vibes for some reason.

>> No.28256773

Invest it and use the leverage to get a low interest business loan and use that money to start an LLC.

>> No.28256819

>for some reason
Do you know where you are?

>> No.28256835

Farm stablecoins for normies and boomers. Take 30% of profits

>> No.28256869


pay underage girls for referrals to other underage girls

>> No.28256893

Buy 10 pairs of kneepads and lease out a warehouse. You know the rest.

>> No.28256934

Buying gold kneepads.

>> No.28257022

I always wanted to have a comic book store but now that comics are pozzed to hell and back instead of just somewhat pozzed I guess I would just open a Korean restaurant and have some Koreans I buy from Korea to run it for me we don't have a good Korean restaurant around here

>> No.28257078

lease a commercial space and hire a bunch of min wage moms to sew unique styled face masks

>> No.28257127

I'm put it all in Rubic.

>> No.28257140

How the fuck do you plan to do that?

>> No.28257245

Launch a scam coin and fleece /biz/

>> No.28257266


$100k? Can’t do much with that

>> No.28257303

if i ever had $100k it'd go into cheap japanese shitboxes and tuning parts, i'm ngmi

>> No.28257324

I’d put $100k all into BTC and continue DCAing into it like normal

>> No.28257375

I would move to Cambodia, and sell covered calls and put on SPY. I'd use the money generated from premiums to open cafes targeted towards foreigners and the growing middle class. I'd also pay, the very few successful, Cambodian Instagram stars to pump my brand.

>> No.28257402

>im gonna turn that shit into a million with crypto and sit on my ass, fuck that business shit
that's unironiacally my dilemma now.
i spent 4 years to make 7 figures in crypto to allow me to cash out to manifest a business in reality...but the opportunity cost is best kept in crypto.

t. 5 rental units purchased in cash (ty crypto) thusfar

accepting anon advice from non-poorfaggots

>> No.28257436


Honestly considering it but I'm kind of retarded and someone would probably figure out my real identity

>> No.28257568

You are genius. If I wasnt married, I'd do the same.

>> No.28257585

Probably spend up to 5k for an online business(es).
>Referral links
>Website with ads
>Player's guides with ads
That sort of thing. All you need is computer.

>> No.28257590

I’d use it to pay of my student loans, it’s not enough for a brick and mortar, and not having that bill would free up a lot of my cash to get whatever business I have in mind going plus like the 33K that will be left

>> No.28257615

all in on GRT

>> No.28257619


>> No.28257680

Biz is a crypto board, take your gay ass "business" idea somewhere else

>> No.28257724

Even if a business would make you more money, running your own business is a ton of fucking work. Whereas investing and holding requires basically zero work and minimal research/intelligence.

>> No.28257798

Yes I had a successful one in 2017 but my partners wife died and it folded in on itself.

>> No.28257805

>Start a business
>During covid

>> No.28257923

Buy 10 shit coins on uniswap and hope for the best.

>> No.28258235

Let's go to Bodia bro. You can find a cutter wife there.

>> No.28258669

I’d retire.

>> No.28258721

I would open a restaurant

>> No.28258856

I'd buy 2 bitcoins

>> No.28258994

Best answer in the thread if you delegate

>> No.28259097

I would buy a pre-owned semi truck.
Haul reefer freight.
Maybe pull oversized loads.

>> No.28259310

Staking 100k of FTM would give me $1300 per month which is twice what I get monthly by living in south america.

>> No.28259464

I'd start a business seeking rent/foreclosing on other businesses. Seems like a growth sector in an economy that's been raped everywhere else.

>> No.28259507
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Probably a niche webshop, and shill products on reddit and facebook. It's not glamorous, but the reality is, that this world is filled with retards that are willing to throw money on dumb shit.

>> No.28259817

Oh how would I use it, well 5-10k for a company truck, get my pesticides applicator license, do most the gathering clients myself.

Keep as much possible back for as my business grows I'll need to hire other applicators that can use my license to apply pesticides without getting tested.

