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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 45 KB, 929x1175, 831C58E4-F178-423C-B655-1BE6DA0DC55E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28253300 No.28253300 [Reply] [Original]

Now that Pangolin has launched, we are truly comfy. AVAX is like an airplane set on autopilot at a steady climb rate. Coinbase will give it a boost. Then, normies will finally start paying attention and act like they are pioneers buying in at $500-$2000 range.

>> No.28253414

AVAX is a new paradigm in the crypto space.

Congratulations AVAXchads.

>> No.28253438

americans can't even smoothly buy yet. has room to 3x still

>> No.28253497
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I hope you realize we are all going to be rich as fuck gentlemen

>> No.28253567

$20,000 starting capital at $20.

Six figures when sirs?

>> No.28253614

someone post the dextool

>> No.28253663

So quickly, strap yourself in.

>> No.28253823

How many PNG are we getting? I’ve been on a long drive home

>> No.28253882

what's the sell price target for this run?

>> No.28253963

Started staking my AVAX for a couple weeks right before this pump started a week ago. Forcing diamond hands upon me... and I still feel comfy as fuck.

>> No.28253980

$150 minimum
if you have brain, this will go to $300-500

>> No.28254106
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>tfw only bought 24 tokens on a whim not even knowing wtf it was
Am I accidentally gonna make it bros? How high is this bird gonna go?

>> No.28254157

Still I'm genuinely pissed this pumped before I could dump my entire wage-slave bonus into it at $12 and pad my stack. I suppose I could have worse problems.

>> No.28254193

only have 15bags i want moaar

>> No.28254462

950 AVAX chad here.

God I have never felt this comfy

>> No.28254600

AVAX is pulling accelerated chainlink. 1.2M sats by EOY

>> No.28254655
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holy shit

community college student, haven't had a paying job in over a year

it feels good to have money again

>> No.28254755

Fuck, when is this shit coming to Coinbase? I want in without retarded gas fees

>> No.28254774

Retard here. How do I get Metamask to see the Avalanche chain?

>> No.28255789
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Add a custom RPC network

>> No.28256052

what did you buy at??

>> No.28257344
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Buy one more and stake them for infinite money.

>> No.28258237
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Retard here. I beg of you, please for the love of God tell me how to get in on PNG.
I can't buy ETH on Metamask because my state's not supported, and can't transfer ETH from Coinbase or Voyager because of hold/wait times.
I don't want to be late on another coin.

>> No.28258477

bros it's $40 already I fucking missed it

>> No.28259292

people are still trying to buy in

>> No.28259926

How do I stake? Does it need its own wallet cuz mine are on binance right now.

>> No.28259943


it's on binance and chinese exchanges, but as a US customer I can't find it

>> No.28260070

You can buy AVAX on Voyager, but you won't be able to transfer it for a while until they add support for that.

>> No.28260134

no i meant what price
im on voyager but thank you for the info

>> No.28260160

ZERO Exchange with built in Bridge
Pangolin?? How does pangolin support all erc20 tokens?

>> No.28260194

cant believe i got memed in to buying link over this shit. FUCK

>> No.28260487

I'm trying to claim the PNG airdrop and that doesn't help. If I don't find a way to do it before the airdrop expires, I may have to VPN onto Binance.

>> No.28261209

>How does pangolin support all erc20 tokens?
cchain is basically erc but instead of jewish gas prices, you get less jewish gas prices

you can't trade other shitcoins at the mometn because there's no liquidity. people would have to add first

>> No.28261297

So what sets pangolin and zero exchange apart from eachother?

>> No.28261408

Shill me why u should drop dot and eth for this bad boy?

>> No.28261423

I hope I can shill this to my parents before it hits 100.
>t. poor eurofag student

>> No.28261427

>Zero exchange
avax net isnt live yet
they have a working ERC -> Avax bridge though
>Pangolin exchange
avax net is live with limited liquidity
they don't have a working ERC -> Avax bridge

>> No.28261501

vpn and binance burger bro don't be a retard

>> No.28261646

there are plenty of sell orders of people who bought at 4usd. you can still make it. This is a blue chip coin, 5 digits at max

>> No.28261832

Is it better to hold AVAX or PNG?

>> No.28262722

becareful not to send from the x-chain to the c-chain and vice versa. use the avalanche online wallet to convert. really easy if you're not a normie.

>> No.28262788

You should be able to buy ETH almost everywhere in the world?

