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28233850 No.28233850 [Reply] [Original]

yesterday I saw I had like $2.93 of usdc sitting in my metamask wallet and wanted to convert that to eth so it would add a tiny bit more to my total eth. I didn't notice til now that there was a $180 gas fee because I didn't even have $180 gas in my wallet so I didn't think it would even let me do anything I didn't have enough to pay for. so now the transaction just says pending and I can't do anything else in metamask even though the transaction says dropped. So I still have to pay $180 in gas even though I didn't even have that much gas in my wallet to begin with? this makes no sense to me. why did it even let me do this? here's the transaction on etherscan https://etherscan.io/tx/0xfccb704ce20cbe7cd4ca1148c5f8946320ab052e89124b2d22e26d80a48b5e1f

>> No.28235208


>> No.28235220

Create a new metamask account.

>> No.28235306

is everything in my account lost forever?

>> No.28235464

why did it even let me do this if I didn't have enough to pay for gas wtf? what if a bunch of people just did what I did, the gas fees would never get paid?

>> No.28235491

Idk man, it clearly shows that you have something on there.
You even have some ETH on it and it didnt take that from you.
So I dont really know, its strange that it even performed that transaction.

>> No.28235546

Find the nonce for the transaction, send 0 eth to yourself in the same nonce

>> No.28235567

thanks for the help man, I sent a support ticket to metamask so hopefully they can help me out. seems like their mistake.

>> No.28235677


the nonce is 13 I think but wouldn't I still have to pay the gas that I don't even have enough to pay for to begin with?

>> No.28235692

You're about to be financially ruined m8. Delete what you can.

>> No.28235765

You have a withdrawal transaction for those USDC around 5 minutes earlier than that one you posted and gas fee is only 22usd.

>> No.28235856

what the fuck is this then lol

>> No.28235978
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this is sitting in my metamask wallet and when i click to view it on etherscan it's the link in op

>> No.28235989

1 minute my bad
Idk man, but clearly it still shows that 2.93usd on your metamask account.
Shits fucked.

>> No.28236125

thanks for all the help by the way. I couldn't believe I could do something this retarded but maybe metamask fucked up...

>> No.28236605

You will just have to wait a lot.
The whole ethereum network is busy as never before.
I remember that when I wanted to cancel a transaction with adequate amount of gas back when ETH bullrun havent even started, it took about 2 hours to do so.
So right now with this insane fees...well just wait and see what happens, but it shouldnt tkae ether from your account to pay that, because that transcation clearly didnt occur, it has been dropped from the blockchain.

>> No.28236992

ok thanks so much. I was freaking the fuck out because it's been over a day and I thought when I converted the usdc I somehow missed that the gas fee was 180 and now I owed it or something. idk this is fucking retarded.

>> No.28237193

I had this problem

I followed this to fix it


>> No.28237440

won't this make me pay a high ass gas fee though?

>> No.28237551

I hope you are a patient man if you want to withdraw that without paying a high gas fee. It's going to be no earlier than 2200 for Ethereum 2.0 to be released, by which time the US will be a smouldering crater riddled with Chinese concentration camps mining chinkcoin™ manually with exercise bikes belted up to asic miners. Your usdc will be near worthless, but you might be able to convince a westaboo to buy it for the novelty.

>> No.28237934

idk wtf this is though. that gas fee can't be from my account because I never had $180 eth in my wallet.

>> No.28238158

The custom nounce part near the bottom

Basically you send 0 ETH to yourself and it did charge me like $2 in gas but it might be higher now. I wasn't able to use my meta mask because any transaction would just go behind the pending one and I waiting like 16 days for it to stop pending but it never did. So I just ended up paying the small gas fee to be able to use my meta mask again.

>> No.28238465
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should I try this first? not sure what it does.

>> No.28238472

you don't even need to fucking do that

just click Reset Account in the Settings > Advanced menu. It clears all failed/pending transactions instantly.

>> No.28238582


>> No.28239158
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holy fuck ok it worked. damn that was scary, would hate to just burn $180. finally sent the eth in my metamask wallet to my exodus wallet like I was trying to do. dunno what the fuck happened but THANK YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

>> No.28239829
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No worries.