15 min per house, $1.5USD in materials per house, charge customers 150-250 per job and the chemical wears off every 90 days due to EPA regulations so set them up on a reoccurring contract.

>> No.28259982

If you have enough clients one employee can bring in 500k profits a year, aim for 10-12 employee's maybe temps during peak months.

Edge out other pest control companies because I know things, and then sell it to terminex for 75 Million in a few years with a non-compete contract that I can't do it again for 3 years.

>> No.28259991

who the fuck pays 250 dollars for pesticide? where tf are you living? you're dreaming nigga
i wouldn't pay your bitch ass more than 10 bucks for throwing some shit

>> No.28260051
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VR Arcade.

>> No.28260182

Try every single rich house and poor house in the midwest?

Go look at the average cost per application, excluding the first because they usually do it free to make it appear cheaper with a contract saying you pay 300 if you don't finish the 5 applications per year.

Literally every pest control place right now.

>> No.28260230

>to start a business
Fuck that shit 80k into the stocks i'm hoarding and 20k on paying bills so i can sit at home and masturbate to fat hentai tits.

>> No.28260263

You wanna see something really bad go look at Trugreens prices, fucking nuts they make pest control places look cheap.

>> No.28260426

Korean food is mediocre as hell you yellow fever fag

>> No.28260518

You said you live in South America....

So how would you know the average American market?

>> No.28260529

Stop being freeloading landlord scum

>> No.28260619

>putting in all that effort to start a business when you could just invest in crypto and 100x from the comfort of your home
heh nothing personnel kid

>> No.28260625

Antifa? You do realize landlords are responsible for all repairs, appliances, lawsuits, trespassers.

Shit ain't free.

>> No.28261076

Just to ensure you it's actually a solid plan, I myself have serviced over 5000 houses and only 1 declined the service, I was also the followup man to the salesman who would finalize the contract.

The only person who didn't accept was because I refused to service her home because the salesman proclaimed we could spray every square inch of her yard which is a big no no.

>> No.28261717

They already know. Why do you think you have to solve a captcha to post?

>> No.28261805

I would kill myself and leave all of it to my niece.

>> No.28261976

>Buy property
>Call it a "service" when you perform the inherent responsibilities of owning property

>> No.28262003

dinner with Jay Z

>> No.28262089

>shit aint free, goy

>> No.28262139


get a business loan of like 400k or some shit, i don't know economics or w/e
put 200k of it in BTC/ETH
cash out at the top of this bull run in april, probably have at least 80% increase in money
after the inevitable crash following bull season, put half of all my earnings into BTC/ETH
use 10k to open a chic-fil-a franchise. It's really cheap to open a franchise with chic-fil-a, they help you with the costs because you share profits with them at a higher rate than other fast food franchises.
Work at my chic fil a for a few years and retire a millionaire

>> No.28262175

Start a roller derby league? You're a fucking genius

>> No.28262245

You're in the jungle, baby

>> No.28262385

I’d start a cafe
Even if it failed it’d be fun

>> No.28262413

If renters don't like the arrangement then why don't they buy their own house?

>> No.28262599

stay out the tendie game, cholo

>> No.28262620

they're poorfags with shit credit that not even the FHA would loan to

>> No.28262711

>you share profits with them at a higher rate than other fast food franchises.
>Work at my chic fil a for a few years and retire a millionaire

>> No.28262949

>Rent a property
>Don't pay for appliances
>Don't pay for upkeep
>Don't pay taxes
>Don't deal with lawyers
>Don't cut the grass

I could go own, where is your logic?

If you buy a property you pay more than the renter would and you have to do all the things a property owner would do that a renter does not.

Should we buy houses and give them away?
If that's the case nobody will be a landlord and you either buy a house to go shit in the street.

Jesus christ, I'm probably poorer than you but I will never suffer your communism.

>> No.28263070

Slum lords only exist because people are passive, landlords are legally obligated to do all the things I said, most renters are too brainlet to know the law.