>> No.28262811

You can stake those on binance and get APR. Then when you have 25 you can delegate them to a node on the network and get more

>> No.28262884

Use Nord VPN and create an account on Binance. Create an AVAX wallet. Setup Metamask. All easy stuff.

>> No.28262919

It solve's ETH's gas problem and it works right now with

>> No.28263025

Third world country fag here, 10AVAX, I'm gonna be rich enough to start my own business if it gets to 1k per coin, I'll wait for as long as needed

>> No.28263124

>Coinbase will give it a boost

>> No.28263152

i've been waiting for 3 hours to send 1 uni to myself over avax network
yes i checked the network explorer
piece of shit

>> No.28263245
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is there any way for me to redeem the airdrop as a lowly burger with all my AVAX in voyager?

>> No.28263403

$100 EOM is literally a FUD, get ready to burn in six figure hell by the end of next week

>> No.28263518

Cant you just skip the metamask and move from binance to avax wallet?

>> No.28263647

Brainlet here

I really like AVAX but I don’t understand shit. Can I wait until CB listing? Will it still be worth buying?

>> No.28263700

wait and it will be over 100 by then. its in your best interest to figure it out now

>> No.28263793

How did people find out how to connect to the custom RPC? I've looked everywhere for what values to enter for name, url, chain ID, etc.

I see >>28255789 but, with all due respect, I don't want to enter stuff just because some anon told me to.

>> No.28263884

It should be instant.

>> No.28263957

Yes, but if you want to use Pangolin you can setup metamask easily.

>> No.28264027


>> No.28264128
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>> No.28264136
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Just so everyone understands, Binance uses X-Chain, Pangolin uses the C-Chain.

>> No.28264260

is there any difference in stacking with binance vs the official avax site?

>> No.28264420

Is there any place that would let me buy ETH and transfer it to my wallet on the same day?
Bear in mind that I wasn't kidding when I said I'm a retard.

>> No.28264566

Crypto market is going up, but it is still full of farming platforms with awful conditions. And some people continue to bring them their money haha. But what is a good option for me? Check the Crop Finance:

> easy automated yield farming with low(none) risks and highest yields
> high rewarded staking with a wide range of benefits
> best gas savings on rebalance, lending service and bonusreward for liquidity providers

>> No.28264686

pangolin actually has support from the avax devs and isn't an obvious pajeet scam

>> No.28264832
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>Sold all my LINK for a 10x gain in january after it hit $20 again
>Went all-in on AVAX
>I'm already up 4x
I could sell now, buy myself a house and never have to work another day in my life. But I won't. I'm riding this bitch till the end of the bullmarket.
I made it bros.

>> No.28264850

Link is a completely different product than avax

>> No.28264877

Just stake, $100 midyear minimum.

>> No.28265377

crypto.com -> link bank account -> make account on binance with euro vpn -> send eth to binance address from crypto.com app/site -> profit.

>> No.28265395

Has anybody successfully executed a swap on Pangolin? All my transactions are marked as pending

>> No.28266892

Is over 2000 and a node enough to make it?

>> No.28267046

Same here, It's over. Not biting till it dumps or crabs for a week.

>> No.28267103

Won't work. I don't have an account with crypto nor binance, and both are going to take too long to verify me.

>> No.28267189

How tf can I stake it on binance, is it not available in the uk?

>> No.28267225

I wish I had money to buy into this, feel like such a chump

>> No.28267255
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How long does it take until I can claim my PNG airdrop?

>> No.28267389

reset your metamask account
make sure gas is fixed at 470 gwei

>> No.28267397

How does $2,000,000 and $200,000 income for life sound?

>> No.28267434

If I’m a poorfag is 200 AVAX enough to change my life (obviously not “make it” levels)?

>> No.28267441
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>> No.28267446


>> No.28267455

Too late for the airdrop?

>> No.28267531

I remember poorfags holding 10k LINK asking that question in 2018.

>> No.28267545

Bros im retarded in US so binance is a no go how should i accumulate avax?

>> No.28267884

Then make one. My state doesn't allow crypto trading either mate. If that doesn't work then buy it off of something like coinomi and eat the gross fees they charge you

>> No.28268013

I stand corrected. I now have a crypto account and was able to buy ETH. Is euro binance the only way to transfer to Metamask?

