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File: 10 KB, 300x168, stellar.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
28230316 No.28230316 [Reply] [Original]

Is this coin going anywhere? Looks a lot like XRP. Worth an investment or should I just put it into XRP? I remember seeing this coin get shilled on this board a few years back, but now not so much. Any info on this coin?

>> No.28230399

should crack 60 cents this month. Then who knows.

>> No.28230512

why should it crack $.60 this month?

>> No.28231266
File: 2.06 MB, 2055x1257, 1611853025359.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's gaining more use and popularity, unlike allot of meme coins on this board XLM has a real world use case, their team even managed to get a deal with the national Ukrainian Bank.

>> No.28231529

yeah i read about that. If it dips to .35 i think ill buy in.

>> No.28231531

has anyone be able to use it, as designed, besides them?
i have an idea of how they want it to work but has it ever?

>> No.28231735
File: 56 KB, 1280x777, 1609365076035.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's a real cracka coin.


Akon->Akoin->Stellar->Black Exodus

>> No.28231978

It's better than PayPal, ive bought XLM in CAD and sent it to a buddy in Germany, he covered it to Euros, significantly lower fees than a bank transfer and PayPal. XLM works and it's fast. All it needs is good advertisement.

>> No.28232422

neat. i'll try it with some friends i have in Japan to see how it works for us. did they have to have a special wallet or just any account that takes XLM?
also how is it different from sending a bitcoin then converting it for money? faster iirc. crypto use brainlet here.

>> No.28232581

I sold my 2k lumens this morning, this shit is about to dip hard

>> No.28232809

Whales have massive sell walls up to stop it from mooning, they want to rotate out of the other coins that are mooning and ride this one up. So until they lift the walls we're basically just sitting on our hands. These fucks have it down to a science and are coordinated as hell. When they lift the walls it's likely to get up to between 65 - 80 cents before we start consolidating again.

>> No.28233009

how far do you think it will drop? Is it worth buying the dip?

>> No.28233032
File: 673 KB, 1012x731, 1612049957598.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Not much different from Bitcoin in the sense you send from one wallet to the other, but the difference is Bitcoin takes 30 minutes for six confirmations and will charge you about $20 in miner fees but XLM is almost instant and free, no miners fees. all you need and your friends is a good exchange with low fees. Go to your exchange by XLM, send XLM to your friends wallet, and they'll cash it out to their local currency.

>> No.28233127

>is it worth buying the dip

>> No.28233250

Yeah i want to get a nice bag started. This coin looks promising. With XRP being investigated by the SEC or whatever, this coin has massive potential for global wire transfers.

>> No.28233262

This, for some reason whales like to keep this coin down, maybe for stability? The fact is it will go up, we just don't know when.

>> No.28233444
File: 10 KB, 251x242, topkekpepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>asking for advice from someone who has $500
my fucking sides

>> No.28234356

ok, then you tell me lmfao.

>> No.28234540

the only way it dips is if BTC panic dumps the market, and even so its not going lower than 30

>> No.28234587

Grayscale has started accoomulating xlm like crazy, they doubled there xlm holdings last month if I remember, not to mention that th number of transactions on th stellar network dwarf everyother coin.

Overall this coin has solid fundamentals behind it, what's lackluster is that it doesn't have that great marketing or a fanatical braindead cult following(for better or worse).

>> No.28234801

how can we change that? why don/t a group of XLM holder shill the coin like linkers did back in 2017-2019?

>> No.28235346

There have been ppl on plebbit who shill xlm. But it's more due to the fact that everybody in the cypto space goes after green dildos but xlm doesn't exactly give green dildos as regularly compared to the over-hyped shitcoins(doge for example). Which means it doesn't exactly matter if stellar is moving towards mass adoption, ppl lose interest if they're not hyped about making money.

Though the stellar development foundation has stated in their 2021 roadmap they were going to make efforts in marketing so time will tell.

>> No.28235673

After some DYOR fears about most coins hyped out there I found Stellar to be a safer position to take than trying to surf through the waves of craze.

>> No.28235992

yeah i just started researching into it. It seems like a really good project with not nearly as much hype as it should have.