>> No.28263099

I'd use part of it to buy and renovate a modest home with a decent amount of land. I'd farm that land to supplement my living expenses and sell the excess. I'd also have a climate controlled shed where I'd house and breed green tree pythons. I guess I wouldn't so much use it to start a business as I would to stake my flag in the ground somewhere.

>> No.28263159

>$100k transferred to bank account
>CRA comes knocking
>can't explain where it came from
>get anally raped and your money stolen as ill-gotten gains

>> No.28263345

i'm black ese
even leaving aside my
>80% increased money in eth/btc
chic-fil-a prints money, man. Every single hour of every single day those places got lines out the door and around the drive-thru, taking up OTHER places parking lots.
The only down side is that you have to work a job. But if you're gonna work you might as well work as a king.

Most fast food companies don't make it widely known just how much their franchise owners earn a year, but that doesn't mean it's not possible to get a pretty good idea. According to the franchise information group, Franchise City, a Chick-fil-A operator today can expect to earn an average of around $200,000 a year. This calculation is based on the average restaurant's earnings and the percent gross that operators take (via Washington Post). The chicken business pays pretty well, but the tough part is actually getting the business.


>According to the franchise information group, Franchise City, a Chick-fil-A operator today can expect to earn an average of around $200,000 a year. This calculation is based on the average restaurant's earnings and the percent gross that operators take (via Washington Post). The chicken business pays pretty well, but the tough part is actually getting the business.

Honestly with how much this board talks about making it or w/e, I don't see a lot of strategies that talk about owning a chic-fil-a, and that's alarming. At the rate chic-fil-a is going we'll all be eating there for every meal eventually

>> No.28263482

bunch of hookers and cocaine

>> No.28263580
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open a tenth planet in osaka with an investment visa off of the 100k usd

>> No.28263599

I'd lease a small office building, hire a few newly graduated programmers, and make kickstarter projects that get to about 50% completion before dumping the project and running with the money.

>> No.28263629

I'm already in the middle of starting my own arborist business, so absolutely yes.

>> No.28263760


>> No.28263977
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2022 SPY calls
Yellen called me. She said she would make those motherfuckers print

>> No.28264046

I wouldn't and I would use it to buy chainlink eth and bitcoin.

>> No.28264095

I would just buy LTO and stake it

>> No.28264108


>> No.28264164

short the s&p

>> No.28264173
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i already have 100k in my bank account, and i don't want to start a business

>> No.28264288

I already have a pretty good plan. Biomedical devices FOR free. You heard me. Ever heard about the fact the govvie doesnt want you to know about the free ducks? Yea well now apply that to leeches. You heard me right. Buy 10 to 20 cans, poke the holes, $5 chicken heads, and youre off. Now take that deposit and buy your protected aquarium and light vehicle to go from lake to lake trapping them. One leech sells for $12. Your hourly salary.

>> No.28264462

Where do you sell the leeches? And they just want any random street leech not a lab grown leech? Can you breed them instead?

>> No.28264772

I guess a place like wardsci
Very few websites sell live leeches. Maybe just make your own website. Technically only supposed to sell to zogpharmabots like hospitals, so you are aware.

>> No.28264848

No leeches cant be bred unless you want to figure it out.

>> No.28264886

kys and go back to leftypol

>> No.28265024

Also I'll mention I'd personally buy the bloodsucker leeches. I think theyll make a big come back. Blood health is ignored these days for men and women in menopause.

>> No.28265047

5K on Amazon FBA product
95K on Adderall, cocaine, doordash

>> No.28265136

True but I meant some individual autist I scammed would come find me, doubt the government gives two fucks about shitcoins as long as I pay taxes

>> No.28265163

50k into BTC, 50k investing into a somewhat small enterprise to learn the ropes in an already established enterprise.
Five years later, invest 100k of my 300k in BTC to start my own enterprise.

>> No.28265239


>> No.28265312

One more thought. Online is regulated by zog. So barter would be better. Selling on uniswap leech NFT or at an old fashioned farmers market would work best.