>> No.28268165

Any exchange can transfer to metamask, including crypto. Just use the metamask address. It'll save you fees if you send it directly from crypto to binance though

>> No.28268311

Trying to add liquidity in pangolin, it's stuck at "Approving WBTC" and the transaction hashes don't show up on block explorer. Any help anons? Been stuck here for about 10 minutes trying to add to AVAX/WBTC

>> No.28268418

>americans can't even smoothly buy yet. has room to 3x still
Why? Sorry I'm not American.

>> No.28268425

Sitting on 900+ AVAX. Comfy.

Mining PNG with AVAX-LINK. Extra Comfy.

>> No.28268430 [DELETED] 

Avaxbros, send help. I already exchange avax to png, on the web i already have the token but in metamask the png token its not there? what do? sorry for gramar

>> No.28268503

This happened to me. Seems like there are some kinks they need to work out.

One of these ended up fixing it for me:
resetting your metamask wallet (possibly breaks your avalanche network and you need to add another one)
disconnecting your wallet from pangolin and connecting it back again.

>> No.28268513 [DELETED] 

do i have to add png token on metamask manually?

>> No.28268622

So can I use Pangolin to convert ETH to AVAX? Tried to open a Voyager account but there's a waitlist

>> No.28268738

I'll take the $9 fee. It's a small price to pay to invest early.

>> No.28268806

I got 900+ AVAX and 500+ LINK. How do I mine PNG?

>> No.28269028

Avaxbros, send help. I already convert avax to png, on the web i already have the token but in metamask the png token its not there? what do? should i add png to metamask like avax?
sorry for grammar

>> No.28269108

transfer your LINK to the avalanche network on:

Then create AVAX/LINK on:

Then go to:
and add to the AVAX-LINK pool.

>> No.28269136

What does AVAX have to do with Pangolin? I want to get in on this but I have no idea what you guys are talking about.

>> No.28269179

I would like to know how to add custom PNG token also

>> No.28269247

Thanks anon! Fixed it

>> No.28269257

No account, but they charge like 2% in fees

>> No.28269339

I sold AVAX for UNN (their partner) because AVAX is a bit overpriced and UNN hasn't moved. We'll see if I wanna rope in april.

>> No.28269372

Pangolin is uniswap but built on the AVAX network

>> No.28269406

Poorfag here who turned his 20 AVAX into tokens to farm PNG 20/week (10 avax to eth, 10 avax)

Will I make it or did I make a mistake?

>> No.28269433

So many newfags god damn. Avalanche is a smart contract platform and it can run applications such as Pangolin. Pangolin is a decentralized exchange running on avalanche. Read this please any newfags:

>> No.28269495

Can you buy Pangolin tokens anywhere?

>> No.28269502

Damn, thanks man

>> No.28269560

Yes, wrap your ETH (see web.xyz) then swap on pangolin

Note you incur ETH gas fees to move your ETH onto avalanche network (the fee is from Ethereum transaction, not the avalanche side)

>> No.28269622

End of february.

>> No.28269702

Btw is there a calculator that shows an estimated of PNG I would earn by adding liquidity?

>> No.28269799

What a fucking idiot. Im bullying you to buy back in now. You have no fucking clue how fucking stupid you are. You do not know what you are doing.

>> No.28269880

Sounds nice :)

>> No.28269917

yesterday some guy said better use the official because CZ (Binance CEO) is shady af (Binance stated they based on malta but official MFS didnt say so https://www.mfsa.mt/news-item/public-statement-2020/ , sorry i cant link the archived thread.

>> No.28269941
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fuck, my gains keep on decreasing

>> No.28269984

how much did you pay in ETH for wrapping ether then sending it?

>> No.28270021

Wont be comfy until Voyager releases my tokens

>> No.28270101


>> No.28270231

Good shit, i'm about to ape into this with my ETH

>> No.28270286

im an ausfag and just bought AVAX a couple of days ago on coinspot...I have to keep it in their wallet I guess but I still get to have the coin and ride the waves with the whales

>> No.28270420

Sorry for being a brainlet, but this talks about transfering my ETH? Not LINK.

>> No.28270427


I've just been an exchange coin trader for a few years. I dont know what anyone means by staking, and all of that other shit everyone is talking about. Why convert from ETH to Avax when you can just sell the Eth and buy it. I dont understand. Help.

>> No.28270429

poorfag here
just put 3 avax and bought at 40
i just want to 2x. Is it possible for it to hit 60 or 80 in a week?
last 2 days ago i was thinking of putting but didnt.
I wish i trusted my gut.

>> No.28270456

What are you talking about?
https://aeb.xyz/#/transfer is the official ETH <-> AVAX bridge and it works fine even if the site is a bit laggy. Costs a lot of ETH gas to transfer though.

>> No.28270465

Im definitely enjoying the ride but I will be holding this shit for a long time so I would at least like to get in on the staking rewards.

>> No.28270500

i mean that's not pangolin's but avax's but yeah there's two bridges currently. i'd trust AEB more than Zero's though

>> No.28270561

>only three

I hope you meant three hundred

>> No.28270597

The percentage well decrease over time. But yeah.

>> No.28270620

no im a poorfag from a third world sorry.

>> No.28270636

stufff fuck it.
why would you invest it all in one dumb thing?
you’re dumb as fuck.
>my portfolio with playcent and you will lick this nibba dick with fucking scam you support

>> No.28270759

You can transfer any ERC-20 token. To transfer ETH though you need to wrap it first tho 1:1 as WETH (click Wrap token on AEB)

>> No.28270823

so i transferred AVAX to Metamask, swapped to PNG and added liquidity

How to get this AVAX back to the network?

>> No.28270872

I staked my radix and it took me a day to figure it all out and clear everything....theres some staking avax vids on youtube ill watch and see how hard it is for my smol brain

>> No.28270905


If you swaped your AVAX to PNG... You have PNG not AVAX.

>> No.28270990

How do I transfer ETH from Binance to Metamask? Is there anything I need to be careful of?

>> No.28271004


No, I swapped in an 1:1 ratio to provide liquidity

But the AVAX are obviously not on the AVAX network

Say I'm done with pangolin and want to convert everything back

>> No.28271018

If you swapped Avax to PNG , its now PNG .
You need to liquid two token types, so what you did was AVAX / ___ whatever that token is combo. You always need to combo tokens.

So you lost some avax to make sure you can earn liquidity.

>> No.28271066

Why this over AAVE???

>> No.28271113

As I sad, I added liquidity in the form of AVAX/PNG

But i can not send AVAX from Metamask back to my AVAX-wallet or can I?

>> No.28271124

Aave is a slow and steady bet. Avax is a fast climbing volatile bet. Get both if you can. Mix in some Ada for a 1-2-3 punch.

>> No.28271238
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Bought 5k at $5aud.
I have never had this much money in my life.

>> No.28271379

Does anyone know what i did wrong? I have 6 UNI in my avalanche wallet in Metamask but i still don't have an airdrop to claim? I was holding 0.5 uni since October - did i have to hold the same amount over the past few months? pls help brush. Did i just lost $200

>> No.28271807

Is there any way to get ETH to Metamask from Binance without paying 9$...

>> No.28271950
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Hell yeah motherfucker

>> No.28272479
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Same here, 3rd worlder who got a few too.

Some say we are rich because "we want to"
But I legit would like to invest 3k usd if I had them here.

>> No.28272961

Newfag retard that bought ETH.
I'm trying to figure out what the hell am I doing wrong?
I have the ETH in my Metamask account, and verified that it's there by checking Etherscan, but I apparently needed to put it in the Avalanche Network? Did I fuck it up by doing that, or am I supposed to create an AVAX wallet, convert the ETH to AVAX, then convert that into PNG?

>> No.28273381

Bro, im a dumbass, i solved it. Go to metamask - Add token - Custom Token - Token Contact Addres
: 0x60781C2586D68229fde47564546784ab3fACA982 - Symol : PNG - Decimal : 18

>> No.28273437

No, that is the STATE of ETH

Abandon ship

>> No.28273617


>> No.28273819

Welcome to the Avax airlines!

>> No.28274214

What are realistic expectations for the token unlock in march? How many exactly will be unlocked and what impact do you faggots think it will have? Read a lot of fud about it lately, just want a realistic opinion

>> No.28274404

Did anyone use pangolin? I can't buy anything it says all the transactions are pending. Any suggestion on what to do?

>> No.28274458

Newfag here, what effect would do from token unlock?

>> No.28274484

its a metamask glitch when switching between networks. go into MM advanced settings and reset your account. it wont affect balances

>> No.28274573

Lmao 45 incoming

>> No.28275096

When I bought this a few weeks ago you faggots were saying $100 EOY

>> No.28275485

When is this coin coming on Binance

>> No.28275585
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png price prediction EOY? pretty cheap now and got like 100 in the airdrop, but may load up on some more...