>> No.28265324

Retard they are very selective of choosing franchisees. You have to be a family man and go to church.

>> No.28265371

I don't know if you are being intentionally dense but the point of the thread is what will your enterprise be?

>> No.28265382

id buy a pound of weed, then spend 15k into silver when it settles back down to normal. another 10k into gold. spend the rest in various bonds and stocks so i can make residual income while i pursue other dreams.

>> No.28265522


>> No.28265736

I let my lawn turn into sand idgaf
Everything will be sand someday anyways

>> No.28265768
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hello fellow rose poster

>> No.28266060

Based retard

>> No.28267108


>> No.28267322

Ok biz ready for my second big business idea? I said yall Ready for this!? Ok. The at home UV lite safe and efficient butthole tanning unit. Ever wonder? Damn my butt stank! Yea well its probably mold or some shit. You need the butthole tanning unit!

>> No.28267425

buy boat and catch and sell fish. easy

>> No.28267727
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Buy a boat and rent a slip near some up and coming touristy spot and take rich old men charter fishing.

>> No.28267739
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b-but roaring 20s came after a pandemic. This time its the same!

>> No.28267894

Even the smartest man in history fucks up. That's reassuring? I think...

>> No.28268214

Why would I give my ideas away for free

>> No.28268276

Im giving mine away because i probably wont have time to do that shit but unironically want to buy leeches and a butthole tanner.

>> No.28268692

t. Actual business owner of 4 years.
I wouldn’t start a business with $100k. I started my business with $72. I’ve made $50k in a month before. The problem is it takes a special person to start and grow a business from the ground up. Not many can do it without having security in place, like not having to pay bills or rent. I was lucky cuz I live at home. If I was just given $100k, I’d buy another business that is already profitable, and just take it off the other persons hands. That way I’d guarantee income coming in so I had security. COVID taught business people a lot, so, I’d literally aim for a restaurant or some kind of essential business like a gas station or convenience store. These business are cheap enough to buy and $100k is enough to be able to get the right loans if required to buy another business like this. That’s what I’d do if you gave me $100k right now.

>> No.28269649

I would set up a small office downtown and hire about 15 young adults. I would pay them on commission and they would be tasked with the job of shilling shitcoins on this board. I would hire a lawyer fulltime to protect us from lawsuits from using big brand names such as Lowe'sCoin, BKCoin, Wendy'sCoin, SeinfeldCoin, PFEC(Poop Face Emoji Coin), MCDC, REEF.
I would put all my earnings into BTC. When I inevitably get thrown in jail, my BTC would grow 10x and I'd be living life on easy mode.

>> No.28270162
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Ide buy a boat and start harpooning whales

Ide also donate generously to preserve our planets majestic cetaceans.

>> No.28270433

Throw it all into eth/bitcoin and sit on it for years
You aren't starting shit in the middle of covid

>> No.28270516
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>> No.28270575

nice anon, what's your biz? I put an ad on indeed for mine and got like 7 applications in an hour, i'm kinda nervous because i've heard hiring good people is the toughest part

>> No.28271385

I own a liquor store, however 70% of my money is made from crypto and stock gains. Business was actually up in 2020 and I was considered an essential business

>> No.28271818

I netted $30k on a lawn business in Oregon that ran from May until September last year. Had to call it quits because my partner couldn’t do one quarter of what he claimed when we started. I was working my day job in software and closing lawn leads while bonehead and a helper mowed. If I had a partner who was worth a shit I could have quit my day job next season. I could go on and on about the problems I had working with this dude but if you don’t mind cutting grass then you will unironically make it.

>> No.28273109
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Dedicated shitcoin PnD shill group. 10% wages / website development / programming, 90% investment cash. In and out in 5 days max per coin, hit 5-6 mil then disband until the next bull run.

>> No.28274534

This, or AVAX.

>> No.28274689

Kek I read that in axel roses voice


>> No.28275284

Make sure that 10% of my treasury was in crypto
(9% btc, 1% Aleph or similar setup)