>> No.28275792

We breached the top 20 boys.

>> No.28275842

It's 0.2 AVAX right now, 8$.
I don't think it will stay that high. Got to be a dump incoming

>> No.28276007

PNGbros, i want to transfer PNG to avalanche wallet, is it viable?, if it viable what should i use X chain or C-chain?

>> No.28276076

is this through binance by any chance? CZ has put in crazy delays.

>> No.28276088

chance of dip soon? i need to buy

>> No.28276131

>can't buy this anywhere because of my country
>binance.us doesn't have it
>everyone else getting in early
so this is what it means to be american. cool i guess.

>> No.28276133

look at it historically you retard and try to find a dump

>> No.28276200

dont use binance.us use binance.com

>> No.28276231

seems not many people are even claiming it bc of gas fees just getting the uni off the eth network, what a state eth is in

>> No.28276248


>> No.28276265

I made a 2x profit from this coin. Should I take out my profits? Should I cash out completely? The constant market crash threads on /biz/ and the fact that so many shitty coins are mooning like DOGE make me think we are in a bubble that's about to burst at any moment. My hands are getting weak anons

>> No.28276285
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>> No.28276472

Bought 10k in ICO ($0.5)
Bought 6k at $4
Bought another 6k at $17

Feels good bros. This is going to be in the top ten soon, its inevitable.

>> No.28276500

Can't approve eth in the Pangolin for some reason. It's been stuck for like 5 hours.

>> No.28276564

Try resetting metamask. Metamask -> Settings -> Advanced -> Reset account

>> No.28276631

can i interest you in some NFTs, prime quality freshly minted in the forges of my avax wallet

>> No.28276687

not available in the us

>> No.28276715

people have been using a vpn to use binance from the US

>> No.28276768

fuck, you're rich

>> No.28276781


It will hit at least $60 in a week fren, yes.

>> No.28276965

You are legit retarded

>> No.28277211

not if you've added all your avax and png to provide liquidity... if else then set the gas fee to 470 and it goes back fine using the c-contract address as recipient
wondering also whether you can send png to the avax wallet?

>> No.28277280

Where might I find projects being developed on Avalanche?

>> No.28277566

How tf do you get this shit if you're in the US.
Not on any exchange of uniswap

>> No.28277635

Their discord announcement channel is purely new projects

>> No.28277637

Avax is nice and all but trusting it as a financial platform or store of value is SKETCH AF... better for low-value IOT applications:
>non-history preserving consensus. i.e., if a 0 day exploit on VM-layer wipe out DAG storage, there is no longest chain rule to restore consensus state
>Nakamoto consensus + recursive snark BTFO avax scaling to infinity
>actors colluding 20% of avax staking power can put Tx on hold indefinitely (not as censorship resistant as Nakamoto)
>validator IPs are explicitly locked with staking power, possible issue regarding privacy and real-life attacks

>> No.28277697

It’s only February and you’ve already made it. Congratulations.

>> No.28277741

>better for low-value IOT applications:

>> No.28277806

Now this is some good FUD, someone did their homework.

>> No.28277940

OP is a poor Pajeet scammer
AVAX is a scam
Rug Pull incoming
Pump and Dump
Beware anons

>> No.28277960

it's not, he's been posting it in every AVAX thread for days, been BTFO'd several times

>> No.28278014

wat u said u shitty basterd?

>> No.28278015

>Cornell professor of Comp. Sci. leading the project

>> No.28278099

don't be jealous pajeet that there are are less people available to give their money to your pnd

>> No.28278128

Fake School
Pajeet Diploma Mill
Fake Degree

>> No.28278174

FAKE school? Who's the pajeet here if you don't even know about Cornell university you non-western scum?

>> No.28278236

its going to be so weird when I have 1 million usd worth locked in staking knowing I will get that back along with a 100k bonus in rewards

>> No.28278755

holy fuck it IS a scam
can't take my avax out of my metamask without getting errors WTFF

>> No.28279170

It's first day you panicking fuck - I've done 20 transactions today and it worked for the most part fine and super cheap

>> No.28279297

nvm i was retarded and trying to send it with 200 gwei lmao

>> No.28279329

See I told you
Stay away AVAX anons
Rugpull incoming
They are taking advantage of new fags, sad